Who NEVER had Armpit length,but now does!


Well-Known Member
I was just sitting at my desk admiring the fotki of Jennifer MD. That girl's hair is the bomb and so many others on this forum. I have never ever ever in my life had APL hair but that is definitely my goal. My hair is just barely touching the shoulders now after a 2 inch unwanted cut in Dec. So I sit here at my desk and then touch my armpit and think my hair will never reach this length. It seems sooo far away. I'm tall, 5'7" and this just seems impossible. So I need some inspiration with pics and would like to see what ladies are now APL that has never been been before in their life. My hair is very healthy now and is growing but APL on me would floor me! If you had APL as a child you're disqualified from this thread. I need to hear from ladies just like me on this one. I think I'm going to put my hair on the prayer request list for APL!
janeemat said:
I was just sitting at my desk admiring the fotki of Jennifer MD. That girl's hair is the bomb and so many others on this forum. I have never ever ever in my life had APL hair but that is definitely my goal. My hair is just barely touching the shoulders now after a 2 inch unwanted cut in Dec. So I sit here at my desk and then touch my armpit and think my hair will never reach this length. It seems sooo far away. I'm tall, 5'7" and this just seems impossible. So I need some inspiration with pics and would like to see what ladies are now APL that has never been been before in their life. My hair is very healthy now and is growing but APL on me would floor me! If you had APL as a child you're disqualified from this thread. I need to hear from ladies just like me on this one. I think I'm going to put my hair on the prayer request list for APL!

I've never had APL but now I'm only a couple of inches from it. I'm actually only one inch but I'm going to get a trim. I never thought I'd get here. Keep taking care of your hair. keeping it healthy will do you way more good than putting all your focus on growth.

good luck
This is what i would like to know too. Excellent thread. My hair is also the healthiest it has ever been, but has never been armpit in my life.
Me Me Me!! :D I have never had APL length hair let alone dang near bra strap! I am in my 30's and while I reached shoulders, upper back this is the most hair I have ever had in my life! Thank you jesus! I never knew I could have this length let alone thickness! I washed my hair last night and it felt so heavy when running water through it. I feel really grateful. I always had thin hair in comparison to my sis and never know I had thick hair. Now it's so full I feel like a breek girl! Keep the faith and the regimes ladies! IT CAN HAPPEN!!! :D
:weird: Me Me Me Me

Yep. My hair is usually SL. A few times its hit the tip of my back. Most of the time, the hairdressers would cut my hair because it was so thick and didn't want to do my hair. Or I would get damaging split ends because I didn't know to protect them. The last straw was when my hair was abused by flat ironing to death. I found this site and started doing one recommendation per month. Finding what works for me.

My goal was to find 1 vitamin/supplement, 1 topical aid and 1 moisturizer. I have been here over a year and still haven't incorporated proteins, hennas or porosity solutions yet. Today I am about 1" from my bra strap. It's amazing to me. Good hair care is so important and it does work.
Thanks for this thread. I need the inspiration. Even though my "goal" is BSL, I think thick healthy APL hair will look great and I can't wait to achieve that.
s_terry said:
Me Me Me!! :D I have never had APL length hair let alone dang near bra strap! I am in my 30's and while I reached shoulders, upper back this is the most hair I have ever had in my life! Thank you jesus! I never knew I could have this length let alone thickness! I washed my hair last night and it felt so heavy when running water through it. I feel really grateful. I always had thin hair in comparison to my sis and never know I had thick hair. Now it's so full I feel like a breek girl! Keep the faith and the regimes ladies! IT CAN HAPPEN!!! :D

