Why are men so damn PASSIVE???

if a man has you wondering move on.......my friend was liking a guy he seemed interested she guesses, but he played games very passive, she eventually left it alone.

men nowadays don't understand it's their job to pursue us not the other way around, why play games like a chick? if you like a woman let her know. men are not men anymore :(

What's wrong w/ men these days? I think it's a couple different reasons. I hate to say it but I think women are partly to blame, at least the fallout from he women's movement anyway, putting too much emphasis on being aggressive, acting like a man; too many single parent homes headed by women w/ no male for men to model themselves after. Gender roles are blurred nowadays, and it's not uncommon for men to expect to be chased these days, especially if they're half way decent looking w/ their act together. Too many women willing to play the role of hunter, I can't even say I blame the men anymore, if I could get everything I wanted without having to work for it, I'd do the same too.

I agree with everything said above...especially the quotes in bold. :yep:

SOME Men don't know how to act like men anymore these days. And some women....(sad to say) also don't know how to act like women. We're so busy and focused on how to be "equal" to men, do our "own" things, being "INDEPENDENT women", being "aggressive" in the work place, etc. that the gender roles have really become very VERY blurred. You even hear more and more about women who are now lesbians or who are "bi" etc.

I notice that a lot of men didn't grow up in two-parent family households, and because they don't have that father figure in their life, it makes it hard for them...for everyone really. Some of these men end up growing up not knowing how to pursue a woman, or how to treat a woman decently and with respect. :nono:

It really is a shame when you think about it. :ohwell:

And don't get me started on these women who chase men down. :nono: They make it so EASY for the men and so the men get used to women chasing THEM, that they don't know how to act when they have to pursue a woman! :rolleyes: Don't let a guy be NICE-looking and have his act together either. Oh please! Those are the ones who pursue the LESS. I've noticed it. Unless he's a very "conventional" man brought up with conventional roles masculine vs. feminine roles, he will probably be very used to women chasing him. It's sad...but it's true. :ohwell:
I can see what your point about men being passive, but so many women talk about how they get approached all the time. So maybe ask them how they do it?
I think its because they're afraid of rejection.

I think many men are affraid of rejection so they approach the most approachable woman in the room. If you are hot with a foul look on your face you will attract a player with too much confidence.
Interesting topic because something similar happened along the lines of what you are speaking of. Long story short, a guy at my job let someone know that he is interested in me a few weeks ago. Today he had the chance to speak to me, and I even stopped and said goodbye to him and he barely said a word. Yet he asked said friend a few days ago if he could give her his number to give to me. I respectfully declined. I will not be calling you. Man up or get lost.