Why dont people get jehri curls anymore?

I remember a cousin had Jherri curls, her hair was long too! It was waistlength but it was always greasy! I dreaded when she came in my car because the head rests would have that greasy stain that was impossible to remove! And I do remember her constantly wearing the baggie like 24/7. She finally stop doing it in '96 because it became harder and harder to find a stylist that willingly do this process, she decided she wanted straight hair so she put in a relaxer on her own hair...I warned her...well she had pretty waistlength hair for approximately 2 weeks...then it all fell out!
Alli77 said:
I remember a cousin had Jherri curls, her hair was long too! It was waistlength but it was always greasy! I dreaded when she came in my car because the head rests would have that greasy stain that was impossible to remove! And I do remember her constantly wearing the baggie like 24/7. She finally stop doing it in '96 because it became harder and harder to find a stylist that willingly do this process, she decided she wanted straight hair so she put in a relaxer on her own hair...I warned her...well she had pretty waistlength hair for approximately 2 weeks...then it all fell out!

I read somewhere that if you have a curly perm and you put a relaxer that you will get a chemical haircut wherever the two chemicals meet.
i had a dry curl in the late 80s, early 90s and i think again in the mid 90s called Innovation Curl. no mess or greasiness at all and my hair grew like a weed. i can't remember ever wearing a cap. it was beautiful: thick and long. people would always wanna touch and comment. had to leave it alone though because 1) hairdressers that did this were hard to find and 2) the process took an inordinate amount of time - i think seven hours. Oh yeah and it was quite expensive: $150 per touch up.
I had one from the ages of about 9-12. In fact my grandmother had all of us sporting one at some time or another. It was known that if you stayed with her for more than a week you would come back with a curl. :lol: She still has hers to this day and whenever she sees my natural hair she comments that I need to put one back in my head. :lol:

People don't get them anymore b/c they are a greasy mess and remind them of a period in their lives they would like to forget. Well maybe that last part is just me.
punchinella said:
[/b]I read somewhere that if you have a curly perm and you put a relaxer that you will get a chemical haircut wherever the two chemicals meet.

That's exactly what happened! I was suprized she was even able to go for 2 full weeks, she went from waistlength to twa.

sorry just had to do that:)

I had a jherri curl back in 5th grade. I REFUSE to relive that experience.
And how the heck do you spell "jherri" I see so many variations
The first response that popped out of my mouth was,"Are you serious?" "Have you seen 'Coming to America'?"

But I agree, by now, they should be perfect with all the money the hair industry gets from black women.
I had a curly perm once when I was 18 and all my hair broke off from the roots! :eek:

I think a curly perm is very different from the type of perms that white people get, because it's a lot stronger (at least the one they gave me).
I would never, and now I don't understand why I did have one in the first place.
I cut off my shoulder length hair in 9th grade (85) because I had to have a curl. I kept that curl for exactly 9 months and my hair grew about 6-7 inches in that time frame, no lie then I got a relaxer. My hairdresser tried to talk me out of it saying my hair would fall out but my mother told her to put it in to shut me up. By the grace of God I did not lose any hair but that curl was horrible. I was lazy with my hair and the thought of waking up pick a little a go was very attractive. I should have just went natural. So In 98 I did the BC again and was natural. My hair grew back just as fast.

I have used curl moisterizer on my natural hair and it is wonderful, I just can't get past that smell. If they could reformulate the scent I would buy it by the gallon.

Coming to America was the catalyst for the end of the curl. I will tell you though that people who I had never seen with more than a teaspoon of hair did grow hair with a curl. I think it was the low manipulation aspect of the curl.
RavenIvygurl said:

sorry just had to do that:)

I had a jherri curl back in 5th grade. I REFUSE to relive that experience.
And how the heck do you spell "jherri" I see so many variations

:lachen: :lachen:
I think Design Essentials has a dry curl called Wave by Design! You can even wear your hair in straight styles.
RavenIvygurl said:

sorry just had to do that:)

I had a jherri curl back in 5th grade. I REFUSE to relive that experience.
And how the heck do you spell "jherri" I see so many variations

See what you made me do, I just went on the web and downloaded the ringer.
JLove74 said:
:lachen: :lachen: "other people" don't have to put juices and berries in their hair to keep it right....and it's too damn hot to have a jehri curl

Right, with that jheri juice drip, drip, drippin' all over the place! :D Ugh, who wants to go through that anymore. :crazy: :D I never had a curl but this boy in my class had one. In fact, his whole family had jheri curls. That activator would be all over his shirt and it smelled too.
Pedro Martinez has one...


And a couple of my family members. :look:
Girl, people still wear jehri curls. I was at my salon a couple of weeks ago and a woman came in a asked my stylist how much he charged for a jheri curl. When she left, I cracked up laughing because I didn't realize that people still wore them..:lachen:
Errah I think Shimmie posted her Jehri curl pic over in the health forum. It maybe a older pic but it looks like fiyah. :)