You Found Condoms In Dh's Car

It would depend on if any of his other actions have been suspect. Has he been less available, “busy”, working overtime etc?
Although the condoms would infuriate me, I wouldn’t make a move until I was able to think clearly. I would take a picture of the condoms and leave them right where I saw them
I don’t think I would be capable of logical planning. Probably confront him... not sure where I would go from there.
For me personally- cheating isn’t automatically a deal breaker. I am neither a doormat nor a fool. But the way life is set up presently - I wouldn’t opt for a separation or divorce unless he is actually physically violent.
I hope this isn’t you, if it is how are you coping? Take good care of yourself
Nobody else borrows or rides in the car? They couldn't belong to someone else?

just you and dh ride in the car. The condoms are same kind you all used to use over a year and a half ago so more than likely they came from your house. And no yall dont have sex in the car or anywhere else. :spinning:

The condoms are two years old because they expire in 3 years.
I'd ask why he has condoms in the car. DH is a terrible lair and would come clean regardless of what it is. Plan my next move from there.

Why ask the obvious? He’s a man, not a child...a possible cheat yes; but not a child. What we have in front of us is a grown man who possibly made a decision to have sex (or not) with another grown person.

There’s no need in asking obvious—it’s easy to plan and plot an out but harder to harness reality and meet him right where he is at (the root) as his wife.