Ok, spill it. How long did it take you to reach it and have been caring for your hair? What's your regimen and I would love to see before and after pics. I do believe you, because after a 12 wk stretch, my hair did wonders and it has really gotten thicker. For me to reach APL seems like 50 inches of new hair. I'm sure everyone around you are in shock.
I'm about 2 1/2" from APL (in micros now) and this is the longest it's ever been, APL is my current goal and I hope hope hope to be there in the end of this braiding process, which I plan to redo in 2 months and finally touch-up in the end of July or August, hopefully to reveal APL hair. I can attest to, x-ing out heat in my regimen, no weave styles (except braids), rollersets, stretching, and better diet protein intake to my attaining and retaining length. I wish I'd done this 4 or 5 years ago, but my hair has definately made strides from then when I had to cut it to a neck length bob (which I did love) after neglecting my own hair in weaves. When we're young and it's more about 'lookin good' and you're too busy to take the time to educate yourself about the care of your hair it kinda fools us into thinking the length we achieved or lack thereof was as good as it's gonna get for 'us'. All it takes are a few changes, omits or adds, and dedication to the care of your hair and you'll get there.
CAPlush said:
Thanks for this thread. I need the inspiration. Even though my "goal" is BSL, I think thick healthy APL hair will look great and I can't wait to achieve that.

Same here.:yep: My hair is now just brushing my shoulders, after years of getting it cut to chin/mid-neck length. I don't think my hair was ever even at APL as a child. As someone who's never had "long hair", I'd be more than happy with a head of healthy APL strands.

Sending up a "hair prayer" for all of us!:D
I'm now armpit length-- but my hair is still pretty thin. (need to update my fotki) I can never relax to bone straight and expect it to have body. If you're like me, there is a world of hope :) But don't let a hairdresser overprocess you.
janeemat said:
I was just sitting at my desk admiring the fotki of Jennifer MD. That girl's hair is the bomb and so many others on this forum. I have never ever ever in my life had APL hair but that is definitely my goal. My hair is just barely touching the shoulders now after a 2 inch unwanted cut in Dec. So I sit here at my desk and then touch my armpit and think my hair will never reach this length. It seems sooo far away. I'm tall, 5'7" and this just seems impossible. So I need some inspiration with pics and would like to see what ladies are now APL that has never been been before in their life. My hair is very healthy now and is growing but APL on me would floor me! If you had APL as a child you're disqualified from this thread. I need to hear from ladies just like me on this one. I think I'm going to put my hair on the prayer request list for APL!

I'm exactly your height and I guess I can claim APL from the back. If you'd like to check out my fotki it's http://public.fotki.com/lashay06/ I was just as impatient when I started my hair journey too and it seemed impossible to reach because I'm kindof tall and my shoulders extremely wide(back fat)LOL, but it is possible and I hope that this will give you a little bit of encouragement.
Ladies, it's so inspiring to hear these testimonies! I can't wait to hear more. I agree, let's pray for each other. I'm claiming it! Healthy APL!
:Raises hand: The nape area has grown an inch or two past shoulder, but my crown would always break before I was anywhere near APL. It took forever for me to get to APL but on the plus side, I think getting to BSL should be easier.
lashay06 said:
I'm exactly your height and I guess I can claim APL from the back. If you'd like to check out my fotki it's http://public.fotki.com/lashay06/ I was just as impatient when I started my hair journey too and it seemed impossible to reach because I'm kindof tall and my shoulders extremely wide(back fat)LOL, but it is possible and I hope that this will give you a little bit of encouragement.

Girl your hair looks good! That's amazing growth from last year! I'm on my way.
senimoni said:
:Raises hand: The nape area has grown an inch or two past shoulder, but my crown would always break before I was anywhere near APL. It took forever for me to get to APL but on the plus side, I think getting to BSL should be easier.

I'm so glad you replied to this thread. I had you under my favs and lost it when I changed computers a few weeks ago. You are definitely an inspiration. Your comparison shots tell the story. This is just what I needed. I'm going to stalk your fotki today and will pm if I have any questions.
This is me.. I am about an inc from it now. I have NEVER seen anything past SL before.. I usually would start to do mean things for my hair, like get a glues in weave or other mean things that would cause it to break... It is a visicious cycle. I think i will make it to my goals, but the key is patience. I have been using my MTG, and while i dont protective style, I try to keep my hair in curls that are off my neck. I am where you are and so many women over here have sat in your shoes as well. Just trust that you will see your goals and try not to think about it
This is a great thread. I've always been at shoulder length max, and I used to murder my hair. I chopped it off once to ear length and it grew back so quick and then just quit. Now that I'm actively trying to take better care of my hair, let's see if I can get to APL. If I can get there, I'll be happy.
senimoni said:
:Raises hand: The nape area has grown an inch or two past shoulder, but my crown would always break before I was anywhere near APL. It took forever for me to get to APL but on the plus side, I think getting to BSL should be easier.

senimoni your hair made a lot of progress! beautiful hair!

