What's the opposite of a PJ? And are you one?


New Member
I think we all know what a PJ (product junkie) is, but what is the opposite of a PJ? Someone who rarely buys new products and feels bad about it when she has to - it would be great if someone could come up with a name for these kind of people, I thought about product immune people/person (PIP), but feel free to come up with other/better names.

I have a few questions:

- Are you a PIP?
- Have you always been a PIP?
- Or did you become a PIP after finding your staple products?
- If so, what are your staple products (pre-poo, poo, con, moisturizer, styling products)? 5 products only (remember, you are a PIP:grin:)
- How much $$ do you spend on hair products/year?

- Are you a PIP?

- Have you always been a PIP?
No, when I was younger and started caring for my hair I wanted to try a lot of different stuff, but I never went too crazy with it.

- Or did you become a PIP after finding your staple products?
Maybe? I found what works for me, regardless of brand.

- If so, what are your staple products (pre-poo, poo, con, moisturizer, styling products)? 5 products only (remember, you are a PIP:grin:)
Shampoo: Sunsilk for damaged hair
Conditioner: Sunsilk for damaged hair
Moisturizer: Carrot Oil Cream from Africa's Best
Moisturizer 2: Avocado Butter (pure, organic)

- How much $$ do you spend on hair products/year?
I don't even want to think about it :lol: But probably not even close to some of you on this board :lachen: I don't like spending money on my hair, I want to buy clothes...
Umm, how about a PP (Product Pincher)...sort of like a Penny Pincher? :look: *if that's too corny I understand*. :lachen: But to answer your question, I'm a PJ and love to try new things. I'll be purchasing Hairveda, Shescentit, and Jasmine's Beauty products all in this month. I'll be picking up some Aubrey Organics stuff too. :drunk:
- Are you a PIP?

Hell yeah!

- Have you always been a PIP?

More or less. When I joined LHCF for a few months I tried to keep up with everyone and dropped the title for about 4 months. Tried to buy all the recommended supps. Tried to adopt a "leave-in regimen" and tried various products that were recommended. I didn't do any better than when I was on my PIP regimen, so went back to it.

- Or did you become a PIP after finding your staple products?

I stayed a PIP when I realized nothing needed fixing in my regimen, and that every product I tried made my hair worse than without it.

- If so, what are your staple products (pre-poo, poo, con, moisturizer, styling products)? 5 products only (remember, you are a PIP:grin:)

I don't really have "staples" but I do rotate through the few same products. When wearing hair out, my leave-in is S Curl or Hawaiian Silky (one or the other; never both).

- How much $$ do you spend on hair products/year?

No clue, but I'd be surprised if I spend more than $100 on products since I only buy shampoos and conditioners on the regular. S Curl lasts me over a year coz I use it once in a blue moon.

I tell a lie. I bought Curl Formers last year and spent over $100. :look:
-I think we all know what a PJ (product junkie) is, but what is the opposite of a PJ?
A cheapie or cheapo, lol

- Are you a PIP?

- Have you always been a PIP?

- Or did you become a PIP after finding your staple products?

- If so, what are your staple products (pre-poo, poo, con, moisturizer, styling products)? 5 products only (remember, you are a PIP:grin:)
shampoo, conditioner, leave-in and grease

- How much $$ do you spend on hair products/year?
maybe $100 or less per year
Umm, how about a PP (Product Pincher)...sort of like a Penny Pincher? :look: *if that's too corny I understand*. :lachen: But to answer your question, I'm a PJ and love to try new things. I'll be purchasing Hairveda, Shescentit, and Jasmine's Beauty products all in this month. I'll be picking up some Aubrey Organics stuff too. :drunk:

I'm no better:grin:but I'm curious to read about how it is on the other aisle, who knows, maybe one day I'll transition from a closet PJ to a certified PIP:rolleyes:
I'm no better:grin:but I'm curious to read about how it is on the other aisle, who knows, maybe one day I'll transition from a closet PJ to a certified PIP:rolleyes:
I mean, I could become a PIP if I want to because I do have my staple leave in and conditioners that I just love. But I would like to get into the more natural stuff (as well as try other good recs here and there) so that my hair doesn't get too used to the same things. :yep:
- Are you a PIP?
- Have you always been a PIP?
When I started my hair journey I enjoyed trying new things. But, I only bought something new if I used up the old stuff, unless it was just horrible on my hair. And I never bought 50-11 products because I like to spend my money on other things and I only have so much hair.
- Or did you become a PIP after finding your staple products?
Now that I've found things that work I don't really get swept away by the fads on the board. And since I only use natural products most of the popular stuff doesn't fit my criteria anyway.
- If so, what are your staple products (pre-poo, poo, con, moisturizer, styling products)? 5 products only (remember, you are a PIP:grin:)
Shampoo: Baking soda &water
Conditioner: Usually none...Homemade caramel treatment for DC
Moisturizer: Water
Styling Products: Castor oil, coconut oil.
Tools: Medium sized comb. Headbands. Large bobby pins. Scarf/bonnet. Plastic caps.
- How much $$ do you spend on hair products/year?
I get all my hair products at the grocery store so I'm not really sure how much they are (1-5$ for baking soda, caramel treatment ingredients). Castor oil is a few dollars and I try to get the coconut oil on. sale for ten dollars. Plastic caps and bobby pins are a dollar. I don't think it's more than 10-15$ a month.
I think we all know what a PJ (product junkie) is, but what is the opposite of a PJ?
I like to think of myself as frugal. :look:

- Are you a PIP?

- Have you always been a PIP?
Well, when I first went natural, I tried to test out several things to see how they worked, but that got old quick. I still like to try things from time to time, but that doesn't happen too often.

- Or did you become a PIP after finding your staple products?
I realized that all I really needed was a good cleanser for the scalp and something to add and keep moisture-my hair is ultra dry. Once I figured out what things did that for me, I stopped experimenting. My product rotation is rather boring I think, but it works.

- If so, what are your staple products (pre-poo, poo, con, moisturizer, styling products)? 5 products only (remember, you are a PIP:grin:)
black soap for cleaning the scalp, rhassoul clay, shea butter, various oils, cheapie condish. Every once in a while I use diluted CON and Silicon Mix. Besides those products I get everything else from the grocery store, i.e. olive oil or coconut milk, but we use those for cooking too, so I don't count that as a hair purchase.

- How much $$ do you spend on hair products/year?
I like to buy in bulk, and I live in one of the most expensive places in the world, so I'd have to say about $300 per year. If I could do it cheaper, I so would.
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Product IMmune Person = PIMP :grin:

Actually, I prefer PP. Short and snappy.

- Are you a PIP?

- Have you always been a PIP?
Yes. Don't like waste, don't like clutter. Always had very simple hair routines.

- Or did you become a PIP after finding your staple products?
Not sure I've found my *ideal* staples yet. However, I like to use up what I have before getting new stuff. Or I give away stuff that just doesn't work (only happened once / twice since I'm so careful what I buy.)

- If so, what are your staple products (pre-poo, poo, con, moisturizer, styling products)? 5 products only (remember, you are a PIP)
Pre-poo: coconut oil
shampoo: Cream of Nature
conditioner: Aphogee 2 min for protein and Keracare for moisture
moisturiser: homemade spritz with glycerine, castor oil & SAA
styling: coconut oil, setting lotion

- How much $$ do you spend on hair products/year? Don't really know. About $80-120?
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- Are you a PIP?

- Have you always been a PIP?
Not really...but i wasn't a product junkie either. If i saw something i wanted to try i would buy it but that wasnt very often.

- Or did you become a PIP after finding your staple products?
I became a PIP after my son was born and quit my job to stay home full time. With only my husbands income paying everything i sometimes feel guilty buying things that i don't really need...or even worse, may not work for my hair. Plus i've been doing just fine with my staples!

- If so, what are your staple products (pre-poo, poo, con, moisturizer, styling products)? 5 products only (remember, you are a PIP)
My staples are....
Conditioner (either suave tc, VO5 Honeydew smoothie, or Garnier Fructis whichever of these i feel like buying.)
Deep Conditioner (Cholesterol)
Moisturizer/Leave in (any conditioner i listed above)
Gel (the brown protein watery kind)

- How much $$ do you spend on hair products/year?
I spend about $100 a year on products.
Am I a PP? No, but I hope to be someday. My purchasing has really slowed down as I'm at least learning what type of products I don't like.
I plan on becoming a PIP after I find my staples. I'm sick right now that I have to search and pay for new products for my hair because I dont have a reggie and staples but when I do, that's it. I love caring for my hair and growing it but I'd rather be saving!!
I think we all know what a PJ (product junkie) is, but what is the opposite of a PJ? Someone who rarely buys new products and feels bad about it when she has to - it would be great if someone could come up with a name for these kind of people, I thought about product immune people/person (PIP), but feel free to come up with other/better names.

I have a few questions:

- Are you a PIP?
- Have you always been a PIP?
- Or did you become a PIP after finding your staple products?
- If so, what are your staple products (pre-poo, poo, con, moisturizer, styling products)? 5 products only (remember, you are a PIP:grin:)
- How much $$ do you spend on hair products/year?


I think once you find what works - then you can become a PIP....
I am almost there :yep:

Are you a PIP?

Not Yet :rolleyes: I must add that I am an EQuIPMENT junkie... Because Stylists... Well, I would go to Jail :jail: - if I went to one :bat:

- Have you always been a PIP? - I was...Before Hair boards..then it got bad...But not too bad, since there is one income :look:

- Or did you become a PIP after finding your staple products?
Well My conditioner that WORKS for me is at the end stage of my formulation - so if I have that.... I am set.....:woot:

- If so, what are your staple products (pre-poo, poo, con, moisturizer, styling products)? 5 products only (remember, you are a PIP:grin:)

1. homemade stuff ( or protein of some sort...eggs, coconut milk, caramel)
2. Homemade Castile shampoo
3. my condish
4. aloe, glycerin tea spray
5. Styler??? um... :nono: I lose. OIls and Butters... galore.

- How much $$ do you spend on hair products/year?

I only buy stuff 2 x a year. mostly stuff - to make stuff. maybe 500.00:rolleyes:

The Equipment??? I am a junkie.
- Are you a PIP?

- Have you always been a PIP?

- Or did you become a PIP after finding your staple products?
No, I found my staple products right away, so I've never been a product junkie.

- If so, what are your staple products (pre-poo, poo, con, moisturizer, styling products)? 5 products only (remember, you are a PIP:grin:)
I don't prepoo and rarely use shampoo, but when I do, I use Motions Lavish, conditioners: Motions, Suave or VO5, moisturizer: water sometimes sealed with oil, Giovanni Direct Leave-in...that's about it.

- How much $$ do you spend on hair products/year?
I'm a minimalist when using products on my hair, so they last a long time. I would guess I spend an average of $20/year on products.
- Are you a PIP?
Kind of. I know that I am not a PJ.

- Have you always been a PIP?
No. I was desperate for moisture and curl definition when I first started my journey so I was using everything I could get my hands on that was recommended in those areas. But thankfully I only really started getting into my hair once I left the states and no matter how much I lusted for most products they aren't available here and I am unwilling to order hair staples online - too much work especially by the time it gets all the way here, I have to pay international shipping fees (by weight and hair products are heavy), I have to pay duty on it, go to the post office and pick it up, etc, etc.

- Or did you become a PIP after finding your staple products?
Once I found out which products I needed I found that trying other stuff was a waste of time because I already had happy hair. Trying stuff outside the norm usually makes my hair less happy. Plus I love making stuff at home, it usually works better for me, and I feel that being a PJ is counterproductive to my other goals in life at this point in time.

- If so, what are your staple products (pre-poo, poo, con, moisturizer, styling products)? 5 products only (remember, you are a PIP)

1.I don't prepoo and rarely shampoo - all the shampoos I have tried were to drying. I do dc before cowashing but I almost always usually make these myself from some sour cream, yogurt, or egg concoction depending on what my hair needs.
2.I generally use cheapie conditioners and I am always trying different one, I occassionally splurge on a natural conditioner like Giovanni or Desert Essence but these conditioners are like $10 plus here and not all that much better than my cheapies. When I am in the states I often try out some of the conditioners you ladies rave about if I come across them.
2.5. :smile: I moisturize with my conditioners
3. I am obsessed with gels but only use cheapie gels or some aloe vera gel mix that I made that week
4. I like buying oils (apricot kernel is my new favorite) but don't buy or use them on a regular.

- How much $$ do you spend on hair products/year?
I really don't know but I am sure that it is a good bit because I am heavy handed and even Suave and V05 are like $2.50-$3.00 here. It actually hasn't been a full year since I have stopped hiding (and neglecting) my hair.

Seems like a lot of PIPs are natural.