Would a man marry a woman if....


Well-Known Member
Would a man marry his girlfriend if he knows she has a low sex drive (aka sex is either infrequent or non-existent)?

Why do women stop wanting to have sex with their man?

The only reason I can think of is you lose your physical attraction to him but alot of wives do this. Why?
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Would a man marry his girlfriend if he knows she has a low sex drive (aka sex is either infrequent or non-existent)?

I don't think so. :ohwell: But, I may not have enough info/experience in this area. But, I just highly doubt it. Unless he has a low sex drive. Or, he got her pregnant. Or she drugged him and when he woke up he was sitting strapped to a chair with a priest and a witness...:look:

I kid. I really don't know. Interesting question.
It can't bother him to much if she is his girlfriend. Their relationship might be based on something deeper than physical. So, I say it's not impossible.
Maybe a little background for my question...

They've been having premarital sex. Suddenly, she stops not for spiritual or personal choice but often complains she's tired, on her period, doesnt feel sexy, headache, etc...

He fears this will continue or get worse after marriage as married folk tend to tell you, you'll have less sex after marriege if you are active already.
He may marry her b/c of her attributes but I would definetely bet there is a great chance that sooner or later he will be seeking a new "supplier."

He better work it out now or leave.
I don't think so... my guess is he's already thinking about moving on. Sex within a marriage is important for both parties....and this is ringing of a little selfishness because of the many, many excuses. If it were infrequent, then okay but come on...barring illness, pregnancy, loss of family member or something along those lines, it's your duty ...again within marriage. Outside of marriage, well, it's my personal choice to wait to avoid these kinda situations.
I don't think so... my guess is he's already thinking about moving on. Sex within a marriage is important for both parties....and this is ringing of a little selfishness because of the many, many excuses. If it were infrequent, then okay but come on...barring illness, pregnancy, loss of family member or something along those lines, it's your duty ...again within marriage. Outside of marriage, well, it's my personal choice to wait to avoid these kinda situations.

I got a strong feeling of this from him today (my friend). He says he's not ready to marry, he doesnt want to rush, and he needs to establish himself. I dont doubt that but he's not admitting the obvious...I dont want to marry a frigid woman.

I figure if he really wants her, he'd make plans for them.
Maybe a little background for my question...

They've been having premarital sex. Suddenly, she stops not for spiritual or personal choice but often complains she's tired, on her period, doesnt feel sexy, headache, etc...

He fears this will continue or get worse after marriage as married folk tend to tell you, you'll have less sex after marriege if you are active already.

Ok, with the background, now I say in his case no. It sounds like he really needs to a have a heart to heart with her about needs and wants. sex is a very big important part of most relationships and if that is important to him which it sounds that way, he will never be happy and they will be divorced before the ink is dried on the marriage license.

He need to find out what's really going on with her (talk) and go from there.
Of course he will....he will just try to "change" her. He will make himself more "desirable" by hitting the spa, losing weight, new makeup and cologne, read the male version of Cosmopolitan and figure out what women really want in bed!

Isn't that what women do? Just kidding. This woman is affecting the guy's ego of himself....she doesn't make him feel like a stud! I hope she hasn't put a deposit on the reception hall!
Of course he will....he will just try to "change" her. He will make himself more "desirable" by hitting the spa, losing weight, new makeup and cologne, read the male version of Cosmopolitan and figure out what women really want in bed!

Isn't that what women do? Just kidding. This woman is affecting the guy's ego of himself....she doesn't make him feel like a stud! I hope she hasn't put a deposit on the reception hall!

Just kidding or not... unfortunately its too often true...
if he does marry her, he would try to change her. if that did not work, he would "self"; and there is a very high possibilty he would stray.

men are very visual and sexual.
Of course he will....he will just try to "change" her. He will make himself more "desirable" by hitting the spa, losing weight, new makeup and cologne, read the male version of Cosmopolitan and figure out what women really want in bed!

Isn't that what women do? Just kidding. This woman is affecting the guy's ego of himself....she doesn't make him feel like a stud! I hope she hasn't put a deposit on the reception hall!
I got a strong feeling of this from him today (my friend). He says he's not ready to marry, he doesnt want to rush, and he needs to establish himself. I dont doubt that but he's not admitting the obvious...I dont want to marry a frigid woman.

I figure if he really wants her, he'd make plans for them.

I will come out of left field on this one, but could he possibly want you? I am sorry, but I have a few male friends and they never talk about their relationships with their GF's or wive's. Most men who talk about stuff like that are usually trying to tip out.

If a man has a good thing he is not going to ruin it by revealing intimate details of his relationship sex or no sex. IMHO
I will come out of left field on this one, but could he possibly want you? I am sorry, but I have a few male friends and they never talk about their relationships with their GF's or wive's. Most men who talk about stuff like that are usually trying to tip out.

If a man has a good thing he is not going to ruin it by revealing intimate details of his relationship sex or no sex. IMHO

But when I wasnt living for the Lord, we were 'having fun'. We've been friends 10 years. If he wanted to pursue me, I'd think he'd do it by now.

He's been complaining about her for the past 1.5 years but he says he'll stay and wont cheat. I think he may have already but I have no proof. He's pulling out slowly emotionally.

They were living together but he recently moved out to 'get himself together'. I laughed because I'm like, your wasting her time which actually makes me upset with him. She expects marriage and he knows he's not going to marry her:nono:. I know what its like to be strung along and it hurts like heck in the end.:wallbash:
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But when I wasnt living for the Lord, we were 'having fun'. We've been friends 10 years. If he wanted to pursue me, I'd think he'd do it by now.

He's been complaining about her for the past 1.5 years but he says he'll stay and wont cheat. I think he may have already but I have no proof. He's pulling out slowly emotionally.

They were living together but he recently moved out to 'get himself together'. I laughed because I'm like, your wasting her time which actually makes me upset with him. She expects marriage and he knows he's not going to marry her:nono:. I know what its like to be strung along and it hurts like heck in the end.:wallbash:

Whoa, I say take a step back and remove yourself from this issue. He should speak with his male friends. Sounds like he isn't manning up to get out of a relationship that he doesn't want. He wants sex and she isn't putting out. Sorry to be so blunt. Of course a woman would say, take it easy and she will come around or yadda yadda yadda. I think he wants out and wants a confirmation from a WOMAN and then he will bounce. Then old girl will be ringing your phone to find out what is the deal. Do you really want to be involved with something that is minor (none of your business) in your realm of living?
Whoa, I say take a step back and remove yourself from this issue. He should speak with his male friends. Sounds like he isn't manning up to get out of a relationship that he doesn't want. He wants sex and she isn't putting out. Sorry to be so blunt. Of course a woman would say, take it easy and she will come around or yadda yadda yadda. I think he wants out and wants a confirmation from a WOMAN and then he will bounce. Then old girl will be ringing your phone to find out what is the deal. Do you really want to be involved with something that is minor (none of your business) in your realm of living?

We were just talking about love and relationships. I am not involved just posing the question. Its not that serious. I didnt tell him what I think about it nor did he ask my opinion. But I was curious to see if my opinion was valid.

He's not only about sex but after them being together 3 years, the next step (marriage) is on the table. They were having sex from the beginning of the relationship and she suddenly stops. I understand that would make anyone upset or suspicious. If they never had sex, it wouldnt be a concern to him. But she set the sex standard so thats her burden to bear. He's scared the issues they have now will get worse later. He doesnt want to start over I am sure but he's doesn't feel as though he being treated as he should.

Oh and he knows whats up with me. I am a Christ following woman now so he knows not even a kiss before we meet at the altar. So come correct or dont come at all.

I would want consistency. A lot of woman sex a man up then slow down once they think they have them. That is so unfair.
This is what I'm thinking she did. :nono:

I dont know her like that so it would be completely out of line for me to give her my two cents. I wish I could sound the alarm that you're about to lose your man but oh well...

Not that she should have sex with him but that she needs to be about redefining the basis of the relationship with him so he doesnt feel left out.


I would want consistency. A lot of woman sex a man up then slow down once they think they have them. That is so unfair.
Yes, men do it all the time hoping it will get better. Or, like someone else stated, her other attributes outweigh the low sex drive.

I think its a recipe for disaster if the man has a high sex drive.
I think probably not but if it was the other way around then probably yes since some tend to think we can change men.

It seems that there may be some underlying issues that need to be discussed.
Hmmmm...nothing is impossible but I doubt it.

Why do women stop wanting to have sex with their man?

The only reason I can think of is you lose your physical attraction to him but alot of wives do this. Why?

Could it be that she is with someone else and that's why she doesn't desire him anymore?
so true--i was talkin to my male friend about this the other day

his wife--sexed him up to death--with all the bells and whistles b4 they were married--and now she has stated she doesnt give h*** and the freq of sex has diminshed considerably--

thats some effed up ish--if u was swinging from the chandelier b4 how u gonna just up and close up shop---

to me thats deceiving...and the consequences of deceit can be grim--if u know what i mean

he is snoopin around elsewhere--lookin for what he is not gettin at home--while i dont agree with his behavior and he knows that loud and clear--u cant turn on the faucet then just shut it down like that

I would want consistency. A lot of woman sex a man up then slow down once they think they have them. That is so unfair.
I'm going to make a wild guess and say that maybe she is trying to punish him in some way for something he did that he either knows or doesn't know about.
From a formerly married woman.....where do I start?

1) You scratching, belching & farting all the time is disgusting = me not feeling sexy.
2) You no longer bringing home the bacon leaving me stressed out all the time cause I gotta figure out how to pay all these damn billz up in here = me not feeling sexy

The list goes on and on, but sometimes things happen that create anger and hidden resentment which can result in a woman not wanting to "put out".

Hmmmm...nothing is impossible but I doubt it.

Why do women stop wanting to have sex with their man?

The only reason I can think of is you lose your physical attraction to him but alot of wives do this. Why?
Maybe he did do something thats creating resentment in her. From what I can see he does good by her. She wants them to get married but he's saying no, dont rush me. She recently got laid off and he was supporting their household (a pretty penny for their place too) until she found work again. He includes her in his life, family, interest, etc...

I dont know maybe she doesnt feel up to par like his previous girls. Maybe she doesnt like his body :look: I dont know...

I'm going to make a wild guess and say that maybe she is trying to punish him in some way for something he did that he either knows or doesn't know about.

From a formerly married woman.....where do I start?

1) You scratching, belching & farting all the time is disgusting = me not feeling sexy.
2) You no longer bringing home the bacon leaving me stressed out all the time cause I gotta figure out how to pay all these damn billz up in here = me not feeling sexy

The list goes on and on, but sometimes things happen that create anger and hidden resentment which can result in a woman not wanting to "put out".