Why is there so much hate for Jesus Christ and christianity on a whole?

So people in other religions are not judgemental?..ok:lol: Im going to need people to stop using that excuse because it is really weak.

LOL yeah that's a lie. humans see with their eyes. that's why we need the Holy Spirit to help us see the way God does.

also, the devil has no problem with you spreading lies. it's when you spread the truth that the claws come out. when you are his, he doesn't mess with you, but when you become God's he comes at you.

Please don't get me started on the number of Muslims AND Jews who 'attack' Christianity and verbally abuse Christians.

In Maryland, I live in a Jewish Community and I can't tell you the number of times I've been snubbed by a nasty attitude and it is far more than harsh compared to the racist whites in my home in Florida.

Let me be correct. It's not 'all' of the Jewish community with this attitude; I get along quite well with my Jewish neighbors, they even compliment my Christmas lights... Ooops :giggle: and I compliment their Menorrahs. :yep:

I do see God bringing harmony into the mixes. I respect the customs of my Jewish neighbors, and they respect mine. It's the handful on both sides that make it 'appear' impossible.
How so Poo? Can we have Christianity without Jesus Christ? or do you mean the perversion of Christianity?

I think that's why it's so important to have a personal relationship with Christ.
Yes, a person can have Christianity without Jesus Christ. Several people are doing it today. They participate or associate with the Christian religion but do not have Jesus Christ or his teachings in their hearts and souls. And I guess you can say it's the perversion of Christianity.
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Although Jesus was in the world he was not of the world. The world loves and gets along with those who agree with the world. The world does not understand the eternal. Jesus, the eternal one, never belonged to the world. It was his responsibility to redeem the world from what it had been reduced to through the ravages of sin. The world didn’t want that. The world still doesn’t want that.

John 14:17 The Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him; and he cannot know them because they are spiritually discerned;

1 Corinthians 1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
I'm not understanding how feeling that many Christians are hypocrites translates to not following Christ...

It doesn't translate to that. People who do not follow Christ, whether they are hypocrites or not, just simply don't want to follow Christ or are not willing to give up their love for sin or sinful lifestyle to follow Christ.

The sad thing is, there are people who claim to be following Christ yet they live sinful lifestyles. That does not go hand in hand. That's hypocrisy, especially when you portray yourself one way and live another way secretly. There are people who condone sin and talk about how Christians are just sinners saved by grace and they excuse their sins over and over without true repentance and remorse. That is what Christianity has turned into with some people and churches (not all).
:kiss: Thank you. I love and appreciate you. :yep:

I wish you were around when my children were teens... they said I was mean. ... And....

I was....:lol:

I just wasn't having it with the devil trying to take over and rule my babies. Not the fruit of my womb... :nono: I stood my ground against the enemy.

Naji, my point is that 'we' as Christians have to take a stand and stand there steadfast.

The world has absolutely NO problem standing for what they believe in;

The devil and his worshipers have abolutely NO problem firing up their spears and arrows and firey darts and defending their causes and kicking the 'embers' and 'ashes' in God's face.

Yet when a 'Christian' takes a stand...no matter how nice, or no matter how gentle and non-judgmental, it's still taken as such and the love so sincerely extended is overlooked.

Thank you Shimmie. I totally agree with you. :hug3:

Yes, a person can have Christianity without Jesus Christ. Several people are doing it today. They participate or associate with the Christian religion but do not have Jesus Christ or his teachings in their hearts and souls. And I guess you can say it's the perversion of Christianity.

A short but sweet post. :yep:
Yes, a person can have Christianity without Jesus Christ. Several people are doing it today. They participate or associate with the Christian religion but do not have Jesus Christ or his teachings in their hearts and souls. And I guess you can say it's the perversion of Christianity.

Matthew 7:21-23 [Jesus said,] “Not every one that said to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? And in Your name have cast out devils? And in Your name done many wonderful works?’ And then will I profess to them, ‘I never knew you: depart from Me, you that work iniquity.’”

I completely agree. And as the scripture above states, and its a scary scripture for sure, not all that do things in the Name of Jesus or talk about being a Christ follower, will enter the kingdom of heaven.

