Saved and Sexy?

Thats what I am talking about.

Shimmie, I am sure you'll be a joy to your husband...:grinwink:

These are the things I have found are not acceptable in the bedroom:
Whoremongering - paying for sex
Adultery - grounds to get your behind whooped
Idolatery - idol worship (i guess it happens :ohwell:)
Homosexuality - not orgies people im sure that includes pornography

There may be more but from all I've read this is what I can find.

Everything else is free game. Have fun!:grin:

Awww, thanks Angel.... He'll be a joy to me too.

And I pray this wholeheartedly for you as well. Just say, Thank you Lord Jesus, for my Godly Husband, Amen. :love2:

I love your list. I'm coming back tomorrow to add more to it. :lol:

Sweet sleep and sweet dreams of your husband, PrettyFace.

Sweet dreams to everyone 'sexy' and Kosher reading this thread. :lol:

Shimmie is now out like a light :sleeping: :sleep: :lol:
Oh boy, this is taking a turn and I'm only page 4! I see another thread coming. So, what's g-dly sex? What's allowable between husband and wife? Anal, vaginal only, felatio, missionary only? No poles, negligee's, lights on, lights off, through a hole in the sheet, totally naked, praying while performing one's "duties?" What's g-dly in marriage and what is not?

I thought the same thing when this thread made a turn. SHEESH~~~
The Flesh wants to be sexy. Our goal is the be like Christ. Now you know we do not serve a sexy God. ( LOL ). The bible teaches us to moderately adorned. 1 Tim 2:9.
Now what you wear at home around DH is between the two of you.

We are daughters of a King, think about it. We are crowned with his glory. His glory and the love of Him on the inside makes us BEAUTIFUL. And with this Beauty, you will dress accordingly.

Sometimes I want to be sexy ( FLESH ) then I get unconfortable ( THE HOLY SPIRIT ) and go into another direction.

Amen. My husband's head is turned towards me - not because of my "sexiness" or "allure", but because of my character and desire to be more like Christ. He has also said on many occasions that he appreciates my conduct (the way I carry myself)...

Sexy and alluring come a dime a dozen in the streets - but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised. In the city gates AND the sanctuary (the bedroom).
I think they're distinguishing from sensually dressed and "sexy" as equating with femininity. I know there is quite a bit of puritan mindset in American christianity. Now, before someone (else) here gets their panties in a bunch about that statement, think about it. We've been taught that sex is dirty and it is not. Kosher Sex? Preachers who advise congregants to go home and get busy? Raises eyebrows here lol then people inch towards it. We serve a G-d who made male and female genitalia, sex as it occurs, errogenous zones etc....Praise G-d!!!!! ....looks in on it while we're doing it and if the folks are married, He's well-pleased :yep:. We serve a G-d who created "sexy" women for their mates. There is a difference between creating unlawful sexual arousal either in oneself or in others.:sekret:

Why??? Just why wear a pink potato sack?

Sexy, yet Muslim modest

We have been taught alot of wrong doctrine that is true. That is why it is sooooo important for us to read our own Bibles. Proverbs 31 teaches us about the virtuous wife. This is more of an interpretation conflict. Sexy means bad to some and good to others. The Holy Spirit should be our guide.

Now if you really want to start something read the Song of Solomon.:lachen::lachen::lachen:
Hilarious "Kosher Sex" :lol:

But you're telling the truth; :up: :yep: For years 'sex' was not a topic to be discussed openly (or privately). Women were told to 'do their duty' with their husbands. "Duty" would have caused me to rebel. :lol:

God's word plainly says in Genesis 3, to Eve, "Your desire shall be unto your husband." And God was speaking of SEX, not duty. Desire and Duty are not synonomous... :nono:

The word speaks further, "And Adam 'KNEW' his wife (Eve). He 'uncovered' her. He made love to her and they bore children as the evidence thereof.

The word of God, via the Apostle Paul, admonishes husbands and wives that their bodies are not their own and that they are not to withhold their bodies, their sexual intimacy from one another, for it may cause the 'other' to sin. It can't get any plainer than that.

God even says that if a man or woman cannot contain themselves sexually, that it is better to marry than to burn in lust/passion.

All of this is self evident that enjoying sex in marriage is not taboo; hence being 'sexy' (in a Kosher way, :lol:) is not taboo.

Praise God.... :love2:

Food for thought:

We keep it all in good perspective, that's all. :yep:

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach...Kosher Sex is an actual book:yep:I've got it on my bookshelf. He cuts through this idea that sex is off-limits to talk about and share techniques.

M.Hy mentioned sodomy. I think that scripture admonishing against sodomy is referring to homosexual sex. The only ones capable of that are two males, not lesbians and not heterosexual. But that's a technical issue. I don't think anal sex, or "turning the tables" is sodomy. Marriage beds remaining undefiled refers to bringing in someone else in a triangle (threesome or affairs on the side). Kama Sutra positions, toys etc., I think they are all permissible between the couple as long as you don't ejaculate the male just for doing that and not hurting the woman, making her uncomfortable. I think the seed has to be spent vaginally for procreative purposes.

Sex is lovely :lick: lololol. It was meant to be WOWIE and Praise G-d, is sure izzz!!!! I couldn't imagine some boring sex missionary style for 30 secs, he can't even look at you....1,2,3 and it's over, and he's praying during it? Well, people have been known to call out G-d during lol and a host of other obscenities lol but bland and no spice, no thanks. As far as saying dirty words, I don't know about that issue yet. Never heard anyone preach on that.:blush:
Think about this often. :look:

I love the Lord. He is my number one focus and all I do, I want his approval.

Yet, I like to be sexy. In dress (no showing my goods but Im 23 so classy/trendy/fashionable), in style, in walk, in words, everything. I proud myself on embracing my femininity and Im not afraid to express confidence in what I do.

Thing is, I think...Am I being humble? Does humble mean I cant be sexy or show confidence? Is it ok to wear tight jeans and sexy shoes (my chest stays covered)? How much skin is too much skin? On and On...Ive become very self-conscious about this stuff.

And I have some dresses I know I can never wear again :nono::rolleyes:

I know alot of you may disagree with this but I pole dance. Yes, I said it. In a studio, women only.

I hate going to the gym where men are consistently in your face. I love it. You get a hard workout and you feel super sexy. :look:

Unless your my husband, NO ONE will ever see me do my tricks. Its so feminine and freeing and graceful. You guys probably like you know you wrong....

OOOOOkay! I finally read this entire thread. And this is what I have to say about you and Pole Dancing.

Are you ready?


:clapping: :clapping: :notworthy: :love4: :notworthy: :clapping: :clapping:

I have more to share; I'll be back. :yep: I'm at my desk at work and need to take care of something first. But I will be back to respond.

:poledancer: :poledancer: :poledancer:
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We have been taught alot of wrong doctrine that is true. That is why it is sooooo important for us to read our own Bibles. Proverbs 31 teaches us about the virtuous wife. This is more of an interpretation conflict. Sexy means bad to some and good to others. The Holy Spirit should be our guide.

Now if you really want to start something read the Song of Solomon.:lachen::lachen::lachen:

Are you kidding me? I love the Song of Solomon. Juicy! How would he know she tasted of honey? :lachen:Only reservation I have of anal sex, I prefer having strong sphincter control in case I'm in public and POOOOT. That would be the only concern...maybe there are some kegels for that lolol. But anyhoo. Song of Solomon is great.
The only person I want to look sexy for is my husband. In general everyday life, I like to present myself as attractive, put-together, and worthy of respect. Sexy doesn't really cross my mind, although I do think sexiness can be a byproduct of looking and feeling your best, because confidence is sexy to most people.

I don't think we can control how others view us, but I do think we should think about the image we are presenting when we walk out of the house. Let the Holy Spirit be your guide.

