Wilderness Testimonies?

I know you ladies are in the land of milk and honey relaxing but please tell us how the remainder of your wilderness went.

Not everyone is in the land of milk and honey which is probably why the thread has fallen wayside while we are lead out and through things.
It's like round 2 has started, but I'm believing God for a complete deliverance even if it's just my ability to go through without so much stumbling
Glad to find this thread. I believe that I am making my way out of the wilderness. I have been promised a season of favor beyond anything that I have experienced before. The challenge now is to focus on the signs I see and not focus on what hasn't manifested yet. I have 3 friends also in the wilderness. Two of them often complain and murmur and one has issues of doubting-I am trying to encourage them and keep myself encouraged because I do not want to let negativity and complaining prolong my wilderness experience. I've already been here long enough-ready to get out!
Glad to find this thread. I believe that I am making my way out of the wilderness. I have been promised a season of favor beyond anything that I have experienced before. The challenge now is to focus on the signs I see and not focus on what hasn't manifested yet. I have 3 friends also in the wilderness. Two of them often complain and murmur and one has issues of doubting-I am trying to encourage them and keep myself encouraged because I do not want to let negativity and complaining prolong my wilderness experience. I've already been here long enough-ready to get out!

I agree with 100% of your post. :yep: Let me caution you to gird up your mind as you encourage your friends who are murmuring. One of the biggest attacks in my faith came after I had been encouraging someone who was going through a similar struggle. It was almost like their complaints became mine, I was crying, angry, depressed, questioning God bitterly. Cover yourself with prayer and the word, put on your spiritual armour as you encourage because you are doing spiritual battle for the Lord and the enemy doesn't like it when you build up your brother and sister. But don't stop! You will be victorious! :yep:
^^^ :kiss: Thanks for the word, sis!

I have been taking notes and make it a point to daily repeat the promises of God outloud to myself so I can stay focused on what will be (even if it hasn't all manifested yet). You are right though-negativity can be contagious so I need to make sure that while I encourage them, i don't begin complaining and getting frustrated and depressed myself.

I agree-I will be victorious! So will you! :yep:
I know you ladies are in the land of milk and honey relaxing but please tell us how the remainder of your wilderness went.

Nah, not out yet, trust you all would've heard about it already! :lachen:

BUT, I feel like what God intended to do in me during the wilderness is coming along well. I'm no longer unstable, constantly frustrated, I've been able to withstand temptation and even extend mercy to my most bitter enemy. :look: Holding grudges used to be one of my biggest stumbling blocks but I am slowly learning to let it go and forgive, even when the person continues to try to hurt me. Also, I am turning to God more when I get upset or frustrated instead of away from Him. So my relationship is being deepened.

Recently I saw 2 visions about my journey. In both dreams I see green lush land. In one I am currently sbowering in water that sparkles like diamonds (I think this is a purification process). :bath2: Next in my path is like a car wash/agitator for an even deeper cleaning. Next is a brief storm. :darkcloud: Then I'm dressed in white and ahead is sunshine, green grass and a beautiful building, almost like a castle. :sunshine:

In the second vision I had during church, the army of God is running towards God. As we run towards Him the enemy's army runs towards us. But we don't even fight, as they run through us they fall. Again we are running towards a very lush, green land.

I am learning that when I get visions, it's usually because I'm about to be tested. :ohwell: But for me to actually see what I believe to be a representation of my Promised Land also makes me think it may be closer. :drunk: So I'm here but still praying and praising, and believing that in God's perfect timing He will bring me out. :yep:
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Healing from abuse is a LONG wilderness Journey
you THINK you are healed
then something comes up that you need to deal with. RECENTLY I have realized i am very fearful of angering God. He had to show that to me. He don't like that.

He loves me and he wants me to not be fearful in approaching Him.

I wish people understood that abusing others makes them have to go through a very difficult and painful journey to healing :(
Wow Butterfly08 thank you so much that was an answer to prayer. I've been having dreams/visions as well lately and was asking God to help me understand them (I'm also trying to hold on in faith praising God so I can believe for His promises). I saw the lush green meadow just a few days ago so its so interesting that you saw that.