So what makes a difference between the wheat and the chaff? Those who do the will of the Father and those who don't.

It is a lifestyle of that (from the inside out) displays love, joy, peace, faithfulness, LONG suffering, gentleness, kindness...and not just those things that are displayed before people.

It is a life of seeking to please God (not man).

It is a life of constant prayer (how else you gonna talk to your Father and build a relationship?).

It is a life of repentance from sin (those of omission and commission).

It is a life of faith in God ability to save you, restore you, and reward you for diligently seeking him.

It is a life of joy about the love of Jesus Christ that you can not help but TELL OTHERS about it.

It is a life that gives GLORY to God (public and private, but your private worship is a reflection of your level of commitment to Christ).

It is a life that change in yourself is inevitable (can you get hit by a Mack truck and not be changed? How much more of an impact will Jesus have on you? Jesus packs more punch than a thousand Mack trucks for sure).

It is a life that trust God to work all things to good for those that are called and diligently seek him.

It is a life that seeks and desires LIFE from the Word of God. Read that Word, AMEN!

These and more possibly (but I'll stop here) are the markers of true Jesus Christ followers.

Its a lifestyle. Its a condition of your heart. Its an everyday relationship. Its not seeking to correct others (though that comes with the territory), it seeks to bring glory to God.
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Matthew 7:21-23 [Jesus said,] “Not every one that said to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? And in Your name have cast out devils? And in Your name done many wonderful works?’ And then will I profess to them, ‘I never knew you: depart from Me, you that work iniquity.’”

I completely agree. And as the scripture above states, and its a scary scripture for sure, not all that do things in the Name of Jesus or talk about being a Christ follower, will enter the kingdom of heaven.

So what makes a difference between the wheat and the chaff? Those who do the will of the Father and those who don't.

It is a lifestyle of that (from the inside out) displays love, joy, peace, faithfulness, LONG suffering, gentleness, kindness...and not just those things that are displayed before people.

It is a life of seeking to please God (not man).

It is a life of constant prayer (how else you gonna talk to your Father and build a relationship?).

It is a life of repentance from sin (those of omission and commission).

It is a life of faith in God ability to save you, restore you, and reward you for diligently seeking him.

It is a life of joy about the love of Jesus Christ that you can not help but TELL OTHERS about it.

It is a life that gives GLORY to God (public and private, but your private worship is a reflection of your level of commitment to Christ).

It is a life that change in yourself is inevitable (you can get hit by a Mack truck and not be changed. How much more of an impact will Jesus have on you? Jesus packs more punch an a thousand Mack trucks for sure).

It is a life that trust God to work all things to good for those that are called and diligently seek him.

It is a life that seeks and desires LIFE from the Word of God.

These and more (but I'll stop here) is the markers of a true Jesus Christ followers. Its a lifestyle. Its an everyday relationship. Its not seeking to correct others (though that comes with the territory), it seeks to bring glory to God.

This is really good. Something we all should be striving for and ultimately that is to please the Father.
IMHO, many people who I know that feel "a way" about Christians (and Muslims) feel that Christians (and Muslims) do not respect a difference in opinion and do not like to be challenged. Almost like a person can't have a decent, intelligent conversation with a Christian regarding difference of opinion/religion without being told that they are going to hell or being told over and over and over again that they need Jesus in their lives. I've been raised in the church and have drifted away, not because I don't love Christ but it seemed that I was not allowed to question anything or have an opinion that the general consensus didn't agree with. I left the church and it has been me and my God ever since.
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It doesn't translate to that. People who do not follow Christ, whether they are hypocrites or not, just simply don't want to follow Christ or are not willing to give up their love for sin or sinful lifestyle to follow Christ.

The sad thing is, there are people who claim to be following Christ yet they live sinful lifestyles. That does not go hand in hand. That's hypocrisy, especially when you portray yourself one way and live another way secretly. There are people who condone sin and talk about how Christians are just sinners saved by grace and they excuse their sins over and over without true repentance and remorse. That is what Christianity has turned into with some people and churches (not all).

I believe it comes down to this...

