Would You Consider Marrying This Guy?

Its so funny because I thought about that. My conclusion, I could love him (I dont now) but I doubt I've ever fall in love and have that I can't be without you.

I think he's a Godly man with alot of great qualities.

I want love, I want stability, I want passion. Settling for less means a life of misery.

Do you love him? Are you in love with him? If you have doubts, then no. Physical stuff doesn't matter if you don't love him.
God-fearing, Tithe-giving man
Very educated (multiple degrees)
Flourishing Career
Well Traveled
Compatible personalities according to Myers-Briggs
Financial Stable, Good Credit
Thinks you're gorgeous
Thinks you're wife material
Takes you out, wants to show you off
Family man
Loves his mother and sister very much
Reliable, Dependable
Very responsible
Go-to man in his family for advice and issues
May be a good husband and father one day

Very intense at times (like the way he talks so direct & slightly raises his voice when looking for an answer to something)

Always seemed stressed and isnt a naturally happy,fun person

Road-rage (will drive extremely/scary fast if someone does something on the road he does not like)

Don't like the way he talks to his family at times

Can be intimidating and condescending to others

His laugh sometimes...is...just...ugh

Other shallow things that are less important but add to possible disinterest for anything further

Just the bolded is enough of a deal-breaker for me. I had an ex who was a crazy driver by putting my life in danger and I vowed I'd never date another guy with severe road rage...it's indicative of other things...he has trouble rolling with the punches and controlling his emotions/anger...NO. THANKS!!
ETA: I wasn't going to share this, but I guess this applies. I dated a preacher. cute as hell;), spoke three languages, fiscally responsible and very charming. But over time (about three months), I realized that we didn't connect on basic levels (i.e. I like secular music and television. He doesn't. He thinks dancing and attending parties with liquor is a sin. I LOVE dancing and likka:grin:). The final straw came with the realization that he was starting to ANNOY me and that I was relieved when I wasn't around him, cause then I could be myself.

I guess what I'm saying in my inarticulate way is that if you can't be yourself around this guy, or you have to walk on eggshells, then maybe he isn't the one for you. He isn't ready yet (if ever) for the fabulosity that is you.

So funny, I got annoyed with him when he would get close. I was curious why and I thought, maybe its because I didn't feel his affection was a genuine reflection of who he is, if that makes since.

I can be myself because thats just how I do but I dont feel like we have that spark chemistry, ya know. I felt it once. I wanna feel that again.
So funny, I got annoyed with him when he would get close. I was curious why and I thought, maybe its because I didn't feel his affection was a genuine reflection of who he is, if that makes since.

I can be myself because thats just how I do but I dont feel like we have that spark chemistry, ya know. I felt it once. I wanna feel that again.

Hmm, interesting. I get it. Go with your gut on this one. I think you already have an idea what's right for you.
Red flags in red:

God-fearing, Tithe-giving man
Very educated (multiple degrees)
Flourishing Career
Well Traveled
Compatible personalities according to Myers-Briggs
Financial Stable, Good Credit
Thinks you're gorgeous
Thinks you're wife material
Takes you out, wants to show you off you're not a possession of his
Family man
Loves his mother and sister very much
Reliable, Dependable
Very responsible
Go-to man in his family for advice and issues
May be a good husband and father one day

Very intense at times (like the way he talks so direct & slightly raises his voice when looking for an answer to something)

Always seemed stressed and isnt a naturally happy,fun person

Road-rage (will drive extremely/scary fast if someone does something on the road he does not like)

Don't like the way he talks to his family at times

Can be intimidating and condescending to others

His laugh sometimes...is...just...ugh

Other shallow things that are less important but add to possible disinterest for anything further
I would consider it. I don't think being naturally cranky is a deal breaker for me. I'm pretty cranky myself sometimes.
Nope...I just broke up with a dude like him. If he isn't happy with himself, he won't be happy with you. He'll eventually bring you down to his level with his negative energy.:nono:

CO-SIGN. Been there, done that, never again. Forget all that good on paper crap.