Will You Pray?

This week.. if it's on your heart, please stand in agreement with these members concerning employment/careers:

Authenticitymanifesting - For success in entering the coding training program at work

- She's praying with legs and has started her job search while on her current job; that God will provide a seamless transition from one job to the next

HeChangedMyName - Who is preparing for the next level !

song of serenity - Who is interviewing this week; We know that God will be with her during those talks and will touch the hearts/minds of the interviewers

joy2day - Who is in transition and being led out of her comfort zone, to a different job market

htown2DAboot - Who is doing a phone interview tomorrow; that God guides her and gives her the right words to say

BlessedStarlette - Who is prepare to step out in Faith!

beautyaddict1913 - That she receives not just any teaching position, but the best one for her; please keep her, all those whose dedicate their lives to teach our youths, in your prayers

dinanicole - Who is preparing for her PCAT and acceptance into pharmacy school this fall

ManeAttraxion - Who is preparing for grad school

Iluvsmuhgrass - That God makes a way for her beloved in the job market

Thanks again to N&W for starting this powerful thread.

Thank you, Laela for this. I have been experiencing some things lately in these areas as well and have seen God move on my behalf like lightening coming out the sky...TRUST...He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above ALL that we ASK or even THINK, according to the power that works within US!!!
This week.. if it's on your heart, please stand in agreement with these members concerning employment/careers:

Authenticitymanifesting - For success in entering the coding training program at work

- She's praying with legs and has started her job search while on her current job; that God will provide a seamless transition from one job to the next

HeChangedMyName - Who is preparing for the next level !

song of serenity - Who is interviewing this week; We know that God will be with her during those talks and will touch the hearts/minds of the interviewers

joy2day - Who is in transition and being led out of her comfort zone, to a different job market

htown2DAboot - Who is doing a phone interview tomorrow; that God guides her and gives her the right words to say

BlessedStarlette - Who is prepare to step out in Faith!

beautyaddict1913 - That she receives not just any teaching position, but the best one for her; please keep her, all those whose dedicate their lives to teach our youths, in your prayers

dinanicole - Who is preparing for her PCAT and acceptance into pharmacy school this fall

ManeAttraxion - Who is preparing for grad school

Iluvsmuhgrass - That God makes a way for her beloved in the job market

Thanks again to N&W for starting this powerful thread.


I have some work to do before bed.
ITA, the operable word is TRUST and you are certainly in my prayers on this.

Thank you, Laela for this. I have been experiencing some things lately in these areas as well and have seen God move on my behalf like lightening coming out the sky...TRUST...He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above ALL that we ASK or even THINK, according to the power that works within US!!!
Acts 6:4

"But we will give ourselves continually in prayer, and to the ministry of the word."
Morning praying ladies.. I pray everyone's having a great morning so far. As you pray for the rest of the world, please remember those in the CF:

Special requests:
Those who've lost loved ones this week
Please keep the people who have lost loved ones recently in prayer. That God comforts their hearts and they find solace in the midst of their pain.

Those who've lost jobs and/or are seeking employment
Please keep them lifted up as they look for work. Please pray that promotion comes, that any hindering spirits (negative boss, boss that doesn't like them, jealous co-workers, etc) are moved out of the way to the door that God has for them. God is able.
Ladies, there is a strong Christian movement that is occurring in Indonesia. Please keep this area in your prayers.

Indonesia's 'Religious Revolution'

If you want to watch the news report click, on the video on the left side of the screen.


"BANDA ACEH, Indonesia-- Indonesia has the world's largest Muslim population and nowhere is Islam more devoutly followed than in the province of Aceh.

Last year, a bill was introduced there allowing adulterers, homosexuals and other religious offenders to be put to death by stoning. But the strict and often harsh Islamic practices have young Indonesians questioning their faith.

. . .

But those who still feel disillusioned by Islam are turning elsewhere. Many of them are embracing Christianity and apparently in big numbers.

A recent Time Magazine article called Christianity's surge in Indonesia a "religious revolution."

