Will You Pray?

Thank you so much for these two links, Prudent1. The first link is very interesting, as it seems to be falling right into place with the end times:yep: The second link reveals that China doesn't mind religious material for personal use (so they say) but you are not allowed to distribute material. That material is THE BIBLE!
Praise the Lord, intercessors!

Good morning, good morning, good morning :love3:

This has been a week of deep prayer and intercession for the people who are serving in China. God has shown me so much, and I'm grateful to Him for allowing me to see and experience His mercy and truth! He is a great and awesome God!!!

The next location to pray for is: Europe :clap:

I will be praying against the spirit of confusion that has been rising up there and praying for all the churches that are proclaiming the Word of God without fear. Pray for the pastors and evangelists that are leading people to Jesus in record numbers, that their ministry be not hindered...in Jesus name!

Again, pray as the Holy Spirit leads.....


Love you ladies,

Good Mort'ing! :laugh:

I had the UK on my mind this very morning before reading this post...was wondering when should I go see my fave Uncle and other relatives in London. I can't tell you how timely your posts in this thread have been. Wow. Amen..and have a Blessed Day!
Good Mort'ing! :laugh:

I had the UK on my mind this very morning before reading this post...was wondering when should I go see my fave Uncle and other relatives in London. I can't tell you how timely your posts in this thread have been. Wow. Amen..and have a Blessed Day!
:lachen:....good Mort'ing to you too:lachen:

Amen, Laela. You know, I wasn't sure which area the Lord was showing me to pray for this week. I couldn't grasp it for some reason. So, when I looked at the atlas and I saw Europe, that's when the Holy Spirit showed me about the spirit of confusion there.

I am always so amazed at God and how He uses His people to pray specifically for certain areas, or people or things....and then watch Him do the work He wants to do.

Prayer consists of not only talking to the Father, but waiting afterwards to see what He does with what you asked! He is an awesome God!!!

I will most certainly keep your favorite uncle and family members in my prayers.

Loving you with the love of the Lord!

Have a blessed day as well :kiss:
I will be praying more intensely for HUNGRY. The Lord wants something from the people there...He wants their attention. :pray:
Thank you, N&W!

Well, the UK esp, London is on my mind today for some reason; so I'll keep this nation in prayer.. esp the Saints and all the children. :yep: This site has many members living there. God bless and keep them all!
Thank you, N&W!

Well, the UK esp, London is on my mind today for some reason; so I'll keep this nation in prayer.. esp the Saints and all the children. :yep: This site has many members living there. God bless and keep them all!
You are more than welcome, Laela!

I know there are many living there from here....this week is going to be interesting I believe:yep:
"Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you" (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, KJV)

Have a Blessed Easter!
I have been instructed to continue to pray for Europe this next upcoming week. Must be obedient to the Holy Spirit.

Continue to pray, ladies!

Love you all!


Ladies, I knew that we should continue to pray for Europe. The President of Poland, his wife and many of his cabinet, died in a plane crash:nono: This is so sad, and my heart ached when I just heard this.

We must continue to pray for this country. I'm sure things will never be the same there for the people.


Whew...it's been a very interesting 2 weeks. The Holy Spirit has shown me sooooo much! As long as I have been a believer in Jesus, I haven't seen the things that the Holy Spirit has shown me till now. He surely is the best teacher!!!

This week the Lord has led me to lift up Central America...focusing on Mexico and the surrounding areas: :clap:


Pray that the Word of God will penetrate the hearts of the people. Pray against the wickedness of the hearts of men there and that they will come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord of their lives. Pray for the families who are poor, not only in substances, but in spirit!

And as always, pray as the Holy Spirit leads and please, share what the Lord shows you. :love3:

Blessings, always....

Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
The Holy Spirit is all over this post!!!
I want to join
:clap: Wonderful!!!! Thank you so much for having a heart to pray!

I thank God for you ladies that desire to pray along with me. Many people don't have a desire to pray...and yes, I'm talking about believers in Jesus. But, Jesus prayed...and interceded for ALL OF US and so the least that we can do is pray for the people He loves and desires to be with Him for eternity!

Much love to you ladies....:love3:
To the ladies who have been taking the time to pray:


I know that your heart is for the Lord and I so appreciate your commitment to pray. The Lord has shown me that because of your diligence, what ever you have been believing Him for, He shall answer, soon and very soon!

Our next assignment will be: The Middle East :clap: (I tried to shrink the map, but to no avail...sorry)


Please pray that the Lord's will be done here in this entire region. We know that His plan for mankind is perfect!!!


Love to you, always....N&W:love3:

How great it is that you had it placed upon your heart to pick a region. Whenever I pray for the world it's just so vast, and it never occured to focus on a a particular region. It allows for those types of prayers to be extra specific...

I'd like to participate...

How great it is that you had it placed upon your heart to pick a region. Whenever I pray for the world it's just so vast, and it never occured to focus on a a particular region. It allows for those types of prayers to be extra specific...

I'd like to participate...
Hi CinnaMocha,

Thank you for joining us :love3: I'm so happy that you are here :kiss:

Hello sisters!

We are now going to move on, as the Lord has released us to move on to another area in the world. This week, we shall focus on the: Caribbean :clap:

We know that there has been unrest in the atmosphere in certain areas, but God has heard the cry of the saints in this entire region, and He desires to answer the cries of His people.

Pray that the people will hear His voice, and the voice of a stranger they will not follow. Pray against the predators that are lurking, being used by the enemy, to restrict the people of God, and cause confusion in these areas. Pray for the women and their children, that they lack nothing, in the name of Jesus!

Thank you so much for your continue prayer and commitment to pray...you all are in my heart and in my prayers, always :love3:


