Will You Pray?

Thanks, Sidney for remembering this thread and all that God wants us to do in prayer for the nations.

What is a prayer band?

We don't have to do it it's just an idea, but basically the area of need or topic of need is covered by one individual or a number of persons for a span of time. ie. 8am to noon, we can have an number of persons petitioning for the person, place, or topic. Some churches do 24 hour bands. They get VERY effective results this way! I've heard great results for prayer bands for the unsaved and the sick, people came to Christ or got healed!
We don't have to do it it's just an idea, but basically the area of need or topic of need is covered by one individual or a number of persons for a span of time. ie. 8am to noon, we can have an number of persons petitioning for the person, place, or topic. Some churches do 24 hour bands. They get VERY effective results this way! I've heard great results for prayer bands for the unsaved and the sick, people came to Christ or got healed!
Thanks for the info. I guess there are different names for this type of prayer.

I can see how this is good for churches to do, because you have the people locally who can commit to pray at those times. :yep: Great idea! I think that is already being done here though, with the Prayer Thread where we meet twice a week, don't you think? Also, Laela began the 28 days of Praise with specific times as well. I believe its still going on, but if not, maybe this may be something that you can begin...maybe with the women who don't participate with the Weekly Prayer here or with Praying for the Nations.

However, this is a little different because the focus are on the nations, so its more intercession for not only the unsaved, but for the missionaries, underground/persecuted churches, etc. There are times where the Lord will call us to pray for a certain area before a disaster takes place. If you remember earlier in this thread, the Lord called for us to pray for Europe and I believe the president of Poland, his wife and most of his cabinet was killed in a plane crash. We of course didn't pray for the crash, but our prayers might have saved more from dying, or a worst disaster.:yep:

As intercessors, the Lord will cause us to pray over geographical areas against the powers of darkness over specific areas. This is the area that the Lord has called us too for this specific thread.:yep:

Thank you for your heart of worship and desire to always please the Lord by doing the work of the ministry, Sidney!

Love you, sis!

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Ok, to be more specific on some of the areas in the Middle East, we will pray for these areas:


We know what's going on, so allow the Holy Spirit to use you to intercede for these areas specifically.

Thank you, ladies!
Thanks for the info. I guess there are different names for this type of prayer.

I can see how this is good for churches to do, because you have the people locally who can commit to pray at those times. :yep: Great idea! I think that is already being done here though, with the Prayer Thread where we meet twice a week, don't you think? Also, Laela began the 28 days of Praise with specific times as well. I believe its still going on, but if not, maybe this may be something that you can begin...maybe with the women who don't participate with the Weekly Prayer here or with Praying for the Nations.

However, this is a little different because the focus are on the nations, so its more intercession for not only the unsaved, but for the missionaries, underground/persecuted churches, etc. There are times where the Lord will call us to pray for a certain area before a disaster takes place. If you remember earlier in this thread, the Lord called for us to pray for Hungry and I believe the president, his wife and most of his cabinet was killed in a plane crash. We of course didn't pray for the crash, but our prayers might have saved more from dying, or a worst disaster.:yep:

As intercessors, the Lord will cause us to pray over geographical areas against the powers of darkness over specific areas. This is the area that the Lord has called us too for this specific thread.:yep:

Thank you for your heart of worship and desire to always please the Lord by doing the work of the ministry, Sidney!

Love you, sis!


True, True:yep:. No I don't think we need another thread. People will post throughout the week so we existentially will be accomplishing the same end. Thanks! Love you too N&W! Let'get to work by praying...he said we would do "greater works than these'...and prayer is how we do it!
True, True:yep:. No I don't think we need another thread. People will post throughout the week so we existentially will be accomplishing the same end. Thanks! Love you too N&W! Let'get to work by praying...he said we would do "greater works than these'...and prayer is how we do it!
Thank you, sis! :love2: :love3:
While in prayer yesterday God impressed Syria on my heart. I read the following article tonight. Also, on Monday I was looking at some really sad photos on Reuters news site of the fighting in Syria. It is so sad homes being blown-up and child lying dead in the street behind a bloody elderly man who had obviously been wounded. There is so much to pray for...

Thanks Nice & Wavy for this thread.

Washington Post

Assad’s forces gaining ‘momentum’ in Syria, U.S. general warns

March 6

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces are “gaining physical momentum on the battlefield,” and the situation there “will get worse before it gets better,” the top U.S. military official in the region said Tuesday.

Marine Gen. James Mattis told Senate lawmakers that Assad “is going to be there for some time because I think he will continue to employ heavier and heavier weapons on his people.”

Any U.S. or international air operations against Assad’s forces would be “challenging,” said Mattis, head of U.S. Central Command. Russia has provided Syria with “very advanced integrated air defense capabilities — missiles, radars, that sort of thing,” he said.

Iranian support for Assad has included weapons and teams of experts that have flown into Damascus to provide intelligence and eavesdropping capabilities to locate and suppress opposition networks, Mattis said, adding that Iran has also been “moving weapons” into Sudan and to opposition factions in Yemen.

Complete article.
While in prayer yesterday God impressed Syria on my heart. I read the following article tonight. Also, on Monday I was looking at some really sad photos on Reuters news site of the fighting in Syria. It is so sad homes being blown-up and child lying dead in the street behind a bloody elderly man who had obviously been wounded. There is so much to pray for...

Thanks Nice & Wavy for this thread.

Washington Post

Assad’s forces gaining ‘momentum’ in Syria, U.S. general warns

March 6

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces are “gaining physical momentum on the battlefield,” and the situation there “will get worse before it gets better,” the top U.S. military official in the region said Tuesday.

Marine Gen. James Mattis told Senate lawmakers that Assad “is going to be there for some time because I think he will continue to employ heavier and heavier weapons on his people.”

Any U.S. or international air operations against Assad’s forces would be “challenging,” said Mattis, head of U.S. Central Command. Russia has provided Syria with “very advanced integrated air defense capabilities — missiles, radars, that sort of thing,” he said.

Iranian support for Assad has included weapons and teams of experts that have flown into Damascus to provide intelligence and eavesdropping capabilities to locate and suppress opposition networks, Mattis said, adding that Iran has also been “moving weapons” into Sudan and to opposition factions in Yemen.

Complete article.
Thank you so much for this post, InVue. I praise God for you because you are allowing the Lord to speak to your heart concerning the Middle East, especially Syria.

I too have been praying for Syria. This whole regions geographical area is under heavy demonic influence, which is why we are seeing wars and deaths by the thousands continually...one country after another.

Thank you for praying and coming back and sharing news about what's going on. This will help us to pray more effectively and precisely for this region of the world!

So much love,

Actually I have to make a correction the photos of the child and elderly man were in Quetta, Pakistan. But you are right about the regions being under demonic influence. I will be praying. :yep:

Love to you my sister.
On last night while getting into my warm bed. I thought about the instability of our world and how our lives are in the balance so-to-speak. The comforts we Americans enjoy could one day change. Years ago, I visited Isreal. During my visit, I noticed armed soldiers in almost every public area. Unfortunately, there had been a school bus bombing and other terrorist attacks at the time.

For now, we are blessed here in America we don't worry about school bus bombings or suicide bombers inside our malls and restaurants. These type threats are ongoing in Isreal. Who knows, armed guards in public places may be a constant in this country one day. We are all connected both directly and indirectly... It's been praying time, but it's urgent now.

The following is a transcript from Greta Van Susteren's interview with Isreal's Prime Minister Netanyahu

"On The Record"
on March 7, 2012.

VAN SUSTEREN: You talk about the Jewish future, but you also touched on last night that if Iran gets a nuclear weapon, obviously you are in the direct line of fire and Ahmadinejad has made very derogatory marks and stated his very ugly intentions towards Israel.

NETANYAHU: Now you are being a diplomat. He said that Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth and they are developing nuclear weapons to do it, for that purpose. Not only for that. They could shut down the Straits of Hormuz. They are threatening that. You are worried about the price of oil today. Think about what it would mean if Iran, this radical regime that chants "Death to America! Death to Israel!" A, they get their hands on atomic bombs.

They could use it against any one of us, they could give it to their terrorist proxies to use against any one of us, they could threaten credibly to block the Straits of Hormuz, which would send the price of oil skyrocketing, not anything that even remotely resembles what we have now, and they will pocket the dough because they are oil producers.

So these are things that could change the world. It could be like a hinge of history. We could live in another time. We have never had since the advent of nuclear weapons a regime that could act with such irresponsibility having those weapons of mass death.

So I think this is something that we should -- we should talk about. Everybody talks about the -- you know, the costs of taking action, to stop Iran. I think it's important to start on the cost of not acting to stop Iran, of a world in which the ayatollahs would have atomic bombs. I think that would be catastrophic.

Read more

Is there a certain time/day we are to pray together? Just curious.... God bless.

Is there a certain time/day we are to pray together? Just curious.... God bless.
No, it can become too constrictive that way, so its just to pray as you are led. We should just watch and pray throughout the week for the areas that are posted. If the Lord gives a word regarding the region, then come here and share it or if you see something in the news discussing the area that we are praying for, then share that as well.
On last night while getting into my warm bed. I thought about the instability of our world and how our lives are in the balance so-to-speak. The comforts we Americans enjoy could one day change. Years ago, I visited Isreal. During my visit, I noticed armed soldiers in almost every public area. Unfortunately, there had been a school bus bombing and other terrorist attacks at the time.

For now, we are blessed here in America we don't worry about school bus bombings or suicide bombers inside our malls and restaurants. These type threats are ongoing in Isreal. Who knows, armed guards in public places may be a constant in this country one day. We are all connected both directly and indirectly... It's been praying time, but it's urgent now.

The following is a transcript from Greta Van Susteren's interview with Isreal's Prime Minister Netanyahu

"On The Record"
on March 7, 2012.

VAN SUSTEREN: You talk about the Jewish future, but you also touched on last night that if Iran gets a nuclear weapon, obviously you are in the direct line of fire and Ahmadinejad has made very derogatory marks and stated his very ugly intentions towards Israel.

NETANYAHU: Now you are being a diplomat. He said that Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth and they are developing nuclear weapons to do it, for that purpose. Not only for that. They could shut down the Straits of Hormuz. They are threatening that. You are worried about the price of oil today. Think about what it would mean if Iran, this radical regime that chants "Death to America! Death to Israel!" A, they get their hands on atomic bombs.

They could use it against any one of us, they could give it to their terrorist proxies to use against any one of us, they could threaten credibly to block the Straits of Hormuz, which would send the price of oil skyrocketing, not anything that even remotely resembles what we have now, and they will pocket the dough because they are oil producers.

So these are things that could change the world. It could be like a hinge of history. We could live in another time. We have never had since the advent of nuclear weapons a regime that could act with such irresponsibility having those weapons of mass death.

So I think this is something that we should -- we should talk about. Everybody talks about the -- you know, the costs of taking action, to stop Iran. I think it's important to start on the cost of not acting to stop Iran, of a world in which the ayatollahs would have atomic bombs. I think that would be catastrophic.

Read more
This is what is good....you are thinking about the instability of the world and its events. It causes us to pray more fevently about things.

I appreciate you sharing this information because we can hear from this leader from Israel concerning what's happening in the region.

Thank you, thank you!
Thank you ladies for praying...I know and believe that we will come back to the area in the Middle East. Right now, the Lord is leading us to pray for: BRAZIL!


Pray for the missionaries in the field there. Pray for the churches who are experiencing huge church growth...as people are coming to Christ. Pray for the laborers there as they adjust to the new wave of new converts and that the Lord will give them supernatural strength to be able to endure not resting as they are use to.

Pray for the government, that the finances in that country will change for the better for the people. Pray also that they will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ so that they may govern the way God intended.

Thank you ladies for praying...I so appreciate your willingness and commitment to pray for the nations.

God bless you and have a wonderful Sunday!!!

Love always,

I will no longer keep this thread going here on CF. Thanks for those who did participate...I appreciated your prayers.

God bless you, always....

I will no longer keep this thread going here on CF. Thanks for those who did participate...I appreciated your prayers.

God bless you, always....


I was actually praying for the last country you posted. My church is involved in ministry in Brazil. I respect your decision though.
okay, I trust that you are woman that is leady by the HS and if you are lead to stop the thread, then I won't question you...but this is something that I'd been feeling lead to do for quite some time this post brought confirmation, I will continue to pray...

thank you...
I will no longer keep this thread going here on CF. Thanks for those who did participate...I appreciated your prayers.

God bless you, always....


Nice&Wavy, God is not done with your work here on this thread :nono:, he has made it clear that he is now leading us to pray for Saudi Arabia.


I pray that you return and continue your invaluable work here in this thread and continue to spread the spirit of prayer throughout the CF. God loves this thread, it's after his own heart! Your love for this thread indicates that you are as well! Ladies let's continue to pray for the persecuted and pray that N&W continues her work here, it can not be replaced.
okay, I trust that you are woman that is leady by the HS and if you are lead to stop the thread, then I won't question you...but this is something that I'd been feeling lead to do for quite some time this post brought confirmation, I will continue to pray...

thank you...

This thread is very important to God's heart. We will continue to pray until N&W returns and continues to lead us in prayer.
Here is something I found on Saudi Arabia and persecution today. I'm not a political person, but I can at best say a prayer.

Saudi Grand Mufti Calls for “Destruction of All Churches in Region”
ICC Note:

“Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, declared that it is ‘necessary to destroy all the churches of the region,’ Jihad Watch reports.

3/14/2012 Saudi Arabia (Jihad Watch) – According to several Arabic news sources, last Monday, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, declared that it is “necessary to destroy all the churches of the region.”

The Grand Mufti made his assertion in response to a question posed by a delegation from Kuwait, regarding the position of a Kuwaiti parliament member who recently called for the "removal" of churches (he later “clarified” by saying he merely meant that no churches should be built in Kuwait). The Kuwaiti delegation wanted to confirm Sharia’s position on churches.

Accordingly, the Grand Mufti “stressed that Kuwait was a part of the Arabian Peninsula, and therefore it is necessary to destroy all churches in it.”

As with many grand muftis before him, the Sheikh based his proclamation on the famous tradition, or hadith, wherein the prophet of Islam declared on his deathbed that “There are not to be two religions in the [Arabian] Peninsula,” which has always been interpreted to mean that only Islam can be practiced in the region.

While the facts of this account speak for themselves, consider further:

Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah is not just some random Muslim hating on churches. He is the Grand Mufti of the nation that brought Islam to the world. Moreover, he is the President of the Supreme Council of Ulema [Islamic scholars] and Chairman of the Standing Committee for Scientific Research and Issuing of Fatwas. Accordingly, when it comes to what Islam teaches, his words are immensely authoritative.

[Full Story]-->