There are:

'Believers' True -- Believers in Christ who are sold out to Jesus. Perfect ... NO, sold out, indeed. No matter what level or stage of growth they are in Jesus, they are 'after God's heart' and desire to please Him, and to get it right no matter how many times they may fall.

And Christians DO indeed fall.

Many have the 'bruises' and scars, even breaks with casts and slings, to prove it. I know that I do and I bruise quite frequently and easily.

Yet, 'we' get up, even when we don't feel like it, we get up; no matter what error or sin, we've been in. 'We' get up. For Jesus is the 'Lifter' of those who love Him. ('The Lifter of our head' -- Psalm 3)

Non Believers -- This just speaks for itself.

'Make Believers' -- 'The Counterfeits'... which is beyond hypocrite.

I'm just gonna leave this one alone, before I start on those who 'say' 'Well I'm a Christian and I believe that such and such [fill in the sin] is okay.

They KNOW full well what God's word says, and yet they refuse to acknowledge that something is wrong when it's a plain as day the word 'Make-Believer' stamped on their foreheads.

THEN... they start a thread telling on themselves, entitled, 'hypocrites'. :lol:

To this day... I don't get this. I just don't get this. I just don't get it. :look:

Yes I do... "It's what 'Make - Believers' do."

Official Warning:

Anyone who starts off a sentence with "Well, I'm a Christians and I don't see anything wrong with... {fill in the sin] ....."

This person is / are NOT Christians. They are not following the Word of God. They are misleaders recruiting more 'Make Believers' who are in truth, 'Non-Believers' who want to have 'their' way and not God's way.

They are speaking 'confusion' and God is not the author of it; satan is. The devil is speaking his lies and confusion through these yielded vessels unto him -- these vessels whom are not yielded unto God, otherwise they'd speak what the Word says and not the foolishness of satan.

I am putting this out there' because this is happening way too much both in and outside of this forum. This forum is just a small 'reflection' of what is out there and what this world has come to.

There are 'innocent bystanders' 'Babes in Christ'-- who are yet growing in the faith of Jesus Christ and the enemy sends messages from his messengers [the 'Make-Believes'] to entrap the 'innocent ones' and hinder their growth in the Lord.

It has surely opened my eyes to a lot of what I thought and found out that it truly was not.

Ummmmm, I just couldn't leave it alone, could I? Don't mind me...I'm just 'typing' out loud.

My comments are not directed towards anyone personal nor in particular.

My roses are without thorns. :Rose: :Rose: :Rose: :love5:
'Believers' True -- Believers in Christ who are sold out to Jesus. Perfect ... NO, sold out, indeed. No matter what level or stage of growth they are in Jesus, they are 'after God's heart' and desire to please Him, and to get it right no matter how many times they may fall.

And Christians DO indeed fall.

Many have the 'bruises' and scars, even breaks with casts and slings, to prove it. I know that I do and I bruise quite frequently and easily.

Yet, 'we' get up, even when we don't feel like it, we get up; no matter what error or sin, we've been in. 'We' get up. For Jesus is the 'Lifter' of those who love Him. ('The Lifter of our head' -- Psalm 3)

This right here is truth. We seek to please the Father but even the scripture says a JUST man even falls seven times and gets back up. What makes him just? He got back up. Prov. 24:16

And its soooo funny that I used to date guys that would be like "I'm a Christian" and when I say we shouldnt engage in pre-marital sex because its fornication they say, "Oh I dont see nothing with that. If we adults and we lurveeee each other.:spinning:" Its like...come on dude... Its one thing to do it and know that you are wrong. Its another thing to not acknowldge that what has clearly been stated as wrong is WRONG.

:lachen:I am like, "Do you have a new translation because my translation dont say that?"
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This right here is truth. We seek to please the Father but even the scripture says a JUST man even falls seven times and gets back up. What makes him just? He got back up.

The Greater One lives on the inside of us.

He who is able to keep us from 'falling' will continue to do so until the day of Jesus Christ...

Note: I omitted the scripture references [locations] on purpose. My Bible Study teachers would do this to make us 'look' for it and not just take his / her word for it. The lesson was to 'search' God and not man. :yep:

It made me 'study' all the more and to become one who hungers and thirsts for righteousness.