One Indonesian pastor, whose identity is concealed for security reasons, works in Banda Aceh. She meets with a group of believers, many of them Muslim converts to Christianity, and says she's witnessed an explosion of church growth since the 2004 tsunami.

"Before the tsunami, this area was very closed to the Gospel, but things have changed," she said. "People are more receptive now."

Back at the police checkpoint -- after a few choice words with the police officer -- Saleh was allowed to move on with his day. Still, he is determined not to obey the religious admonition of the officers.

"I'm really disappointed, really disappointed," Saleh said."
Morning praying ladies.. I pray everyone's having a great morning so far. As you pray for the rest of the world, please remember those in the CF:

Special requests:
Those who've lost loved ones this week
Please keep the people who have lost loved ones recently in prayer. That God comforts their hearts and they find solace in the midst of their pain.

Those who've lost jobs and/or are seeking employment
Please keep them lifted up as they look for work. Please pray that promotion comes, that any hindering spirits (negative boss, boss that doesn't like them, jealous co-workers, etc) are moved out of the way to the door that God has for them. God is able.

I stand in agreement. I pray God's blessings and his will in each of our circumstances. I pray our obedience to follow him on these journies and I pray for you for giving us this prayer. in Jesus name, Amen
Ladies please keep the Christians that are located in the Middle East (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.) in your prayers. They are living in a Muslim dominated society and because of that they are facing heavy persecution and are being treated as 2nd and 3rd class citizens for Jesus name.

One man was killed because he would broadcast his sermons from a loud speaker. After he died his son started to receive death threats. The son continued where his father left off in sharing the gospel and leading the church. The mother of the son is also started a bible study group for women.

Here is another situation: Christains Face Taliban Terror.

It is so beautiful to see how strong these people are in their faith.
I sorely missed this Prayer Thread..

well, Prayer Warriors, please remember to keep Haiti lifted up today as Hurricane Tomas blows over. Earthquake. Cholera outbreak. Yet another disaster folks living in tents don't need right now.

Also, remember the U.S. Virgin Islands as they select a new governor... an awakening and a turning of hearts to God is needed in that place as well.

The entire Caribbean is lifted up in prayer today.

Also remember:

Indonesia's national disaster and the people mourning those killed in the eruption of Merapi

Ivory Coast's first election since 2002, as they elect a new president

The people of Mayanmar, who will go to the polls for the first time in decades as well

The suffering/problems of this world keep me grounded and grateful for God's Mercy. Abba, Father.. the entire world needs Your Love and Light more than ever... Amen
I sorely missed this Prayer Thread..

well, Prayer Warriors, please remember to keep Haiti lifted up today as Hurricane Tomas blows over. Earthquake. Cholera outbreak. Yet another disaster folks living in tents don't need right now.

Also, remember the U.S. Virgin Islands as they select a new governor... an awakening and a turning of hearts to God is needed in that place as well.

The entire Caribbean is lifted up in prayer today.

Also remember:

Indonesia's national disaster and the people mourning those killed in the eruption of Merapi

Ivory Coast's first election since 2002, as they elect a new president

The people of Mayanmar, who will go to the polls for the first time in decades as well

The suffering/problems of this world keep me grounded and grateful for God's Mercy. Abba, Father.. the entire world needs Your Love and Light more than ever... Amen

Thanks Laela... :Rose:

I can't help but be reminded just how blessed we are over here in the US and for each of those who died to give us this freedom; for even when a candidate that I vote for does not win, I STILL have my personal way in my life. The impact doesn't come anywhere near what it does or will in countries in other lands outside of ours.

Just the other day, I read where those who are still homeless and live in tents in Haiti, had to leave those tents to run for safety from yet another impending storm. Bless their hearts, have they not suffered enough?

So yes, indeed I am praying for each life deserves to live in fully in peace.
Today is Veterans Day.. Please remember to say a prayer for all our veterans, many of whom gave the ultimate sacrifice. Freedom isn't free, it comes with a cost. Remembering all service members who are currently serving our country.. God be with them.
Two years have passed and the Lord had me silently praying continually for these areas on the globe. I stopped posting here because the Lord moved me in a different area, BUT...He has placed on my heart this morning to begin again.

OH, MY LORD and MY GOD!!! :nono:

We will be taken through a spiritual journey this year 2012. As I look back at the areas on the map that we have prayed for, I can see why the Lord led us to pray for these areas. Much has happened in the last 2 years since I started this post....Lord, help us!

Well, I must be obedient and begin again, so...He woke me up this morning to once again pray for: THE MIDDLE EAST


The Lord is moving in these areas. In the last two years, many people in these regions are coming to Christ....by the thousands!

The Lord desire for us to pray, once again, against the persecutions against those who come to Christ here. Pray against the silencing of the Gospel in this area. Pray for those who are being obedient and hearing the voice of God and although persecution is rising up, they are not afraid to speak the Gospel of Jesus Christ...for they know it is the power of God for salvation for ALL who receive!

Will you join me once again? Will you join me for the first time? :pray:

Thank you in advance for praying. The Lord knows the heart of His people. I thank the Lord for you, always!

Loving you with the love of the Lord, always.....


ETA: Don't forget to share any news regarding the areas that we are led to pray for....this is important. Also, we will just continue to pray for the areas on the map that the Holy Spirit will bring us to in this thread. Any other areas we may feel led to pray for: employment, marriage, etc...we will begin another thread for. Those areas too are very important, but it is important for us to keep it specifically for the areas on the map in this thread.

Thank you so much!!!
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I am in agreement with this plan. This area has been on my heart as well. I was talking with someone and telling them about the conversions that are taking place in the Middle East. Praise God!!

We had a speaker come to our church this weekend and they need prayer as they are trying to get materials to Christian leaders in Pakistan.

I just feel the presence of God as I type this. God is doing and going to do amazing things in these places.
I am in agreement with this plan. This area has been on my heart as well. I was talking with someone and telling them about the conversions that are taking place in the Middle East. Praise God!!

We had a speaker come to our church this weekend and they need prayer as they are trying to get materials to Christian leaders in Pakistan.

I just feel the presence of God as I type this. God is doing and going to do amazing things in these places.
Thank you so much, sis :cry: I am so grateful that you are willing to pray with me as well.

Thank you for sharing about the church in Pakistan and their needs. Let's pray:

"Heavenly Father,

We thank you for your love, goodness and your mercy. We thank you because we know that you are able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that work within us. That work in us is prayer. You desire for us to seek your face concerning the Middle East. Father, we are lifting the church and the leaders in Pakistan. We pray that whatever they need to further the Gospel along in that area, that they would supernaturally be given all the materials they need. We pray that any hinderances that may try to arise, would cease it functions, in the name of Jesus, and that doors will open for them to preach the Gospel freely in this season.

Thank you, Father, that your Will will be done in Pakistan, in Jesus name.

Amen and amen!"

The whole earth is waiting for the supernatural manifestations of the Sons of God!!!It's time to take our rightful place to teach and minister and pray in and for the work that the Lord has called us to!
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Lord knows I'm in... blessed are those who pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. Is this plan for once a week as before? Please let me know ... you may pm me if you like. Thank you!
Lord knows I'm in... blessed are those who pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. Is this plan for once a week as before? Please let me know ... you may pm me if you like. Thank you!
I KNEW I could count on you, sis :cry: Thank you!!!

Yes, once a week. Thank you for sharing this because I did leave that out.

Love you, sis...always!
How do you determine the area that you are praying for? And when will be be praying?
As I pray, the Holy Spirit gives me the location weekly. Sometimes, we may stay on the same location until He prompts me to share another location.

We pray all week for whatever location the Holy Spirit leads.
I've been wanting to ask you to restart this thread because I remember this thread fondly...yess! I'm in! We should do like a prayer band in this thread! Thank you @Nice & Wavy.
I've been wanting to ask you to restart this thread because I remember this thread fondly...yess! I'm in! We should do like a prayer band in this thread! Thank you @Nice & Wavy.
Thanks, Sidney for remembering this thread and all that God wants us to do in prayer for the nations.

What is a prayer band?