How did you stumble across LHCF?


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity, how did you find LHCF?

As for me, I was sick and tired of long, thin lifeless hair. So, I googled airdrying rollerset. I came across a thread from Isis who mentioned the scarf method and Sylver2. I've haven't strayed since.

***I wanted to post a poll but don't know how*****

Option 1. - Googling for healthier hair
Option 2. - Searching for a product or review
Option 3. - Friend
Option 4. - Other - please specify
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I did a search on how to maintain new growth which lead me to Black Hair Media (BHM). Someone over there mentioned LHCF and I took a look. I liked the personalities on LHCF much more than on BHM so I started visiting BHM less and less and LHCF more and more. Then "Weave Gate" hit BHM and my login was disabled so I stopped going there all together and here I am :sunshine:.
In February 2008, I noticed I was losing my hair big time, after my hairdresser put some type of "texturizer" in it. I had a huge bald spot in the back of my head, about the size of a tennis ball!! I was frustrated and began searching the web for books on black hair. I found Shamboosie's book: "Beautiful Black Hair: Real Solutions to Real Problems". I immediately went & picked it up at my nearest Barnes&Noble bookstore. It left me wanting to know more about taking care of my hair. More extensive google-ing for black hair care turned up this site. *sigh*....and the rest is history...LOL!
I googled in african american hair breakage and thats when I found LHCF..Best day ever!

I did a search on how to maintain new growth which lead me to Black Hair Media (BHM). Someone over there mentioned LHCF and I took a look. I liked the personalities on LHCF much more than on BHM so I started visiting BHM less and less and LHCF more and more. Then "Weave Gate" hit BHM and my login was disabled so I stopped going there all together and here I am :sunshine:.

Me too! Except I did a search on how to take care of african american hair, or something like that, which lead me to BHM which lead to LHCF. Been lurking ever since! :grin:

I did a search on how to maintain new growth which lead me to Black Hair Media (BHM). Someone over there mentioned LHCF and I took a look. I liked the personalities on LHCF much more than on BHM so I started visiting BHM less and less and LHCF more and more. Then "Weave Gate" hit BHM and my login was disabled so I stopped going there all together and here I am :sunshine:.

Same here. I was searching for how to grow long hair, and was lead to BHM first. Then someone mentioned LHCF. I came over here, liked the personalities much more and stayed.

I lurk on BHM from time to time, though.
option 2

i was looking for info on the effects of biotin and prenatal pills on the hair in 07. been hooked ever since
I decided to get serious about stopping my hair breakage. I thought my first step was going to be matching my home hair care to the way my stylist did my hair. So I was going to stop using cheap box relaxers and switch to what she uses. I was Googling reviews on Affirm relaxers and I found the product review database. After that I was hooked!
4 Other.

It's so funny, because a few months before I found LHCF, I had googled things about healthy hair, but did not find it. I had decided I was going to switch hairdressers, trying out different ones who had helathy hair practices and I was considering transitioning to natural. I wanted my hair to grow and be healthy.

Anyway, several months later, I was online researching neighborhoods in Atlanta and one one of the forums, someone asked about salons in Atlanta, and someone replied saying that they were a member of LHCF, and they might be able to find a good recommendation there. I came to the site that day, started lurking, and have been on it everyday since.

I'm addicted to this site. I love you guys. I think you guys are the best and appreciate all of the wisdom, and trial & error experiences that you guys post about everyday. I've learned so much and will definitely have the long healthy hair that I wanted now thanks to you.
Option 4: Other

I was looking on Youtube for Black hair care and came across Saleemah Cartwright's channel; went to her website and saw LHCF mentioned. Googled it and I've been entranced ever since.

Once upon a time there was a beautician and an addiction to blonde highlights over brown semi perm which lead to frizzy burnt afro cotton head tamed by heat. Then I googled natural african american haircare which brought me to LHCF. The End.
A friend signed me up.. Thanks MD. Never looked back. My hair is healthier than it has ever been, and inch by inch it is growing..

LHCF is the business!!!
This summer, while still in my transitioning phase, I was bored at work and was googling and found this wonderful site! Thank God for LHCF!!! It has taught me so much. I get good laughs, get advice, and good tips from entertainment to hair to fitness! Thanks ladies for all your input!!!
I was really frustrated with the amount of breakage I was getting. So, I know someone who was natural and posted at nappturality. While over there, they kept mentioning this site so I came over to take a look.

I actually wish I had found this site first because I NEVER would have cut off all of my relaxed hair if I had. I prefer my hair straight and this site is helping my to grow and maintain my relaxed hair. I'm even doing my own relaxers now.
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My mom has been nagging me about going natural for the last few years. Occasionally she would text me tidbits of info or websites. One day I was sitting at work and she texted me the blog Newly Natural. I was reading that and saw the forums on the side bar and saw LHCF. I immediately paid my money and spent the next the next 12 hours of my shift reading thread after thread. I love it here at LHCF and all the wonderful advice, stories, laughs and support will keep me here.
This summer, while still in my transitioning phase, I was bored at work and was googling and found this wonderful site! Thank God for LHCF!!! It has taught me so much. I get good laughs, get advice, and good tips from entertainment to hair to fitness! Thanks ladies for all your input!!!

:drunk: Yeah LHCF can be the complete 411 for everyday life. :yep:
I was coming out of a weave and wanted wear my own hair w/o losing what I'd grown. I think my journey started on youtube somehow and eventually I ended up here. I became a member that day. Et Voila!
One night I was doing a search on yahoo, searching for how to help my dry hair and ends. LHCF was one of the links that came up. I think I registered that same night and spent about a week or so looking at the site. I didn't want to sign up officially because I didn't have a paypal account and didn't want to get one...but after a while I knew I had to sign up, so I got a paypal account and have been here ever since. I've learned SO much (and not just about hair) since I've been here!

I didn't actually start looking in the "other" section until a few months ago, I was stuck in the hair section. I can only imagine all the stuff I missed:grin:
I did a google search on dry hair and breakage. I had been researching it off and on but that night I happened to run into LHCF.

That was one of the best nights of my life. I'm not even exaggerating. I thought I hit the jack pot.

And over a year later I'm still so grateful that I found this site. I've been edified immensely by this site.
A friend of mine told be about some girls mixing monistat in their hair grease. I did a search and found the thread started by Special C it was a mile long and I read each one I have been hooked ever since.
i googled "how to grow my bangs long" LOL...that's the only thing I wanted was longer bangs so i could make the swoop... i've had shorts bangs since i cut them in junior high (they haven't been past my eyes)... the rest of my hair would grow a little past sl or cbl and i thought that was long ( i call it "black girl long" lol)... now i don't have bangs anymore because the hair is too long to be considered bangs the hair goes past my chin and my back will be past bsl with my next relaxer WooHoo!!! ...thanks lhcf
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I lost my job and had lots of time on my hands. I wanted to grow my hair longer and after reading the book- Grow another 6" inches in 1 year by Kathy Howes I started doing research on the internet. I located and was lead to LHCF. I am sooo happy.
I think, I am not sure but I think, I found this site through NP site? Someone said something there or on a fotki I was at! :)
After having 5 surguries in 1 yr, my hair and edges were shedding big time. I was interested in using menoval to restore my thinning hair, and like so many of the other ladies, I put menoval in the google search engine, and as everyone else said.....the rest was history.
The funny thing was that I was wearing a relaxer at the time, but had a short cut and was letting the back grow so that I could get rope twist. I hadn't considered going natural because I didn't know how to maintain it or style it. I mainly didn't think that natural hair could look "elegant", boy was I wrong!!
I've learned so much from I'm addicted!! lol
My daughter's hair grows fast, and she did an internet search to find out why it's never gotten to MBL