I still search each day ... :bookworm: :yep:
The Greater One lives on the inside of us.

He who is able to keep us from 'falling' will continue to do so until the day of Jesus Christ...

Note: I omitted the scripture references [locations] on purpose. My Bible Study teachers would do this to make us 'look' for it and not just take his / her word for it. The lesson was to 'search' God and not man. :yep:

It made me 'study' all the more and to become one who hungers and thirsts for righteousness.

I still search each day ... :bookworm: :yep:

Good practice but for those that don't know, I'll add a hint Prov. 24:16 :yep:
I come over this way every now and again. This is my now and again lol.

My vantage point is this:

When you believe WHAT you believe, it shows via what you DO. Nobody has to say anything because they can see God IN and OF you. God will be ALL OVER you figuratively and literally. It's not being syrupy sweet on the outside, while being full of piss and vinegar on the inside. You don't have to preach to other people all of the time because you're living by example. It's like being in class.... you can TELL me HOW all day (and I'm using myself as an example) but until you SHOW me how it's DONE, I may not get it. Does that make sense? (meaning walk it, don't just tell me how many scriptures you've memorized. APPLY what you've learned. By showing, you could be helping people to BE better Christians... or showing them the path so that they can choose to be on it... or not.)

I have a tolerance for ALL belief systems because it's the way I was raised. It's called respect. I sometimes find it hard to respect people that have no tolerance for others with different belief systems at all (irregardless of their religious/spiritual background), are quick to throw convenient scriptures (and often misconstrue the true meaning behind said holy scriptures), that throw stones from glass houses (the whole sweep around your own front door thing via telling others to get it together and your house ain't in order), and are wolves in sheep's clothing (see above reference to syrup, piss, and vinegar.) It baffles me how people can get together and gossip about folks (supposedly sister's in Christ), turn around and smile in the gossip topic's faces. You never know who's watching you and the way you act/react to others. You have to give an account for everything you do... and you're mistaken if you think you have to wait until after you're physically dead for it to happen. Things have a way of coming back around. People seem to want the glory without the suffering. The beauty, serenity, and goodness of Christianity, without the ugly truths. It's all or nothing ya know?

Sidebar: My mom always said,"Man can try to hide, but when God is ready... He'll pull the cover off of it for all to see." Meaning that the truth is there and it always has a way of coming out. Always.... but I digress.

I don't hate Jesus or God (they go everywhere I go) but I have a deep disdain for people that use them as convenient shields to cover their own wrong-doings and/or short comings.
Maybe its just me but it seems that this thread has turned into "let me point the finger at you" type of thread.

If you judge and condemn are you not to be judged as well.

I think that we all should be looking to the Lord and no tearing down one another. God is not pleased when we tear people down even those who do wrong, who are hypocrites, who hate etc.

I am guilty of being judgemental as well, so I am asking the Father to forgive me.

Love and Humility is the key here. No one is perfect but Him.

If we say that we love God and hate our brother or sister, how can the Love of God be in us.

I just wanted to share and hope that it bless each of us.

Two wolves are within me and they are constantly fighting each other for control. Which one will win out and claim victory on the last day of my life? I hope the good one because I wish to travel through all the places over there in that fifth world. But if I do not realize that I have two wolves inside of me, then I am doomed to miss that fifth world as I will think that I am without fault. To know there is a bad wolf is good.

health&Hair, I think that people are giving their honest opinion as to why people disdain christians. There are valid, political and social reasons as to why. And I think that G-d uses these mistakes to point out His omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence.
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@tamikachu =], @Iluvsmuhgrass

I agree with you two that there is a "Pharisee" spirit among alot of people that profess themselves to be Christians. Jesus never intended for us to be forceful but to speak the truth in love.

Matthew 10:13-14 If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.

It does not say talk more, get mad, act up, roll your eyes...it says leave in peace.

For those that get offended, condemn, and indignant if you do not believe in the Gospel, they are not operating in the Holy Spirit (only time this is different is if someone is spreading false Gospel with mal-intent).

The Holy Spirit is a 'gentleman'. Those that genuinely care about the salvation of other would not get upset if you don't initially believe. If they get upset it may be because of pride that you did not believe them.

