Why are Men So Afriad to Say a Guy is good looking?


Active Member
Everytime I ask one of my male friends if he thinks a guy is cute or what he thinks about him he's quick to respond "i don't judge guys". Like danm is it that hard to get an opinion out of you? Women are quick to judge women and say if they're cute or not but why not men, sometimes it's not even really judging, just an opinion. Does this happen to anyone else?
Everytime I ask one of my male friends if he thinks a guy is cute or what he thinks about him he's quick to respond "i don't judge guys". Like danm is it that hard to get an opinion out of you? Women are quick to judge women and say if they're cute or not but why not men, sometimes it's not even really judging, just an opinion. Does this happen to anyone else?

because it is unnecessary............ just because women do it doesn't make it right or necessary

because it is unnecessary............ just because women do it doesn't make it right or necessary



I have heard my man say " I guess the man ain't ugly cuz chicks dig him"
and that's as close to it gets. He ONLY speaks of anyone's looks unless it is very relevant to something important to him.
Everytime I ask one of my male friends if he thinks a guy is cute or what he thinks about him he's quick to respond "i don't judge guys". Like danm is it that hard to get an opinion out of you? Women are quick to judge women and say if they're cute or not but why not men, sometimes it's not even really judging, just an opinion. Does this happen to anyone else?

The way you're even setting the question up, makes me hope they don't respond. Would you really want your dude to respond "yeah, he's cute." or "naw, I've seen waaaayyyy better."