Wilderness Testimonies?

I pray for blessings, joy, peace and properity for you all this New Year. Thanks for all the powerful words of encouragement, caution, advice, etc. and for accepting my ramblings.

2010 has been a year that has taught me that God is willing to be involved in any situation in my life whether great or small. However, He expects obedience. He is patient, comforting and everything His Word says He is. He truly delights in my praise and thanksgiving. I have proven that when you praise God in the midst of, or inspite of terrible circumstances, He comes through powerfully. I've proven that the prayer of faith, persistant prayer does change things.

I can go on and on but I'll just add that I feel deep within that 2011 is going to be one of much blessings, breakthroughs and understanding.
My biggest lessons in 2010 were:

1. To let God be God. Stop trying to figure out or predict His plan. His wisdom far exceeds our understanding. Even when things seem bleak in the natural and people are telling you how they see it, God is working in the background to turn things around.

2. When God gives you a blessing, you must take care of it. Doubts and fears can hamper, delay, or cost you a blessing. Sin can as well. Stay in obedience and trust.
My testimony. I was unemployed in 2008 I worked on my job for 10 years I was laid off from my job however, God made a way for me and my family out of no way. I have 4 college degrees and put 300 applications and out of them I had 25 interviews. Glory be to the Lord b/c when the Lord says he is Jehovah Jireh! He is that. When God says he will make a way out of no way- Our Abba Father, in heaven will!

My Pastor preached a word today out of Gal.1:17-18 and the word for today was " I can't stop I won't stop my blessing is on the way! God spoke and said "This word is for you HF8:yep:. I was in the wilderness the dry place and in that place I truly had/have manna from heaven God took me to that place to show me who He truly is. It has been 3 years and now I am on my way for double peace/double portion. I confessed to my son "what the devil has stolen from us that the Lord will bless us double and the 100 fold blessing" Right after we left church!

Oh yes, when you pray you will be blessed with what you say good or bad- you/we must be careful with your/our words. Well, I prayed for a specific career to the Lord and wrote the vision and made it plain. Well, I have been blessed to be on my new career for 60 days:yep:. I am very humbled- God is so Awesome and amazing. This career is everything I prayed,sowed,confessed and believed God for. God is able ladies- it is important to know what seasons that we are in and NEVER EVER Forget God in those seasons good, bad, high,low always give God the Glory and be thankful!

To God be the Glory!

My favorite worship

^^ Powerful testimony! :amen: !!!

I truly believe God has a double portion in store for you...
Ms. Butterfly. This is a post that I tried to reply to you, but sent it to someone else. I'm new to the group and am learning how to work with this site. However, I advise you to continue to be patient and never give up hope! Although I am Muslim, we still have something in common and that is we both believe in God and we both know that it is He whom answers prayers.

In Islam, we believe that everything happens for a reason and only at its appointed time. The things that have reached us was never meant to pass up by, and the things that passed us by would have never reached us... Everything is within the divine decree of God.

As far as praying and supplicating to God for our wants, needs, and desires; that is exactly what we are supposed to do. In Islam, we also believe that all prayers are answered, even when they aren't apparent to us; you see... sometimes we may be asking for a thing that is in the decree to happen at a later time, and sometimes asked for a thing and get it almost immediately because it was already decreed for it to happen at that appointed time. And sometimes, unfortunately we may be asking for a thing that will not be good for us, even though it may be a good thing.. perhaps it may be the very thing that will lead us to our downfall, or even worse; it may distract us in such a way that it may prevent is from worshipping our Lord... Catch my drift?

But ultimately God answer ALL prayers. If He don't grant us with the thing that we pray for, He will do1 of 2 things... He will either give us something better in the place of thing thing, or He will prevent a calamity from happening that was decree to take place for us and expiate some of our sins.

Therefore, we are never losing anything by constantly praying and supplicating to God for anything... we are always gaining, whether its apparent or otherwise.

I hope this will make you feel a little better about your situation :-)
Someone had shared with me some days ago a sermon by Bishop Jakes that reminds us that sometimes being in the wilderness is what prepares us for the next level. Jesus was THE example of resisting temptation by 'wild beasts' in the desert. He was not alone with those beasts, but surrounded by ministering angels, who helped sustain Him.

Mark 1:9-15 (Amplified Bible)
In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.
And when He came up out of the water, at once he [John] saw the heavens torn open and the [Holy] Spirit like a dove coming down [[a]to enter] into Him.(A)
And there came a voice [c]out from within heaven, You are My Beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.(B)
Immediately the [Holy] Spirit [from within] drove Him out into the wilderness (desert),
And He stayed in the wilderness (desert) forty days, being tempted [all the while] by Satan; and He was with the wild beasts, and the angels ministered to Him [continually].
Now after John was arrested and put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the good news (the Gospel) of the kingdom of God,
And saying, The [appointed period of] time is fulfilled (completed), and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent ([d]have a change of mind which issues in regret for past sins and in change of conduct for the better) and believe (trust in, rely on, and adhere to) the good news (the Gospel).

God continues to minister to us, feed us, provide for us, clothe us, and keep us joyful, even in the presence of our enemies. Knowing this, keeps Psalms 23 alive in our hearts.

Stay encouraged!


Ok ladies I have a TESTIMONY but it is WAY too much to type up on my phone. I'll be back soon! God is AMAZING! He answered 2 of my 3 hugest prayers! Can't say I didn't get discouraged at times while I waited . Sometimes I praised him even though I was hurting inside. But He IS faithful! I think he wanted me to realize that He is in control, He knows what's best for me and my best efforts cannot compare to His omnipotence. Because He answered both prayers in a way that had nothing to do with me! I was working so hard to accomplish something that he did almost instantaneously!

I can't wait to come back and tell my story! :spinning:

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This thread is so heartfelt and interesting and hopeful.

The power of disappointment to take us off of our due course is so real. I have experienced this, and sometimes it won't be enough to just "chin up," it won't be enough to read a Psalm or listen to some encouraging praise music. In fact, when in a state of serious disappointment, turning to those things might only work to make one more cynical and embittered.

At the same time, sometimes we don't know the closeness of the Lord until we attempt to walk away from Him. When the many multitudes left Jesus because of His hard sayings, He asked the apostles if they too, would leave. And Peter said, "Lord, to whom shall we go? For You have the words of eternal life." There is nowhere to go outside of Him. Anyone who has walked with the Lord genuinely closely will find that the world hurts and disappoints with ten times the quickness that we *think* the Lord does.

Job said, "Though He strike me, yet will I trust Him." Job held the Lord responsible for his pain, and yet trusted Him still. That is faith in the absolute goodness and righteousness of the Lord, regardless of the way that things appear. I have repeated Job's words to myself multiple times today.

I was in a wilderness for 7 years. Yes, 7. I like to think of it more as a spiritual winter. Everything was dark and quiet, little signs of life. Like it was mentioned upthread, I knew the seasons were changing because I was told that it was so. Things are in thaw. If there's anything that I can say, it's that a lot of times it takes a heck of a lot longer than we would ever think or expect. You simply cannot rush the work or the appointed time, anymore than you can rush the growth of a tree. Accept the season that you're in and learn what it means to be there. Otherwise you'll make yourself absolutely miserable and make a lot of mistakes, which I can attest to.

Solomon was counted wise in part because he could perceive truths by observing nature. Everything on this earth happens in its due course. And things tend to happen kinda gradually. When transitioning from winter to spring, you don't just wake up one day with green grass and flowers everywhere. First the snow melts, the birds come back, the other animals come out, the crocuses pop up, followed by other flowers. By the time things are in full bloom and all the leaves are on the trees, it's time to transition into summer. The Lord is a Lord of process. You can't shortcut the process, you can only learn to work with it.

Quoting again because this post is the TRUTH. This time I focus on Gods timing because you are so right, we cannot rush Him. We can plant in winter, but may have to wait two or more seasons to see the harvest, depending upon what God is trying to teach us.

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This thread....:cry2: Such knowledge and wisdom......I have been going through a wilderness period for 7 years! I was single, raising my sons, longing for an end to the lonliness....I thought that God had sent me a man who would love me for myself and my children. I was so happy. We had been friends for this whole 7 year period so I felt like I knew him and could trust him. BOY WAS I WRONG! God pulled back the mask on who he really was. Showed me some HORRIBLE ugly things. I went through a depression so deep I didn't think that I could get through it. I asked God why would he bring me so close to the happiness that I prayed and fasted for, only to snatch it away!
But God in his loving kindness and wisdom showed me that he wasn't snatching happiness away from me, he was showing me that it was POSSIBLE, but NOT WITH THIS Person!
If I had married this man I would have had a horrible lifetime of lies, cheating, and evil with myself and my children.
I am still at the end of this wilderness period. This man is trying to defame my character, called me horrible names and spoke of me being an awful mother to my children. BUT BY THE GRACE OF GOD, I have no desire to retaliate against him for what he has done. God is soo good! He kept me in the midst of this. Sorry for the long post but this has touched my heart so and brought this all into such clarity for me.

I agree with the bolded...:bighug:
WOW! I wrote this over a YEAR ago, I am still in my wilderness experience, but God is a keeper! I can truly say that if I didn't have the Lord and his word in my heart things would be so much worse. Everyday I appreciate the things that I HAVE instead of focusing on what I don't have. In reality, God has stripped me down to NOTHING! Friends that I thought were friends, :nono:, family that should have my back, :nono:, security at my job, :nono:, but GOD!!!! He is the source of my strength and the strength of my life! I'm blessed that he still allows me to be called His Daughter. I'm just thankful to Him for never leaving me nor forsaking me. PLEASE my sister's be encourages, God is not through with us!!!!!


<< Psalm 23 >>
1<<A Psalm of David.>> The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 5Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 6Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
Ok ladies I have a TESTIMONY but it is WAY too much to type up on my phone. I'll be back soon! God is AMAZING! He answered 2 of my 3 hugest prayers! Can't say I didn't get discouraged at times while I waited . Sometimes I praised him even though I was hurting inside. But He IS faithful! I think he wanted me to realize that He is in control, He knows what's best for me and my best efforts cannot compare to His omnipotence. Because He answered both prayers in a way that had nothing to do with me! I was working so hard to accomplish something that he did almost instantaneously!

I can't wait to come back and tell my story! :spinning:

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Patiently waiting for full report. Already rejoicing though :yay:
So some of you may know that I had 3 major prayers before the throne of God. After my divorce I went through a painful stripping away period where all of my crutches and support systems were either removed or greatly reduced. I am about 18 hours away from my family and all of my close friends have moved away (I am in a small college town where it is common to either come for school and leave after graduation, or to start a family). I have seen so many people come and go, and unfortunately most left RIGHT before I needed them. There is also very little industry here, so obtaining a good paying job with growth opportunity here is difficult. My prayers:

1) I wanted to return back home with family and/or get a better job with a company with offices in every state, so that when the timing was right I might be able to transfer or be promoted internally. 2) I wanted a close friendship here until I leave. 3) I wanted to date again and ultimately meet my husband.

It seemed like the harder I worked towards these goals, the farther away I got from them. I interviewed with several companies - all great opportunites, some of them would have doubled my salary - but never made it past the final interview. A few months after graduation last December I had exhausted all my leads and felt like all hope was gone. I earned my masters a little later in life and it seemed so difficult to obtain employment in my new field. I watched my younger counterparts get opportunities almost effortlessly. It hurt because I worked my fingers to the bone in grad school - graduating with a 3.8 GPA while working FT and going through a bitter divorce and custody battle.

I questioned God about why He kept passing me over. Even on my current job, people kept leaving as well for better opportunities. Every time someone left I was happy for them, but after person 3 I would cry inside a little, wondering when my time would come. I did get discouraged sometimes, but I forced myself to rejoice for them through my tears. I kept saying "thank You Lord for my new job." I prayed for my new boss, that our relationship would be smooth. I prayed for the work environment, the people I would be working with. I began organizing papers at my house to prepare to move. I also began cleaning up my office at work and tying up loose ends. Remember, there were no job opportunities in sight, but I was just getting myself ready as an act of faith.

I applied to new jobs very regularly, constantly tweaked my resume and read articles on interviewing. But God spoke to me about my new job a couple months ago. He said I could keep applying if I wanted, but I was not going to get my job that way. I would get it through a relationship. He also said that in less than 6 months, I would have a job that I could be proud of.

I remember that day (somewhere around April 16th), because there was no indication of a new job in my future and I had just received another painful rejection after going through a rigorous final interview process. I just checked my diary entry for that time, and I wrote "I heard that I should get into the position to receive and that within 6 months I'll have a new job." So I trusted God once more and kept getting myself ready to receive.

Meanwhile, I had also been praying about entering a godly relationship with a Christian man. I even downloaded a dating app and met a few ok guys. IRL, it seemed like the more I dolled myself up, the more invisible I was to the opposite sex. :lol:

Ironically, the week before my birthday, a guy approached me in the library (I always go to the library every Sunday after church). I had been running late to church so my hair was in a wet bun, I was wearing glasses and I didn't have a lick of makeup on. :lachen:We talked for about 15 minutes and he revealed immediately that he was a Christian. We exchanged numbers and within a couple conversations he told me he had promised God not to have sex until he got married. (This is exactly the type of commitment I've made, and I have refused to compromise. So he got my attention with that declaration).

He took me out for the first time on my birthday and we have gotten very close over the past couple months. I like him very much but I am moving slow. I do not want to fall too quickly if he is not who God has for me!!!!! I did that before with disastrous results. :nono: I have to slow him down though because he also likes me very much. He has already started to hint at marriage within the next couple years. I am glad that he is marriage minded, but everything has to happen God's way and in his timing. I will say that I have never had anyone treat me the way he does without expecting something in return. He said his assignment is to make me happy and he has done a great job of it. He really does spoil me and every time he does something nice (no matter how big or small) I make sure to say thank you because I never want to take him for granted. I had forgotten how wonderful it feels to be able to share your dreams and fears with someone who cares about you!!!!!

So back to the job testimony. A little under a month ago I received a call out of the blue from a recruiter. I still don't know how she got my resume. She told me about an opportunity and asked if I was interested. I got through the screening interview, and in less than 2 weeks I went through a final round of interviews. My final interview was on a Friday. That Monday they called to offer me the job!!!! :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

The job has the all components I prayed about. There is a strong training program and corporate culture of development (I really wanted a place where my leadership skills would be constantly developed). And the corporation is a Fortune 50 company with multiple offices in every state, so that when God releases me, I can prayerfully remain with the organization and transfer home.

I am really amazed at how quickly God can turn things around for the better!!! :blush:

I know there are still challenges ahead, but I am even more encouraged to continue trusting God for complete deliverance, not only for me, but for friends and family, and certainly you ladies!!!!!

God IS faithful. We will never on this earth FULLY understand why He delays His blessing at times, but ultimately everything IS working together for our good. Hang in there ladies and hold onto Him. He will never leave us nor forsake us!!!

Never give up, no matter how hopeless it seems. I believe God shows up best in "hopeless" situations. Sometimes He waits for us to exhaust all our resources and best efforts before He steps in and shows us His omnipotence. In Exodus God tells Moses that He will deliver the children of Israel in a way that they will KNOW it was by the strong hand of God. In Exodus 13:8 He says "You shall tell your son on that day, 'It is because of what the Lord did for me when I came out of Egypt.'"

In Exodus 10:1-2, The Lord tells Moses that He has hardened Pharoah's heart so that He can show signs among His people, so that his people can tell their children how God has punished the Egyptians, and so that his people "MAY KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD."

God WILL deliver. He wants us to know without a shadow of doubt that He is God, that we cannot be delivered without Him, and when He delivers us, He wants us to tell others about how He brought us out!!!
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^^^ Thank you Butterfly! I'm so happy for you! I don't have all that to report yet, but I'm finally free to just be with God...finally free, definitely out of the wilderness!
Butterfly, keep on pressing toward the mark. The bushes in the wilderness are always full of snakes, to keep you off track, because of what is to come in your life. I'm glad to read your testimony and the turnaround; but always remember, even when you are going through the fire... it's the best time to praise Him and thank Him in advance. Faithfully remain true to God, He will never leave you, nor forsake you. IOW, please don't only praise Him only when things are going good. God bless you~
Butterfly08 I am so happy for you and your testimony! ITA with Laela Keep on Praising The Lord through it all and He will see you through! Again I love your testimony and you just encouraged me in the Lord and the Word of the Lord! Thank you!
Butterfly08 I am so happy to hear your testimony!! There were some dark days, lots of confusion, but God showed Himself to be mighty in your circumstances! Your story definitely encouraged me and I am sure others as well!
Butterfly08 I'm praising God for what He is doing for you. I pray God sends His light and truth in every new situation, He will send justice and restore 4 fold all the good things that were stolen from you.

Be blessed.
wrong thread. doh!:ohwell:

loolalooh if you hadn't posted in this thread I wouldn't have read that quote on the sheild of faith. it came in my e-mail and I had to swing by and say thanks. I'm launching out into new territory and I certainly appreciated the reminder to hold my shield up.
loolalooh if you hadn't posted in this thread I wouldn't have read that quote on the sheild of faith. it came in my e-mail and I had to swing by and say thanks. I'm launching out into new territory and I certainly appreciated the reminder to hold my shield up.

Oh Wow. God is amazing. I guess it wasn't the "wrong" thread after all. :)
Entering my own wilderness experience. I just left a fellowship in a not so amicable way. I feel discouraged at the moment. This is definitely a hard time for me.
Well, it's been a week since I left and I must say it's been a difficult week. During this time, I am standing fully on my own. This has led me to seek the face of Jesus wholeheartedly. I've always wanted to know my Lord more and during this time I'm depending solely on His grace.

I'm asking Him daily to create in me a clean heart and to renew a right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10)
Entering my own wilderness experience. I just left a fellowship in a not so amicable way. I feel discouraged at the moment. This is definitely a hard time for me.

Well, it's been a week since I left and I must say it's been a difficult week. During this time, I am standing fully on my own. This has led me to seek the face of Jesus wholeheartedly. I've always wanted to know my Lord more and during this time I'm depending solely on His grace.

I'm asking Him daily to create in me a clean heart and to renew a right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10)

Continue depending on the Lord. He will send manna to feed you (Exodus 16). He will send a cloud to direct you (Exodus 13).
Continue depending on the Lord. He will send manna to feed you (Exodus 16). He will send a cloud to direct you (Exodus 13).

Sarophina, I've been through and am still going through this. I agree with loolaloh, keep drawing near to God and He will send what you need. However, be prepared for the challenges by your resolve to trust God no matter what. Isaiah 12:2 is a good statement of resolve:

Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; He also is become my salvation.