The Lord is the opener and closer of the heart and eyes to the Truth. They should take to prayer and patience for that unsaved person. Never back down but wait for the Lord to open their heart.

Matthew 9:38 So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”

Note: It is important for all Christians to remember that WE do NOT save and WE do NOT give wisdom. The Lord does. Our job is to tell the truth and live it out and God does the rest.
I respectfully disagree, Pooh... :yep: In the book of Acts, the followers of Christ were called Christians at Antioch. This still rings true today, despite popular opinion about what a Christian is. That's the beauty of God's Word..it never changes. God creates. The devil perverts.
Wearing an I love Jesus T-shirt won't get me to heaven. Posting in a Christian forum won't get me to heaven. Good works won't do it. Only knowing Jesus will. I believe that is the goal of many here, despite our differing opinions. I believe we'll all be surprised when we see Truth face to face.

Yes, a person can have Christianity without Jesus Christ. Several people are doing it today. They participate or associate with the Christian religion but do not have Jesus Christ or his teachings in their hearts and souls. And I guess you can say it's the perversion of Christianity.
Two wolves are within me and they are constantly fighting each other for control. Which one will win out and claim victory on the last day of my life? I hope the good one because I wish to travel through all the places over there in that fifth world. But if I do not realize that I have two wolves inside of me, then I am doomed to miss that fifth world as I will think that I am without fault. To know there is a bad wolf is good.

@health&Hair, I think that people are giving their honest opinion as to why people disdain christians. There are valid, political and social reasons as to why. And I think that G-d uses these mistakes to point out His omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence.

The one that will win, is the one that you feed the most! :ohwell: If you feed the "good" wolf with the Word of God/Bread of Life, he will be strong, ready to conquer anything that the bad wolf is trying to entice him with.

Now mr "bad" wolf, feeds so easy, all you have to do is........do NOTHING. The very nature of our being/flesh desires to live ungodly, engage in things that tantalize the flesh and feels good to us. That's why the Word says we were born in sin and shaped in iniquity, Psalm 51:5.

What is a fifth world? Do you mean Heaven? What are the worlds 1-4? I've never heard of that.

@prettyfaceANB said it wonderfully, it is a DAILY walk, not just a Sunday and (insert your biblestudy day here) thing, but a everyday you wake up, you are putting on Jesus Christ and wearing him every minute of the day. We have clothe ourselves in righetousness.

I am getting such a new revelation on this walk as a believer, and I was just thinking the same thing, so thanks @Qualitee for starting this thread, because there are like @SHImmie said, soooo many threads ripping Christian values to shreds.

We can play on words all we want to, and attempt to justify why we do/think what we do/think (that which goes against the values of our faith), but know, that we each will have to give an account for our actions/lives. There will be a JUDGEMENT day, whether we feel it makes sense to us, whether we feel like it's fair or not, whether we like what we feel or not, whether we like what people have told us about our behavior or not.

Question: When's the last time you heard of a Christian killing a Jew, Muslim, Hindu simply on the fact that they didn't believe what the bible says or turned away from the Christian Faith?
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This right here is truth. We seek to please the Father but even the scripture says a JUST man even falls seven times and gets back up. What makes him just? He got back up. Prov. 24:16

And its soooo funny that I used to date guys that would be like "I'm a Christian" and when I say we shouldnt engage in pre-marital sex because its fornication they say, "Oh I dont see nothing with that. If we adults and we lurveeee each other.:spinning:" Its like...come on dude... Its one thing to do it and know that you are wrong. Its another thing to not acknowldge that what has clearly been stated as wrong is WRONG.

:lachen:I am like, "Do you have a new translation because my translation dont say that?"

They are more like 'little boys' who are looking for girls as toys...

The problem is that it breaks the girl's hearts and their spirits.

My Pastor once shared that unmarried 'Christian men are committing 'spirtual incest' when they have sex with a Christian woman; for they are commiting a sin against their Christian sisters.

There will always be a 'pack of wolves' who enter into the Church to seek the innocent blood of virgins to devour.

