Why did you join LHCF?


Well-Known Member
As I was having a discussion in one of my threads with a fellow poster, i became curious as to why some of you ladies came to LHCF. I know everybody has different reasons with the same general purpose in mind but what motivated you to pay for the gym membership?

What made you go looking for it?
How did you find it?

My answers:

What made you go looking for it? I wanted to learn how to take care of my natural hair which was already growing, i just didn't know what the hell to do with it :ohwell:
How did you find it?
I kept hearing about it on other boards so i googled it, lurked for about 5 months because i didn't know how i felt about paying for a memebership to a hair board.:ohwell: But i am so glad i did:look:
What made you go looking for it?
I was noticing my hair breaking, thinning, not getting any longer and was fed up. I had been doing everything wrong. Too much heat, sleeping on cotton pillows, shampooing w/ products loaded with sulfates, didn't regularly moisturize hair, and I NEVER deep conditioned-- EVER.
I wanted thicker, beautiful, longer, and healthy relaxed hair. I figured it was possible for me.

How did you find it?
Google search.

I lurked for months, stealing tips. Then I finally joined so I could post and really be a part of it all. One of the best decisions I've ever made. :yep:
What made you go looking for it?
Got sick of perms and I had no idea how to take care of natural hair even though I wanted it.

How did you find it?
Google. <~~~man that thing is good
What made you go looking for it?
I was noticing my hair breaking, thinning, not getting any longer and was fed up. I had been doing everything wrong. Too much heat, sleeping on cotton pillows, shampooing w/ products loaded with sulfates, didn't regularly moisturize hair, and I NEVER deep conditioned-- EVER.
I wanted thicker, beautiful, longer, and healthy relaxed hair. I figured it was possible for me.

How did you find it?
Google search.

I lurked for months, stealing tips. Then I finally joined so I could post and really be a part of it all. One of the best decisions I've ever made. :yep:
girl when i say i never used to DC i NEVER did it. so i can relate with that one
MacherieAmour was about to start charging beaucoup bucks for her site and I got a link to this one.
I was looking for a hair care product and this board came up with the comments on the hair care product. It was very interesting so I joined. I lurked since 2005 and was a member, just started commenting recently.
Hair was damaged from all the flat ironing and blow drying and I wanted to grow my relaxer out and start over, so I googled "how to grow a relaxer out" and found this link from another site.
I went bald from ear to ear and found dontspeakdefeats fotki and she had the link. Now I am 100% full head of thick 4/ab Natural healthy hair. I stay for the other things you learn I have been on here since 2004.
I found this site back in August 2008, when I had been Googling about how to grow afro hair long (I saw an ad for Triple Gro products in a magazine and wanted to know more online). I didn't bother with an account at first, since I didn't want to pay and I was quite content with just lurking, which I did a lot and I got plenty of useful information that way from here :yep:. Then, after about 1 and a half years of lurking, I finally gave in to buying a subscription, as I had a wig question to ask. Yeah, and it's been fun being able to finally join in conversations here :grin:
What made you go looking for it?

I was sick and tired of wearing weaves to achieve length and I was mad that I didn't really know how to take care of my hair for it to be at it's best. I pride myself on being the woman who doesn't need others advice on how to dress, who can apply her make-up better daily than a MAC make-over, and who does her own manicures and pedicures with pride. It was ridiculous that my hair was baffling me.

How did you find it?

I was starting the route on my own same as how I started all my other beauty and style journeys and looking up product reviews online, ironically many reviews for the very products I was looking at kept popping up on google from a website called longhaircareforum.com. I clicked expecting a website geared towards white women and was pleasantly stunned to realize this site catered to women of color. I lurked for a while but when I had a question to ask I finally paid my $6.50 and joined. Best decision of this year :)
What made you go looking for it? - The first time I came looking for LHCF was because I was witness to LHCF being bad-mouthed, but I liked what was being said :drunk: so I came, joined, and stayed for the info, but I didn't visit often. The second time I stumbled upon LHCF was after I had some heat damage, and desperately needed some help.

How did you find it? 1) another hair forum 2) Google
I was in Brazil and had no one to do my hair for me plus my hair was badly breaking due to highlights I had gotten before. Desperate for some type of help I joined hair boards and liked the look of LHCF & amount of info I found so paid my money and been happy ever since that I did.

