Who here is saved and ...

Are you saved ?

  • Yes I am

    Votes: 66 89.2%
  • I am still seeking the Lord

    Votes: 8 10.8%

  • Total voters
yes, I am saved. I accepted Jesus into my heart to be my Lord and savior at the age of 12...It's so funny I will never ever forget that sunday. I knew and felt the change over my life. My mother had a hard time with it because I was baptized as a Catholic. I never felt as close to God until I received him at a pentecostal church my grandmother had made us all go to. I was baptized shortly after that and I felt a peace like never before.
It wasn't always easy living for God, I've fallen u guand got right back up. But I will never trade the life I have with the Lord, for nothing in this world. You all can read my bio at www.aleciajohnson.com
I missed some of the postings in this thread over the last few days or so. I am not denying or disputing the significance of (water) baptism at all, but I am holding strong to the fact that it is NOT a requirement in order to receive the salvation of the Lord.

If anyone can show me a scripture that shows that water baptism is a requirement for being saved, then please do.

Bottom line: if there is a person out there that has confessed with his/her mouth and believed in his/her heart that Jesus died for our sins and was raised from the dead but he/she has not been water baptized, that person will not be turned away at the gates of Heaven.
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Water baptism is symbolic. It is an outward showing of what has already taken place on the inside. Before you are baptised you should have confessed with your mouth that the Lord raised Jesus from the dead and believed in your heart.

If water baptism was necessary for salvation then the two thieves hanging on the cross beside Jesus would not have been saved.

I think once you have accepted Christ as your Lord as savior you need to be baptize to complete the process here on earth.

Salvation is so easy that sometimes we have to complicate it to make it seem as though we've really done something.

Be blessed.
I missed some of the postings in this thread over the last few days or so. I am not denying or disputing the significance of (water) baptism at all, but I am holding strong to the fact that it is NOT a requirement in order to receive the salvation of the Lord.

If anyone can show me a scripture that shows that water baptism is a requirement for being saved, then please do.

Bottom line: if there is a person out there that has confessed with his/her mouth and believed in his/her heart that Jesus died for our sins and was raised from the dead but he/she has not been water baptized, that person will not be turned away at the gates of Heaven.

I have to get back to work, but I will look it up. At the same time, is there a scripture saying it's not necessary? (being sarcastic). I've heard people say both...that it is, it isn't or it doesn't matter, etc. People have different interpretations, views, etc....In the end, you have to search the scriptures for yourself....now days, you can search on line...lol
Hi There :wave:

Because some unbeliever may wander into this thread, I want to let it be known how simple and free salvation is! Salvation is as simple as Romans 10:9That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Now I know that sounds easy, but Jesus really did the brunt of the work as far as salvation is concerned.

Also, there are many that think going to church=being saved. Not true :nono: There are many that have attended church and have never done as Romans 10:9 says. I've run into people and when I asked them if they were saved, they would respond by telling me the name of their church or that they attend church. I think the devil would love for some to remain ignorant and never become saved because they believe that attending church makes them saved. He would love to see those well-intentioned people wind up in hell.

Becoming saved does NOT require baptism. Baptism is an outward symbol of your new life in Christ. Baptism is not required just as a ring is not a requirement to become married, but the ring is an outward symbol that most will choose to wear.

I also want to point out that God never said to confess your sins in order to become saved. Once we are believers, we are required to confess and ask forgiveness for our sins--but not necessarily specific sins. Who can remember every last one of their sins? How many times have we sinned and probably don't even realize it? Speeding down the highway is a sin, but I bet most don't even think of that!

As far as stopping certain behaviors, yes as believers we are to turn away from a lifestyle of sin, which does not mean that we are to live perfectly from that point on. I would not say that there is a set list of what a Christian can and can't, should and shouldn't do. I think this is what makes Christianity so unattractive to the world. They think that to be a Christian, you have to live by this set of "rules." The truth is that once you are saved and the Holy Spirit resides within you, your heart will gradually speak to you about certain things and your desire and comfort in doing certain things will change.

Bible versions: I like the New King James & NIV.

Hope this helps. :up:

Well said Supergirl!!!
I missed some of the postings in this thread over the last few days or so. I am not denying or disputing the significance of (water) baptism at all, but I am holding strong to the fact that it is NOT a requirement in order to receive the salvation of the Lord.

If anyone can show me a scripture that shows that water baptism is a requirement for being saved, then please do.

Bottom line: if there is a person out there that has confessed with his/her mouth and believed in his/her heart that Jesus died for our sins and was raised from the dead but he/she has not been water baptized, that person will not be turned away at the gates of Heaven.

Just wanted to agree with you 100%. Water Baptism does not save you!
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. (Rom 10:9-10).

Water Baptism is a very important process where you are dying like Jesus Christ did (being submerged into the water) and then you are then being resurrected (coming up out of the water). It is also important to know that before you are Water Baptized you must be saved first!! If you get Water Baptized without being saved then you just got wet for no reason.

Also do note that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit can happen before, during or after Water Baptism. I came up speaking in tongues when I was Water Baptized. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a promise that the Lord gave to all of us. (see Acts 1:4-5)

Salvation is the first step. But don't just stop there. Many people get saved and they think that's it-shout alittle, say some prayers and they think they got a golden ticket to heaven. No. Never get comfortable at being saved only! Take the steps-Water baptism-Baptism of the Holy Spirit-Repentence daily-staying in the WORD..... It's a wonderful journey and its easy to do. Being a worldly person is hard!!!

Stay Blessed and remember---THE WORD WILL DRIVE OUT THE WORLD
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I have to get back to work, but I will look it up. At the same time, is there a scripture saying it's not necessary? (being sarcastic). I've heard people say both...that it is, it isn't or it doesn't matter, etc. People have different interpretations, views, etc....In the end, you have to search the scriptures for yourself....now days, you can search on line...lol

"5": Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

I believe that
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Hi There :wave:

Because some unbeliever may wander into this thread, I want to let it be known how simple and free salvation is! Salvation is as simple as Romans 10:9That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Now I know that sounds easy, but Jesus really did the brunt of the work as far as salvation is concerned.

Also, there are many that think going to church=being saved. Not true :nono: There are many that have attended church and have never done as Romans 10:9 says. I've run into people and when I asked them if they were saved, they would respond by telling me the name of their church or that they attend church. I think the devil would love for some to remain ignorant and never become saved because they believe that attending church makes them saved. He would love to see those well-intentioned people wind up in hell.

Becoming saved does NOT require baptism. Baptism is an outward symbol of your new life in Christ. Baptism is not required just as a ring is not a requirement to become married, but the ring is an outward symbol that most will choose to wear.

I also want to point out that God never said to confess your sins in order to become saved. Once we are believers, we are required to confess and ask forgiveness for our sins--but not necessarily specific sins. Who can remember every last one of their sins? How many times have we sinned and probably don't even realize it? Speeding down the highway is a sin, but I bet most don't even think of that!

As far as stopping certain behaviors, yes as believers we are to turn away from a lifestyle of sin, which does not mean that we are to live perfectly from that point on. I would not say that there is a set list of what a Christian can and can't, should and shouldn't do. I think this is what makes Christianity so unattractive to the world. They think that to be a Christian, you have to live by this set of "rules." The truth is that once you are saved and the Holy Spirit resides within you, your heart will gradually speak to you about certain things and your desire and comfort in doing certain things will change.

Bible versions: I like the New King James & NIV.

Hope this helps. :up:
Beautiful post! :clap:
JOHN CHAPTER 3 VERSE 5 "5": Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

I believe that
I believe it too, but I do not think it's saying that we must be baptized in order to enter the Kingdom of God.

The phrase "of water and of the Spirit" could be referring to one of two things:

1. The contrast between physical birth from our mothers (water) and spiritual rebirth in Christ (Spirit)...


2. Being regenerated by the Spirit and demonstarting that rebirth by Christian baptism which represents the cleaning action of God's Holy Spirit.

However, Jesus is explaining the importace of a spiritual rebirth, saying we don't enter the Kingdom by living a better life, but by being spiritually reborn.
What were your steps? (ie repentence, baptism etc...)
I started by listening and receiving the Word of God through the teaching and preaching of His Word from Sunday School teachers and pastors. I would also read the Bible for myself in my quiet time. Praying also increased my faith in Him. I was 8 years old when I first believed in Jesus Christ when I received the Holy Spirit. I did get baptized to represent my new life in Jesus Christ. I really didn't know much about repentance when I was 8 years old. I learned more about repentance when I got older.

How long did it take from the moment u started seeking the Lord?
I'm not sure how long it had taken to be saved from the time I started seeking the Lord... It think it was about 6 months to a year.

What is it that you do NOT do that is now "socially acceptable" because of that? (don't wear pants, no make up, no secular music, don't cut ur hair short, don't agree with any type of fornication etc...)?
First of all, I just wanted to say that there's nothing wrong with wearing pants, wearing makeup, or cutting your hair short. I do find problems with secular music and all types of fornication. I am also someone who does not do drugs or drink alcohol. Even if I do not do some of these things that are "socially acceptable" to the world, I still sin. But the thing that makes me different than society is that I am saved through the grace of God. When I sin, I feel really bad about it and I can go to God in prayer and ask him for forgiveness.

And finally, what version of the Bible do u read?
I read different versions of the Bible... King James Version, New American Standard Version, New International Version, and English Standard Version... many people argue that KJV is poorly translated, NIV translates the message, NASV and ESV translate the words and are the most closely translated to original text... but to me, they all say the same thing. :)

Ladies, I am not starting this thread for u to "fight" or tell each other who's wrong and who's right according to the word, it is just for me and my own curiosity. I'm from France, and trust me spirituality here is not the same as it in the US. Which is why i wanted to know, what it was like for u ladies "to be saved".
May God bless you as you continue to seek Him and His will for your life.
what were ur steps? (ie repentence, baptism etc...)
I confessed that I am a fallen human, a sinner, and one who was unworthy of heaver of the glory of God. I accepted the free gift of salvation through Jesus and asked Him to be a part of me forever.

how long did it take from the moment u started seeking the Lord?
I was a girl when I accepted Him. However, I will say that there was a period of time in which I fell away, became complacent, and grieved the Spirit. God, in His mercy, still blessed me, and brought me back to obedience.

what is it that u do NOT do that is now "socially acceptable" because of that? (don't wear pants, no make up, no secular music, don't cut ur hair short, don't agree with any type of fornication etc...)
I'm living under grace. I do choose not to drink alcohol (my choice), and I am in a committed marriage. The biggie-- I talk about Jesus, which is not socially acceptable.

and finally, what version of the Bible do u read? I read a New KJ and a NIV

Ladies, I am not starting this thread for u to "fight" or tell each other who's wrong and who's right according to the word, it is just for me and my own curiosity. I'm from France, and trust me spirituality here is not the same as it in the US. Which is why i wanted to know, what it was like for u ladies "to be saved

It's the assurance of being covered eternally. This life is a rocky road. Jesus did not try to cover that up. If the master suffered, so must we. It's hard nowadays because the world is very hostile toward Christ's message.
Ladies, I am not starting this thread for u to "fight" or tell each other who's wrong and who's right according to the word, it is just for me and my own curiosity. I'm from France, and trust me spirituality here is not the same as it in the US. Which is why i wanted to know, what it was like for u ladies "to be saved

This is interesting... can you elaborate? What is the difference between being saved in the US vs being saved in France?
This is interesting... can you elaborate? What is the difference between being saved in the US vs being saved in France?

Caramela, I think you are asking the wrong poster. It was the OP who stated it, not Melodee.

Just thought I'd help ya out!
You're right. My apologies... Mamita, can you explain what you mean?

i just meant that here in france catholicism rules... u go to sunday school when u're young, baptised as a baby, first communion etc... go to church one hour every sunday and stop thinking about it mostly, that's the france i know

now u have muslims jews and everything under the sun specially atheist and people that only take the bits and piecs they like, but catholicism is what i was brought in and what was the biggest religion in the 80's here...
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i just meant that here in france catholicism rules... u go to sunday school when u're young, baptised as a baby, first communion etc... go to church one hour every sunday and stop thinking about it mostly, that's the france i know

now u have muslims jews and everything under the sun specially atheist and people that only take the bits and piecs they like, but catholicism is what i was brought in and what was the biggest religion in the 80's here...

oH, ok. :look:
i just meant that here in france catholicism rules... u go to sunday school when u're young, baptised as a baby, first communion etc... go to church one hour every sunday and stop thinking about it mostly, that's the france i know

now u have muslims jews and everything under the sun specially atheist and people that only take the bits and piecs they like, but catholicism is what i was brought in and what was the biggest religion in the 80's here...

Mamita, I think that to be saved is exactly the same here as in France. Sooo many people call themselves "Christian" or "Catholic" in America as well (simply because their heritage is not tied to Judaism or Islam), but in the bible it states that we are to follow Jesus and believe that He is who he claims to be, The Son of God and Savior of our souls. I like to say that I am a believer in Jesus or follower of the Bible rather than just a Christian. Having a real life-relationship with Jesus requires something of us, it isn't imposed on us or passed down from generation to generation without us taking the steps to accept and follow.
Mamita, I think that to be saved is exactly the same here as in France. Sooo many people call themselves "Christian" or "Catholic" in America as well (simply because their heritage is not tied to Judaism or Islam), but in the bible it states that we are to follow Jesus and believe that He is who he claims to be, The Son of God and Savior of our souls. I like to say that I am a believer in Jesus or follower of the Bible rather than just a Christian. Having a real life-relationship with Jesus requires something of us, it isn't imposed on us or passed down from generation to generation without us taking the steps to accept and follow.

ok i may need to be clearer here. I know salvation is universal and will happen teh same way here in china in america and mauritius.
What i was saying is that HERE in FRANCE, the CONCEPT of SALVATION is almost NON EXISTANT. u should know that catholics don't believe in receiving the holy ghost, don't believe that u can be a saint, believe that anyone that SAYS they believe in Christ will go to heaven, as well as everyone that is baptised as a baby.
receiving the holy ghost, changing ur life for Jesus Christ, not smoking not drinking dressign a certain way is not something that is considered mandatory to go to heaven here; trust me, i don't doubt there are saved people in France, but they are few, very few. U can't tell a french person that his whole way of living is wrong... trust me spirituality is very different here
ok i may need to be clearer here. I know salvation is universal and will happen teh same way here in china in america and mauritius.
What i was saying is that HERE in FRANCE, the CONCEPT of SALVATION is almost NON EXISTANT. u should know that catholics don't believe in receiving the holy ghost, don't believe that u can be a saint, believe that anyone that SAYS they believe in Christ will go to heaven, as well as everyone that is baptised as a baby.
receiving the holy ghost, changing ur life for Jesus Christ, not smoking not drinking dressign a certain way is not something that is considered mandatory to go to heaven here; trust me, i don't doubt there are saved people in France, but they are few, very few. U can't tell a french person that his whole way of living is wrong... trust me spirituality is very different here

So what you are saying is that the number of those who have accepted is wayyy fewer relatively. I get you now sister:yep:. I just wanted to add that there are many here in America that are like that as well. But I see that the climate of the country (France) is very nonreceptive. It's becoming like this here more and more.

Take care girl, and thanks for the post.
So what you are saying is that the number of those who have accepted is wayyy fewer relatively. I get you now sister:yep:. I just wanted to add that there are many here in America that are like that as well. But I see that the climate of the country (France) is very nonreceptive. It's becoming like this here more and more.

Take care girl, and thanks for the post.

oh no problem girl, my pleasure

u have to remember France is the land of wine and cheese, with Paris the capital of fashion and a whole country that's probably the proudset in the world. that gives u a very self righteous place very much in the world and tradition and culture, way too much in fact and not in the spirit that much, really not
You are saved the moment you confess and believe on Jesus.
It sounds too easy tooo good to be true, but it is.
Now let me define the phrase 'believe on' it means rely on, depend on, trust in.
Pray to God confessing your sin and upholding Jesus as your new Lord and Savior, you are not just quoting a few words or repeating words, you have to be sincere. You are now a child of God.
So to be saved you admit you can not save yourself. Doing good works will never save you. You are a sinner and you cannot stop yourself from sinning, the wages of sin is death but the gift of God, (see that word gift you cannot buy it or earn it) is eternal life through Jesus Christ.
It is important to have an accountability partner, someone who is a mature christian who witness or is aware of your new commitment to Christ, a pastor would be good for that.
They are to help you start your journey as a new christian give you advice,answer question,etc. It is not good to keep to yourself when you are just starting out and even when you start to mature, you need accountability.
READ THE BIBLE. Start with the first four gospels: Matthew, Mark,Luke, and John, I like to read the New King James Version. Find yourself a Bible believeing church. Jesus will reveal to you what you are to do if you are commited to him.
I agree....even Satan himself believes Jesus is Lord. When the people asked Peter what they should do, he told them to get baptized. Acts 2:38 talks about repentence, baptism and receiving the Holy Ghost. John 3:5 says no one will enter the Kingdom of heaven unless they are born of water and Spirit. Some interpret this as the natural birth...some baptism...me? baptism. My Bible tells me I need to be baptized...so I got baptized. OP...you need to read the word for yourself!! I am trying to get more into it myself.....there is soooo much to learn, ya know?

I think it is a denominational issue (I am Apostolic(pentecostal). I hear so many things....do this, don't do this, do that, etc. If you tell me baptism isn't necessary..tell me where I can read it's not necessary...if you tell me it is necessary, tell me where I can read it. So...you just have to study, verify, study some more....etc. More importatly, go to God...ask Him for an understanding.

Isn't (water) baptism PART of the entire salvation experience? It is my understanding that baptism is more than just a symbol, that it is a sacrament that "I suppose" symbolizes the washing away of the enmity (sin) from the person....

The book of Acts has several instances of where people heard the Word, confessed Jesus as Lord, received the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, and being baptized. But what's so cool about it is that there was no specific ORDER of how these things happened, but that they did happen altogether...although it makes sense for hearing the Word and then the confession to occur first so that there is understanding. Baptism by water AND by the Holy Spirit.

We may be splitting hairs here doctrinally/denominationally, but for me, my water baptism was beyond symbolic...I felt like a new being...inside and out.... I would NEVER want to deny anyone that experience.

I totally agree with these two post...read your word. Find out God's TRUE plan for salvation. Nuff said. Hallelujah:D