In mine there were several gardeners actually first of all painting over the grass (it was green but kinda dull) to make it a very vibrant green. Then then started cultivating the land and watering it. Then all I could see was this amazing vast green beautiful meadow. And I was at work in the dream (I find that part a little weird but oh well). Anyway I think I'm getting more clarity on that particular one based on what you wrote so thanks for sharing. If you have any other insights please continue to share!

Nah, not out yet, trust you all would've heard about it already! :lachen:

BUT, I feel like what God intended to do in me during the wilderness is coming along well. I'm no longer unstable, constantly frustrated, I've been able to withstand temptation and even extend mercy to my most bitter enemy. :look: Holding grudges used to be one of my biggest stumbling blocks but I am slowly learning to let it go and forgive, even when the person continues to try to hurt me. Also, I am turning to God more when I get upset or frustrated instead of away from Him. So my relationship is being deepened.

Recently I saw 2 visions about my journey. In both dreams I see green lush land. In one I am currently sbowering in water that sparkles like diamonds (I think this is a purification process). :bath2: Next in my path is like a car wash/agitator for an even deeper cleaning. Next is a brief storm. :darkcloud: Then I'm dressed in white and ahead is sunshine, green grass and a beautiful building, almost like a castle. :sunshine:

In the second vision I had during church, the army of God is running towards God. As we run towards Him the enemy's army runs towards us. But we don't even fight, as they run through us they fall. Again we are running towards a very lush, green land.

I am learning that when I get visions, it's usually because I'm about to be tested. :ohwell: But for me to actually see what I believe to be a representation of my Promised Land also makes me think it may be closer. :drunk: So I'm here but still praying and praising, and believing that in God's perfect timing He will bring me out. :yep:
I had a dream I saw three people brutely killed. Sliced apart.

I saw their bodies being thrown and the murders not even attempting to hide the bodies. It was two females and a male. The boy was not supposed to be killed but they killed him anyway. Then he was laying on my living room couch. Later not too long, but some time later the same young man was walking around at a gathering and standing next to me. I couldn't stop staring at him, there were no marks on him...nothing. Also though nothing had ever happened.

God revealed to me that there is life in what looks dead. And things look really dead and trashed right now, more then they have ever been before, but I remember about Lazrus and how he was 4 days dead before Jesus called forth his life. Also I had another dream I won't go into detail about, but I really believe it came true. Not in the sense that I'm not sure, but what I saw and what happened to me yesterday vary but conincide.

Actually. I've been going through a lot, and I've had a lot of dreams, and a lot of pruning. One day I'll tell u guys what happened. Right now I'm trying to just wait on God, and yesterday he really helped me because I've been stuck on Romans 4 and He has given me several other things to focus on and experiences showing me He knows what I need. I'm not running ahead, because God gave me what I needed and then gave me what I wanted, but I didn't even care about what I wanted after I stood in awe of what I needed and the way not that I got it, but I didn't know I needed that and how it was that God gave it to me.
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I'm glad I found this thread. :yep: Right now I'm in the wilderness but I finally saw a small light. I had come to the point of losing all hope in God. :nono:
I even stopped going to church AND praying AND reading the bible.

See, I had lost my dad, went thru a foreclosure AND a breakup all in one month. :perplexed It has been the most difficult time in my whole life..to the point where I questioned God and his promises. :sad:
Then i finally got up and went to my friend's church yesterday and received this message.

The pastor was preaching about how to be content in where you are in life..good times AND bad. As hard as it is :sad:, it is my lesson to learn. He was saying the only way God teaches most lessons is through hardship. He was also saying how people always think the grass is greener but it isnt. etc etc.:nono:
It was great and Im feeling so much better! Oh, and he also said when things are out of your control the only way to be content is to give the control over to God. This message really spoke to me! :yep: My faith is being tested and also, I need to learn to be content during all circumstances in my life and I believe God is trying to teach me that.

It's been a struggle but I'm moving forward praying that He will see me through this and that I will learn this lesson.
Should have posted these when I got them. Anyway my statment for the rest of the night is that God is good!

