You might be a Product Junkie if . . . .

You only have $20 to your name and this little voice in your head keeps telling you to spend it on SOMETHING for your hair
Nothing wrong with that. I was just thinking about putting shelving into one of my closets so i can make that a proper shrine to my hair care products. That way they can be stored better and I can get to them quicker.

This closet was built especially for my hair products and accessories. I have one of those caddies that you can move in and out of the closet when you need to use some of the items..... WHAT?!?!?!? :perplexed


Hair closet? Do normal people have hair closets or do salons usually have an entire closet dedicated to hair supplies?

I do enjoy that music . . . so you hear it too huh?
Kinda like the question which came first the closet or the hair supplies or err ahmm I guess other people say the chicken or the egg huh? One will never know.

Isn't that music just wonderful??????
When you have a lot of products that work wonderfully, and you will buy them as long as you have money and they are being made. However, you still make plans on how to fit other, newer products into your hair regimen...even when you are 90% sure they will not work as well as your staples.:blush:
You're at work/home all day thinking which conditioner to use during your cowash

You're at work/home all day wondering which one of your new products to use after that cowash:look:
A hair supply closet! OMG! What a brilliant idea! A whole closet ode to hair products. The organizing geek in me is doing cartwheels; the pj in me is wiping a tear from her eye at the sheer genius.
Your ups delivery guy throws the box of products on the ground before you can grab it because hes been there for the eleventytwelveumpteenth time and has an attitude cause he knows hes going to be back in a few days to deliver more:yep:
You have Stacks and Stacks of Unopened Delivered Boxes and you "dread" opening them because you know you'll inevitably have to find somewhere to put them.:nono:

And/Or You have bags of Products and you just leave them in the bag and just stick them somewhere.:sekret:
You have Stacks and Stacks of Unopened Delivered Boxes and you "dread" opening them because you know you'll inevitably have to find somewhere to put them.:nono:

And/Or You have bags of Products and you just leave them in the bag and just stick them somewhere.:sekret:

:dighole:... Please say it ain't so?
When your mother asks for the product that "makes your hair shiny" and you hold up four bottles and tell her to take a pick....:look:
When these are your drugstore brand, and your handmade and salon stuff fills another spot.:ohwell:
Dang cherepikr,for a second I thought that was a picture of the drugstore, it's so neat and organized. Girl, how many toothbrushes did you stock up on?:lachen: And what are all the little orange boxes?:look:

Another way to tell a product junkie: jealous of another person's stash and makes a list of all the things they don't have so they can go get it.
I have a hair product closet too with the rolling caddy inside!!!:lachen:

You know you're a PJ when...

- the delivery guy comes twice in the same week and asks you if you know Jesus!:blush:

-when you go through mental exercises to justify a purchase...'I worked hard this week'...'I didn't buy lunch the entire week'...'It's therapy'...

-when you use liquid restritions on flights to justify trying out samples:ohwell:
Your man gives you a basket filled with all your favorite handmade products (Oyin, Qhemet, Shescentit, Hairveda, Darcys botanicals) for V-day, b-day, anniversary, and Christmas... and you think it's the best present you've ever gotten every single time :kissing4:

I need to talk to DH. He wouldn't know what an Oyin was. I guess I shouldn't complain since he supports my need to buy.
Dang cherepikr,for a second I thought that was a picture of the drugstore, it's so neat and organized. Girl, how many toothbrushes did you stock up on?:lachen: And what are all the little orange boxes?:look:

Another way to tell a product junkie: jealous of another person's stash and makes a list of all the things they don't have so they can go get it.

The orange boxes are not hair related. They are DD's soap bars. (I get most of this stuff FREE from coupon shopping.
I thought I was bad... But i'm barely scratching the surface as compared to some of you ladies ... wow. Good to know i'm not alone though lol.

You know you are a PJ when you go out and buy 2 extra storage racks (w/ 6 shelves each) and fill them up in about a month or 2. This is in addition to the space in the closet and under the sinks...

But I did have help my mom is almost as big of a pj as I am .. apparently its contagious :look:

Did you ever read the book "Coupon Queen"? It's almost mind boggling when they actually start paying you to buy the products...especially love double coupons on an item already on sale! Ca-ching!

Did you ever read the book "Coupon Queen"? It's almost mind boggling when they actually start paying you to buy the products...especially love double coupons on an item already on sale! Ca-ching!

I am a coupon junky. We have double coupons in my area, and since I'm in DC for the summer I've enjoyed a few triple coupon sales.

I usually just use coupon websites, but now I off to find prices for the book "Coupon Queen." Thanks for posting.