Girlfriends Pray

I can't thank you enough for this. I put off calling until I saw Laela's testimony yesterday. I was also prompted by a note in my journal (from last year) that said "those who isolate themselves from God's family cut themselves off God's power". God forced me into a wilderness in late 2009/ early 2010, but since then I've become too "comfortable" to exit. This noon, I called in for the first time and just listened. Tears came to my eyes during the prayer towards the end. It felt good to be amongst "familiar" territory even though it was just over the phone.

This "Girlfriend's Pray" is exactly what I need since I am not exactly surrounded by "good water". I plan to call in daily. Thanks again for sharing, Foxee!

Loolalooh - I'm glad you were blessed like I was as well!

@the bolded is so true! It's a reason why the scripture reminds us not to forsake the assembly of the saints!

I'm truly grateful for God's support groups.
Thanks to a dear CF sister, I realize Girlfriends Pray is doing a sundown fast every Wednesday, all year. Haven't had a chance to visit their blog nor call in since the last time...but now I know. Just FYI if anyone else in interested in joining this challenge.

I love this:
Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. (Ephesians 6:13)





Fellow Wed. fasters: "Lunch" today was great... I'm glad I've joined in, because these women of God aren't playing... radical faith yields radical living for God! This complements and doesn't take away from my Daniel fast.

Sharing this informative link on one-day fasting:
Benefits of the one-day fast
It's never to late to start, as these ladies are there to touch and agree with us throughout the year.

Today's Word:
Psalms 16:8
I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

Thanks again, Foxee! :yep:
Fellow Wed. fasters: "Lunch" today was great... I'm glad I've joined in, because these women of God aren't playing... radical faith yields radical living for God! This complements and doesn't take away from my Daniel fast.

Sharing this informative link on one-day fasting:
Benefits of the one-day fast
It's never to late to start, as these ladies are there to touch and agree with us throughout the year.

Today's Word:
Psalms 16:8
I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

Thanks again, Foxee! :yep:

Laela - I was on that call yesterday...and my Lord, that was a powerful word! Psalm 16 has been in my spirit ever since. I woke up this morning saying I shall not be moved!

It's awesome that I can pray with women during the noon day! My spirit was indeed charged!
^^ Getting back to this post.. ITA on being charged! Wednesday was a surge for me because of that call.. I'm glad to know you were at "lunch" , so you know... Amen
Ladies -

I'd like to add within the Girlfriends Pray Blog there is a link for Daily Devotions from Proverbs 31 Ministries. Encouragement for Today

I subscribed to these devotionals and they have been timely, inspirational, and confirmation to what has been in my spirit.

Girlfriends pray have truly blessed me in so many ways!
Ladies -

I'd like to add within the Girlfriends Pray Blog there is a link for Daily Devotions from Proverbs 31 Ministries. Encouragement for Today

I subscribed to these devotionals and they have been timely, inspirational, and confirmation to what has been in my spirit.

Girlfriends pray have truly blessed me in so many ways!

I signed up and received a devotional this morning. What a wonderful way to start the day. :grin: Thank you!