Tiffany Ann Lewis:
Draw Me! A Wild Ride Through the Wilderness

Draw me away, to where we become as one.
Where there's nothing left of me, and Thy Kingdom can come.
I'm longing to decrease, 'cuz I'm longing for more of You...
Draw me! Draw me!
Draw me, Lord, and I will run!
Draw me! Draw me!
Draw me, Lord, and I will run...
Into Your arms of Love, here I come.
Come and capture my heart, invade the corners of my mind.
And kiss me with The Kiss, that sets my spirit aflight.
I'm longing to decrease, 'cuz I'm longing for more of You...

Draw me! Draw me!
Draw me, Lord, and I will run!
Draw me! Draw me!
Draw me, Lord, and I will run...
Into Your arms of Love, here I come.

When I wrote this song, I hadn't considered that the God of the Hebrews leads His children into the wilderness. Therefore I sang this song with all my heart and, like young lovers do, I ran hard after Him only to find myself in the wilderness. Can you identify? (CLICK HERE to listen to a sample of this song.)
Dazed and perplexed, I wondered why this was happening. I tried to console myself with the story of Exodus, remembering that the only way to the Promised Land was through the wilderness. And on a day that I desperately needed to know that "all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen..." (2 Corinthians 1:20), the Lord spoke to my spirit, telling me that was not the purpose for this journey. You see, in my pain, I became so focused on God's promises being manifested, that I almost "missed the purpose" of my passage.

"That You May Know that Man Shall Not Live by Bread Alone, But by Every Word that Proceeds from the Mouth of the Lord"​

Deuteronomy 8:2-3 makes the purpose very clear. "And you shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not. So He humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord."

The Hebrew word used here for "humble" is 'anah (pronounced aw-naw', Strong's #6031). I was surprised to discover that this word is used in many different ways. It is used in the typical sense, meaning: humble, meek, poor, weak, afflicted and so on. It's also used to signify a response of some sort and means: to answer, respond, testify, speak, shout and even sing. More stunning to me was yet another meaning of this word, which is: to be occupied, busied with. This suggests that while God does use affliction to bring humility, the purpose is not to humiliate us but rather to cause us to be occupied or busied with Him and Him alone. It is only a tool that God uses so that we will be occupied with Him, to concern ourselves with Him.

This brings a whole new meaning to one of my favorite Scriptures: Hosea 2:14-15. "Behold, I will allure her, will bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfort to her. I will give her her vineyards from there, and the Valley of Achor as a door of hope; she shall sing there, as in the days of her youth, as in the day when she came up from the land of Egypt." Notice the prophet tells us the sequence of events that will occur. First, the bride will be "allured" into the wilderness. Second, she will be spoken to by God. Third, she will be given vineyards and a valley of Achor (Achor means trouble) which would be as a door of hope. Last, but certainly not least, she will sing, shout, testify—she will "'anah" there...while she is in the wilderness.
The Lord is a Jealous Lover; He's not trying to beat us down and reduce us to a pile of smoldering ashes, but He is drawing us again and again to our first love. "'And it shall be, in that day,' says the LORD, 'that you will call Me "My Husband" and no longer call Me "My Master"'" (Hosea 2:16).
While my heart sings at this prospect, I am also painfully aware that this "humbling" is done through the tests, trials and temptations that we encounter here in the wilderness. We read in Matthew 4:1 that Jesus was "led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil." This is where it gets difficult, because in our weakened state we become vulnerable to the devil's lies. We may become desperate and try anything in order to get our prayer answered, or worse, we may lose hope and just give up the fight.

There are so many right now in the Body of Christ in the wilderness and are wondering if they are going to make it through. If that's you today, I have good news for you. First of all, you are not alone: a whole nation is there with you; we all experience it because we are all led through this way of the wilderness. Secondly, the God of the Hebrews has destined us to cross over! Let me explain.

