Would you stay with your husband if he cheated on you and got someone else pregnant?


Well-Known Member
Would you stay if you already had multiple kids with him? What if he expected you to contribute with child support if you were the breadwinner? I once saw a show where this woman's husband cheated on her and ended up getting another lady pregnant with twins. He expected his wife to stay with him and help pay child support for his new kids because she had a six figure salary practically triple his. I would of packed my bags and kids, kicked him in the face and left. What about you?
Re: Would you stay with your husband if he cheated on you and got someone else pregna

It would be time to re-up the life insurance policy and fiddle with the brakes on his car.
Re: Would you stay with your husband if he cheated on you and got someone else pregna

He. Expected. Her. To. Pay. Child. Support. For. His. Illegitimate. Child?

Sorry. Cannot compute. :bangdesk:

I need to know if these were clear folk.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
Time to go. :yep:

Now if this was a child he didn't know about until after we were married, that's different.
Re: Would you stay with your husband if he cheated on you and got someone else pregna

This is a serious question??? :lachen: phuck no...
Re: Would you stay with your husband if he cheated on you and got someone else pregna

A lot of women do and pretend they don't know about it.
Re: Would you stay with your husband if he cheated on you and got someone else pregna

Lots of people say they will leave and they probably believe it.....until it happens.
Re: Would you stay with your husband if he cheated on you and got someone else pregna

Ok.. Hell NO to paying child support...

So far as if i'll stay, the truth is I dont know... Off the top of my head, I'm thinking no, but God forbid, you never know until it happens..
Re: Would you stay with your husband if he cheated on you and got someone else pregna

It's easier to say you'd leave than to actually do it... I wouldn't be paying child support though lol.
Re: Would you stay with your husband if he cheated on you and got someone else pregna

^^ Sounds like grounds for a divorce to me. It'll be a cold day in hell before I pay child support for someone else's kid.^^
Naah I'm out. I'm not emotionally mature enough to handle outside kids. Ignorant is too nice of a word to describe how i would carry on! Somebody getting their arsed kicked then I'm out with my kids (if they wanna come with me) to my parents house.
Re: Would you stay with your husband if he cheated on you and got someone else pregna

Hell no! I'd forgive the cheating but not the resultant issue from his loins. And expect me to pay for your profligacy? Oh hell to the nah
Re: Would you stay with your husband if he cheated on you and got someone else pregna

I know a lady whose husband had 3 kids with 2 other women during their marriage and they are still together. She is catholic and doesn't believe in divorce. They lived on different continents for over a decade but now they spend most of their time together.

It couldn't be me though. That's a tough pill to swallow.
Lots of people say they will leave and they probably believe it.....until it happens.


Its so much easier said than done. Of course thats what your mind would say, but that heart is whole nother story.

ETA: Thats what I get for skimmin and not readin the whole OP....

Didnt know a child was involved...:nono: Thats unfathomable.
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Re: Would you stay with your husband if he cheated on you and got someone else pregna

There are very few things I feel are cause for divorce and this is one of them. Cheating I can heal and move past with time. Outside children? HELL NO.

I don't share. I'm naturally territorial by nature; fully self-entitled to & protective of everything designated "MINE." MY dh's seed, last name and $$$ going to any children but MY/our own would be unforgivable. that's directly stealing from me. ultimate betrayal. Forget hurt feelings, outside kids would have me seeing RED.:heated: Hell hath no furry like a woman scorned. I don't normally hold grudges, but I would be thoroughly invested in my ex's misery even after the divorce. Furthermore, I already have an excellent attorney(s) who's more invested in my well-being than fees. So no worries, I'll be taking everything with me when I leave :yep:..........
Re: Would you stay with your husband if he cheated on you and got someone else pregna

Women do this??? TF outta here! I'm out.

Now let me go read the thread........
Re: Would you stay with your husband if he cheated on you and got someone else pregna

I can't do it. Can't do the outside kids. I refuse. And even if for some crazy reason i didn't get a divorce, I wouldn't be paying one red cent. To be honest, we'd probably have to get a divorce b/c I refuse to let my standard of living/way of life change b/c you can't keep it in your pants. yeah, it's not the kids fault, but our lives are all shaped/affected by the actions and circumstances of our parents.
I just think that's a tough pill to swallow. That little kid would be a constant reminder of the betrayal and I couldn't imagine not being resentful... It would eat me up inside!