As for Christian marital sex, I don't believe anything goes, but I'll just leave it at that.:grin:

PrettyFaceANB, I totally get what you were saying about pole dancing. We took a pole dance lesson last year for my best friend's bachelorette party. The instructor did a routine before we started class, and I was AMAZED. I didn't see it as something sexual at all. It was feminine and beautiful. I love all forms of dance, so I was able to appreciate the grace, rhythm, and athleticism that is required. That said, the teacher wasn't booty popping or licking the pole or anything, so I'm sure her version is different than what happens at the strip club.:lachen:

Anyway, this is a great thread.:yep:
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Are you kidding me? I love the Song of Solomon. Juicy! How would he know she tasted of honey? :lachen:Only reservation I have of anal sex, I prefer having strong sphincter control in case I'm in public and POOOOT. That would be the only concern...maybe there are some kegels for that lolol. But anyhoo. Song of Solomon is great.

I have a meeting to attend here at work, but I'm coming back to share some information on this too a little later.

I'm loving this thread..... not the anal part. :lachen:
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach...Kosher Sex is an actual book:yep:I've got it on my bookshelf. He cuts through this idea that sex is off-limits to talk about and share techniques.

M.Hy mentioned sodomy. I think that scripture admonishing against sodomy is referring to homosexual sex. The only ones capable of that are two males, not lesbians and not heterosexual. But that's a technical issue. I don't think anal sex, or "turning the tables" is sodomy. Marriage beds remaining undefiled refers to bringing in someone else in a triangle (threesome or affairs on the side). Kama Sutra positions, toys etc., I think they are all permissible between the couple as long as you don't ejaculate the male just for doing that and not hurting the woman, making her uncomfortable. I think the seed has to be spent vaginally for procreative purposes.

Sex is lovely :lick: lololol. It was meant to be WOWIE and Praise G-d, is sure izzz!!!!

I couldn't imagine some boring sex missionary style for 30 secs, he can't even look at you....1,2,3 and it's over, and he's praying during it?

Well, people have been known to call out G-d during lol and a host of other obscenities lol but bland and no spice, no thanks. As far as saying dirty words, I don't know about that issue yet. Never heard anyone preach on that.:blush:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You are cracking me up..... 'Praying during it...." :rofl: :rofl3: :rofl:

I can't imagine.... I just cannot imagine any man praying through making love. :rofl:

But then I've never made love with a 'saved' man before.......

Opppps, TMI.........TMI.

That was BEFORE I was saved, sanctified full of pride in Jesus. :lol:
OMG! Thank you for the love...Men looks at the outside but God see's the heart.

:luv2:I do it for the love of dance. Not money, stripper, being sexy, or for my future husband. I do it because it's fun.

:love4:I've never had this sort of comroderie with women before. I think I am about to cry.

OOOOOkay! I finally read this entire thread. And this is what I have to say about you and Pole Dancing.

Are you ready?

:clapping: :clapping: :notworthy: :love4: :notworthy: :clapping: :clapping:

I have more to share; I'll be back. :yep: I'm at my desk at work and need to take of something first. But I will be back to respond.

:poledancer: :poledancer: :poledancer:
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See its not what people think at all. They DONT teach you to be a stripper. Its fun and you get some laughs if youre with your girlfriends and the stuff they can do is amazing. Ive meet one instructor that used to be a stripper. ALL the rest, have a long history of dancing generally but no stripping. This is just another form of dance to them, like it is to me.

As a matter of fact, pole dance and stripping is not synonymous. Strippers remove their clothes. Ive never seen that done in a studio. Pole dance requires strength and skill. And not all strippers can pole dance. Sigh! But whatever...

Thank you. :yep:
The only person I want to look sexy for is my husband. In general everyday life, I like to present myself as attractive, put-together, and worthy of respect. Sexy doesn't really cross my mind, although I do think sexiness can be a byproduct of looking and feeling your best, because confidence is sexy to most people.

I don't think we can control how others view us, but I do think we should think about the image we are presenting when we walk out of the house. Let the Holy Spirit be your guide.

As for Christian marital sex, I don't believe anything goes, but I'll just leave it at that.:grin:

PrettyFaceANB, I totally get what you were saying about pole dancing. We took a pole dance lesson last year for my best friend's bachelorette party. The instructor did a routine before we started class, and I was AMAZED. I didn't see it as something sexual at all. It was feminine and beautiful. I love all forms of dance, so I was able to appreciate the grace, rhythm, and athleticism that is required. That said, the teacher wasn't booty popping or licking the pole or anything, so I'm sure her version is different than what happens at the strip club.:lachen:

Anyway, this is a great thread.:yep:
If we learned to actually seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness alot of sorrow and confusion could be avoided. Seek FIRST not make a choice and say, "Well He didn't tell me no." Seek FIRST not, make the decision and say," Well, I'm still waiting on an answer and praying about it so if He tells me no, I'll stop." But ACTUALLY read the scripture AND pray to God FIRST and WAIT for Him to give us an answer THEN proceed with a decision, plan or choice.

A simple, "Lord can DH and I do ANYTHING because we're married and our bed will be undefiled? CAN we have anal and oral sex, urinate and defecate on each other, slap each other around, choke each other out, participate in bondage and fisting, use sex toys etc?" (yes, Christians do these things:rolleyes:) "Can I take this or that class, participate in this or that group etc.?" would be an example of seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness not doing them first and then saying,"Well it doesn't say we can't in the bible so it's ok". or "We do it and God didn't say we CAN'T do it", or "Yeah pastor said so and so but God didn't tell ME so....."

But let us seek permission from God BEFORE we act by reading His word and ALSO praying and waiting for a yes or no from God and THEN proceed.
A simple, "Lord can DH and I do ANYTHING because we're married and our bed will be undefiled? CAN we have anal and oral sex, urinate and defecate on each other, slap each other around, choke each other out, participate in bondage and fisting, use sex toys etc?" (yes, Christians do these things:rolleyes:) "Can I take this or that class, participate in this or that group etc.?" would be an example of seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness not doing them first and then saying,"Well it doesn't say we can't in the bible so it's ok". or "We do it and God didn't say we CAN'T do it", or "Yeah pastor said so and so but God didn't tell ME so....."

Sado masochism? I'm NEVER EVER talking about that. That's just plain gross and violent. But vaginal sex is just as old as anal, which is just as old as oral. I personally don't prefer anal but I'm not seeing where those who do are sinning. I know of people who do pray about it and well, they must have gotten a 'yay' to continue with it. Sodomy is between men. I think who gets to determine what is appropriate in the bedroom is the husband and wife. Consulting with G-d , sure. But not everything is written out what is allowable or not. One has to figure out if it is causing harm or not.
When it comes to something we think is owed or promised us from God we pray, join prayer circles, fast, stay all up in the bible, take notes and WAIT on our blessing. When it comes to other stuff pertaining to our actual lifestyle........ we leap first then ask for supernatural healings when it hits the fan. Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and HIS not our but HIS righteousness, "Lord what do you say about this choice, plan decision," and these things will be ADDED.

Seek THEN add.
Sado masochism? I'm NEVER EVER talking about that. That's just plain gross and violent. But vaginal sex is just as old as anal, which is just as old as oral. I personally don't prefer anal but I'm not seeing where those who do are sinning. I know of people who do pray about it and well, they must have gotten a 'yay' to continue with it. Sodomy is between men. I think who gets to determine what is appropriate in the bedroom is the husband and wife. Consulting with G-d , sure. But not everything is written out what is allowable or not. One has to figure out if it is causing harm or not.

Thank-you for this post! GOD is not ambiguous about what HE judges as right or wrong. If HE doesn't want it, HE states it clearly. The word of GOD says that there is nothing new under the sun, so if oral sex or anal sex between husband and wife were an abomination in the sight of the LORD, I really believe it would be written clearly and plainly for us to see. My personal opinion is that where the word of GOD is silent, we should be silent. But that's just my personal opinion, so I stay out of peoples' marriage beds. :lol:
Are you kidding me? I love the Song of Solomon. Juicy! How would he know she tasted of honey? :lachen:Only reservation I have of anal sex, I prefer having strong sphincter control in case I'm in public and POOOOT. That would be the only concern...maybe there are some kegels for that lolol. But anyhoo. Song of Solomon is great.

I read this and bust our laughing u gone get me fired.:lachen: I luv the Songs of Solomong also and I luv the old TD Jakes song I can't remeber the tape or cd but it was a good chistain luv song.
It is it's called sodomy and uncleaness but hey grown folks do what they do. Yet we wonder why the church can't witness to the homosexuals out of all of the lost...... We blame the sinner but won't ask God why this one group. We do what they do but it's fine for us but an abomination for them. When the world calls the church hypocrites they are not lying.
Its not wrong because they are having sex that way. Its wrong because they are of the same sex. We could say the same thing about singles and married folk like...its ok for married folk to have sex but they cant do it...Of course they cant. The bible clearly states that fornication is wrong. Just as the bible clearly states that same-sex relations is an abomination.

It is it's called sodomy and uncleaness but hey grown folks do what they do. Yet we wonder why the church can't witness to the homosexuals out of all of the lost...... We blame the sinner but won't ask God why this one group. We do what they do but it's fine for us but an abomination for them. When the world calls the church hypocrites they are not lying.
When it comes to something we think is owed or promised us from God we pray, join prayer circles, fast, stay all up in the bible, take notes and WAIT on our blessing. When it comes to other stuff pertaining to our actual lifestyle........ we leap first then ask for supernatural healings when it hits the fan. Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and HIS not our but HIS righteousness, "Lord what do you say about this choice, plan decision," and these things will be ADDED.

Seek THEN add.

Of course, that's your interpretation on things. You cannot prove by scripture that anal sex is wrong between husband and wife.
I never thought that sodomy might be referring to men and women until I noticed that both homosexuality and sodomy are included in the same lists. It seemed then that if it were only referring to men that it might be repetitive since homosexuality as this identity apart from sexual relationships wasn't really a concept in Biblical times.

Don't know, but Christianity considered a whole variety of acts to be sinful for centuries (and a large portion of the church still does). So it's not like the argument is without well-reasoned support. I don't know if the mentality changed because people found better reasons, or because we wanted it to.
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Hey! Where the Pretty Face Pole Dancer?

PrettyFaceANB... I'm back with something important to tell you. Yesterday I couldn't read this entire thread so I had to print it out to read through it later.

As I was reading, I began to cry. But can I tell you how much I admire the beautiful way that you have handled yourself in this thread. My Lord, such grace you have given to everyone here...everyone. I applaude you. :clapping:

It is a known fact that one's heart and character comes forth in their Dance or Song. And if what you displayed in this thread is any indication of your character, then you are most definitely the most beautiful and graceful Dancer on and off of the pole.

My Dance Mentor (and teacher) said she knew who I was and that she could trust me, when she saw me Dance. Her mom is an ordained Minister and she shared that when she first saw me, she knew that I was 'the one' that she had prayed to come into her daughter's life as a spiritual sister and model for Jesus Christ to help keep her faith strong in the Dance world, which is not so pretty.

Dancing shows who we really are inside. And PrettyFace, if nothing else, that pole bows down to your grace and elegance each time you approach it. In other words, you have not succombed to the conceived negative depiction of the image of pole dancing. It instead succombs to your image which is pure..

Last night, as I was reading the papers of this thread, I was grieved and I asked the Lord to give me something for you. Here it is.

When Jesus stood before Pilot, falsely accused. He retained his composure. After the trial, Pilot spoke these words:

"I find no fault in Him."

PrettyFace, God spoke to my heart for you and gave me this to say:

"I find no fault in you..." :Rose:

There's more:

Each morning my cousin sends a scripture to our 'Dance' members (we're all very close and truly love the Lord -- we start each day with the word of God via group email (10 of us :yep:). PrettyFace, She knows nothing about this thread.

This is the scripture that she shared with us this morning:

Don't jump to conclusions—there may be a perfectly good explanation for what you just saw. (Proverbs 25:8 MSG)

PrettyFace, the 'wrong' conclusion was presumed when you shared about pole dancing. Little angel, you've done nothing wrong. You have not associated yourself with anything remotely with that of a stripper or the like. All you're doing is having fun in an exercise class.

