Whoa Is me, Feeling

Country gal

Well-Known Member
Do you get the Whoa is me feeling whenever you go to a wedding, baby shower, bridal shower? I try to be happy and upbeat for the happy couple. It makes me look at my own life and think whoa is me. I went to a bridal shower today. I didn't feel this feeling until I got home. I was wondering will it every be my time.
I don't go to either of those very often but I do sometimes feel like that when I'm walking around the mall or downtown and I see happy couples laughing and smiling. Especially younger couples.
Do you get the Whoa is me feeling whenever you go to a wedding, baby shower, bridal shower? I try to be happy and upbeat for the happy couple. It makes me look at my own life and think whoa is me. I went to a bridal shower today. I didn't feel this feeling until I got home. I was wondering will it every be my time.

Yes, yes and yes! I went to a wedding less than a month ago and the mother and grandmother of the groom kept coming over to me asking if I saw anyone I liked-talk about feeling like a lost cause. The salon where I get my manicure and pedicure on a regular the owner- the sweetest little asian women is always asking me.....married? boyfriend? The last time I went in there she asked me anything yet? because she is single and also looking for a man. To shake the feeling I just tell myself God has a plan for each and every one of us in His own due time.:yep: Besides, my motto is anyone can get married, but the challenge is staying happily married.
How do you shake it off?

I don't ever really shake it all the way off. Even when some time passes and I feel better a small piece of me still feels like that.

I'm pretty even-keeled for the most part though. It only gets bad if I'm feeling extra emotional and there's some sort of trigger that sets me off.

I think '08 is my year though. :yep:
Yes, yes and yes! I went to a wedding less than a month ago and the mother and grandmother of the groom kept coming over to me asking if I saw anyone I liked-talk about feeling about a lost cause. The salon where I get my manicure and pedicure on a regular the owner- the sweetest little asian women is always asking me.....married? boyfriend? The last time I went in there she asked me anything yet? because she is single and also looking for a man. To shake the feeling I just tell myself God has a plan for each and every one of us in His own due time.:yep:

I can soooo relate to this. A couple of times a year I go and visit my elderly Aunt who is in her 80's. Now you know how older people are, they want to see you happy and settled. Every time I go and visit her she says, "You know, you're welcome to bring a guest(a man, boyfriend) anytime you like". Each time I have to tell her that I don't have anyone and she seems genuinely let down.:ohwell:

I have to tell myself that usually people don't mean any harm, they just really want to see you with someone.
I start to feel frustrated at the years I wasted with men who were not right for me. This one girl at the party is a little older than me. She has been married for 10 years. I was adding up the 5 years I spent with a man that didn't want to commit to me but turned around and married his ex girlfriend 2 years after me. I also spent almost 2 years with a man I couldn't really trust all the way. He was a nice guy but things just didn't add up. I am determined to not be desperate and get back into a desperate situation. I do have it going on. I just want more children. I don't want to look up and my lil one is gone out of the house and I am still pining away for Mr. Right.
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Yes. This is why sometimes I don't go. It's not worth the whoa-is-me/I'm about to have a hysterial crying fit breakdown. I feel bad about it, but sometimes I just.can't.do.it. :nono:

One of my cousins got married on Valentine's Day a couple of years ago and I couldn't bring myself to go to the wedding. I told my family to send my congratulations, but I just could not bring myself to be there that day.

ETA: I totally relate to what you're saying Countrygal. I don't feel bad because of years wasted with the wrong one, but I feel bad because of how much time has passed since I've met ANYBODY I've wanted a future with and vice versa. And I say this now, having not been on a date in over a year. :nono: Sometimes it's too painful.
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Don't want to hijack your thread CG and maybe I should start a spin-off but how are you ladies being proactive about meeting someone? I just joined Meetup.com so that I can get out more and be more social. I realized that sitting in every weekend with Netflix isn't helping my cause at all.:nono:
Yes girl! I thought I was the only one!! I try to just stay positive and know that my time will come because I feel like if I continue to be negative and feel like "whoa is me" i'll be blocking the blessings that are supposed to come my way.
I feel for you. I used to get that feeling too. Whenever I would hear of someone marrying or having a baby shower. Even if I was really happy for them, I still had a bit of a sadness inside.
To get out of that, I focused on what was good in my life and things I had going on. I just basiclly had to move forward adn not let myself mellow in sadness.
Don't want to hijack your thread CG and maybe I should start a spin-off but how are you ladies being proactive about meeting someone? I just joined Meetup.com so that I can get out more and be more social. I realized that sitting in every weekend with Netflix isn't helping my cause at all.:nono:

I met my sweety on singlesnet.com in January. Would I recommend that avenue to anyone else? honestly, no. When I joined I only went out with 2 guys one was white and the other was black. 95% of my responses were white men. Considering all of the responses I received from white men there was one that stood out to me. He just said he thought I was beautiful and asked if I wanted to go out sometime and in his photo he looked like a genuinely nice guy. As it turned out the black guy was kicked to the curb 2 months later after he tried to sell a "business deal" to me to make fast $$$$ because of my good credit history. I am currently dating the white guy and very happy:yep:.
I met my sweety on singlesnet.com in January. Would I recommend that avenue to anyone else? honestly, no. When I joined I only went out with 2 guys one was white and the other was black. 95% of my responses were white men. Considering all of the responses I received from white men there was one that stood out to me. He just said he thought I was beautiful and asked if I wanted to go out sometime and in his photo he looked like a genuinely nice guy. As it turned out the black guy was kicked to the curb 2 months later after he tried to sell a "business deal" to me to make fast $$$$ because of my good credit history. I am currently dating the white guy and very happy:yep:.

Why wouldn't you recommend that avenue to anyone else? Did something negative happen?
Do you get the Whoa is me feeling whenever you go to a wedding, baby shower, bridal shower? I try to be happy and upbeat for the happy couple. It makes me look at my own life and think whoa is me. I went to a bridal shower today. I didn't feel this feeling until I got home. I was wondering will it every be my time.

:bighug: I understand. Yes I do. You are not alone...
My SO's neighbors got married last week I was over his house at the time and I was looking out the window when she was getting into the vintage Rolls Royce. She was a beautiful bride.

I was so happy for her (we had met them when they invited us over for a glass of wine last year), but I felt so sad inside. Though I am in a relationship, my SO does not want to get married again (emotional breakup and divorce from first wife).
Why wouldn't you recommend that avenue to anyone else? Did something negative happen?

No, not at all, but there's a lot of "game" on there. Prior to meeting this guy I was totally against it too, but my friend suggested I do so and I figured with my luck in dating that I had nothing to lose and everything to gain:ohwell:.
No, not at all, but there's a lot of "game" on there. Prior to meeting this guy I was totally against it too, but my friend suggested I do so and I figured with my luck in dating that I had nothing to lose and everything to gain:ohwell:.

Yeah, lots and lots of game players with internet dating. Take away the married, uglies, and weirdos and the pool is very small.:nono:

Oh, and glad that you met someone nice! :)
I almost didnt want to go to my friends barbecue cause I knew i'd get a jealous of seeing her beautiful family in their cutest house just enjoying life and being together. Her husband seems like the ideal husband and her 3 kids are so beautiful. I know every family has skeletons in the closet but on the surface, they look good.

And if here ONE more person tell me they are getting married, engaged or having a baby...:wallbash:

I get semi-depressed at weddings, showers, etc. My clock is ticking, and if i'm holding someones 1 yr old as they blow raspberries at me,i get that feelin in my tummy.

Woe is me...:sad:
Not when I go to the actual event (which is a rarity for me) But did think about it when one my childhood friends got married to this guy who she hadnt been together with as long as my DF. But I ran into her the other day and didnt feel any type of way about it. It works for her but I just dont think right now its the time for me.
This summer I plan on getting out. I am not feeling internet dating because of the game playing.

Sometimes when I go to events it is still lonely especially if there are a lot of married folks around. I get the sense that they don't trust the attractive, single chick.:nono:
This summer I plan on getting out. I am not feeling internet dating because of the game playing.

Sometimes when I go to events it is still lonely especially if there are a lot of married folks around. I get the sense that they don't trust the attractive, single chick.:nono:

I hate to tell you County Gal, but "your" man will arrive when you ain't looking and you don't care! AND he might not look like you expected he would.

It happened to me... :lachen:
Do you get the Whoa is me feeling whenever you go to a wedding, baby shower, bridal shower? I try to be happy and upbeat for the happy couple. It makes me look at my own life and think whoa is me. I went to a bridal shower today. I didn't feel this feeling until I got home. I was wondering will it every be my time.