The God of All Who Cross Over​

The phrase "the Lord God of the Hebrews" is a title that God gives Himself in Exodus 3:18. You see, "Hebrew" is not just a language, Hebrews are people. The Hebrew word for "Hebrew" is 'ibriy (pronounced ib-ree', Strong's #5680) which means "one from beyond." It is used to describe one from beyond the Jordan. It comes from a root that means: to cross over, to pass over, through, or by. Beloved, by calling Himself "the God of the Hebrews," the Lord is declaring that He was, is, and forever will be the God of all who cross over.
This word is indirectly tied into the "temptations" we will experience along our journey. We read that Jesus was "led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil." (Matthew 4:1) The Greek word for tempted here is peirazo (pronounced pi-rad'-zo, Strong's #3985). Peirazo speaks of a strong internal conflict and carries the idea of trying/testing a person for the purpose of ascertaining his quality, or what he thinks, or how he will behave himself in the trial. It's interesting to note that this word is derived from the word peiro, which means "to pierce." This reveals the depth of the trials and temptations that we will encounter.

The path to the full revelation of this word continues. I pray this will give you as much hope in the trial as it does for me in mine. Our test/temptation/trial (peirazo) is connected to the word peran (pronounced per-'an, Strong's #4008) which means: beyond, on the other side. Notice that this definition is the same as what it means to be a Hebrew—to be one from the other side. But here's the thing: it is through the word peiro, which means pierce, that all these words are connected.

What an incredible picture, revealing that even though our trials may pierce us, emotionally and/or physically, we are going to the other side because we are sons and daughters of the God of the Hebrews! Hallelujah! Can I get an Amen?

Hope in the Wilderness​

We are all taking a journey through the way of the wilderness, heading toward the land that He promised us. However, we are living in the present and have an adversary that would rather have us just give up and die. I know there are times when we don't see the miracle manifested, and it's at these times that our faith needs supernatural support. I believe we can find that supernatural hope as we look at the equivalent word used for test/tempt in Hebrew, God's letters of light.
The Hebrew equivalent to the Greek word peirazo is nacah (pronounced naw-saw', Strong's #5254). As I have said before, Hebrew is a love language, a language of poetry and pictures. So, let's look at the Hebrew word nacah to see the beautiful spiritual picture the letters paint and find the supernatural hope that will see us through the wilderness.
Nacah (the Hebrew word for test/tempt) is spelled with three Hebrew letters: Nun – Samech – Hey.
Nun – The Sages say that the nun represents God's faithfulness. The nun also represents seed and life. Through this letter we can see that God is faithful. Beloved, He did not lead you to this wilderness so you could die there. "He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Philippians 1:6).
Samech – The samech represents God's support. The word samech actually means to lean, lay, rest, support (Strong's #5564). It is a letter that looks like a circle which has no beginning or end and can be seen as the heart of God where one can be protected by the strong outer circle. It looks like a hug to me, as the arms of God encircle and support me. Also, considering we are talking about trials in the wilderness, it's interesting to note that the letter samech also represents the sukkah, the tent that the children of Israel lived in as they traveled through the wilderness.
Some scholars say that the middle letter of a word represents the heart of the word, which in this case is the letter samech. Notice that it is the nun, the faithfulness of God, that brings us to the samech—the support of God. The samech in turn, brings us to our last letter, the hey.
Hey – The Hebrew letter hey means "behold" and represents the breath of God. Ah... the vital breath of God. Is this how Jesus could say, "Thy will not mine be done"? Is this the breath that filled the Apostle Paul when he prayed three times, yet the thorn remained? "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9). Perhaps because the letter hey has the numerical value of 5—the number of grace.
God's Love Does Not Disappoint Us
"Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us" (Romans 5:5). GLORY! God's love does not disappoint us. We may be disappointed because what we were praying for didn't come to pass, but even in our disappointment, God's love is there for us to comfort, encourage, and give us the strength to carry on. "Hope in God; for I shall yet praise Him" (Psalm 42:11).
In our test/trial (nacah), our faith (nun) leads us to the center of His heart (samech) and we receive the breath of God (hey), the grace to carry on. Beloved, here, in the midst of our wilderness, when the wind has been knocked out of us, by the grace of God, we receive our second wind. As we reside in the center of God's heart, we can hear it beat with a love that would rather suffer and die than live without us. This doesn't mean that everything is going to be all sunshine and daffodils, but it does mean that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus—nothing.
Beloved, the Lord is leading His Bride into the wilderness. Knowing what you know now, will you follow? Will you sing "Draw me" and run after Him? Will you allow Him to cause you to be occupied with only Him?
If your answer is Yes, hang on, because this life is a wild ride through the wilderness. Keep your hands and legs inside the moving vehicle at all times. Stay in the samech, the sukkah, the very heart of God, nestled underneath the shadow of His wing. Yes, we are in the wilderness, and yes, there are trials and tribulations that threaten to overtake us, but be encouraged, for we are destined to cross over—the God of the Hebrews will see to it. Amen and amen.
Tiffany Ann Lewis
Dancing with the Flame of the Lord Ministries
Email: [email protected]

This is the rest of the devonational
The Lord is a Jealous Lover; He's not trying to beat us down and reduce us to a pile of smoldering ashes, but He is drawing us again and again to our first love. "'And it shall be, in that day,' says the LORD, 'that you will call Me "My Husband" and no longer call Me "My Master"'" (Hosea 2:16).While my heart sings at this prospect, I am also painfully aware that this "humbling" is done through the tests, trials and temptations that we encounter here in the wilderness. We read in Matthew 4:1 that Jesus was "led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil." This is where it gets difficult, because in our weakened state we become vulnerable to the devil's lies. We may become desperate and try anything in order to get our prayer answered, or worse, we may lose hope and just give up the fight.

@ Bolded: utterly speechless...:blush::blush::blush::look:



SO this means...
Not everyone is in the land of milk and honey which is probably why the thread has fallen wayside while we are lead out and through things.

I was joking. I know things a still difficult for a lot of people and I wanted a way to keep this thread going and to keep people's eyes on the prize.
I've decided that I'm going to ask God for a clear vision of my promise land whether external or internal. I'm going to write it down and I'm going to make steps to get there. If I was a thread starter I would begin one called "I got my eyes on the promise land". Ladies I'm just going to start noting even the little things God help me overcome. It's all in the preparation process. Lord knows I need to get the "Egypt" out of me :yep:.

Sooo, I overcame today reading more of "The Bait of Satan" and accepted the fact that I had become offended by those who hurt me and this was affecting my life. It was hard to see because I usually forgive quickly but this time around.........:rolleyes: Let's just say, I gave my imagination too much room to avenge me in private thoughts. Thank God for the Holy Spirit and conviction.

It's time to repent and trust God through obedience. I must let it go, just let it all go, it's time to rise. One thing that book reminded me of along with reading Psalms 119 is that God allows us to go through these things, but nothing anyone do to us can abort His purpose for us unless we give in to offence or other things He hates.
I've decided that I'm going to ask God for a clear vision of my promise land whether external or internal. I'm going to write it down and I'm going to make steps to get there. If I was a thread starter I would begin one called "I got my eyes on the promise land". Ladies I'm just going to start noting even the little things God help me overcome. It's all in the preparation process. Lord knows I need to get the "Egypt" out of me :yep:.

Sooo, I overcame today reading more of "The Bait of Satan" and accepted the fact that I had become offended by those who hurt me and this was affecting my life. It was hard to see because I usually forgive quickly but this time around.........:rolleyes: Let's just say, I gave my imagination too much room to avenge me in private thoughts. Thank God for the Holy Spirit and conviction.

It's time to repent and trust God through obedience. I must let it go, just let it all go, it's time to rise. One thing that book reminded me of along with reading Psalms 119 is that God allows us to go through these things, but nothing anyone do to us can abort His purpose for us unless we give in to offence or other things He hates.

Amen!! Thank you for this.

I am a little down right now but I am not out. I have to stand firm on the promise of God. This too shall pass.
I've decided that I'm going to ask God for a clear vision of my promise land whether external or internal. I'm going to write it down and I'm going to make steps to get there. If I was a thread starter I would begin one called "I got my eyes on the promise land". Ladies I'm just going to start noting even the little things God help me overcome. It's all in the preparation process. Lord knows I need to get the "Egypt" out of me :yep:.

I've been journaling almost daily for over a year now. It is amazing the things I write down that I believe God told me and then to go back and find out that it was accurate. A lot of it I forget. I have felt led to journal and don't feel that it's time to stop yet. Someone else mentioned that when this happens God wants to document the journey that I'm taking to confirm his omniscience and perhaps to help someone else. Journaling has been better than counseling for me. My mind is clearer, I understand better why I am upset, what is confusing me, what is hurting me, what makes me happy.

If you are so inclined I really encourage you to journal. When I am feeling down, I flip months back to see how God has blessed me and already answered prayers. It lets me know that if He's done it before, He can do it again.
Amen!! Thank you for this.

I am a little down right now but I am not out. I have to stand firm on the promise of God. This too shall pass.

Yes, it will pass! :yep: The promised land awaits your arrival. :)
Hi ladies! :wave:

I moved about a week ago and everything has gone well. I did have a moment last week that had me worried (but not for long!).

Before my move, I contacted a Dallas dealership about a used car purchase. I was connected with very nice woman who helped me to choose a car with everything I wanted: an affordable price, great gas mileage, low miles, etc. The car was shipped from another city and all I had to do was test drive it upon arrival. The morning after I arrived, I went to the dealership and fell in love with the car. I gave the saleswoman my information as we discussed over the phone. The manager would not allow me to purchase the car as I am self employed and she didn't believe the lender would accept my tax documents as proof of income (I did them myself). I left without the car. A few hours later the saleswoman called and asked if I could get my taxes reviewed by a professional. I agreed.

The next day I had my taxes signed off by a professional and resubmitted them. Everything was a go and I could get my car the following day. The next morning as I was preparing to go back to the dealership, the saleswoman called me once again with some bad news - after I left the dealership on Monday, the car was re-released into the inventory and there was a pending deal on it. A woman was just waiting on her husband to co-sign. So I would have to pick something else. Ladies, I felt like the rug was just yanked out from under me! I told my mom about the situation and she said, if I was meant to be, then the devil in hell couldn't keep me away from that car.

Long story short, I drove the car home on Thursday! :grin:

My move has not been perfect and there's been some bumps in the road (still trying to get my school situation worked out), but I am so grateful for the Lord's blessings. People have gone out of their way to be kind to me. I am not out of my wilderness yet, but I definitely see my life improving.
Thanks, Butterfly08 for your words the other week. Just as you warned, the enemy tried to attack me. But it didn't work! I had praise parties and got recharged yesterday at church with a sermon that energized me and encouraged me. I am starting to see more and more manifestations to let me know that God is keeping every one of His promises.

BTW, everybody should definitely journal. When God tells me something, i repeat it outloud daily because I want to keep reminding myself of the promise to stay encouraged but also to speak it outloud so that the enemy can hear it and know that no matter what things look like, I am going to keep saying it until it manifests in its entirety.
Foxee, that is so wonderful! I can't wait to start hearing all of the testimonies as we begin to cross over!!! :yay:

Thanks, Butterfly08 for your words the other week. Just as you warned, the enemy tried to attack me. But it didn't work! I had praise parties and got recharged yesterday at church with a sermon that energized me and encouraged me. I am starting to see more and more manifestations to let me know that God is keeping every one of His promises.

BTW, everybody should definitely journal. When God tells me something, i repeat it outloud daily because I want to keep reminding myself of the promise to stay encouraged but also to speak it outloud so that the enemy can hear it and know that no matter what things look like, I am going to keep saying it until it manifests in its entirety.

I am so happy to hear this! Thank God that you resisted the enemy's attack and praised God ANYWAY!!! :yay: You will truly be blessed and your faith is being strengthened in the meantime. :drunk: Don't even get me started on journaling. :drunk:
Butterfly, I journal every now and then and I must say it has been a blessing and actually a big help to look back and confirm certain dates and events. I need to get consistent. There are some things that happen on Sunday that needs to be recorded for sure. Thanks for reminding me.
There is just something about being able to see when God made a promise or you made a request and you can go back and check it off as coming to pass!