These wolves don't stand a chance with an LHCF sister, because we can spot a 'wig' or a weave from any distance. These very wolves who disguise themselves in sheep's clothing are literally wearing wigs and weaves from the shedded wool of real sheep. They cannot fool anyone who knows Jesus Christ.

So the next time they come up with that "I'm a Christian... 'but' nonsense, pull his wig off or snatch that weave out. :lol:

Awwwwwwww, I've had too much 'coffee' today. :coffee: And decaf, nind you -- French Vanilla. My posts have been all over the place in this thread, covering any corner of this subject that I can reach. I'm just pouring out my heart.

I do apologize for offending anyone. I do. :kiss:

I am a Rose without thorns. :Rose: :love5:
The one that will win, is the one that you feed the most! :ohwell: If you feed the "good" wolf with the Word of God/Bread of Life, he will be strong, ready to conquer anything that the bad wolf is trying to entice him with.

Now mr "bad" wolf, feeds so easy, all you have to do is........do NOTHING. The very nature of our being/flesh desires to live ungodly, engage in things that tantalize the flesh and feels good to us. That's why the Word says we were born in sin and shaped in iniquity, Psalm 51:5.

What is a fifth world? Do you mean Heaven? What are the worlds 1-4? I've never heard of that.

@prettyfaceANB said it wonderfully, it is a DAILY walk, not just a Sunday and (insert your biblestudy day here) thing, but a everyday you wake up, you are putting on Jesus Christ and wearing him every minute of the day. We have clothe ourselves in righetousness.

I am getting such a new revelation on this walk as a believer, and I was just thinking the same thing, so thanks @Qualitee for starting this thread, because there are like @SHImmie said, soooo many threads ripping Christian values to shreds.

We can play on words all we want to, and attempt to justify why we do/think what we do/think (that which goes against the values of our faith), but know, that we each will have to give an account for our actions/lives. There will be a JUDGEMENT day, whether we feel it makes sense to us, whether we feel like it's fair or not, whether we like what we feel or not, whether we like what people have told us about our behavior or not.

Question: When's the last time you heard of a Christian killing a Jew, Muslim, Hindu simply on the fact that they didn't believe what the bible says or turned away from the Christian Faith?

Wow! Yet there are Muslim 'terriorists' killing Christians and Jews. left and right.
These wolves don't stand a chance with an LHCF sister, because we can spot a 'wig' or a weave from any distance. These very wolves who disguise themselves in sheep's clothing are literally wearing wigs and weaves from the shedded wool of real sheep. They cannot fool anyone who knows Jesus Christ.

So the next time they come up with that "I'm a Christian... 'but' nonsense, pull his wig off or snatch that weave out. :lol:

I :lachen:right here...Sometimes I forget this is a hair forum first....:yep:
Question: When's the last time you heard of a Christian killing a Jew, Muslim, Hindu simply on the fact that they didn't believe what the bible says or turned away from the Christian Faith?

Hmp...And we are judgmental yet there are some that condemn others to death...:spinning:
Okay from what I've read. I think they point is being made and examples are being shown through what ppl are saying. But no one has said once what they do about Jesus and their soul? If you feel as though someone has gotten on your nerves in the past, do what the rest of us Christians do which is ignore them and love them anyway. I'm just saying....

I also feel like there's a whole lot of judgment in the thread that 1. shouldn't be here, and 2. doesn't answer the question. On the first page like three ppl answered the question already. So why did this thread become one of complaining about what another person does not like about a Christian?

You are taking a whole group and condemning everyone for the reasons which I see as 1. Someone pointed out ur sin and ur mad (trust me the rest of us don't like it either) and/or 2. You meet 3 crazy people and your making the rest of us pay for it now.
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They are more like 'little boys' who are looking for girls as toys...

The problem is that it breaks the girl's hearts and their spirits.

My Pastor once shared that unmarried 'Christian men are committing 'spirtual incest' when they have sex with a Christian woman; for they are commiting a sin against their Christian sisters.

There will always be a 'pack of wolves' who enter into the Church to seek the innocent blood of virgins to devour.

These wolves don't stand a chance with an LHCF sister, because we can spot a 'wig' or a weave from any distance. These very wolves who disguise themselves in sheep's clothing are literally wearing wigs and weaves from the shedded wool of real sheep. They cannot fool anyone who knows Jesus Christ.