I feel the same way sometimes when I year about weddings not baby showers though because I have no desire to have another child. I just avoid going to bridal showers and weddings unless its immediate family. I get the feeling that my day will never come :ohwell: Prospects just are not looking too good these days. When I finish grad school this year, I plan on looking for a higher paying job in another area, not where I live. Not only for my career but in hopes of having a better social life and chance of meeting more compatible men. The pool of men here is just :nono:
Don't want to hijack your thread CG and maybe I should start a spin-off but how are you ladies being proactive about meeting someone? I just joined Meetup.com so that I can get out more and be more social. I realized that sitting in every weekend with Netflix isn't helping my cause at all.:nono:

I joined meet up.com but have not been to an event yet. I am in grad school part time and I work full time, so I am pretty burned out. I know, I know I just need to make myself get out more even if I am a little tired.
I feel this way sometimes and what makes it worse is that my Pastor just completed a series on relationships and said that some of us single women need to give it up. There is not enough men to go around and some of us will not get married. This is horrifying to me. I just don't think God would give me the desire without being able to meet it. Then I had to examine why I wanted to get married to make sure I just wasn't being superficial or just doing what is "expected". I don't know....I'm getting old, my eggs are old....I'm trying to be faithful and positive and although I'm dating....there are no guarantees it will end in marriage. The only thing I can do is stay active, be positive, and believe God has someone molded especially for me and when its time...it will be perfect.
I feel this way sometimes and what makes it worse is that my Pastor just completed a series on relationships and said that some of us single women need to give it up. There is not enough men to go around and some of us will not get married. This is horrifying to me. I just don't think God would give me the desire without being able to meet it. Then I had to examine why I wanted to get married to make sure I just wasn't being superficial or just doing what is "expected". I don't know....I'm getting old, my eggs are old....I'm trying to be faithful and positive and although I'm dating....there are no guarantees it will end in marriage. The only thing I can do is stay active, be positive, and believe God has someone molded especially for me and when its time...it will be perfect.
Wow to the bolded.That is very sad.It may be true though.:sad:I think woa its me everyday.:sad:
I hate to tell you County Gal, but "your" man will arrive when you ain't looking and you don't care! AND he might not look like you expected he would.

It happened to me... :lachen:

@ bolded And that is what I keep telling myself.

All my close gf's are in serious long term relationships and I am the odd one out:ohwell:. Trust me I know how you feel CG. And then every other week some is announcing their pregnancy, I'm like enough already:drunk:.

But after an emotional break-up I'm just riding solo for now (whether or not I like it is another story). I don't see myself with anyone any time soon though. But keep your head up. When you lest expect it "your man" will come.
Wow to the bolded.That is very sad.It may be true though.:sad:I think woa its me everyday.:sad:

this makes me cry....I don't want to believe it. But when I think back over my life and the relationships I chose, it makes me sad to know that I wasted so much of my youth on a possibity. I can't get that time back but what I can do is make better decisions. The heart is a tough thing to manage sometimes. Lord...please teach me how to love you....let me fall so deeply in love with you that it won't matter if I never marry......(trying to convince myself that going to bed alone every night, or a physical best friend to talk and never having children to nuture and love...I'm going to be alright)
I feel this way sometimes and what makes it worse is that my Pastor just completed a series on relationships and said that some of us single women need to give it up. There is not enough men to go around and some of us will not get married. This is horrifying to me. I just don't think God would give me the desire without being able to meet it. Then I had to examine why I wanted to get married to make sure I just wasn't being superficial or just doing what is "expected". I don't know....I'm getting old, my eggs are old....I'm trying to be faithful and positive and although I'm dating....there are no guarantees it will end in marriage. The only thing I can do is stay active, be positive, and believe God has someone molded especially for me and when its time...it will be perfect.

Wow, how depressing. :(
I don't ever really shake it all the way off. Even when some time passes and I feel better a small piece of me still feels like that.

I'm pretty even-keeled for the most part though. It only gets bad if I'm feeling extra emotional and there's some sort of trigger that sets me off.

I think '08 is my year though. :yep:

It's like your reading my mind!

I don't think I'm ever 100% okay, I think I just have times when I'm able to push it to the back of my mind. I was good for awhile, but then I started finding old friends on Facebook and got depressed again. :rolleyes: