Who is your hair Goddess? NAME ONLY ONE PERSON!


Well-Known Member
If you have to pick one person, who is Miss Universe of hair for you? I pick Sonce because her hair is healthy, long and she's African descent. It's for all the people who don't believe you can be black with long hair.
wow, that's sooooo tough!

um, I'm going to pick Cheeks87 because she is my "big hair sis" and she has very pretty hair :)
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I'll pick the beautiful young lady that plays "Monica" on the TV show Girlfriends. I dont know her real name, but she's so beautiful and her hair is sooooo thick and gorgeous.
It's impossible for me to pick just one :lol:

Recently I was looking through lynnieb's album. GOOD LAWD is that a lot of hair :shocked:

:worship2: to lynnieb lol
Wow, this is so hard. There's so many women whose hair that I admire that are both relaxed and natural. Even though I want to list like 20 women I'm going to have to say Macherieamour because not only is her hair gorgeous but she's helped a lot of women with their hair with her tutorials and the informative articles she writes.
I'll pick the beautiful young lady that plays "Monica" on the TV show Girlfriends. I dont know her real name, but she's so beautiful and her hair is sooooo thick and gorgeous.

OMG yes! Did you see her in that tyler perry movie? She was in it a total of 5 minutes but jesus that girl has a BEAUTIFUL head of hair. That is my hair goal.
I'll pick the beautiful young lady that plays "Monica" on the TV show Girlfriends. I dont know her real name, but she's so beautiful and her hair is sooooo thick and gorgeous.

Keesha Sharp...she's one of my favs too.
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Well, there are acutally 3 that I have in mind, but since I have to choose I would have to say "sweetcashew". Not only is her hair super super long (hangs past her butt when she doesn't trim) but it is also super healthy and thick. She has also created an amazing product line and website.:grin:
My hair mother.. honeycomb.. I love her hair and she has a great attitude!!! She has given me a lot of advice along the way!!
Macherieamour without a doubt. When I could not decided what to do with my hair. Her hair convinced me that I could be happy with straight hair again.
On LHCF, Supergirl. She's my hair idol because it's just so thick and healthy looking!

As far as celebrities go, Tracey Ellis Ross. Such big gorgeous hair and her texture is beautiful.
Kenya Moore

When I read the title of this thread, Kenya was the first person who jumped in my head! I remember years ago, when she was on Arsenio Hall's show, she said that it bothers her that people always assume she's weaving it up. She says she has always had long hair, since her childhood.

Wow, this is so hard. There's so many women whose hair that I admire that are both relaxed and natural. Even though I want to list like 20 women I'm going to have to say Macherieamour because not only is her hair gorgeous but she's helped a lot of women with their hair with her tutorials and the informative articles she writes.
Yeah, and the way it moves, and falls...I can just stare at it...for real.

I'll pick the beautiful young lady that plays "Monica" on the TV show Girlfriends. I dont know her real name, but she's so beautiful and her hair is sooooo thick and gorgeous.

Monica on Girlfriends is one of my favorite heads of hair. It is so full, and she always has it in the prettiest curls. Plus I love her saddity attitude too, it matches her do. :lol:

Ok now that I am done cheating and piggy-backing off of other folk's answers, if I have to pick just one out of the many beautiful manes, today I am thinking MsKibibi will be the one for me. Her hair is seriously flawless. Check out her fotki ya'll. Seriously unreal.
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The girl in my avatar, I forgot her name but I've posted her in other threads like the one about "natural" inspirations
I cosign. Macherieamour has really inspired me! I love HealtyTextures.com

Macherieamour without a doubt. When I could not decided what to do with my hair. Her hair convinced me that I could be happy with straight hair again.