I've never been past neck length but these posts help me stay motivated. Keep em coming ladies :)
Me. I did have long hair as a little girl but I dont even remember if it was armpit. I got a relaxer and poor hair regimen in the second grade so my long hair was short lived.
:Rose: I had short hair all my life until my late 20's and I started trying to get a nice head of hair. Now my hair is little past bsl. And all I can say it takes time and hair always grow slow during the fall and winter months, it's just like grass lol. Now that spring is almost here you have to catch the wave. Your hair is going to start to really take off growing. So keep doing what your doing and by the end of summer you will have a whole other level of hair growth. Good luck
I have had long hair in the past but I too don't ever remember it being APL. As you can see in my comparison pics it now is at that length and I am happy to say as of a week or so ago it is right at the top of my bra strap. My goal was to be at bra strap and beyond by end of Dec this year. I will make it thank Goodness!

I owe it to people like all of you wonderful ladies telling me what I was doing wrong and educating me on how to get there.

No one could have made me believe that one day my hair would reach this major milestone when I was just going natural. I hoped and I prayed but could not get there for years as a natural until I learned you had to protect those ends at all cost when you are at the shoulder length because that is when you hair will break the most rubbing up against clothes and everything else. Who knew! I didn't but when I found out, you can believe I listen and did exactly what you wonderful hair mentors told me what to do.

Sorry, this sounds like a speech at an awards show doesn't it...well, it is! This site and a few others are award winning in helping me change not only my hair care routine but my mind about my naturally kinky hair.

Bless you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Same here. I always longed for long hair but never had it as a child. It was not until recent years that I began searching for ways to keep my hair from breaking off and that is when I started being more careful about how a cared for it. When my hair finally made APL I was so excited! Then I was determined to see just how long my hair would grow. Since then I found this board and other resources. Patience and education helps. I do not have any before pictures. But I do have a fotki if any are interested in stopping by.

PM me for PW
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Hugs and Kisses to all of you ladies. All of you are so wondeful in sharing. I am encouraged! I'm looking forward to 6 months from now. I'm on the right track and I'm protecting my ends, stretching, deep cond, etc. Thanks for all of the photos and allowing me peek in your fotki. I'm just excited from reading the threads!
Hey Janeemat!

I'm your height and I never had APL hair before. As a child and up to college, I had hair that was always between shoulder and slightly past shoulder. I just reached APL late last year...you can check out my Fotki, the pswd is grow.

It took me a while to make it to APL, mainly because my hair was much thinner when I started. Now, it's much thicker and I'm on my way to BSL.

I would suggest sticking to your routine, takin progress pics, and checking out JenniferMD's fotki for inspiration. That's what's helped me so far...good luck :D
janeemat said:
So I sit here at my desk and then touch my armpit and think my hair will never reach this length.

I soo feel you. I'm the same height and I swear if I were shorter or had a shorter neck, my hair would appear longer!!! But the one thing I can say is my hair never got past a certain length due to my own ignorance. I have 4b hair, extremely coarse and I've always need more moisture with a little oil, and until I found this forum, I was clueless. Plus I HAVE to put my hair up on below freezing days to save my ends. I'm in the Windy City! That was why I had to always get a few inches cut off once Spring was here. Not this year though! :)

It will come with our patience!
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OneInAMillion said:
Hey Janeemat!

I'm your height and I never had APL hair before. As a child and up to college, I had hair that was always between shoulder and slightly past shoulder. I just reached APL late last year...you can check out my Fotki, the pswd is grow.

It took me a while to make it to APL, mainly because my hair was much thinner when I started. Now, it's much thicker and I'm on my way to BSL.

I would suggest sticking to your routine, takin progress pics, and checking out JenniferMD's fotki for inspiration. That's what's helped me so far...good luck :D

All I can say is WOW! I'm adding you to my favs. I just checked out your fotki and I loved seeing the ng at 16 wk stretch. I aiming for 14 wks this time because I do know that will help get me there. JenniferMD is my number one inspiration!