I got sick of wearing fake hair and was googling for HONEST reviews of products and techniques for ladies with hair like mine - 4B coils. The LHCF archives are a goldmine!
I have to preface this by saying I am a newbie to LHCF. I've been lurking around here since November 2009 though.

About my HHJ:
I started getting relaxers at a very young age (I do not remember my first relaxer). My hair never seemed to be growing. I could only manage to get to between SL and APL. Now I know about maintaining healthy hair and how hair actually grows. I bought into all the myths (braids make your hair grow faster, grease grease and more grease, and washing you hair too frequently will make it fall out).

February 2009 was my last relaxer. The stylist I went to was honest and suggested I stop getting relaxers because of the health of my hair. And I stopped. The only problem was I didn't know what the hell I was doing (my only change in care was using sulfate/MEA/TEA/DEA/PEG?mineral oil/petroleum based products). The stylist moved out of state and I was without her help. I thought I could treat it like relaxed hair even though I was transitioning.

Needless to say there was massive breakage at the line of demarcation to the point where all the relaxed ends broke off by November 2009 so I got micros twice (Of course with a break in between). During the whole time I took the time to actually find out about hair growth and haircare and that's when I stumbled across LHCF. Now I know about natural haircare, protein, vitamins, moisture, PS, and no heat styling. For the first time, I love my natural hair texture (4a) and I want to wear it curly. My goal as of now is to take it from between SL and APL stretched to APL unstretched. I know it won't happen this year and I know it will be LONG journey, but I feel like now with my LHCF family I am armed with the healthy habits to get it there.

Long rant I know but for your questions...

What made you go looking for it?
I wanted to grow long, thick, and healthy natural hair. I also had a bald spot when I first started from tying my scarf in the same spot every night before I transitioned.

How did you find it?
Google search
What made you go looking for it?: I was tired of my hair continously breaking and always being dry so i found another hair site before this and there was not alot of activity going on there so here i am.
I have been here since 2003, and I found it looking for a haircare product, I didn't have any issues with my hair, but you always have room to learn more, and this site inspired me to go natural, I have been back and forth every since! LOL!! But I visit other sites but LHCF is my home and always will be. I can't think of the name of my first haircare website, I think it was balckhaircare, it was on......... Oh! shucks I can't think of it, It wasn't a yahoo group. when I think of it I will come back.
What made you go looking for it?
It seemed as if my hair was at a standstill. It was breaking and growing at the same rate. I started watching YT tutorials to see what products were working best and I starting researching. I started looking for women who had hair liked mine. I wanted to see what other black ladies were doing. I wanted to learn from people outside of my geographical area.

How did you find it?
I did a Google search. Anytime I need to know something or find out about a product, I go to Google. Everything I was searching for had a link to this forum. I lurked for a while because I just couldn't make myself pay money for a message board. I would read the post and many would say there is so much more to see if you are a member. At first I was like, whatever I will ride this until the wheels fall off. But then I thought about it, why am I acting like the membership fee is such a big deal when I throw this amount of money away daily on lunch without batting an eye? I think I lurked a year before I finally joined. There is so much info here that I wouldn't know on my own. I don't mind paying the fee because there is a complete difference in my pre LHCF days and now. My scalp is always clean, I don't oil my scalp anymore, I cowash four days a week, I deep condition with steam, I stretch relaxers, I use jheri curl juice, and coconut oil. All of this was never done before I found this site. Not only have I learned more about hair but this site also helped me make a great choice with a money market account and increase my savings with a good rate of return.

Hair, finances, entertainment, fitness, you just can't beat it.

I read more than I post but I'm thankful for this site and all the ladies willing to share knowledge to help someone else.
I had come to LHCF a few years ago when someone on another board provided the link. I visited and looked around decided it wasn't for me and didn't come back. I had healthy hair and I have never had problems growing my hair. Also, I was already practicing many healthy hair care habits. And some of the things I saw the first time I visited seemed extra to me.

Last year I decided to stop relaxing my hair. I needed to learn how to transition and not have my healthy hair become damaged and break off. I remembered this board and googled it and found many other hair boards. I lurked for about a month getting tips on transitioning.

