Would U rather the other woman leave her mark behind


New Member
If your husband/boyfriend is cheating on you, would you rather the other woman leave her mark behind just to let you know she was there/with him..

Mark behind being lipstick on his collar. Condom wrapper in his car. bra/panties in his bedroom.

She may or may not know that he is with someone else (that being you). Either he is cheating on you or with you.

But just in case there is, or she knows that there is, do you want her to leave a telltale sign behind that for sure his ass was with her? Evidence that belongs to a woman but you know it ain't yours.
I say HELL YES!!! I'd take a picture of it first, then ask him what it is without telling him that I have a picture of it.

Should he later destroy the evidence or claim it is his momma's, I'll simply produce the pic and tell him to have his momma tell me that it is her stuff.
If that ***ch is bold enough to sleep with my man knowing that I'm in the picture, her ass better be woman enough to tell me directly to my face. Don't hide out and try to be slick with no bullisht games :censored:

:look:.....but yeah, errrrm that's my opinion
She may not know that he has a woman already. Let's say she finds out that night (after sleeping with him) when she was snooping through his stuff. Let's say she decides to never see his ass again ... but before she gets her ish and leave....

Should she leave something behind to let you know?!?!
She may not know that he has a woman already. Let's say she finds out that night (after sleeping with him) when she was snooping through his stuff. Let's say she decides to never see his ass again ... but before she gets her ish and leave....

Should she leave something behind to let you know?!?!
To the bolded that would mean she dropped dem draws too damn soon:lachen:. Its to bad, to sad but she's gotta face reality in my best Mary J voice:look:. She needs to leave him alone period. imo
To the bolded that would mean she dropped dem draws too damn soon:lachen:. Its to bad, to sad but she's gotta face reality in my best Mary J voice:look:. She needs to leave him alone period. imo

true...but would you want her to clue u in (even if she decides to leave him alone from that point on).....
I think there should be a secret female society. If you spend the night at a man's house you must leave a calling card in some relatively common place...such as taped to the inside ceiling of his cabinet under the sink.

Let's get the word out. :)
I think there should be a secret female society. If you spend the night at a man's house you must leave a calling card in some relatively common place...such as taped to the inside ceiling of his cabinet under the sink.

Let's get the word out. :)

i like the idea of leaving something in a central place but i don't know about a calling card. i would leave a long strand of hair or something like that. then again if he is banging some bald chick...i dunno.
She may not know that he has a woman already. Let's say she finds out that night (after sleeping with him) when she was snooping through his stuff. Let's say she decides to never see his ass again ... but before she gets her ish and leave....

Should she leave something behind to let you know?!?!

Oh in that case, well then yes I would like her to leave a "clue" behind. Shoooo, I've done it b4, myself :blush:. I planted a contrived love letter in his kitchen drawer (with plenty details of dates and stuff) for the other chick to know he was playing us both
I think there should be a secret female society. If you spend the night at a man's house you must leave a calling card in some relatively common place...such as taped to the inside ceiling of his cabinet under the sink.

Let's get the word out. :)

GOOD ONE! :lachen:

The sooner I found out the better, I don't care how the information came to me.

ETA-- for a calling card...tape a penny to the top of the bedroom door or the bottom of the glove compartment or the bottom of his shoe, something like that!
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i like the idea of leaving something in a central place but i don't know about a calling card. i would leave a long strand of hair or something like that. then again if he is banging some bald chick...i dunno.

A calling card is just a generic term for "proof". :) Like sometimes serial killers and robbers will leave behind a calling card - in the movie home alone the robbers always turned on the water before they left a house and they were called the "wet" bandits or something like that. :lachen:

I think a little 3X5 index card that says, I was here and the date on the bottom. :grin:
I would definitely want her to leave something behind so I can use it as ammunition against his backside.
Something similar happened to me in 2003 when I was dating this cocky investment banker. I found long strands of hair in the bathroom and, if I recall correctly, feminie trash was in the garbage. I was 99.9% sure that he was screwing around, but because he had a male roommate he tried to pin it on him.
:perplexed Some men will string several women along - so you may or may not be his ONE love.

If the guy, is saying the same thing to the "other" woman then she is not purposely warning you by leaving her stuff (she is just living life with "her" man) - she may be in for a shock by you - her "other" woman! :ohwell:
:perplexed Some men will string several women along - so you may or may not be his ONE love.

If the guy, is saying the same thing to the "other" woman then she is not purposely warning you by leaving her stuff (she is just living life with "her" man) - she may be in for a shock by you - her "other" woman! :ohwell:

exactly. better to find out and have proof left by her than to walk around being played by a man in our home or just his.
In my case I was left the clue and I'm glad it was there. I sure wished like hell what I saw wasn't there but, it was and there is no way to deny it. The girl was trifling too. I'm sure if he didn't know it he knows now.
true...but would you want her to clue u in (even if she decides to leave him alone from that point on).....
I don't know about leaving something around for just in case. I'd prefer a call or meet up w/o drama if you want to tell me something.:look:

Back in the day I was seeing a fella that was seeing a fake haired blond chick. She left her hair all over the floor in the bathroom. Dumbazz didn't have the sense to sweep. I had to give him pointers on how to be a playa and cleaning between the maid service days as well as between women.:lachen:
A calling card is just a generic term for "proof". :) Like sometimes serial killers and robbers will leave behind a calling card - in the movie home alone the robbers always turned on the water before they left a house and they were called the "wet" bandits or something like that. :lachen:

I think a little 3X5 index card that says, I was here and the date on the bottom. :grin:

See that makes it too easy for a good-for-nothing chick to try to steal your man. You know one of those "friends" that always seems to find a reason to be around him even if nothing is going on. I went to school with a girl like that. She'd be leaving a calling card for kicks!
If your husband/boyfriend is cheating on you, would you rather the other woman leave her mark behind just to let you know she was there/with him..

Mark behind being lipstick on his collar. Condom wrapper in his car. bra/panties in his bedroom.

She may or may not know that he is with someone else (that being you). Either he is cheating on you or with you.

But just in case there is, or she knows that there is, do you want her to leave a telltale sign behind that for sure his ass was with her? Evidence that belongs to a woman but you know it ain't yours.
Absolutely. Anything that helps me catch the SOB ASAP and start doling out his punishment is very welcome.

I look for telltale signs and I make a habit of leaving 'my mark' in men's homes when I visit. That way, if they are taken or are dealing with other women who don't know about me (and about whom I obviously don't know--I don't do man-sharing ever!), they'll be busted. I sprayed my perfume all over my current boyfriend's bed several times and I left my box of panty liners, jeans, and well-placed strands of hair there...all "by accident."
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Absolutely. Anything that helps me catch the SOB ASAP and start doling out his punishment is very welcome.

I look for telltale signs and I make a habit of leaving 'my mark' in men's homes when I visit. That way, if they are taken or are dealing with other women who don't know about me (and about whom I obviously don't know--I don't do man-sharing ever!), they'll be busted. I sprayed my perfume all over my current boyfriend's bed several times and I left my box of panty liners, jeans, and well-placed strands of hair there...all "by accident."

I did once leave a box of tampons in the back of his bathroom cabinet under the sink. Lo and behold, it was there a month later when I got my period. I think I ended up leaving the box with like two tampons in there.
Hmmmmm. I suppose if DH was up to something I would want to find out ASAP but I'd prefer to just be told rather than to find random items in my house.

I did once find lingerie tangled in the sheets of an EX boyfriend's bed. He did not even have the sense to change the sheets, yet alone wash them. And he did say it was his sisters stuff...which made me think all sorts of gross things about that relationship. I never saw him again after that but hopefully he grew a brain and at least changed the sheets from that point on.
Yes, please let me know and they are bold enough. I had one leave her little shedded hairs all over the sink in the bathroom:look: My crazy self standing there measuring them up to my own head(just checking) before I stormed out of the bathroom yelling bout his new friend and how she needs to try some garlic shampoo and a new moisturizer cause her hair is shedding and breaking.....Sorry yall I had a flash back:perplexed
Yes, please let me know and they are bold enough. I had one leave her little shedded hairs all over the sink in the bathroom:look: My crazy self standing there measuring them up to my own head(just checking) before I stormed out of the bathroom yelling bout his new friend and how she needs to try some garlic shampoo and a new moisturizer cause her hair is shedding and breaking.....Sorry yall I had a flash back:perplexed

Wow Missnurselady!

Even in a moment of crisis. your LHCF training kicks in! :rolleyes: Atleast you know she's not Niko's cousin!

Yeah I'd want some sort of clue. Haha. I know my man wouldn't cheat but I leave my marks on him so women (and men... because guys hit on him too >_<) will know he's taken. I leave scratches on his back and hickeys in bad places... heh heh.
When I started dating guys in the past, I would always leave something behind to flush out any girls that he may have once we considered ourselves "exclusive".
I would leave lipstick tubes, books, my magazines and stockins or socks. The funny thing is, I got the idea from an ex-bf. He would leave stuff all the time and I would be like "hey, you left this or that" and he would say "oh, ok I'll get it later.

One day I mentioned how forgetful he was and was helping him pack his backpack for school and he said "oh, I don't forget anything, I'm just leaving my scent around so other n*****s will know that I'm up in here".

At first I was like :ohwell: oooookayyyy. Then I was like hmmmmmm so that's what you been up to. Then I stole his idea.
i would prefer to be told but then again if that girl cared bout me she wudnt be my man side dish in the first place and as for the man telling me, he wouldnt cheat if he knew he was going to get caught they normally confess when they are bout to get caught so yeah id rather she leaves me clues n i can get the h3ll out of there