Would you date an atheist?

I absolutely would, but then I'm not at all religious.

Honestly, i think this is one of these things where you might have to go your separate ways, especially he refuses to convert and you try to convince him to.
I am not an atheist or an agnostic but yes, I have dated atheists. I would not, on the other hand, date a Christian. One of the main reasons is that I have a very low tolerance for proselytizing. I consider it an assault and will retaliate in a way that would most likely doom a relationship. I know that, so when I was dating, I didn't put myself or the other person in that situation.

I suggest you think hard about whether you can truly accept this man as he is. Don't get into a relationship banking on him becoming a devout Christian. He might, but he might not. Can you accept that?

I agree with this. But no I could not date an atheist.
nope, because i wouldn't wanna be unevenly yoked/married to him.

2 Corinthians 6:14: "Do not be unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and lawlessness have in common? What fellowship has light with darkness?"
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Before I became more serious about my faith, the answer was yes. I dated an atheist. It was very difficult in that he did not respect my beliefs. For instance, he was heavily into rock music with lyrics that directly dissed God.

Now that I am more serious, the answer is no. My faith does not allow me to be "yoked" with an unbeliever. Given that past experience, I can see why. Let's say I go to church on Sunday while my husband stays home. I pray before bed, while my husband looks at me. And when we have children, I want to raise them to know the Lord, while my husband wants to raise them to not know the Lord.

It just won't work if one is a serious Christian.
Fh is an athiest, I believe in God but I am not religious. However I am very spiritual. It works for us. He is a good man all around, I'm not going to let his belief come between us. After all he hasnt let mine.
My beliefs are more in line with deism, so I think I'd prefer an atheist to a christian, but I could date a christian as long as they aren't going to be making constant attempts to convert, lay hands, and pray for my soul. I'm not one of those people that will argue with someone over religion or try to tell them they're wrong for whatever they believe so I don't find that religion is much of an issue.

I grew up christian though, and eventually when I was old enough to understand the dif religions, I made my own choice, so I wouldn't mind raising children with religion. A friend of mine grew up with a Jewish mom and Christian dad. He learned about both religions and celebrated Christmas and Hannukah, then went in the direction he chose when he was old enough to really understand. If you're both open-minded it can work.
As an atheist myself, absolutely. Would I date a Christian...never. I might consider other religions but Christianity is not an option.
Funny, because I was an atheist for 10 years. So I understand the mindset very well.

I would not date an atheist for a life long relationship, but a few fun dates, yes I would.
I think you should see where things go with him. it sounds like he's got most of what you want. as long as he doesn't mock your beliefs, that's OK. i mean, what do you want? if you guys get serious, would you expect him to go to church with you? would it hurt you if he never attended anything with you ever in life? I guess those are things to think about. does he celebrate x-mas? and then what if you had kids? would he be offended if you wanted to raise them christian? i know you'v only been dating a month but it's a question.
Depends. I tend not to be interested in anyone who's beliefs are hard core and atheists can be as hard core as Christians. I don't need a man to be in lockstep with me spiritually, but do need them to respect my spiritual beliefs and practices so it would really depend on their ability to be non judgemental and accepting.

I think it's a bad idea to go in with the idea of introducing him to your faith and hopefully converting him. There needs to be mutual accceptance and non judgement on both of your parts so if you can't accept him as he is then let it go. But if you're open, I think hopeful is right, check him out, have some fun and see what happens.
No I couldn't date an atheist. I am not too sure that I could even be friends with one. Religion is very important to me. I pray before I eat, when I awake and when I retire b4 the day. The person would be uncomfortable and that would make the relationship ackward. I would not sugar coat or downplay my love for religion for anyone. So no I couldn't.
I'll befriend an Atheist. But, I wouldn't be in a committed intimate relationship with an Atheist. In order to be in a relationship with me you have to be a Christian.
No. My faith is intertwined into everything I do, and dating/marrying a non-Christian goes directly against Scripture anyway. I also don't believe in dating to convert the person either.
i prefer it that way.:yep:

i'm non-religious and even though i find 90% of Christians intolerable i could date one. he'd have to be a back slider though. someone who wasn't too serious about it (never goes to church, fornicates, curses, etc.)
Oasis said:
i prefer it that way.:yep:

i'm non-religious and even though i find 90% of Christians intolerable i could date one. he'd have to be a back slider though. someone who wasn't too serious about it (never goes to church, fornicates, curses, etc.)

Lol. This made me chuckle. I feel you though.
Yep... dating one now and he is :lick: :lick:

I'm not religious but I'm not atheist either. I'm cool with dating a man of (almost) any belief system, as long as he isn't devout or a missionary dater :ohwell:.

i prefer it that way.:yep:

i'm non-religious and even though i find 90% of Christians intolerable i could date one. he'd have to be a back slider though. someone who wasn't too serious about it (never goes to church, fornicates, curses, etc.)


Funny. I know what you mean.
Honestly probably not...at least not at this point in my life. I'm trying to get myself together spiritually and can't afford to.have my atheist lover disturbing that groove.
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It's a requirement.

Please don't invite him to church or try to change his mind. Honestly, if you feel the need to do so, you shouldn't be with him. Trying to change people rarely works, especially when it comes to this kind of thing. It's really just offensive.
Guys I've met the most wonderful guy ever!!!! I mean he makes me so happy and comfortable. Words can't describe how wonderful he is but there is one problem..............I'm Christian and he's atheist. We don't discuss religion at all but I wonder how long we can keep this going. I don't know what to do. I feel I have found a good man and I wanna hold on to him cause lord knows I do not wanna get back out there in that drought.

I would date an atheist (and would prefer to) since I am an atheist :giggle:.

Unfortunately in this situation I think you have to call it off. Even if you are just a little bit religious its not going to work out in the long run especially in the case of child rearing.
He is very open minded and doesn't pounce on Christians or religious people at all. His entire family is atheist but he is quite respectful of my views as a Christian. It's such a difficult issue because I have always thought and felt the man I would be with would be Christian and God fearing and devout and unfortunately that hasn't happened which is why I feel I should stop being so choosy.

If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? You talk like you are 95 years old and are running out of time.

Hey my fellow Atheists!

I would date an Atheist....if you change your mind, send him my way girl!

Some of ya'll....nevermind...

carry on!

No but for real....you might need to keep it moving. You already know what it's going for, so if you stay thinking that you can change his beliefs you are going to end up being angry and resentful when it doesn't work out.

Trust me on this one...

I'm Atheist and have been all my life. A good majority of the relationships I've had usually don't work out because the people I've dated cannot accept that about me. I never used to tell people upfront that I am Atheist because I feel like not everybody deserves to know that about me and religion or lack thereof is a personal choice. Now I do, because it is a big part of who I am and it makes things a lot clearer when I am dating people.

My ex-husband is Christian and I'd say it was a major issue. He tried to pretend like it wasn't while we were dating, but it was. Plus, his family was heavily into church and I think he cared a lot about what they thought.

Eventually near the end of the marriage he admitted that it was a big problem for him that I was not Christian.
He is very open minded and doesn't pounce on Christians or religious people at all. His entire family is atheist but he is quite respectful of my views as a Christian. It's such a difficult issue because I have always thought and felt the man I would be with would be Christian and God fearing and devout and unfortunately that hasn't happened which is why I feel I should stop being so choosy.
Accepting the fact that you've been dealt a different hand than you expected isn't necessarily a bad thing and, truthfully, is a part of life. That having been said, having Christianity as a requirement is a reflection of it's importance in your life and is not a matter of being "choosy". To answer your original question, atheism (in and of itself) wouldn't be a deal breaker for me, but there's NOTHING wrong with it being a deal breaker for you.
NOPE, NOPE, NOPE! As a Christian ,the man(your husband) is supposed to be the spiritual leader of your house. If Christianity is a major it part of your life? I'm sure you want your future children to grow up with a relationship with God, let me tll you its not going to work. The only way it will work is if he converts or you convert because the silence game is not going to go on for long.
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Thanks to everyone for your replies. I think I will see what happens. He truly is a wonderful guy who treats me well and I would have to let something like that go based on the fact he is an atheist. I know it's soon, but if push came to shove, I think we could set our differences aside.
You're a Christian? :lol: You're not a very good one if you are dating an atheist :giggle: but this doesn't surprise me, as most Christians I come across pick-and-choose in various ways :look: