*Finish the sentence!*--"Without LHCF I would probably...."

...would have never known the benefits of using a steamer
... would not know about ceramides
... would not be thinking about bkt
"Without LHCF I would probably...."

- be still putting relaxer in my hair, thinking my natural hair is unmanageable.
- would have jacked up hair
- would have spent money on clothes instead of hair products :)
- would never have fallen so in love with herbal essences or VO5 Moisture milks (because I wouldn't have tried them).
- would still be using shampoo which did NOT go with my hair
- would probably go to bed alot earlier!!! lol! ;)
- would not have so many nice fotki friends!
would have never beging to mosturize my hair
never knew what it meant to seal
never continued my journey to be fully natural, or would have had heat damage from the constant pressing
would have never knew how much my hair loves coconut oil
Without LHCF, I would....

have never thought to grow my hair out to any length.
not have realized I was addicted to hair porn.
not have realized I had product junkie tendencies
have never made my own products
not ph test my products
not have driven across town to buy a product from product reivews
never be wearing wigs as often as I do
be about 2,000 richer
be fluent in Spanish and French because I'd be practicing
not know as much pop culture and entertainment news
not know about protective styling and not be serious about making it to WL
not be taking the classes I'm taking now because I heard of the program here
... not be buying horsie products for my hair
.... nvr have thought to use coochie cream in my head
.... still be suffiering from dry scalp
.... not have opened a paypal act
.... not have gone natural
.... not bought so many earrings and hair accessories
.... not have got my relaxed hair back to APL
.... not be using so many natural products not only for my hair, but in general
.... not be be eating as healthyly as I am now
.... nvr be so much in luv with my hair

without LHCF I would probably......

- be bald or close to it, lol
- still relaxing my hair
- still be at shoulder length (I was shoulder length the last time I had a relaxer in June)
- never looked forward to actually having my hair grow passed shoulder length
- never had seen my natural curls (I knew I had it but not this abundance)
- not known about how to properly moisturize my hair via dc, co-wash, baggy, and sealing with oils
- not known about co-wash and I can use suave or herbal essence
- not known how to baggy
- not used protective style
- never learned about pre-poo
- never learned that sulfate, mineral oil, petroluem, and other chemicals was bad for the hair
- still have dandruff
without LHCF I would probably......

~ have cut and colored my hair twice, talking 'bout needing a new look.
~ still be relaxing my hair from scalp down to the end of my hair....each time. :blush:
~ have more time and focus on my projects and home.
~ still be vacuuming up broken hairs in the bathroom every time I comb.
~ not be a kitchen chemist.
~ not put food in my hair.
~ not have to clear my complexion from biotin breakouts.
~ still think APL was super long.
~ would never have dreamed of, let alone attempt, wl.
~ could've bought a whole new wardrobe.
~ would've thought everyone in a wig or weave was bald-headed.
~ would've never considered going natural.
~ would've never learned a new language ~ haircare lingo.
~ would've never met such wonderful and supportive hhj sisters.
would also be bald...from frustration of my hair and cuttin it ALL off :lol:

not be so educated about hair in general

would not be able to recommend this site to all my friends who also have hair trouble :yep:

...and the list could go on for hours...days...weeks...but everybody else already read my mind
"Without LHCF I would probably...."

- Have short, chewed up damaged hair and no edges.

- Not be in cosmetology school right now and still be miserable trying to figure out what I should do with my life at 35.
-still be wearing weave and braids
-have SL/APL year
-wishing for my hair to get longer
-have no idea what products to use for taking care of my hair
-have to find something else to do whenever I take breaks
still be at the salon every 2/3 months getting relaxers. :/
thanks LHCF for showing me all these lovely ladies with natural hair!
i never want to relax again! :]
~Be *thinking* about going natural instead of just doing it
~Not have 3 daughters who take so much pride in growing and caring for their natural hair
~Have hair that's currently the longest it's been since I was a kid (and I just bc'd in May!)
~Still be solely dependant on weaves and micro braids to feel beautiful
~Be flatironing my weave "horseshoe" EVERY day
~NEVER condition, RARELY shampoo and NOT EVEN KNOW what it meant DC, moisturize or seal
~Have never met so many lovely women of color so willing to give advice (thank you!)
~Never imagine I could even have SL hair (which I believe I currently do), not to mention APL, MBL and (gasp!) WL

Thank God for LHCF!
With out LHCF I would:

- Have probably given up being a DIYer and gone back to the salon
- Never worn a wig
- Never put jherri curl juice in my hair
- Never properly DC my hair
- Never known about ceramides
- Still be fumbling around tryna figure out why some products work and others don't
- Not have 50-11 conditioners in my bathroom
- Never tried henna
- Still thinking that getting my hair back to MBL is a pipe dream
- Never figured out that hard water affected my hair
- Never known about porosity
....have no nape
....have messed up edges
....be dependent on my stylist
....wouldn't even be thinking of reaching WL

This forum is a Godsend :yep:
"Without LHCF I would probably...."

be dependent on braids, weaves and phony ponies. Before LHCF I didn't know how to style my own hair and have it look salon quality. I knew how to make weaves look great but I was clueless about my own hair. Once I learned how to style my own hair and maintain its health I abandoned the weaves.
Without LHCF I would probably....

Have the back of my hair still be broken
Not look after my hair properly
Have dry hair, split and frizzy ends
Not be able to look after my hair
Would not appreciate my NG
Would never taken so many vitamins that is good for my hair and my body
Learn about so many products and what the hair needs (protein, moisture, sealing)
Would never DC, prepoo, CO.
Would never use indian hair products
Would not be below should length and so close to APL.
Would be still believing AA hair can not grow.
Would not be on LHCF so many hours in the day and night
Would not know all these hair terms like

I am so glad LHCF is here and I stumbled upon it, thank you sisters who lead the way, the sisters of today and tommorrow!
Probably still going to the hair dresser every week. Spending MONEY, money ....money and mo money.

Using heat and a small teeth comb weekly on my daughters natural hair and no deep conditioning and wondering why her hair won't grow.
...be bald headed and snaggletoothed. :lachen: Well maybe not snaggletoothed or bald headed. I mean I would still have hair, but I wouldn't have hope. LHCF allowed me to see that it's possible to grow my hair to unimaginable lengths and keep it at optimum health. The positivity, encouragement, comradery, stories, pics, experience, word of mouth, product reviews, etc... I LOVE IT HERE!!!
nice thread :yep:

let's see
.....never have gone natural, EVER (not natural anymore, and i wasn't on LHCF yet but my sis was and she was forever telling me about it)
.....never use conditioner
.....wash my hair once in a blue moon
.....relax my hair from root to tip everytime i relax it
.....never would've thought me, myself and i could grow hair at least to bsl
.....thought black people's hair didn't grow
.....would not know what to do to moisturize my hair
.....never would have purchased so many goshdarn products, lol

and the list goes on and on and on and on, :lol:
-be getting frequent trims (more like hair cuts) every relaxer
-be using my good ole flat iron at least once a week
-spending my hard earned money at salons
I'd have ear length hair.
I'd still have a bald spot.
I woudn't have enough confidence to change a few more things in my life.