It's not like you're carrying the pole around with you in a pole case and setting up pole shows on the street corners.

Gee whiz, and you're fully dressed. The shoes are not sin. I don't wear high, high heels because I simply can't walk in them. I have to hold onto a wall just to move 2 steps. Gee, Strippers wear bras :rolleyes:.... umm, so do I stop wearing one because it's stripper apparel. Shoot, I'd be arrested for using my boobs as knee pads. :lachen:

True Confession: :sekret:

I have to confess that I was introduced to pole dancing when I was 5 years old. :look: I was in Kindergarten.....:yep: I was so cute ... :yep:

We had a field trip.....

to a Fire Station. :lachen: Got cha! :lachen:

Well, they had a pole at the fire station and I was so facinated by it. The pole was all I could think about. It was so shiny and the brass looked like gold. It was the hallmark of my Kindergarten experience. So whenever I see a pole, I immediately think about the Fire House. Strippers never come to mind. :nono:

The 'Ariealists' at the circus shows, as they climb and spin up and down the ropes. They have such beauty and grace. I love the "Cirque du Soleil". This is how I imagine your grace and giving God the glory the entire time for what He has allowed you to do.

You're actually showing others that poles aren't for strippers. They are for women like you who want to keep their bodies in shape and have stamina and endurance in a fun way.


PrettyFace, please don't ever feel ashamed about your gift. If nothing else, expand it. Learn all that you can about it.

I've paid thousands of dollars just to be where I am in Dancing today. I wanted to learn from the best and to learn the authentic origins of these Dances. Anyone can shake their hips and booty, but I decided that if I was going to perform these dances that I'd better dance them right and with class and proper technique.

God has given me much favor where I did not have to travel to these teachers from other countries, they came to us, instead.

I also received God's favor with many, many free classes and I've made friends who have given me their time, beautiful costumes, and wonderful friendships. So don't hesitate to expand and grow with this. Enjoy it.

Please be encouraged. I'm so proud of you. I belong to a Dance and Yoga Studio that has a Pole Dancing class. I've been invited to join them, but I had other classes to attend. They have a stage and lights and a beautiful black shiny tile floor. I'm finna to try it. :yep: :poledancer:

Gee, I have hip shimmies that will put Pole Dancing to shame. :blush3:

Once again... (
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:cry: I am over here...Shimmie:sneakyhug:...thank you so much. :flowers:

I have been praying major about it ever since this thread started. I was wondering why do I feel guilty. Then I really have to search my motives for doing it. I found flaws I will not lie but I have corrected them in the eyes of God. I do not feel convicted anymore. I can sleep at night. :sleep2:My goals are simply these: To love and embrace all forms of dance that interest me. To build strength and stamina in a fun way. To be able to do some crazy stuff that no one I know can do...:rolleyes::drunk:. I will not tell my male friends about it (they only get excited). I will not perform this outside of the studio because I dont have a pole anywhere else :lachen:and...well...I dont want to. If my future husband wants to see, then he will submit to my request to have a dance studio built in the basement of our house. :grin:

:blush3:I try to be an example of the love of God. People are so harsh. I am commanded to display the fruits of the Spirit. Thats what I follow among other things. I am growing and learning in God every single day. I share what I believe but I never judge, attack, or condemn (or I am conscious not to anyway). I have no heaven or hell to put anyone in. And the bible says we do not wrestle with flesh and blood but with things we can not see. I do not argue with people about who's perspective is more accurate. Thats for the Holy Spirit to do, not me.

People may say :blah: its for whores/strippers but thats simply not true. Thats such a harsh judgement anyway but thats another thread. They didnt invent pole dancing. Most dont even know how to. A few talented strippers maybe made it popular and, of course, anything that can be sex'd-up and profitted is popular. In another country like Asian or Indian, there frame of reference for pole dancing is completely different. There are pole dancing in circuses, are they whores?

And...yes we are to seek his righteous and he will add all things unto you. However, lets be real for a moment shall we. We should wake up every morning asking God and seeking his guidance throughout the day. When there are major decisions to be made like location, job, spouse, unbelieving friend, stop and pray before you make a mistake.

This does not imply I can not make a move without stopping and praying and waiting with everything single thing. If youre overweight and you know you need help, do you pray and wait for God to tell you what gym to go to. get up and go to your local gym and praise God while you'll running on the threadmill. I doubt God will be offended you didnt wait on him first. This could be applied to so many things but the fact of the matter is this:

I ask God for guidance in all things every morning, specifically, open doors for me and close doors for me. I pay attention to those on my heart. The doors that are open I enter. If it feels bad, I re-evaluate. I will not always do the right things but thats when God will cover me because he knows my intention are good and righteous.

Hey! Where the Pretty Face Pole Dancer?

PrettyFaceANB... I'm back with something important to tell you. Yesterday I couldn't read this entire thread so I had to print it out to read through it later.

As I was reading, I began to cry. But can I tell you how much I admire the beautiful way that you have handled yourself in this thread. My Lord, such grace you have given to everyone here...everyone. I applaude you. :clapping:

It is a known fact that one's heart and character comes forth in their Dance or Song. And if what you displayed in this thread is any indication of your character, then you are most definitely the most beautiful and graceful Dancer on and off of the pole.

My Dance Mentor (and teacher) said she knew who I was and that she could trust me, when she saw me Dance. Her mom is an ordained Minister and she shared that when she first saw me, she knew that I was 'the one' that she had prayed to come into her daughter's life as a spiritual sister and model for Jesus Christ to help keep her faith strong in the Dance world, which is not so pretty.

Dancing shows who we really are inside. And PrettyFace, if nothing else, that pole bows down to your grace and elegance each time you approach it. In other words, you have not succombed to the conceived negative depiction of the image of pole dancing. It instead succombs to your image which is pure..

Last night, as I was reading the papers of this thread, I was grieved and I asked the Lord to give me something for you. Here it is.

When Jesus stood before Pilot, falsely accused. He retained his composure. After the trial, Pilot spoke these words:

"I find no fault in Him."

PrettyFace, God spoke to my heart for you and gave me this to say:

"I find no fault in you..." :Rose:

There's more:

Each morning my cousin sends a scripture to our 'Dance' members (we're all very close and truly love the Lord -- we start each day with the word of God via group email (10 of us :yep:). PrettyFace, She knows nothing about this thread.

This is the scripture that she shared with us this morning:

Don't jump to conclusions—there may be a perfectly good explanation for what you just saw. (Proverbs 25:8 MSG)

PrettyFace, the 'wrong' conclusion was presumed when you shared about pole dancing. Little angel, you've done nothing wrong. You have not associated yourself with anything remotely with that of a stripper or the like. All you're doing is having fun in an exercise class.

It's not like you're carrying the pole around with you in a pole case and setting up pole shows on the street corners.

Gee whiz, and you're fully dressed. The shoes are not sin. I don't wear high, high heels because I simply can't walk in them. I have to hold onto a wall just to move 2 steps. Gee, Strippers wear bras :rolleyes:.... umm, so do I stop wearing one because it's stripper apparel. Shoot, I'd be arrested for using my boobs as knee pads. :lachen:
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Correct me if I am wrong but...

I looked at three concordences:
  • Strong's Bible Concordence
  • Nelson Study Bible Concordence
  • Online Multi-version Bible Concordence
I did not find sodomy anywhere. I found Sodom (referring to the place of Sodom), Sodoma (also referring to the place), and Somodite (referring to the people).

When I researched sodomy its always referenced with anal and oral sex between sex-same individuals and animals (if you're into that kind of thing:nono:). We all know Sodom and Gomorrah's problem was not because the men and women were having anal or oral sex. More because the men wanted to have sex with other men and they were very, very aggressive about it. They had a lust and sexual immorality problem above all else.

Jude 1:7 as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

These are the scriptures I have found in the regarding sex between men and women:

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. " (Leviticus 18:22-23)

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. " (Leviticus 20:13)

"For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;" (Romans 1:26-28)

"9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites (referring to the people), 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God." (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)

"29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving,[b] unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them." (Romans 1:29-32)

In Song of Solomon, the most romantic story ever, the husband and wife talk of tasting of each other. A few references but it subject to interpretation:grin::

SOS 2:3 As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.

SOS 4:16 Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south; blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits.

SOS 8:2 I would lead thee, and bring thee into my mother's house, who would instruct me: I would cause thee to drink of spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate.
:cry: I am over here...Shimmie:sneakyhug:...thank you so much. :flowers:

I have been praying major about it ever since this thread started. I was wondering why do I feel guilty. Then I really have to search my motives for doing it. I found flaws I will not lie but I have corrected them in the eyes of God. I do not feel convicted anymore. I can sleep at night. :sleep2:My goals are simply these: To love and embrace all forms of dance that interest me. To build strength and stamina in a fun way. To be able to do some crazy stuff that no one I know can do...:rolleyes::drunk:. I will not tell my male friends about it (they only get excited). I will not perform this outside of the studio because I dont have a pole anywhere else :lachen:and...well...I dont want to. If my future husband wants to see, then he will submit to my request to have a dance studio built in the basement of our house. :grin:

:blush3:I try to be an example of the love of God. People are so harsh. I am commanded to display the fruits of the Spirit. Thats what I follow among other things. I am growing and learning in God every single day. I share what I believe but I never judge, attack, or condemn (or I am conscious not to anyway). I have no heaven or hell to put anyone in. And the bible says we do not wrestle with flesh and blood but with things we can not see. I do not argue with people about who's perspective is more accurate. Thats for the Holy Spirit to do, not me.

People may say :blah: its for whores/strippers but thats simply not true. Thats such a harsh judgement anyway but thats another thread. They didnt invent pole dancing. Most dont even know how to. A few talented strippers maybe made it popular and, of course, anything that can be sex'd-up and profitted is popular. In another country like Asian or Indian, there frame of reference for pole dancing is completely different. There are pole dancing in circuses, are they whores?

And...yes we are to seek his righteous and he will add all things unto you. However, lets be real for a moment shall we. We should wake up every morning asking God and seeking his guidance throughout the day. When there are major decisions to be made like location, job, spouse, unbelieving friend, stop and pray before you make a mistake.

This does not imply I can not make a move without stopping and praying and waiting with everything single thing. If youre overweight and you know you need help, do you pray and wait for God to tell you what gym to go to. get up and go to your local gym and praise God while you'll running on the threadmill. I doubt God will be offended you didnt wait on him first. This could be applied to so many things but the fact of the matter is this:

I ask God for guidance in all things every morning, specifically, open doors for me and close doors for me. I pay attention to those on my heart. The doors that are open I enter. If it feels bad, I re-evaluate. I will not always do the right things but thats when God will cover me because he knows my intention are good and righteous.


If nothing else, Pole Dancing needs someone like you to 'redeem' it, to give it a good name and a positive image. :up:

It may not be a form of exercise for everyone, but that's life. But no one has the right to take this Dance Pole and beat you over the head with it. You do not deserve such harshness. They can just step away from the pole and move on.

You have the class, intelligence and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, to discern, that there's no such thing as one size fits all. Not everyone is the same. But for those who want to do this, you will be one who can help them along the way.

Hugs and blessings. :poledancer:

I'm praying for your new home Dance studio. It's also one of my Dreams as well. :yep:

I'm having waaaaayyyyyyyyy too much fun up in this thread with this Pole Dancer Smiley. :lachen: :poledancer: :poledancer: :poledancer:

Here's my new Dance Troupe, called the Tah' Poleys. (Tahitian Pole Dancing). :lachen: :lachen: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ladies and Ladies.....

Preeeeeee senting the Classic Dancers of LHCF "The 'Tah' Poleys'

:poledancer: :poledancer: :poledancer:

:poledancer: :poledancer: :poledancer:

:poledancer: :poledancer:


:yay: Yayyyyy, Rahhhhh, Encore.... :woot:
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