I'll know my hair is long when....

Okay,is this a little OCD: When you pull or catch your hair in your bag/purse strap or something else, do you always check to see if you actually pulled or broke some strands? I do LOL.
Okay,is this a little OCD: When you pull or catch your hair in your bag/purse strap or something else, do you always check to see if you actually pulled or broke some strands? I do LOL.

LOL hell yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! once i wore a high pony tail and i wend to duck under a tree branch but didnt duck low enuff and the branch snaged my pony! i spent 5mins checking that branch out for hairs!!!:lachen:

im serious about my hair:yep:
LOL hell yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! once i wore a high pony tail and i wend to duck under a tree branch but didnt duck low enuff and the branch snaged my pony! i spent 5mins checking that branch out for hairs!!!:lachen:

im serious about my hair:yep:

:lachen: Girl you off the hook, I am picturing you LOOKING at this branch for hair. LOL!!!!!!!!!!
I'll know my hair is long when...
  • It touches my bra strap.
  • It brushes against my shoulders in a high pony tail.
  • It covers the girls.
I agree with the high ponytail past shoulder length. That to me would be OMGDROOL.

Also, to be able to do so many of those cool long hair styles I can't do. :(

They're all over youtube and all I can do is watch them and dream.
:lachen: Girl you off the hook, I am picturing you LOOKING at this branch for hair. LOL!!!!!!!!!!

cars were passing by looking too! i didnt care. my sister and i were walking together, then she just left me behind. im standing there with my nose almost touching the branch!:lachen:
When if most of it reaches past my chest and the other layers are past APL. I would say by 1.5-2 inches past. :look:
I agree with the high ponytail past shoulder length. That to me would be OMGDROOL.

Also, to be able to do so many of those cool long hair styles I can't do. :(

They're all over youtube and all I can do is watch them and dream.
Yeah I feel you on this one. I wish I had at least SL right now so that I could even attempt some of the stuff on youtube. I feel left out. lol