Why Do

Honestly, I wasted my youth. I had a harem and was too picky. Got several serious marriage minded men but I was not ready or too scared to "lose my freedom". Now, the well has dried up and it may never happen for me.

PS. Don't tell my Mum about me rejecting proposals. She thinks someone from our village cursed me.
not settling for the men that are good but not good enough.
am dating any number of men at any given moment but for some reason unwilling to stop and go "this is enough."
not finding "someone i want to have sex with" and "someone i want to talk to" in the right proportions, apparently.

This is my issue.

Plus I keep meeting men who I click with, then they inform me that they are already seeing someone, and they "wish they met me sooner".
I tend to socialize with a small circle & don't get out much, but the men I do encounter don't interest me for long if at all. I could get out more & have said that I would, but I'm more unbothered than not at present. When I want a mate it's still more for the superficial perks of having a man (ex: someone to lift heavy furniture & get my car serviced) than for the companionship.

Btw, according to my mother, I'm too rigid to be so young. According to my older relatives I'm waiting for a fairytale & need to settle before it's too late.


Still unbothered.

- Don't get out enough. I tend to find one spot, make it my hang out and never go anywhere else. As a result, I'm usually around the same people all the time, and none are prospects. And that was before I moved to this new neighborhood that isn't exactly bursting at the seams with people who look like me.

- Needed a break to get my mind right after I finally extricated myself from some foolishness. I don't wanna be that chick who runs off a good guy because I'm still hurting and bitter over the last dude.
Completely emotionally unavailable due to:

.Familial obligations
.Current career + financial goals

After 2016 I will be opening myself up again for a relationship. I wil actually have time for a man then.
A combo of things:

I meet a lot of emotionally unavailable men. I've been in an almost 3 year long situationship that I just want to end. I haven't met anyone who keeps me entertained and emotionally/mentally engaged enough, has financial stability, interested in a relationship now/no baggage, and that I'm physically attracted to and sexually compatible with. I've met men who have been able to provide some, but not all of those things. In my situationship, I settled for a LOT and put up with a lot of BS and vow to not settle for the next man that I get into a committed relationship with. I was casually talking to one guy who I was very compatible with and had almost all of the things I wanted, but was emotionally unavailable because he just got out of a 5 year long relationship. That is the most frustrating thing ever, but the men (especially BM) who aren't emotionally unavailable because they are recently single are whores and have no concept or interest in monogamy, at least in my age group. Granted I am quite young (23), but I've never been a serious long term relationship and would like to experience it. Even if it doesn't lead to marriage, having such experiences in my opinion are important learning opportunities.
Well after 2 post divorce relationships that only lasted a few months I realized I wasn't picking men that had any staying power. I decided at my age I shouldn't be looking for a fairytale but I definitely don't want to be bored and the men I chose were good on paper but boring.

It's very hard to find a black man that matches what I'm looking for and I haven't ever been attracted to non black men in real life (only celebrities, lol) so that really limits my dating pool.