You might be a Product Junkie if . . . .

I have a hair product closet too with the rolling caddy inside!!!:lachen:

You know you're a PJ when...

- the delivery guy comes twice in the same week and asks you if you know Jesus!:blush:

-when you go through mental exercises to justify a purchase...'I worked hard this week'...'I didn't buy lunch the entire week'...'It's therapy'...

-when you use liquid restritions on flights to justify trying out samples:ohwell:


That's exactly what I did at the Qhemet Sale. Thinking of doing it with Afroveda too.
When you decide to clean and organize your product container/closet and become to tired to finish it so you go to bed. In the middle of the night you get up to go bathroom, trip on the stuff fall to floor, buss your a$$ and pee on yourself!!! Yes true story

I have a hair product closet too with the rolling caddy inside!!!:lachen:

You know you're a PJ when...

- the delivery guy comes twice in the same week and asks you if you know Jesus!:blush:

-when you go through mental exercises to justify a purchase...'I worked hard this week'...'I didn't buy lunch the entire week'...'It's therapy'...

-when you use liquid restritions on flights to justify trying out samples:ohwell:

Or when you slightly climax when a delivery comes....:ohwell:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
You might be a pj when you come home from college and your big suitcase is full of hair products and you throw a few pieces of clothes in your carry on and when you go out with friends your hair is on point, but your clothes barely match :nono:
New product on the market? You're the first one to review it on the board. Nevermind you have tons of stuff that do the same thing.[/quote]

Or I'll check with the discussion board to get comments on a new product that caught my eye.

You only have $20 to your name and this little voice in your head keeps telling you to spend it on SOMETHING for your hair

Normally I would do this, but I'm running out of space now--especially if it gets good reviews.

When you have a lot of products that work wonderfully, and you will buy them as long as you have money and they are being made. However, you still make plans on how to fit other, newer products into your hair regimen...even when you are 90% sure they will not work as well as your staples.:blush:

I take my chances!

your products now take up the cabinet under your bathroom sink, the top shelf of your closet, your shower caddy and a basket on your bedroom floor and your hair is not even full SL...

I have them in four different places now.

You know you are a product junkie when you feel you need to buy products if you see them on SALE and you know you already have enough products at home, especially the same items.
(I am so guilty of going this :blush:...)

I'm guilty of stocking up on the liter bottles of Cream and Nature shampoo (green label) since they're being discontinued, but there are still a lot of Asian owned beauty supply stores that sell them including the blue and red labels here in Los Angeles.

Feel guilty after the purchase. Stock up on the newest hair products to find out you do not need them.

Especially if this is a quality product, and the price is inexpensive.

When friends/family go shopping in yr closet...........

When every time someone posts a rave about a product you have in yr possession within the next 24 hrs...........

This board will make you do that.
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I agree. Highlight of my week!

But too, you might be a PJ if you're sad that your NEW new products won't be here in time to do your hair, even though you've got OLD new products that you can use.

My shescentit and qhemet products are arriving today but I have to wash my hair before they'll get here. I was so distraught that I can't use them, even though EVERY SINGLE ITEM I'm using to wash my hair today has never been used before. Doggone shame really. :nono::lachen::nono::lachen:
But too, you might be a PJ if you're sad that your NEW new products won't be here in time to do your hair, even though you've got OLD new products that you can use.

I'm experiencing this right now. I wanted to do some deep conditioning treatments this weekend, but my new products I ordered have yet to arrive. :ohwell:
you also might be a PJ if you just have to do your hair to try out your newest product...even if you just washed, dc'd, sealed and styled the day before
When these are your drugstore brand, and your handmade and salon stuff fills another spot.:ohwell:


Is this CVS????
I got nothin on you my sister.....
You might be a product junkie if you curse every time you see a rave product review because you just KNOW you're going to buy something.
I need to get organized like that!! I just started and here's the storage for my products



I have vowed to stop buying stuff!! So I wont have to expand into a 4th shelf... Although I do have a stash in my exercise bag, car, and daughters overnight bag.
you know you're a pj if...

You've finally got a working regimen and still make purchases lol

you have to group things in sections "shampoos here conditioners here or aveda here aubrey here etc"

you find out what you were using wasn't totally natural and run out to buy some things to replace it

you have 5 or more items... that's it you just HAVE them lol in other words unopened and/or unused

you buy things just to add a new review video "don't stop though I love watching them" lol

you dream about the products "i do that" but you're a pj if the next morning or mid dream you HAVE to go buy it then you wake up and actually DO lol "not to that point"

hehe I'm not a pj but it's just a few signs I've seen in others man if I had the money to be a pj lol my college costs would be paid in full products for our hair are sooooooo pricey
what's bad is...if i took out everything might be more than lady aggie's...or about the same....:perplexed
Wow^^^I hope you and Lady Aggie are checking in somewhere for treatment. LOL. That is out of control, but i can definitely see how it happens.
You might be a PJ if
-you are your family's BSS & they come to you for hair products before they go shopping themselves b/c they know you have the product they need
-you have a hair problem (breakage, porosity, dullness, etc.) and when you're going through old threads for a solution, you have almost all of the products suggested in the threads and now you're playing eeny, meeny, miny, mo
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but you might be a PJ if you:

Purchase decoy products so that your family and friends won't use your "good stuff". {I'm so selfish ... please forgive me.}
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but you might be a PJ if you:

Purchase decoy products so that your family and friends won't use your "good stuff". {I'm so selfish ... please forgive me.}
That's very evil genius. I don't think I've heard of this approach to pj-ism before.
You might be a product junkie if you've tried different products and nothing seems to work so you keep searching hoping to find the perfect product.
You might be a PJ if:
1) You freebase conditioner
2) You go in stores like Target and WalMart and the first place you go to is the hair section just to look and see if they have any new products or samples
3) You hoard your good stuff and put everything else out for other people. *Note* PittiPat that decoy products thing is genius!
4) You see a sale for one of your favorite lines and it feels like you're high
5) You start to itch when you're in a BSS (Ulta, Sally's, etc.)
6) You can rattle off the ingredient list for 5 popular products from the top of your head
7) You can see half a label or less of a product and know what it is immediately

Ok so who wants to start the rehab program?? :look: