You know your hair is long when...


Well-Known Member
You can throw up in it... :nono:

So anyway, I thought I was at a stalemate with regards to my hair. It seemed like it wasn't going to grow any longer. Or I just wasn't going to keep retaining anymore. Then I got sick and well some of it got in my hair. I'm still :nono: but thinking wow it really is longer. :lachen:

Okay thats enough grossness. When did you know that your hair was actually long?
LOL!!!!! Only a true hair fanatic would notice that! :lachen:

I realized my hair was longer when my hair got caught in the car door :ohwell:
When u lean ur head back and it touches the top of ur butt. When it gets caught in ur armpits. When u feel like something is crawling on u only to find out its ur hair. When u cock ur head to the side and it covers ur breast when u walk into a beauty supply store/hair salon that does wash and set for ten dollars and they tell u it costs a little bit more to wash a weave, not realizing that its ur real hair covering ur breast because ur head is cocked to the side.
You can throw up in it... :nono:

So anyway, I thought I was at a stalemate with regards to my hair. It seemed like it wasn't going to grow any longer. Or I just wasn't going to keep retaining anymore. Then I got sick and well some of it got in my hair. I'm still :nono: but thinking wow it really is longer. :lachen:

Okay thats enough grossness. When did you know that your hair was actually long?


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When a tranny at the mall "oh aaaah's" all over your hair, then attempts to brush it... Swear it happened to me. :ohwell::shocked: I didn't even know her, I just wanted to buy some black soap.
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When people always think that's a nice weave because you can't see the tracks! :lachen:

But for me, it's when my front finally catches up to my back so then I can finally get cured from my hairexia
When you look at your old pictures when you 'thought' your hair was long and realize it wasn't really long at all back then.
People start to use the same stereotypes you used to use on people with long hair when your hair was short on you. .
When you look at your old pictures when you 'thought' your hair was long and realize it wasn't really long at all back then.

Ditto. I transitioned for a long time and thought I had so much hair when I finally big chopped (I could make a nice ponytail). But when I look back on the pics it looks like I have a twa. :blush:

Honestly, because of shrinkage, I don't really think about having long hair until I straighten it. Then it's like, "where did all this come from?" It'll be tucked in my shirt accidentally, under my arm pits, in the seat belt strap in the car, blowing around in my face getting caught on my lip gloss, etc. :lachen: :lachen:
When it feels like something is crawling on your elbow and you realize it's your hair brushing the skin. That happened to me yesterday. I was like DANG! My hair is really long...
1.Umm let me see when I'm eating and it ends up in my mouth(sorry I'm greedy:grin:)
2.When I sit back and it's I guess you can say, it's caught back there because when I try to lean foward I get snapped back like in the cartoons:wallbash:
3.And yesterday when I rolled it up in the car window,but I was leaning on the armrest :sad:
  • When haters/strangers point you out in public and say out loud that your hair isn't real
  • When stylists want to charge you more
  • When your hair knocks out your contact lenses
  • When you fight like crazy to take ALL of your hair out of a baby's hand
  • When you sit in a chair at a salon and ALL eyes are on you
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my hair is not long enough yet to experience what you all wrote but if i am lying down next to my SO and my hair is not tied up or in a bun, it is official that my hair will be pulled in some way when i get back up.
me: ouch ouch ouch!
him: what's going on?
me: lift your elbow babe you're on my hair (tilting my hair to the side in an akward way)
him: oh...

this never happened at the beginning of the relationship.
1. When you get weave checked or asked if its yours.
2. You get those jealous stares.
3. People start asking you your ethnicity...
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