Without LHCF where would I be??


New Member
I know for a fact that I would be so pissed at my hair right about now.

I am so in love with this site that words can not explain it. Maybe its not the site itself but the great, helpful and very inspirational ladies that grace these threads. The non-judgemental state that I find myself in on this site means so much to me. Not to put down other sites but I have found that other sites that are geared toward natural hair, those are the ones that I joined when I started really caring for my hair and wanting to go natural, seem to put relaxed hair people down and that is not for me. My reason for going natural was nothing short of superfical. I am getting married, moving to a new state and don't want to go through the hassle of finding a new hair salon right now. When my hair is permed it needs to be tended to religiously and I am just too lazy for that. My hair is stronger natural and can deal with me braiding it up and sticking it under wigs and combing it, etc. I just love being here. Since I have been here my hair has stopped shedding and breaking completely! And I am transitioning! I have joined challenges that are geared toward hair growth and healthiness and the vast hair information here is endless. Without LHCF I would have never thought about texlaxing my hair and with some sites would not even allow discussion of it but here I am free to discuss all my concerns with my hair and questions....I can not express how much I love being here...:yay:
Without LHCF where would I be..........Still at the shoulder length. :confused: (where I have been for over 7 or 8 years.) <----Crazy huh! Glad I know better now.
Mm, I'd be on nappy..or however you say it website..my gf turned me onto natural hair care.. but i really do love this site :D
yes, without LHCF, my hair may be healthy but it would still be short :nono: I love all the help I get on here.
Without LHCF, my hair would be at shoulder length but it would be dry, see-thru and forever breaking.

This website has taught me so much and the members are great. I am so thankful that I found this place.
without LHCF Iwould still be in the salon every two weeks gettin a hot comb run through my hair
BTW..I am now saving $40 dollars every two weeks! If I can just learn to braid my hair myself I wont have to pay for that either!!!
I have known about this site for almost two years now, but I was very hesitant to join and to take it seriously. It's funny and dissappointing at the same time for me because had I took my hair care/LHCF seriously back then, I could've had healthy long near WL hair by now. Since I have joined I have learned so much more than I thought I knew about hair care and I have corrected so many things that I was doing wrong. In three months I have seen between 2-2.5 inches of growth and I am so happy for this to continue throughout this year. I just want to thank all the members of this forum who are so giving with their time and so sharing and caring with their information/guidance. I am really addicted to LHCF right now and I am trying to set time limits for myself. There have been times that I didn't eat breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner because I was so caught up in reading and studying. Without LHCF, my hair would still be a complete mess. I could proudly wear my own real hair right now if I wanted too, but I am set on reaching APL and rocking it at the end of this year for all my family and friends to see and for myself. :)
I would be still be sitting at home boo-hooing over my brittle hair while piling on even more protein treatments.

I wouldn't know about the joys of S-curl & castor oil.

I wouldn't have strong, long nails for the first time in my life from all these vitamins.

I would never have seen so much long pretty hair of all textures to keep me inspired every day.

And finally, I would still think "PJ" stands for pajamas. ;)
I would still be looking for a stylist to care for my hair. It would probably be the length it is now, but it wouldn't be getting longer it would be breaking. Fortunately I have finally reluctantly accepted after years of looking and reading story after story about the carelessness of your average 'stylist,' that I am the only person that can care for it.
just_DSP said:
And finally, I would still think "PJ" stands for pajamas. ;)

:lol: You just reminded me that i had thought that pre-pooing was done with some type of wonderful discovered growth fertilizer. :lol: Hey, I was desperate so why wouldn't I think others could be desperate too? The crazy thing is that if it did turn out to be that kind of "pre-poo"-- with all the beautiful long heads of hair around LHCF--I would definitely and eagerly have been stankin up my restroom before every wash. :lol:
Yes, I love LHCF, it's my favorite hair board. Even if I wasn't posting, I'd still definitely be exclusively lurking here because it seems to have the best advice and friendliest vibe for me.
Yup! I love this board. I never knew my hair could move, and be soo silky and shiny. I almost accepted that my hair would always lack movement and be have a slight sheen at best because I thought that is the way black hair was supposed to be. Boy was I wrong and I am soo glad. This board awakened my inner PJ but that's cool because I found soo many staples that have helped the health and appearance of my hair significantly.
Christa438 said:
:lol: You just reminded me that i had thought that pre-pooing was done with some type of wonderful discovered growth fertilizer. :lol: Hey, I was desperate so why wouldn't I think others could be desperate too? The crazy thing is that if it did turn out to be that kind of "pre-poo"-- with all the beautiful long heads of hair around LHCF--I would definitely and eagerly have been stankin up my restroom before every wash. :lol:

Hey I never thought that I would live with a plastic bag on my head all the time or that vinegar would become my best friend and have my hair feeling wonderful....so walking around with poo,not that far fetched LOL :lachen:
I love this site too! I have found soooooo much info about hair to be so helpful. I never thought about low manipulation styles before joining here, never stretched, never baggied, co washes. And Dominican products! I can't say enough! My hair is loving all of this! It is thicker than it has EVER been. Thank you ladies for sharing your knowledge.:grin:
I would be sad, sittin in a corner baldheaded!

Since the BC, I am still relatively baldheaded but I am so NOT sad about it! When I did the BC in previous years I always went STRAIGHT to braids ASAP! My natural hair was dry and unmanageble... The ends were just sinful I tell you! When I found LHCF I went into the BC confident and excited! I KNEW that this was one hair journey that I would enjoy! It's been about 3 weeks since the BC and I think I have almost a 1/2 inch of new growth. It's a little hard to tell with it being natural and all. One of these days I'll have the heart to post an up to date pic!
My hair would still be in good shape, because before I stumbled on Long Hair Care Forum’s website, I followed the Wanakee Verifen Complex regimen--which is very simple, and their products don’t need to be "doctored up." This saves a lot of time and less work is needed.

When I first started reading the discussion boards and the Feature of the Month section, I was really impressed with each model’s results and literally exhausted in reading all the things that some do to achieve their hair goals. It’s quite overwhelming.

However, Long Hair Care Forum helped me find less expensive products that give the same results; although some items have to be “doctored up” and it’s a “trial and error” scenario. I also learned about other things that I find more time consuming, but very helpful. I would say Long Hair Care Forum is a good back-up plan for me and my stylist if Verifen Complex goes out of business.
I would have a 500 weave that would have pulled out even more of my hair because i had finally accepted that black hair didnt grow... I would be in a corner crying after they took the fusion weave out to find out that my natural hair came out with it.....
I would still be flat ironing and blow drying, never knowing about aprotien treatment, never deep conditioning, NEVER using heat protectant... Just all over bad hair.
As far as my personal life, i owe a lot to you women, I have met soo many people who were in my shoes, are there now, who can give me an objective opinion about htings and you have truly helped me and for that i thankyou
Short about a half dozen virtual friends, a ton of laughs, and half the lil' gossip I do know. My pockets might be a little fatter (pj checking in) BUT it's all good. :)

Without LHCF I'd still be putting oil on my hair thinking it's moisturizing and wondering why my hair is still dry & brittle :look:
Omg, i know exactly where i'd be without LHCF!!!! THe same place i STAYED for years and years and years!!!! :eek:

I would still be depending on some "professional" to knowingly JACK UP my hair even more and then make me pay for it.:mad: Thank GOD I stumbled upon LHCF.:weird: