Wilderness Testimonies?

The fire of God touched the mouths of Isaiah and Jeremiah with a supernatural bestowment of grace so they would speak forth His words of life concerning the future. God is placing His powerful words within the mouth of His anointed Bride. She will confess God's Kingdom has come and that His will be done on earth, in each earthen vessel, as it is in Heaven. The Lord desires that we have the God kind of faith—which is faith like God! It is time to have the faith of God manifesting in our lives! His supernatural empowerment is opening double doors to our future as He goes before His Bride to keep the gates open. He is making the crooked places straight, and revealing the treasures that have been hidden in secret places of darkness (see Isaiah 45:1-3).

To move forward into our new season will require that we develop faith for more of His grace. God is imparting grace to remove and overcome our every weakness, empowering us to move forward. Jeremiah told God that his lack of maturity and eloquence of speech would prohibit him from speaking for God. Therefore, by touching Jeremiah's weak areas, God imparted a divine grace which overrode Jeremiah's weakness. God believes in us. He promises that if we will have faith in God and in His divine empowerment, God will provide what is needed for us to fulfill our future.

2 Peter 1:2-4 (NKJV) Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

Each Day We Receive Fresh Grace
and Mercy on Our Journey

We are not alone in our life's journey. God promises to go before us and defeat our enemies. He lives largely within us, and He daily walks beside us—constantly encouraging. Each new day is fresh and we receive fresh grace and mercy. Satan's lies scream, You are not called, equipped, nor anointed. If we listen to or agree with his lies, we won't believe that God's grace can take the place of our greatest weakness.

Every night the Holy Spirit comes to hover over us with His loving embrace to overshadow us with dreams and visions so we will conceive our potential. Mary was overshadowed by the presence of the Holy Spirit, and she conceived Jesus, the Son of the living God. When Gabriel announced that she was to birth the Son of God, she said, "Be it unto me according to Thy word" (Luke 1:38). God's touch resolved any questions or fear Mary was struggling with. In Mary's moment of belief and faith, God imparted a supernatural grace to empower her to envision and receive her future.

The Holy Spirit guides and teaches us as we step into every new season. God's promises are true. The word He speaks to us prepares us to see our future. Jeremiah 1:12 says, "Then said the Lord to me, 'You have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it'" (AMP). God fulfilled His promises to Jeremiah, and He will faithfully fulfill His promises to you, His Bride, too! The word watch in Hebrew, shaqad, means "to be alert, i.e. sleepless; the awakening one; hence to be on the lookout (whether for good or ill) to hasten, remain awake, to keep watch of, watch for, and be wakeful over." The same word can be translated into "almond-shaped, to make like (unto, after the fashion of almonds), 'Almond blossoms.'"

Once the Lord had placed His words in Jeremiah's mouth, He inquired once more, "Jeremiah, what do you see?" This time Jeremiah did not answer with another defense, reason, or justification for his lack or weakness, but Jeremiah responded properly as prophetic vision was given to him, "I see a branch or shoot of an almond tree, the emblem of alertness and activity, blossoming in late winter."

The almond tree is the first to bud forth or awaken in a new season with blossom cups that are shaped like almonds. On my Nutrition and Plants & Flowers Dream Symbol Cards, the almond also represents virginity, hope, watchfulness and fruitfulness; health, gifts, authority, happiness; offering your best (see Genesis 43:11), diligence and hard work will result in increased production harvest, and profits resulting in wealth; God's choice, success and financial gain (see Numbers 17:8); and God's faithfulness awakening (see Jeremiah 1:11-12).

When Jeremiah received God's grace, his eyes were opened to see from God's perspective. God's vision enabled Jeremiah to overcome his weakness and boldly step into his destiny and near future. When we receive God's great grace in this season of transition in our lives, our eyes will also be opened to see from God's perspective concerning our destiny. The prophet Jeremiah was "awakened" to see his new season and future. He received grace to fulfill his divine destiny call.

Each morning that we awake from a new dream, it is a new day, a new beginning, a new awakening; we open our eyes to see by the dawn's early light. God is pouring out fresh grace, enlightenment and spiritual dreams that will awaken us to our new season. Heaven is drawing near to empower us to fulfill our destiny. The Lord sends His angels to watch over, guide, and protect each of us, to ensure His word comes to pass in our lives. God is a protector and a defender of the weak, so He continues to speak to our potential. God is the only One who knows the future! It is time to draw close to God so we can see our divine destiny and future.

The Windows of Heaven are Open!

Ezekiel 37:1-9 (NKJV) ...Again He said to me, "Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, 'O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: "Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the LORD."'" So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone. Indeed, as I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no breath in them. Also He said to me, "Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: "Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live."'"

Friends, it is essential that our focus returns to and remains on God so we are encouraged in the midst of change, transition, and the shaking of the earth. God has a divine plan for our successful future (see Jeremiah 29:11). To leave the past and all its failures and disappointments and enter into our future, there must be steps taken to enter into the new. We are leaving an old season and advancing into a new season. He has good news that will set the captives free and open the prison doors! God is gathering the prodigals, healing the broken-hearted, restoring hope, and planting vision in the heart of His Bride (see Isaiah 43:1-5).

The windows of Heaven are open and a call has been issued for us to come up higher to see the Valley of Dry Bones from a heavenly perspective. As we speak prophetic words of salvation and life to those who are spiritually dead or sleeping, we will raise souls from the dead, and draw them to God's eternal life and truth. It is a decisive time for many who are waiting to enter into the Kingdom life. Prophesy to their dry, dead bones. By faith, command God's breath to enter this scattered, disjointed army so that they will rise up and live. God's anointed word will not return void, simply be obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Barbie Breathitt
Breath of the Spirit Ministries
Email: [email protected]
Good morning. I pray that everything is well for the women who are going through the wilderness. Please stop by and let us know how you are doing. We may not be able to walk through the wilderness with you, but we can cheer you on (pray for you) from the side lines. As another day passes you are one day closer to the Promise Land. You have the Lord on your side so that means you will end up victorious. :Rose:

1 Peter 5:8-10

8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.
10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.
11 To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
Good morning. I pray that everything is well for the women who are going through the wilderness. Please stop by and let us know how you are doing. We may not be able to walk through the wilderness with you, but we can cheer you on (pray for you) from the side lines. As another day passes you are one day closer to the Promise Land. You have the Lord on your side so that means you will end up victorious. :Rose:

Thanks for this post! The Lord has really show up and shown out this past week. Prayers have been answered, new friendships formed, relationships have been restored . . . it's just been amazing! I have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. I'm unsure if my wilderness is over but life is good. :grin:
Good morning. I pray that everything is well for the women who are going through the wilderness. Please stop by and let us know how you are doing. We may not be able to walk through the wilderness with you, but we can cheer you on (pray for you) from the side lines. As another day passes you are one day closer to the Promise Land. You have the Lord on your side so that means you will end up victorious. :Rose:

1 Peter 5:8-10

8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.
10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.
11 To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

Thank you! I'm being devoured at the moment but I am still here. I just have to remember that the Lord is kind, slow to anger. He is patient and loving and I have to trust in Him. I also have to respect Him and not get overly angry when things mess up. Sigh, double sigh...I hope my wilderness is ending soon because it's literally kicking my butt!
Foxee, I am so happy for you. That was a blessing to hear.

Natchitoches, I will be praying for you. Remember, God doesn't give you anything that you can not handle.
Both of these posts are awesome and confirming. The sermon in church Sunday was on Transitioning From Your Wilderness and steps that should be taken to ensure victorious deliverance to the Promised Land. The first was Focusing on God. I confess that my focus has drifted abit, not totally, but I haven't kept my eyes glued to God. That sermon, and now this thread, is reminding me to get back on my post, believing God no matter what, visualizing my victory, and warring in praise. Be blessed and encouraged ladies! God WILL deliver us! :drunk:

The bolded parts really spoke to me. It is also important to SPEAK victory daily - words have such power over what happens in our life, to our minds and our thoughts.

Cindy McGill:
A Survival Guide for These Trying Times
I think it's safe to say that we are in some of the most trying times we have seen in a long time.
Understanding the Process
If we can understand "why we are going through what we are going through," we can get through it. Every prophecy or promise God has made to us about our lives will endure a measure of testing. Increased responsibility demands increased preparation.
God is getting us ready for places He has prepared for us and this refining process will serve to strengthen our character and produce an unshakeable resolve to remain faithful to the Lord in the days ahead. We are truly learning to do things God's way. Forgiveness, overcoming evil with good, continued seeking, asking and knocking, which produces greater persistence in faith, are just a part of our preparation process for the future.
Sacrifices Bring Blessings
Here are a few ways we can participate sacrificially:
Sacrifices of Praise Praise is a major focus adjuster. When we concentrate on praising God, other distractions can't take our attention.
Sacrificial Giving.
Sacrificial Acts of Kindness.

Pressing on to Greatness
The battle belongs to the Lord. He will fight for us when we put Him ahead of us. Encourage each other at the beginning of each conversation. Stir each other up to love and good works. Love always thinks the best first. Rest and stay in peace. Focus on God and not on the news and current events. God REALLY is in control. When we can learn to have power under control, then we will inherit the earth.
Go through the process, maintain your focus and God will bring us out into a broad place where His glory will be seen all over the earth.
Cindy McGill

Barbie Breathitt:
The Past is Over! What Do You See for the Future?
Joel 2:25-27 gives us a promise of restoration: "I'll make up for the years of the locust, the great locust devastation—locusts savage, locusts deadly, fierce locusts, locusts of doom, that great locust invasion I sent your way. You'll eat your fill of good food. You'll be full of praises to your God, the God who has set you back on your heels in wonder. Never again will My people be despised. You'll know without question that I'm in the thick of life with Israel, that I'm your God, yes, your God, the one and only real God. Never again will My people be despised."

What Do You See?

The Lord revealed each step Jeremiah was to take to enter into his new season to achieve his future. God also speaks to the positives of what we are, and what we can become, rather than emphasizing the negatives.

God's Giving Us New Vision to Lead Us in a New Way

Recently, I had a dream in response to my asking the Holy Spirit to help me understand where we are in the timetable of "transition and change." I dreamt of a yellow car full of people. The vehicle represented peoples' lives, their careers, churches, and businesses that they are in the process of making decisions and changes in. The car was yellow because everyone was used to using their minds, their intelligence and powers of reasoning to make decisions. No one was seeking God or asking how to make the transition successfully.

The car was at the halfway point on a big, major highway. It had come to rest in the middle of a crossroad or intersection. As the oncoming traffic would pass back and forth on either side of the car, I could feel the force of the wind from the oncoming vehicles shaking the car. It was not possible to continue forward because the windshield was fogged over; it was not cleared enough to see where to go next, or how to turn. It was too risky to go in reverse—I knew that would mean we would be losing ground. The Holy Spirit said we need to wait on Him and the leading of His Spirit for our next move, or our next step, no matter how scary and uncomfortable it feels right now. He said He is going to give new vision and lead us in a new way. He wanted us to be totally dependent upon His voice, His vision, and His leading.

Isaiah 43:18-21 (NKJV) says, "Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

The Past is Over...

When we capture a picture of light and God's goodness for our lives in the midst of the dark place of our existence, we have "vision." Vision releases hope. Hope enables us to change. Change releases destiny. Destiny drives us out of the now and propels us into the future. Once we catch a glimpse of who we are in the future, we are able to bring it into the reality of today. This is one of the major ways God is able to accelerate good in our lives through dreams and visions. The more we can see and believe, the more we can become. We must see it to be it!

God has been speaking to me that "it's time to widen" and advance, to receive His promotion and increase. But, if I focus on the difficulties of my past season instead of the potential of my promising future, fear will stop me from making the necessary changes to step into the new.

Isaiah 54:2-8 Make your tent bigger. Open your doors wide. Don't think small! Make your tent large and strong, because you will grow in all directions. Your children will take over many nations and live in the cities that were destroyed. Don't be afraid! You will not be disappointed...

The Lord your Savior said this: "The past is over; it cannot dictate your potential, expectations or hope unless you give it permission to rule your present and future." God has promised to remove the shame, embarrassment, and the reproach that cause fear. God is calling you back to your first love with all of His love.

Success is in Your Mouth!

Deuteronomy 30:11-14 tells us success is in our mouth!
God wants us to decree His word to release favor, breakthrough, strategic alignment, and prosperity. When we decide the past is over, and it is time to step into a new day, in a new way, God's light will shine brightly on the new path. Job 22:28-30 (AMP) says, "You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you; and the light (of God's favor) shall shine upon your ways. When they make (you) low, you will say, '(There is) a lifting up'; and the humble person He lifts up and saves. He will even deliver the one (for whom you intercede) who is not innocent; yes, He will be delivered through the cleanness of your hands."

The Windows of Heaven are Open!

Ezekiel 37:1-9 (NKJV) ...Again He said to me, "Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, 'O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: "Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the LORD."'" ...
Friends, it is essential that our focus returns to and remains on God so we are encouraged in the midst of change, transition, and the shaking of the earth. God has a divine plan for our successful future (see Jeremiah 29:11). To leave the past and all its failures and disappointments and enter into our future, there must be steps taken to enter into the new. We are leaving an old season and advancing into a new season. He has good news that will set the captives free and open the prison doors! God is gathering the prodigals, healing the broken-hearted, restoring hope, and planting vision in the heart of His Bride (see Isaiah 43:1-5).

The windows of Heaven are open and a call has been issued for us to come up higher to see the Valley of Dry Bones from a heavenly perspective. As we speak prophetic words of salvation and life to those who are spiritually dead or sleeping, we will raise souls from the dead, and draw them to God's eternal life and truth. It is a decisive time for many who are waiting to enter into the Kingdom life. Prophesy to their dry, dead bones. By faith, command God's breath to enter this scattered, disjointed army so that they will rise up and live. God's anointed word will not return void, simply be obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Barbie Breathitt

Foxee, what an awesome testimony!!! :grin:

Natchitoches, I know how you feel - allow me to share a word with you that God gave me - "stay in the fire" and let him finish His work in your life. Things will get better as you submit to Him. Like the three Hebrew boys, you will come out without even a scent of smoke on you. :kiss:
Both of these posts are awesome and confirming. The sermon in church Sunday was on Transitioning From Your Wilderness and steps that should be taken to ensure victorious deliverance to the Promised Land. The first was Focusing on God. I confess that my focus has drifted abit, not totally, but I haven't kept my eyes glued to God. That sermon, and now this thread, is reminding me to get back on my post, believing God no matter what, visualizing my victory, and warring in praise. Be blessed and encouraged ladies! God WILL deliver us! :drunk:

What were all the points of the sermon you heard Butterfly?

I think I'm going to need them.
Natchitoches, I know how you feel - allow me to share a word with you that God gave me - "stay in the fire" and let him finish His work in your life. Things will get better as you submit to Him. Like the three Hebrew boys, you will come out without even a scent of smoke on you.

I sho is Hebrew! Thanks and hugs back atcha!
I'm not a big fan of Kim Clement. Although I thought that most of this...at least the middle of this was really good.

Kim Clement:
Your Destiny and a Massive Reformation from 2010 and Beyond
Wow, what a year this has been so far. 2010 has brought about some of the most exciting moments and challenges of my life. A few months ago I released the Destiny Part 1 article and had hoped to release Destiny Part 2 the following month, but God intervened! At the end of March, I had a very powerful encounter with God and He called me to an 18-month period of prayer and fasting. Incredible things are taking place and I'm watching God's divine intervention all around me as a result. Needless to say, I haven't forgotten the second part of this article, but just had a few things come up in between. Here is the promised Destiny Part 2 article:

Joseph was Trained by the People He Would Rule Over

Joseph was one of twelve brothers who would form the nation of Israel. He was raised to believe that there was one God. His father and mother, Jacob and Rachel, taught him the ways of the Lord, and the culture in which he was raised was far different to that of Egypt. Yet little did he know, his destiny lay in Egypt. He never suspected for one minute that one day he would be the second most powerful man in the kingdom of Egypt, under Pharaoh. Even after having a powerful dream of his position as a monarch, he could never have fathomed the destiny that lay before him.

The course of events that would transpire after he revealed the dream to his father and his brothers was the furthest thing from his young mind. How would he possibly be a ruler in Egypt without training and experience? As his own brothers were lowering him into a pit, his heart was racing and his mouth was dry. He must have wondered what brought that horrible event about. Joseph was going to be trained by people that he would rule over one day. Unto whom much is given, much is required.

Daniel was a Chosen Man on a Spiritual Assignment in an Alien Culture

When dealing with destiny we cannot ignore the issue of culture. Your destiny dictates your present circumstances. If you can get a grip on that, you will accept, and not reject or resist, your present challenges as difficult as what they may seem. The only thing you need to resist is the devil, and it takes perception to know the difference.

Did Daniel ever dream that he would one day be a ruler in Babylon? When he was a little boy, raised as a Jew, you can only imagine that he had dreams—dreams of being a husband, a father and possibly a rabbi, carpenter or farmer. He could never have imagined that by the time he turned 15, he would have been emasculated, never to have children, and taken from his precious home in Judah as a captive of Babylon. And yet his destiny lay in Babylon.

As a representative of the cream of Judah's crop, he had been handpicked, along with his three friends, to be trained in the school of the Chaldeans. Rather than being forced into common labor or imprisoned like many of the other captives, he was being schooled to serve the Babylonian king. Thus he was required to learn the Babylonian language, embrace Babylonian customs and negotiate with foreign dignitaries on Nebuchadnezzar's behalf. Daniel was forced to serve the barbarians who had murdered his people. He was trained in the "university of Babylon."

The pressure to be squeezed into the mold designated by the Babylonians must have been intense. But Daniel resolved at the offset not to be defiled by even the same source of physical nourishment as the Babylonians. Daniel was a chosen man on a spiritual assignment in an alien culture.

What happened to Daniel has happened again in our time. The pressures they faced and the program they put on is here again. Babylon, the ancient city, is gone. Babylon, the spiritual power of the world, never left. You have the same choices Daniel and his friends had to face.

He will go down in the annals of history as the voice that guided the kings of Babylon and taught them by his knowledge and wisdom about the Lord God Almighty, his gift, and more importantly his character. The kings of Babylon would ultimately declare that there is only one God, and that is the God of Daniel.

Joseph, Daniel and David:
What Did They Have in Common?

David, a simple shepherd lad, had a destiny—to be the beloved King of Israel. So why would the next thirteen or so years of his life be spent on the run from a raging maniac of a king—Saul, living in caves, mountains, and yes, even a foreign land, before he would actually take the throne of Israel?

Each one of these characters had a few things in common—a refined understanding and appreciation of other social groups and a passionate drive for reformation and reconciliation.

God has revealed to me that beginning in March 2010, and continuing throughout the decade, there will be a massive reformation, as powerful as the time of Martin Luther during the 16th Century. The word reform means, "To amend; abandon what is wrong, corrupt, irrelevant and unsatisfactory." In a reformation, something controlling is always abolished and something relevant always emerges.

If Christians are Not Relevant in the Mundane, How are We Going to be Relevant in the Profound?

In the 16th Century, there was religious oppression and the people were taught that faith alone, whether fiduciary or dogmatic, couldn't justify man and only faith that is active in charity and good works can justify man. The benefits of good works could be obtained by donating money to the church. Martin Luther, a Catholic Monk, wrote his famous Ninety-Five Theses and nailed them on the castle door of the All Saints Church in October 31, 1517, almost 500 years ago—an event now seen as sparking the Protestant Reformation.

Luther became convinced that the prevailing religious system was corrupt in its ways and had lost sight of what he saw as several of the central truths of Christianity. The most important for him was the doctrine of justification—God's act of declaring a sinner righteous—by faith alone through God's grace. He taught that salvation or redemption is a gift of God's grace, attainable only through faith in Jesus as the Messiah. The Ninety-Five Theses were quickly translated from Latin into German, printed and widely copied, making the controversy one of the first in history to be aided by the printing press. Within two weeks, copies of the Theses had spread THROUGHOUT GERMANY; within two months throughout Europe.

We have entered into a period of great reformation. Reformers are emerging. They will be called heretics, as were the reformers of the 16th Century, but out of the persecution will emerge a movement far greater than what emerged in Luther's day, which gave birth to the Protestant Church.

America, more than ever, needs a reformation, spiritually and politically, and I believe that we are on the brink of such a reformation. It is time to make changes for improvement in order to remove abuse and injustices. So many revivals have ended up in abuse and malpractice, and the result is injury and damage to the flock of Christ.

The two great things to look forward to in these next few years are Reformation and Reconciliation. To reconcile means, "To bring together opposing forces."

I believe the Lord is telling me that this movement of Reformation and Reconciliation will bring about major change and breakthrough in the Kingdom of God for 2010.

Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions
Email: [email protected]
What were all the points of the sermon you heard Butterfly?

I think I'm going to need them.

Transitioning Out of Your Wilderness
~Elder Hope Eady, University Ministries International

The people of God are changing and moving from where we are. We are at a place where we must choose either to move forward in the things of God or stay where we are and die, waiting for a promise. God cannot lie. His promises MUST come to pass. His thoughts towards us are good, and He has plans to prosper us and to bring us to an expected end. So if we are stagnant, we need to look at ourselves to see if we are doing anything to delay the manifestation of God’s will for our lives.

There are 3 things we can do to transition out of our wilderness (see Numbers 13):
  1. <LI class=ecxMsoNormal style="tab-stops: list .5in">Stay focused <LI class=ecxMsoNormal style="tab-stops: list .5in">Eliminate the fear of people
  2. Slay old issues – pride, depression, doubt, discouragement, etc.

God brought the most powerful nation of that time to its knees. He then brought His people to the wilderness, fed them day by day, lead them to scope out the Promised Land – to show them that it was real, and allowed spies to bring fruit (or proof) back from the land. But the Israelites chose to focus on their enemies instead of the promises of God. They were afraid of the giants in the land – what was proclaimed to be THEIR land. We can learn from their mistakes to believe God, thank Him in advance and stand on His word.

Right when we are about to progress, the enely likes to bring up our past to stop us. He’s not omniscient so he works by trial and error – bringing up old sins and stumbling blocks. And because we are not being watchful, we trip.

But allow God to give us discernment. When we see the enemy coming from a distance, chop him off at the knees. Don’t play with sin, don’t open up the wrong doors. Don’t leave yourself vulnerable. Be honest with yourself and what you are struggling with. Know that God is able to deliver us from it all, because where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

God is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all we could ask or think. Ask Him for something big!!!
Transitioning Out of Your Wilderness
~Elder Hope Eady, University Ministries International

The people of God are changing and moving from where we are. We are at a place where we must choose either to move forward in the things of God or stay where we are and die, waiting for a promise. God cannot lie. His promises MUST come to pass. His thoughts towards us are good, and He has plans to prosper us and to bring us to an expected end. So if we are stagnant, we need to look at ourselves to see if we are doing anything to delay the manifestation of God’s will for our lives.

There are 3 things we can do to transition out of our wilderness (see Numbers 13):
  1. <LI class=ecxMsoNormal style="tab-stops: list .5in">Stay focused <LI class=ecxMsoNormal style="tab-stops: list .5in">Eliminate the fear of people
  2. Slay old issues – pride, depression, doubt, discouragement, etc.
God brought the most powerful nation of that time to its knees. He then brought His people to the wilderness, fed them day by day, lead them to scope out the Promised Land – to show them that it was real, and allowed spies to bring fruit (or proof) back from the land. But the Israelites chose to focus on their enemies instead of the promises of God. They were afraid of the giants in the land – what was proclaimed to be THEIR land. We can learn from their mistakes to believe God, thank Him in advance and stand on His word.

Right when we are about to progress, the enely likes to bring up our past to stop us. He’s not omniscient so he works by trial and error – bringing up old sins and stumbling blocks. And because we are not being watchful, we trip.

But allow God to give us discernment. When we see the enemy coming from a distance, chop him off at the knees. Don’t play with sin, don’t open up the wrong doors. Don’t leave yourself vulnerable. Be honest with yourself and what you are struggling with. Know that God is able to deliver us from it all, because where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

God is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all we could ask or think. Ask Him for something big!!!

You caught me right where I am. The bolded portion is a perfect discription of my experiences over the past weeks and days.

Foxee your testimony made my heart leap. God be praised, it's like good news from a far country (and knowing my location it really is from a far country :lachen:)

Natchitoches may God bless and strengthen you. Sent up a word of prayer for you.

Thanks for all the inspiration ladies.
I sho is Hebrew! Thanks and hugs back atcha!

Really??? Hope that is not an offensive question. If so...wow! God works in amazing ways to confirm his word.

I also wanted to let you guys know that Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer is another AWESOME book to read, she even has a section titled Wilderness Mentalities. I am halfway through the book and that section is last so I haven't reached it yet, but I can hardly wait. Since I have been reading it, I have less of a desire to read other books. I just want to eat the word.

She mentions that waging war to take your mind back from the enemy is TOUGH and takes time. This was a good reminder NOT to get discouraged if the victory is not won immediately, NOT to give up!! I am loving this book and I will post more as I read more. I am taking notes as I read in my journal.

I have given up a lot of fleshly indulgences during the stripping phase in the wilderness, but I still have more "idols" or other fleshly parts of me to kill. My mind is one of these. I have gotten soooo much better but I still need even more purification. It is encouraging to see in my journal how enraged I used to get when the Pharoah in my life would act evil towards me, how I just wanted revenge and instantaneous deliverance. In just the past months I have learned how to better endure suffering and "seeming" defeat - KNOWING that God WILL deliver me in His perfect timing. :yep: My faith has grown and my thought life has improved. But I know there is still work to be done. :yep:
Wow, I really needed to read this thread again. I must admit that I've been feeling a bit frustrated due to my lack of income. It's been so difficult to find a job. I also feel like God has taken away my luxuries in order to get me to truly rely on Him. I understand the purpose, but it's been difficult.
Sandie Freed:
We Need His Manifest Presence
Have you been crying out for God's presence? I surely have been. Though we know He is omnipresent so that He is everywhere, there are times I need to experience Him in a way I know that I know He is near! Don't you feel the same way? Though we are unable to actually see Him with our natural eyes, we know by the Spirit (and in faith) that He is with us. However, His presence is much more than that. I am referring to His manifest presence, which is knowing God on a personal level and Him becoming real to us.
When He manifests His presence, there is absolutely no doubt that we are experiencing Him at a higher level. During divine visitations we can hear Him speak, witness His glory and sometimes even smell His fragrance. I was just ministering in Washington State last month, and during ministry an awesome fragrance came into the sanctuary...it happens! People were asking me, "Sandie, do you smell that? Isn't it wonderful?" Yes, it was "Heaven scent" (pun intended). I have been in meetings before when the fragrance of myrrh filled the room...oh, how I desire His presence, don't you?
The dictionary defines the word manifest in a way that would describe His manifest presence as being obvious and readily perceived by the senses while understood by the mind. In other words, He wants us to know when He is near! We will sense it and have knowledge of Him. Remember that our senses involve touching, smelling, hearing, seeing and feeling. Isn't it great to know He really desires that we "feel" His presence? I know at times I feel His presence and cry, which is an emotional type of feeling. It is important to fully understand that He actually does desire to manifest Himself to us.
Recently, I have gone through some challenges. Today we live in very uncertain times, don't we? You may be asking as I have been, "God, why am I not witnessing Your presence more?" Well, reader, keep reading. I'd like to encourage you to witness His glory even more so.
Old Testament Examples of His Presence
The Lord manifested His presence to the children of Israel in a pillar of cloud by day and in a pillar of fire by night (see Exodus 13:21). His presence was actually tangible. How awesome! On Mt. Sinai, He revealed His presence with fire. By these examples, we realize that God desired to manifest His presence, don't we?
While in the wilderness, Israel was instructed by God to build Him a Tabernacle. He gave specific instructions how to build every part of the Tabernacle. At the heart was the Ark of the Covenant. In my book Conquering the Antichrist Spirit: Discerning and Defeating the Seducer that Binds Believers Today, I write, "This (the Ark) was not simply a part of the Tabernacle; it was the whole purpose of the Tabernacle to be God's dwelling. The living, breathing Spirit of God, then, was in the Ark of the Covenant. It was the symbol of God's manifest presence dwelling among His people."
Most of us are aware of the importance of the Ark of the Covenant, but we have forgotten that the entire time the Israelites traveled for forty years and they took the Ark—His presence—with them. They carried it before them, according to God's instructions. Each time they stopped in the wilderness, they built the Tabernacle again to house it before they set up their own tents! Believer, this speaks volumes to me today. I know that I get so busy with my stuff that I don't take time to honor His presence. Maybe you can relate.
It's important to remember that during the entire wilderness journey, God's presence was with Israel. He did not leave them to face the wilderness challenges alone. If you are trying to cycle out of a wilderness journey, maybe it's time to get really serious about seeking God's presence more. I know that I have been personally challenged to seek Him and experience His manifest presence more and more—especially during a wilderness journey. I want to fully cycle out of my wilderness tests, don't you? One way to cycle out is to be determined to witness His manifest presence.
The Ark Had Its Own Wilderness Journey
There is more to understanding God's manifest presence and how to witness His divine glory. Many do not realize that the Ark (the presence of God) had its own wilderness journey before its arrival at Zion. The Ark not only experienced a wilderness, but also captivity! In my book concerning the Antichrist spirit, I discuss the different captivities that the Ark experienced. One captivity of the Ark I discuss in great detail is Ashdod. I believe this revelation will minister to you and empower you to cycle out of desolation. Ashdod was the Philistine city which bragged on its temple devoted to their false god, Dagon. When the Philistines captured the Ark during their battle with Israel, they took it home and placed it near the idol of Dagon. This is an example of how an Antichrist structure desires to cause His presence to go into a type of captivity.
Do you realize that the enemy wants the will of God hindered in our lives? Yes, satan would love for God's plans to bow down and submit to his demonic hindrances. Satan would also love to cause us to "bow down" to idolatry! Idolatry is more than bowing down to a graven image. Idolatry is bowing down to any false image. A false image can be an image we have concerning God which is false. An example of this would be to believe that God will not protect us or provide for us.
Another example of bowing down to a false image would be to have a false image of ourselves! Yes, if you believe anything opposite about yourself other than what God has said, you are bowing down to a false image. God says you are healed—don't bow down to the lie that says that healing is not available to us as Believers. God says that you are delivered from oppression—don't bow to satan's lies which declare that you will never be free. Dear one, there is an Antichrist structure, a false belief system, that wants to keep you in the wilderness and hinder you from witnessing His manifest presence.
The name of the Philistine city, Ashdod, means "a well fortified place, a strong hold." A stronghold will keep us from fully witnessing His manifest presence. Strongholds give place to our enemy and steal our blessings. The Philistines are symbolic of what is "unclean" in our lives. Let's observe what Psalm 24:3-6 says concerning the necessity of having clean hands and a pure heart so that we are empowered to seek God and witness His glory:
Who shall go up into the mountain of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His Holy Place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted himself up to falsehood or to what is false, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation (description) of those who seek Him (who inquire of and for Him and of necessity require Him), who seek Your face, (O God of) Jacob. Selah (pause, and think of that)! AMP
Where It All Started
The prophet Samuel came forth when the word of God was rare and there was no open vision (see 1 Samuel 3:1-3). Remember now, His manifest presence involves the senses which includes the ability to see. I write in my book, "This means using one's natural eye as well as spiritual eyesight to see visions and have dreams. Samuel came forth when Eli's natural eyes were waxing dim due to old age. Yet Eli was experiencing spiritual blindness. Eli's sons were next in line for the priesthood, but they had sinned before the Lord so Eli and his house were judged by the Lord. Indeed, the priesthood needed cleansing."
The priesthood had already begun a journey away from God's presence. The Ark began its own journey in the wilderness after the death of Eli. The account of the journey is in 1 Samuel 5-6. Again, take some quality time and study this. You will notice that the journey began as Israel was headed into battle against the Philistines. The Philistines stole the Ark of the Covenant and, from that moment on, the children of Israel were without God's presence. How could this happen? Why was the Ark captured? Why would God allow it?
When the priesthood is unrepentant (please keep in mind that we are all priests unto the Lord) and does not honor His presence, the enemy can move right into our lives and separate us from our destiny. I don't want to remain in the wilderness, do you? And, if I must endure a wilderness test I must have His presence! I know you feel the same way. Let's look at judgment in the New Testament.
Honor His Presence
A New Testament example of judgment concerning the priesthood is in 1 Peter 4:17a: "For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God." When we hear the word judgment, we very often think "destruction" caused by the Lord's anger or wrath toward sin. However, in Greek, the word for judgment is krisis, which is where we derive our English word "crisis." Therefore, this passage could read, "It is time for a crisis to begin with the household of God."
Believers, I think that it is a crisis when we are not witnessing His manifest presence, don't you? And looking at crisis again...we can actually open ourselves up to demonic activity and "crisis" when we are not recognizing Him as our true stronghold and high tower, right? Crisis may actually be allowed by God as a wake-up call! In other words, God wants to visit us—and crisis will cause us to surrender our hearts to Him once more. All the more reason to honor His presence.
Let's be determined to seek Him daily. Let's have the same zeal for God that consumed King David who brought the Ark of God to Zion. Because King David desired His manifest presence, he was determined to bring the Ark to the City of David and set it in its proper place—in the midst of the tabernacle which he had built. Let's build God a house, a Tabernacle, in our hearts today.
Dear ones, I encourage you to continually honor His presence, spend intimate time with Him, seek His face, and ask for His manifest presence!
Allow me to pray for you: Father, I pray for these precious readers today and ask that You empower each one with zeal and determination to seek Your presence. I am confident that each of them desires to witness Your manifest presence in their lives. We want to touch Heaven and see Your glory! Empower us to cycle out of our wilderness and flourish in Your courts. I pray that You touch each reader and impart a fresh fire and that each one becomes determined to fulfill divine destiny. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Sandie Freed
Zion Ministries
Email: [email protected]
Thanks for this post! The Lord has really show up and shown out this past week. Prayers have been answered, new friendships formed, relationships have been restored . . . it's just been amazing! I have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. I'm unsure if my wilderness is over but life is good. :grin:

Bless you for sharing this testimony. Amen!
Perfect and Complete

Your faith in God has incredible potential to make your life complete. To take you from the place of deficiency, to the place of being perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

James puts it this way in James 1:2-4,

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

Faith in God can make you complete, but your faith will be contested. It will be opposed, even as we read here. Your faith will go through the fire of trial.

If you lack spiritually in your life, you can get to the place of holiness. If you are lacking materially, you can get to a place where your needs are met. Whatever your lack, your faith in God has the potential to take you from where you are, and where you are lacking, to this place that the Bible speaks of...being perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

But, the path to that completeness is one of trial. Your faith will not get you there until it first goes through testing. You do have an adversary. You will be opposed. The Bible says, Your adversary, the devil, walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

The devil knows what is at stake, and he will do all he can to keep you from trusting God. So as your faith encounters the turbulence of trials, do what James says, and count it all joy. You are on your way to becoming perfect and complete in Christ.
Good morning. I pray that everything is well for the women who are going through the wilderness. Please stop by and let us know how you are doing. We may not be able to walk through the wilderness with you, but we can cheer you on (pray for you) from the side lines. As another day passes you are one day closer to the Promise Land. You have the Lord on your side so that means you will end up victorious. :Rose:

1 Peter 5:8-10

8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.
10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.
11 To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

Thank you for the prayer and Scripture. I've been having a tough couple of weeks. It's very much like the Israelites experience with a touch of Moses' (more on that another time). At many moments I've "wanted" to go back to Egypt or even stay in the wilderness instead of stepping foot in Canaan. The fear of "dying in battle" is very real, but I need to hold onto God, my faith in Him, my trust that He will not lead me to "die". Hanging in there.

How is everyone else doing?
Perfect and Complete

Your faith in God has incredible potential to make your life complete. To take you from the place of deficiency, to the place of being perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

James puts it this way in James 1:2-4,

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

Faith in God can make you complete, but your faith will be contested. It will be opposed, even as we read here. Your faith will go through the fire of trial.

If you lack spiritually in your life, you can get to the place of holiness. If you are lacking materially, you can get to a place where your needs are met. Whatever your lack, your faith in God has the potential to take you from where you are, and where you are lacking, to this place that the Bible speaks of...being perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

But, the path to that completeness is one of trial. Your faith will not get you there until it first goes through testing. You do have an adversary. You will be opposed. The Bible says, Your adversary, the devil, walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

The devil knows what is at stake, and he will do all he can to keep you from trusting God. So as your faith encounters the turbulence of trials, do what James says, and count it all joy. You are on your way to becoming perfect and complete in Christ.

Very relevant word. Thank you for sharing!

The bolded is especially true. I can see that in the place where I lack, my faith is being challenged and tested mightily. Daily the devil tells me to "just give up" in that area, but I'm still here, fighting, and trying to trust in the Lord. Scripture has really been helping. Remember when the devil tried to tempt Jesus and each time Jesus responded with Scripture? Everytime he tempts me, I remember something I've read (even if not verbatim) - such as, "resist the devil, and he shall flee", sin begets more sin, "lean not on thy own understanding", God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son, I am forgiven, etc.
Very relevant word. Thank you for sharing!

The bolded is especially true. I can see that in the place where I lack, my faith is being challenged and tested mightily. Daily the devil tells me to "just give up" in that area, but I'm still here, fighting, and trying to trust in the Lord. Scripture has really been helping. Remember when the devil tried to tempt Jesus and each time Jesus responded with Scripture? Everytime he tempts me, I remember something I've read (even if not verbatim) - such as, "resist the devil, and he shall flee", sin begets more sin, "lean not on thy own understanding", God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son, I am forgiven, etc.

He tempts you and torments me. It's okay though because I will not break my focus from God. I will only and compeletly focus on him.

Thank you for the prayer and Scripture. I've been having a tough couple of weeks. It's very much like the Israelites experience with a touch of Moses' (more on that another time). At many moments I've "wanted" to go back to Egypt or even stay in the wilderness instead of stepping foot in Canaan. The fear of "dying in battle" is very real, but I need to hold onto God, my faith in Him, my trust that He will not lead me to "die". Hanging in there.

How is everyone else doing?

I don't want to stay here, and at first I didn't understand what was going on to get out, but God is leading me and I'm so thankful. He's been putting His word in my face to read and I've even gone back through this thread and been so encouraged by what is here.
He tempts you and torments me. It's okay though because I will not break my focus from God. I will only and compeletly focus on him.

I don't want to stay here, and at first I didn't understand what was going on to get out, but God is leading me and I'm so thankful. He's been putting His word in my face to read and I've even gone back through this thread and been so encouraged by what is here.

Amen. This thread has really helped, especially during the tougher days.
Passing the Test of Your Faith

In yesterday's devotional, we saw how God desires for us to be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing; but the road to that is the testing of our faith.

The natural question is, "What does it take to succeed when the test comes?" There are two cooperating forces which must be at work. James 1:4-5 shows us what those two forces are,

But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

The first force is patience. James' point is, "Don't quit before the answer comes. Let patience have full play, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."

Hebrews 10:36, says it this way,

For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.

You and I may actually have done the will of God, done what God wants us to do, but if we don't exercise endurance, we won't receive the promise. That is the importance of patience.

The second cooperating force at work to pass the test of your faith is wisdom. If you lack wisdom, if you can't see the forest for the trees in the midst of your trial, you can ask God and He will give it...liberally and without reproach.

God delights when you ask for wisdom. And He won't belittle you or find fault with you for asking.

So if you find your faith on trial, if you are being sorely tested, ask God for wisdom and patiently endure. Without these two forces, you will never know victory!

Visit the Answers with Bayless Conley website for more ways to Connect with God

ETA: I don't know what translation of the bible he used for Hebrews...however in the NIV it says you WILL recieve...which I like better because it doesn't paint God to be so circumstantial...or wishy washy...maybe you will or maybe you won't
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Really??? Hope that is not an offensive question. If so...wow! God works in amazing ways to confirm his word.

I also wanted to let you guys know that Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer is another AWESOME book to read, she even has a section titled Wilderness Mentalities. I am halfway through the book and that section is last so I haven't reached it yet, but I can hardly wait. Since I have been reading it, I have less of a desire to read other books. I just want to eat the word.

She mentions that waging war to take your mind back from the enemy is TOUGH and takes time. This was a good reminder NOT to get discouraged if the victory is not won immediately, NOT to give up!! I am loving this book and I will post more as I read more. I am taking notes as I read in my journal.

I have given up a lot of fleshly indulgences during the stripping phase in the wilderness, but I still have more "idols" or other fleshly parts of me to kill. My mind is one of these. I have gotten soooo much better but I still need even more purification. It is encouraging to see in my journal how enraged I used to get when the Pharoah in my life would act evil towards me, how I just wanted revenge and instantaneous deliverance. In just the past months I have learned how to better endure suffering and "seeming" defeat - KNOWING that God WILL deliver me in His perfect timing. :yep: My faith has grown and my thought life has improved. But I know there is still work to be done. :yep:

Thank you so much for recommending this book. I just read some of it on amazon.com and I have to have it. My mind has really been a warzone for almost a year now and even the short passage that I read has helped me put some things into perspective. Thanks again.

I love this thread ladies! It's given me hope!
Hi Butterfly,

If I may, I just feel like I should share. What I'm going to mention is really general and won't necessarily answer the many questions you have, but I hope it helps in some way. Just recently I was feeling the same way, soooo ready to get out of my wilderness and asking God to move on my behalf, but not feeling Him doing A THING as far as I could tell. Not seeing breakthrough while in some of my friends lives they seemed to be getting nothing but breakthrough for their own hearts desires. As far as I was concerned I wasn't hearing anything from God in the area where I wanted Him to speak. I kept saying to Him "Are you on this? Are you working on this right now or not? Are you really interested in this?" then I would repent...only to ask Him all over again the next day! lol. God brought me to a place of true repentence and gratefulness in a very interesting way. He had me focus on something else (in my case my job, namely growing in my faithfulness on my job). It was weird to me because I noticed that that was the ONLY area I was seeing Him speak and move as far as I was concerned, the area where He seemed to be most shining a light on. So I said "okay I give up, clearly you're battle plans can be really random sometimes, so if this is what you require of me right now, if this is what you need me to pour my heart into I will. Just please help me to surrender". And do you know the amazing thing that happened? Today I felt like He FINALLY started speaking about the area where I'm looking for breakthrough (its to do with a relationship).

I was so amazed, and I was just talking to Him about it and marvelling at how He works when I saw your post. So I just decided to respond. I know what you're going through must be sooooo difficult and you've definately endured a lot of hard things. But I'll encourage you to focus on whatever area you can point to that God IS speaking, where the doors are opening for you and trust Him with the rest of your hearts desires until the day they come through. Take your focus off your wilderness right now if at all you can, you probably need a break so He can continue to do His work of healing in you. HTH!

Though our exact wildernesses are very different, I want you to know you are not alone in how you feel. Many a time since I started this thread have I felt moments of silence to the point where I close the Bible and almost give up. Ije4eva gave some great input and I'll add the following:

-He IS moving but you just can see it. I can say this with confidence because when I look back on previous situations in my life and testimonies on this board, they reflect this fact. Don't let anyone or thing convince you otherwise.

-You KNOW God. You KNOW He is faithful to His Word. You WILL get out of this wilderness. However, it will be in HIS time. We don't know when that will be, but we do know that His time is best. And when you look back on it one day, you will understand why. Try to look at it that way.

-God knows tomorrow. We do not. God can see dangers in the path ahead that we cannot. There is a reason why we cannot enter our Promised Lands yet even though we may feel ready. We may very well be ready, but perhaps He is preparing the Promised Land for our attack.

I'll definitely keep you in my prayers. I'm not going to lie; I know it's difficult. However, keep holding on to the truth - and that truth is God will not fail you!
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Ije4eva, I completely agree with you. When you take your mind of off your problems (wilderness) and focus on serving the lord, you will be amazed at the path that God leads you down as a means to escape. When you are not focused on your wilderness you are showing God that you know he is going to resolve the problem so your not even concerned about it. Here is an article that is about faith.

Excerpt from the article:

In the general sense of the word, to have faith is to believe in something or someone, to fully trust, to be so confident that you base your actions on what you believe. To have faith is to be fully convinced of the truthfulness and reliability of that in which you believe.

Faith in God then, is having the kind of trust and confidence in God and in Christ that leads you to commit your whole soul to Him as Saviour (Justifier, Cleanser, Healer, Deliverer) and Lord (Master, King).

I am really glad that you shared your story with us, I love to pray for people. Your such a beauty, stay encouraged. :giveheart:

Matthew 18:19-20

19 Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything
that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.
20 For where two or more are gathered together in My Name, I am there in the midst of them.
Thanks so much ladies. I'm going to digest your responses and respond in detail shortly. Interesting, Marvin Sapp's song Hold On is playing right now as I am reading...

Keep holding on, believe it's gonna get better
Have faith, He'll turn it all around
Don't give up, keep holding on