I decided to pay the $6.50 because I wanted to see the pics of people's hair. I wanted to see what everyone was ooohing and aaahing over. And I wanted to respond to some of the threads.
I lurked first to find out more info on an install I wanted. Became a memeber when I every question I googled lead me here. I became a member and have been addicted ever since. My hair is thicker, stronger and healthier than its ever been and it's all from what I've learned here (and the products I've been hipped to). Thank you LCHF, you've saved my hair :)
hair care techniques, hair styling techniques, I wanted to learn how to rollerset, blow dry and flat iron without damaged and to get salon results

I found the site using google search
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What made you go looking for it?
I was looking up info on a product, and LHCF came up in the search. I used to be a hair and skin product junkie, so this was right up my alley.
I"ve always been a bit of a hair fanatic and I was pleased to find that there were others in the world like me. I think I was searching for hairstyles when the site came up.
2 reasons:

1) There was a thread someone wrote about how much more fun it is when you pay for memebership you can see/read so much more. I was curious..and I also felt like lurking for 1+ year was more than enough time to give up my $6 lol.

2) I think it was one of the spirulina threads. It got moved over into natural living..and being that I was a lurker, I couldn't access it anymore. That was actually one of my biggest reasons. I LOVE the natural living side.
What made you go looking for it? I was just looking for some new products and style for my hair
How did you find it? Google wasnt even around..or that big ..when I found this site. I was in college still and was looking up natural hair styles and it popped up. I lurked for a little bit- but I will admit, at first I wasn't impressed enough to pay--maybe because it was mostly relaxed women at the time so I couldn't really benefit..years later, I put my friend on to it and she became a serious lurker. She would call me with everything she learned from LHCF so I decided to give it another try and joined about a year ago or however long ago and my friend still hasn't joined lol.
What made you go looking for it? I would met black women with nice long hair that would be from APL to HL and came to the conclusion that it was MY hair couldn't grow. Natural, texturized, or relaxed my hair would start to break off when I would near NL. Some of the women were nice enough to tell me parts of their regimens and what they used but it never worked for my hair.
I began looking for help online because I was tired of my hair falling out, I wanted to learn how to take care of my hair properly, and needed motivation.

How did you find it? I found LHCF through either Youtube or a google search.

I decided to become a member because I was in desperate need of advice on creating the basis of my hair regimen and had lots of questions I needed answered about hair care. I'm serious when I tell you all that I did not know how to take care of my hair until this year thanks this board. I also wanted to respond to threads.
I joined because I want to see if I can grow MY hair long. Sometimes I asked my stylist to relax and color my hair all on the same visit. She always gave me what I asked for. If I saw a style on someone's head that I liked, I told her and she tried her best to replicate it. Sometimes that required techniques that were damaging to the hair. :look:

I don't blame stylists for not growing my hair, I blame me. I came here to get/give knowledge regarding healthy hair techniques. Once I'm educated I will then know what to ask for and if in fact it is damaging to my hair. :yep:

I agree with a previous poster, I don't blame McDonalds when I gain 10 pounds. When I was ordering a Big Mac with xtra sauce the cashier never said "Do you know how many calories are in that burger? It's really bad for you, how about a salad?".:nono:

I found out about LHCF from another hair board.

ETA: I really can't blame stylist for not growing my hair long because before LHCF, I didnt think AAW could have long hair, only the one's with good hair.
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What made you go looking for it?

I had been trapped between ear and chin length for years before finally growing to shoulder length thanks to constant braiding. At shoulder length, I stopped wearing braids and found my hair breaking off, being dry, being raggedy, and pretty much going back to the way it used to be. I didn't want that and couldn't afford to go to the salon weekly, so I started looking for how to take care of and grow my hair on my own.

How did you find it?
I searched "dry crunchy ends" on google, because when I started my research, dry crunchy ends were my biggest problem. Led me straight to LHCF. :grin:
Excellent question!

What made you go looking for it? I was doing an internet search to find a way to grow longer hair. And like most ladies, I lurked for a long time and didn't visit often. One day when I "vowed" to be serious about my hair I decided to join. Even after joining I realized I was being inconsistant and became very discouraged because I wasn't seeing much progress in my hair. I recently figured out a few mistakes. Now, I'm back on track again.

How did you find it? Google
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What made you go looking for it?

I was trying to grow out a cut that I got last spring and it seemed to be taking forever. I kept hearing this commercial on the radio for Ovation Cell Therapy. So I googled OCT and threads from LHCF kept popping up. I paid my 6.50 about a week after discovering the board.
I experienced breakage, found another board, they were talking about this board... I lurked & lurked and then decided to pay so I could see... been here ever since best $6 bucks ever spent such a wealth of information thanks to everyone from the cowash suggestion to the MTG to the Megatek to the baggying to the JBCO to the essential oils to the air drying to the buns... you get my point!