Testimony + prayer request


Back to basics
Hello ladies.

FIrst and foremost i have to say thank u, i'm learning a lot reading from this part of the forum. God is in the process of changing my life, and my brain being so active and curious etc... it's often my worst enemy, but thanks to this forum my curiosity is satisfied and i learn soso much!

Well first the testimony : i've been trying to find a sponsor for my visa to go live in NY (see my thread in the carreer part). I have a wonderful gord fearing man over there that is maybe meant for me, anyway, it's been hard lately. A few nights ago, i had this terrible feeling, u know when u're trying to picture something (in this case my future, how to get there, my plans, and my dreams) and u're envelopped by this feeling that it's all BS and u'll never get there, this feeling of emptiness suddenly?
The thing with me is that i'm a pathological optimist, even naive, and a lil peace and love, well a lot, compassion out of whack (i can cry out of nowhere for absolutely anyone!) and well it took me by surprise cause losing hope is soooo not me. SO i started praying, and it got better. The hope came back lil by lil.

anyway i asked for God to make something happen, anything, literally anything, cause i was going into a deep depression and i was scared, and that whatever he had in store for me, i'll do my best to serve him, even if it's not what i want, i'll know it's the best if it's from him, that i knew his timing was perfect whether i see it or not and that my whole life is in his hands, and i trusted him

Well i got a call last night, that could mean a lot. SO i'm asking u ladies to pray for me. U know my dream (go live in NY and give my couple a real chance) and u know how u talk to God.

thank you ladies for ur attention lol

PS this is my first prayer request if i remember correctly, i'm a lil nervous hihi
"God gave u free will, but before u make up ur mind, have u thought of including Him in ur decision?" - Touched by an angel.
Mamita said:
Hello ladies.

FIrst and foremost i have to say thank u, i'm learning a lot reading from this part of the forum. God is in the process of changing my life, and my brain being so active and curious etc... it's often my worst enemy, but thanks to this forum my curiosity is satisfied and i learn soso much!

Well first the testimony : i've been trying to find a sponsor for my visa to go live in NY (see my thread in the carreer part). I have a wonderful gord fearing man over there that is maybe meant for me, anyway, it's been hard lately. A few nights ago, i had this terrible feeling, u know when u're trying to picture something (in this case my future, how to get there, my plans, and my dreams) and u're envelopped by this feeling that it's all BS and u'll never get there, this feeling of emptiness suddenly?
The thing with me is that i'm a pathological optimist, even naive, and a lil peace and love, well a lot, compassion out of whack (i can cry out of nowhere for absolutely anyone!) and well it took me by surprise cause losing hope is soooo not me. SO i started praying, and it got better. The hope came back lil by lil.

anyway i asked for God to make something happen, anything, literally anything, cause i was going into a deep depression and i was scared, and that whatever he had in store for me, i'll do my best to serve him, even if it's not what i want, i'll know it's the best if it's from him, that i knew his timing was perfect whether i see it or not and that my whole life is in his hands, and i trusted him

Well i got a call last night, that could mean a lot. SO i'm asking u ladies to pray for me. U know my dream (go live in NY and give my couple a real chance) and u know how u talk to God.

thank you ladies for ur attention lol

PS this is my first prayer request if i remember correctly, i'm a lil nervous hihi
"God gave u free will, but before u make up ur mind, have u thought of including Him in ur decision?" - Touched by an angel.

There it is in the highlighted section of your post, that whatever God chooses to do, you will accept it as His will and still serve and trust Him! :clap: I will pray for you that God moves on your behalf in the way He sees will be best for you, and that through it all, your faith in Him not be shaken. If He opens a door, praise Him, and if He shuts a door, praise Him anyhow! He knows what's best for you, and I believe God will do just that. Be blessed!! :Rose:
Mamita, I will pray for you as well.

May I share this? You are about to see wonderful favor in your life so please be prepared to receive it. You asked God to 'move' in your life and He did not hesitate. Neither will He hesitate or withhold what you are asking Him to do for you.

God bless you, angel. ;) Please stay and keep us posted.