Would you settle on an engagement ring?


Well-Known Member
Say your SO has been asking you what type of engagement rings you like. You have always had your heart set on a particular brand/style ring but you know that it would take a little longer for your SO to be able to afford that ring which would mean your engagement would be pushed back (year) verses settling on a different brand/style and getting engaged sooner. Would you settle or wait for the ring you really want? :look:
I'd settle on size (within reason), but not style. I wouldn't want my fiancee financing a ring, but I'd also want to love it and be proud to show it off.
I would settle but I'm not a jewelry person anyway so it is just a ring to me. Like another post said you can upgrade in the future.
Wouldn't put off getting married by another year. I'm with team upgrade later :yep:. But don't settle on something you hate, make sure you like it :).
I don't about perfect rings too much. I care about the commitment more, so yes I'd be quite happy with any ring I found pretty.

SO doesn't feel the same. He thinks it's an embarrassment to him if I walk around with a crappy ring when we get engaged:lol:
putting off and engagement for a year for a ring doesn't make sense. i'm recently engaged and my ring is lovely but not a whopper in terms of size. him going into debt or waiting another year to spend 10K on a ring doesn't seem worth it. I'd rather him spend half the price so we can work on planning the wedding and get married :yep:

if you've been looking at exclusive jewelers like Tiffany's you might consider looking into wholesale jewelers where you can select a mount and diamond for a fraction of the cost. that way until the upgrade you can still have a lovely ring that looks twice the price.
Yep. I could just get a cz for all I care.

i didn't realize this but moissanite engagement rings are pretty popular from what i've been reading on wedding boards. they're not as inexpensive as CZs but the quality is pretty close to diamond. it's more brilliant than a diamond (sparkly) and is just as durable. i'd rather get a moissanite than a low quality diamond :yep:
It depends. I don't have anything engrained in my thoughts, I'm open to anything once it is authentic, at least 1 carat and is just me.

However, I would not settle for a CZ ring or any old ring. Reason being, I am in my late 20s so any guy who I'm going to marry should be able to afford a decent 1 carat diamond ring. If he cannot afford that he need to get this ish together before looking to me to be his wife. If I was younger my answer would've been much different.
i didn't realize this but moissanite engagement rings are pretty popular from what i've been reading on wedding boards. they're not as inexpensive as CZs but the quality is pretty close to diamond. it's more brilliant than a diamond (sparkly) and is just as durable. i'd rather get a moissanite than a low quality diamond :yep:

ITA..If I had to do it over again I would totally get a Moissanite engagement ring.

I Bought a Moissanite band a few years ago as a right hand ring and I took it to a jeweler to be sized. He tested it to see if it was real before he worked on it and said "yes, it's a diamond" I hear they have new tests now because the M's are so much like real diamonds. No one ever looked at that ring and thought it wasn't real. M's are not cheap but you can get a lot more for your money than trying to buy a good quality genuine diamond.

So yes, I would settle . To me the ring is not a deal breaker. I would rather spend that money towards a down payment for a home.
I would settle if that's the only thing stopping us from getting married (i.e. finished with school, live in the same state, mature relationship, financially secure, etc)

Many of the honkers you see women wearing today are NOT their first rings, but rather, upgrades well after being married & being more accomplished.