So the next time they come up with that "I'm a Christian... 'but' nonsense, pull his wig off or snatch that weave out. :lol:

Awwwwwwww, I've had too much 'coffee' today. :coffee: And decaf, nind you -- French Vanilla. My posts have been all over the place in this thread, covering any corner of this subject that I can reach. I'm just pouring out my heart.

I do apologize for offending anyone. I do. :kiss:

I am a Rose without thorns. :Rose: :love5:
Shimmie you are on fiya today. He said Stand and having done all to Stand. Stand having your waist girded with truth.

I am blessed by the ministry that God has put in you.
I respectfully disagree, Pooh... :yep: In the book of Acts, the followers of Christ were called Christians at Antioch.

This still rings true today, despite popular opinion about what a Christian is. That's the beauty of God's Word..it never changes. God creates. The devil perverts.

Wearing an I love Jesus T-shirt won't get me to heaven. Posting in a Christian forum won't get me to heaven. Good works won't do it.

Only knowing Jesus will. I believe that is the goal of many here, despite our differing opinions. I believe we'll all be surprised when we see Truth face to face.

I love that you said this...

The beauty of God's word..it never changes.

As humans, we're the only ones who do 'change' or attempt to ... change God's Word to match the sin I'm wearing for the moment or the day. "Rationalizing' the behaviour which is such a weary waste of time and energy.

Okay, I have to say this and it's not judging...

But this is WHY Chrisitans get bashed so badly. When folks rationalize a sin [or behaviour unbecoming] and when a Christian shares what God's word says about it.... We become the enemy.

Yet Paul said this in Galatians 4:16 ... '... Have I now become your enemy for telling you the truth'?

And finally to the bolded in your post... (way too much coffee for me today )

This and all of which you've shared is so very true; wearing the signs and labels are not it...it's how we live God's word, for we are each 'Walking Epistles' ... Gazing Stocks. Our relationship with God will 'wear' on the outside from the inside.

Wonderful post Laela. Everyone has shared a wonderful views. :yep:

Here's my rose for all... :Rose: And without thorns.
Shimmie you are on fiya today. He said Stand and having done all to Stand. Stand having your waist girded with truth.

I am blessed by the ministry that God has put in you.

I love you 'Sweet Lady' of God. :kiss:

But I have to confess...it's the French Vanilla coffee from my pink and white 16 oz filled to the brim cup. ... :coffee: decaf mind you.

Love and blessings to you. Going to get my train and to give you all a break. :look: :grouphug2:
How so Poo? Can we have Christianity without Jesus Christ? or do you mean the perversion of Christianity?

I think that's why it's so important to have a personal relationship with Christ.

I mean Jesus didn't come to start Christianity, he came to save our souls and welcome all those who weren't Jewish into it. He was promised to the Jews and it later spun into something separate
Wolves...meaning being representative of the dualism of life: good/bad, freedom/laws...choice and result. Every man has a wolf...there are none outside of him that he need fear...only the bad one inside himself. It was rhetorical and not some kind of "spiritual" trickery/reveal that's gone over my head or something.
I respectfully disagree, Pooh... :yep: In the book of Acts, the followers of Christ were called Christians at Antioch. This still rings true today, despite popular opinion about what a Christian is. That's the beauty of God's Word..it never changes. God creates. The devil perverts.
Wearing an I love Jesus T-shirt won't get me to heaven. Posting in a Christian forum won't get me to heaven. Good works won't do it. Only knowing Jesus will. I believe that is the goal of many here, despite our differing opinions. I believe we'll all be surprised when we see Truth face to face.

What are you talking about? There's no difference in opinions in what you said in this post above. I agree. I know followers of Christ were called Christians in the Book of Acts. I know wearing a "I love Jesus" t-shirt won't get you to heaven or posting in a Christian forum or doing good works. I didn't imply nor say any of that stuff. I'm talking about something totally different. I'm talking about the perversion of Christianity religion today, which of course is caused by Satan. I'm not disagreeing with how Christians were in the Bible.
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