You might be a Product Junkie if . . . .

When these are your drugstore brand, and your handmade and salon stuff fills another spot.:ohwell:
cherepikr, that is genius:grin: I'm gonna do that too
When you go into a store and see your favorite product on the shelf and you have a spazz moment in front of customers.
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but you might be a PJ if you:

Purchase decoy products so that your family and friends won't use your "good stuff". {I'm so selfish ... please forgive me.}

I was so going to do this today!!!
When you buy decoy products just for show, i.e "oh I just went out to buy a gallon of milk" bring that bag in and then later in the dead of night bring in the 3 bottles of conditioner you just had to have:sekret:... they were on sale :rolleyes:
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Dont know if this has been said but you know when you are a PJ when a new product comes out and you are just thinking okay just this last product and I wont buy anything else after this..

yea right..
When you're suppose to be doing online homework and your checking out all your hair products websites. Ooh the shamme
If your family comes over to your house to "shop" for new hair products and they leave with a bagful that you don't even miss! :yep:
You might be a PJ if:
1) You freebase conditioner
2) You go in stores like Target and WalMart and the first place you go to is the hair section just to look and see if they have any new products or samples
3) You hoard your good stuff and put everything else out for other people. *Note* PittiPat that decoy products thing is genius!
4) You see a sale for one of your favorite lines and it feels like you're high
5) You start to itch when you're in a BSS (Ulta, Sally's, etc.)
6) You can rattle off the ingredient list for 5 popular products from the top of your head
7) You can see half a label or less of a product and know what it is immediately

Ok so who wants to start the rehab program?? :look:

GUILTY!!!!:look::look: I need rehab BAD!!!! I'm so bad I rush home to beat my husband to the mailbox so he doesn't know I've ordered more products. As if he doesn't know.... stuff falls out on him everytime he opens a cabinet or a closet. Who am I fooling???!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
If you recently broke a toe, ripped most of the nail off and sprained your entire left leg just becuase you wanted to sniff some Suave Fresh Mountain strawberries conditioner first thing in the morning. I was limping for 2 weeks.

People were like "What happened!?!"

you might be a product junkie if your 5 year old know the difference between wheat protein and hydrolyzed wheat protein!
you ship stuff to different addresses, asking friends or whomever to "hold" this for you cause other folks are getting suspicious at home about all of these packages.

you run out of space and just toss things into a pile, and when they fall just rearrange the pile. mind you none of it is on a shelf.
if you have a friend coming over and you hide all your stash..leaving one hair oil, one soap and shea butter in your bathroom shelf that way you don't have to explain yourself.
Everything is stashed in suitcases, the office, you look the room and tell the friend...there is something wrong with the lock and it will be repaired on Tuesday or Wednesday..
she's leaving on Monday morning
make up stash is also hidden in the second room
I wanted to add, you send care packages to sisters and mother and they are amazed at how generous you are and ask you if you left any products for yourself
Oh Lawd, I'm dying in this thread :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:!!!

You know you're a PJ when:-

  • Your SO wants to smooch/fool around and you're thinking about how long it will take for the stuff you just ordered online to arrive.
  • You drive 100 minutes to another city to buy a specific conditioner. For real, drove to another city just for nexxus humectress and HE long term relationship. Spent about 2 mins stroking the bottles in the aisle and smelling the products before going to the counter. Lawd, I'm crazy!!!
  • Every time you go into the bathroom, you open a bottle of something and smell it for no reason.
  • You get slightly :axehunter:when your SO moves or uses something without asking you.
:lachen: bumping...I'm glad I'm a broke college student right now, otherwise I'd be posting right along with you ladies about my out of control product stash! I've been debating whether I really need to fill my tank up this week or buy that Qhemet moisturizer I've been coveting! It's madness, I tell you!
You buy products with the same "theme" just so your counters wont appear so cluttered and all the products will "blend in" with one another...:rolleyes:
When you have 50-11 Wild Growth hair oil bottles with any and everything but Wild growth in them, and you can tell from one whiff the exact contents of each repurposed bottle.
you know you're a pj when you rush out to buy the new fad prod, just to get home and realize its already apart of your collection :(
you are a PJ if:
spontaneously you get up, no dinner cooked, no laundry done, and say "I'll be back" - the baby says "can I come" and you say "you are gonna walk"....

walk to 4 different BSS in a 20 block radius looking for 1 item...

come back 2 hours later in time for PTA, whip up pasta, hand wash clothes, and have a bag of new products hanging on the bathroom door.

Stay up to 2am doing your hair, just so the new products can be all put into rotation.

Stay up another 15 mins swanging your hair in the mirror and admiring your handiwork, critiquing your technique.
1. When your family member wants to have a intervention about the products you buy either online or at the bss.
2. When a new bss opens buy your job and you spend your whole lunch our looking at the products they have.
3. Hiding the products that you have purchased in your purse so no one will know.
4. Only have $20 left to your name till you get paid next week but spend $10-$15 of it on a product & rationalize that could eat chips & the free water at work for lunch.
5. When you are feeling upset, going to the bss makes you feel better
6. When using the bathroom you look at all your hair products.
7. A portion of your paycheck is for hair products.
8. You told yourself that you are not going to use your credit card b/c you are trying to pay it off but rationalizing yourself on the reason why you have to use it to make a purchase for the hair product you must get.
You might be a Product Junkie if...

1. You can recognize every single item in someone else's stash without even seeing the label.

2. You keep a stash of boxes and packing material for the inevitable product exchange.

You might be a PJ if
-you are your family's BSS & they come to you for hair products before they go shopping themselves b/c they know you have the product they need
-you have a hair problem (breakage, porosity, dullness, etc.) and when you're going through old threads for a solution, you have almost all of the products suggested in the threads and now you're playing eeny, meeny, miny, mo

I don't think my mother has purchased a hair product in a year or two.

When you buy decoy products just for show, i.e "oh I just went out to buy a gallon of milk" bring that bag in and then later in the dead of night bring in the 3 bottles of conditioner you just had to have:sekret:... they were on sale :rolleyes:

I do that all the time. Huge bag of chips...check. Bottle(s) of hair moisturizer...check check check:lachen:
When you tell your LHCF sisters about how you are on a no-buy to get rid of your stash in the cabinet under the bathroom sink...but rarely mention the products on your dresser or in the top drawer of your little plastic organizers:laugh: :sekret: