I'll know my hair is long when....

when ever the weight of my hair yanks me back
When i can use my hair as a scarf during the winter
when i can hit other people in the face with my hair
when my hair is bsl unstreched
when i get annoyed at how long my hair is
When I have that Ellen Barkin in "Switch" moment: I can't think with all this hair...which was followed by a BC, which I won't do!
When my hair gets caught in the straps of my bag when I take it off my shoulder..ouch! Did it twice this weekend..
I don't have a Long Hair Goal, shoulder length is pefect for me, but I would like for my hair to be big LOL!!

So I will know it is Long (for me) When I start hitting myself on the shoulder and running thinking it is a Bug or some creature out here in the Kuntry, only to realize It was just my hair!!!!
When I feel it brushing against my butt as I walk.

When I have to move it outta the way to take a pee! LOL
I knew my hair was long... when I was in a room full of white woman and I had the longest hair woot woot

To add on to this:

I'll know my hair is long when I'm in a room full of Indian/Pacific Islander women and my hair is as long and thick as theirs :grin:
... when the cousin I've always had hair envy for starts to envy ME!
... when I start getting double takes
... when my hair is tickling the top of my favorite high-waisted pencil skirt :)
  • When my shortest layer is APL.
  • When my curled hair covers the girls.
  • When my shadow's hair blows like a cape and not just a scarf.
I totally agree w/you!!! "I am ready for my close up, Mr. DeMille" Hecks yeah!!!

when ppl start commenting on it & asking 4 advice...touching it...staring at it...

i kno sum long-haired ppl get annoyed by this kinda behavior from strangers/others:violin: but i WELCOME IT & can't wait 4 it 2 happen 2 me.

then i will kno i have arrived lol!:grin: