Yesterday I Broke Up With My Boyfriend

OMG my heart is hurting for you. To have gone through this 2!:nono: Please please please get professional help to deal with this.
My heart sank when I read this. :sad: I am soooo sorry that you're going through this, I can't even imagine. I hope you have people IRL to talk to and support you through this.

I wish I could give you a real hug. :bighug:
I think as a man, you can't baby him. In all honesty he needed to be pushed. Not saying its your fault, but the worst thing that can be taken from a man is his pride. You should have faulted. Anyway I'm sorry to hear this
I am so sorry to that you are having to go through this, heck, just a break up can be hard, but this is so sad. Know that you are not responsible, like other posters have said, talk with someone that you trust.
This truly tragic and to go through this twice is so sad. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Please do not isolate yourself.
I don't know what to say except I am VERY sorry. This was not your fault. He was sick and you didn't know it. My heart breaks for you and the family he left behind. I'm sending you a big hug.
Thank you.
I went through all this with my brother . People getting so depressed they cannot think about those they love.
I just didn't expect it from him.
Wow Lalla, soo sorry to hear this, I hope that you are ok, you sound like you are in shock, can any of his family members not identify the body? This just happened to my bff's cousin she broke up with her husband who she was supporting and he stopped taking his insulin, she went to ask him to lunch on fathers day and he was gone. I hope you stay strong and always remember that you did everything that you could, there was nothing you could do to stop this.
I know he is dead because they showed me pictures. I know he committed suicide because surveillance camera and the cop say so.

Dear God (((((((HUGS)))))))

You are in my heart. I cannot even imagine what this must be like for you. I cant even imagine what it must have been like for him. My heart goes out to his soul as well. sorry to hear this. I hope you and the family can find peace and heal after everything calms down.
Wow I am so sorry to hear this, I cannot even begin to imagine what you are feeling, and to have to go through this twice :nono: RIP to him and I hope you find peace soon.
Is there any way his family could go identify him without you? You sound like you're reeling from shock right now, and this would be the second time you're doing this in as many years - did I read that right? :nono:

As heartbroken as I am for his family, I am terrified for YOU right now. The chances of suicide are highest for people that have just lost a loved one through suicide, and if you've lost two people to suicide - well, that just can't be good. :nono:

Can you please, please, PLEASE take the police up on that offer of couseling? Or at least promise us that you'll jump on here and start typing like you just did if you start feeling some type of way?

My heart is just aching for yall right now. :bighug: