Saved and Sexy?

I learned this from my Mentor (Spiritual Mother).

Sexy in the Lord's terms do not match how the world uses the word sexy. However, when one's hears this word, automatically the world's ear is tuned in and not God's.

Basically, sexy means, being 'attractive' in your gender.

In My Personal Experience:

There is an undeniable distinction that a woman has that no man can master (some may imitate, but can never master).

And there is an undeniable distinction that a man has that no woman can master. (And yes, there are women who imitate men or have taken on certain mannerisms, but she is still not a man).

As a woman I am sexy inside and out; every female attribute of my being, exudes my womanly sexual appeal, with or without makeup and without exposing my anatomy.

I am a woman, I am aware of my feminity, I am aware of my female attributes, I am aware of my difference from any other and that indeed makes me 'sexy'.

Sexy doesn't mean raunchy, or slutty nor an advertisement for playboy magazine. It means being a woman, who is totally female in every way that God has gifted pure which draws her man to her as a bear is drawn to honey.

The sexiest woman of all, is one who loves the Lord. :yep: For He has instilled within her something that no one else like her will ever have. :heart2:
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! Why did I just instantly feel sexier reading your post?:lachen::lachen::lachen:
I learned this from my Mentor (Spiritual Mother).

Sexy in the Lord's terms do not match how the world uses the word sexy. However, when one's hears this word, automatically the world's ear is tuned in and not God's.

Basically, sexy means, being 'attractive' in your gender.

In My Personal Experience:

There is an undeniable distinction that a woman has that no man can master (some may imitate, but can never master).

And there is an undeniable distinction that a man has that no woman can master. (And yes, there are women who imitate men or have taken on certain mannerisms, but she is still not a man).

As a woman I am sexy inside and out; every female attribute of my being, exudes my womanly sexual appeal, with or without makeup and without exposing my anatomy.

I am a woman, I am aware of my feminity, I am aware of my female attributes, I am aware of my difference from any other and that indeed makes me 'sexy'.

Sexy doesn't mean raunchy, or slutty nor an advertisement for playboy magazine. It means being a woman, who is totally female in every way that God has gifted pure which draws her man to her as a bear is drawn to honey.

The sexiest woman of all, is one who loves the Lord. :yep: For He has instilled within her something that no one else like her will ever have. :heart2:
Can I be bold here?

I wasn't going to comment in this thread, but..after reading it last night, I was awakened at 4am to comment here. After prayer, here I am:grin:

I think this is a good thread..thanks, OP. I've read everyone's responses and its always interesting to see how people interact...those that agree and those that disagree. It's important for people to do this...especially believers in Jesus!

However....we must always remember to do it in a spirit of love.

Those of us who are the "older women" whom the bible tells us to "teach the younger women", need to understand that we must teach them without judgement. Honestly, there has been alot of judgement going on in this thread and it needs to stop...seriously.

Pole dancing, belly dancing, etc...if that's what a woman who is a believer desires to do for her husband, then from what I remember the bible saying is that "the marriage bed is undefiled." We can sit behind our computer screens and say 'oh chile, you shouldn't be doing this or that' but that's their choice and if its wrong, the Holy Spirit knows how to bring correction to them in it. If they choose NOT to hear from the Holy Spirit regarding it, then its on them. We are suppose to teach the younger women, but if it causes them to build walls, then what did we really teach them and what have they learned?

Some would say that being on a hair forum as a believer is vain. Others would say that being in the makeup forum and talking about eyeshadow and blush, etc. is also vain. I say...I go to those forums cause I like my hair to look good and I like to wear makeup because it makes me look pretty...for me first and then my husband. Most times, I don't wear makeup but when I out now!:grin:

There are a few christian women on this very site that does belly dancing...soooooo, they are whorish or ungodly because they do? Ummmm...I don't think so. These women are full of the Holy Spirit and are empowered to do the work of the ministry....powerful I say!

Coming out and thrashing people for what they do, without teaching them in love is wrong. This is my humble opinion. You may even think that what you said is in a spirit of love, but when you look at it from my end....I don't see it. The young lady that spoke about her pole dancing for her husband, I'm sure thought she could come into a forum with other women who are believers, and share something about herself that she doesn't see anything wrong with. Well, she now sees that she can't share everything....even with women who are in a Christian Forum! Now, I can see that I had better not share some things that dh and I teach to our married couples cause ya'll would be foaming at the mouth:lachen:...and what we teach is blessed...straight from the heart of the Father!

If we are going to be teachers, we must be careful of how we teach...we are going to be held accountable to a higher degree. I'm not a perfect far, but I do know on sensitive subjects like this, I try to teach not with a rod of iron, but in a spirit of gentleness, humbleness, meekness and love....the Fruit of the Spirit in activation is powerful!

I'm sure to get lots of heat about this...but, its ok. :yep: But, I'm hopeful that we can agree to disagree with a spirit of love and with a heart of learning.

In all our getting, get understanding!

Loving all of you with the love of the Lord!


Hbr 13:4 [is] honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

Gal 5:19Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are [these]; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

The scripture means sex is for marriage only not anything married people do is undefiled. We are to KEEP the marriage bed undefiled. The scriptures speak on uncleaness, sodomy and lasciviousness and other acts that are not to be committed by ANYONE married or not.

As far as speaking the truth in love. That does not mean that we are to hold our tongues if it may hurt someones feeling but it means to have the right intent of heart, to help and not to spitefully harm. It doesn't mean that we have to add terms of endearment when speaking. It doesn't mean that the receiver is going to jump for joy at the Word but in the context of the forum one may hear and make a better choice.

Seeing Jesus is our first example let's use His interaction with some. Jesus ALWAYS spoke the truth in love correct?

Jhn 8:44Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.

Now, to some that would not be speaking the truth in love BUT Jesus is actually doing that very thing. He is speaking the truth in with boldness, without gall and without flattering words but truth because He loved them. 1Th 2:5For neither at any time used we flattering words, as ye know, nor a cloke of covetousness; God [is] witness:

We can't do what the world does and then condemn them for doing the same. If it's ok for saints to use the pole then it's ok for sinners. If Christians can use them then there's nothing wrong with strippers using them. When the world calls us hypocrites they are not always lying.

As far as judging, that deserves it's on thread along with other words that have been improperly used along with self-righteousness and others.

God made us beautiful and for our beauty to be looked upon and appreciated and we can admire the beauty of one another without thinking of them in a sexual way outside of marriage with them. It is tempting, God is good at His job and has made some extremely attractive people. I know I've had to check myself and have even been checked from doing it even posting about it on the board.

I most definitely think of my husband in a sexual way,he is VERY sexy to me. I also love my husband and I do not expose him to ungodliness in our bed and vice versa. We have a wonderful, fulfilling intimate life but we do have restrictions. My husband honors my body and I his and there are things that we just don't do. We honor God and we keep our bed undefiled by sodomy, and unclean acts.
Hbr 13:4
Marriage [is] honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

Gal 5:19Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are [these]; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

The scripture means sex is for marriage only not anything married people do is undefiled. We are to KEEP the marriage bed undefiled. The scriptures speak on uncleaness, sodomy and lasciviousness and other acts that are not to be committed by ANYONE married or not.

As far as speaking the truth in love. That does not mean that we are to hold our tongues if it may hurt someones feeling but it means to have the right intent of heart, to help and not to spitefully harm. It doesn't mean that we have to add terms of endearment when speaking. It doesn't mean that the receiver is going to jump for joy at the Word but in the context of the forum one may hear and make a better choice.

Seeing Jesus is our first example let's use His interaction with some. Jesus ALWAYS spoke the truth in love correct?

Jhn 8:44Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.

Now, to some that would not be speaking the truth in love BUT Jesus is actually doing that very thing. He is speaking the truth in with boldness, without gall and without flattering words but truth because He loved them. 1Th 2:5For neither at any time used we flattering words, as ye know, nor a cloke of covetousness; God [is] witness:

We can't do what the world does and then condemn them for doing the same. If it's ok for saints to use the pole then it's ok for sinners. If Christians can use them then there's nothing wrong with strippers using them. When the world calls us hypocrites they are not always lying.

As far as judging, that deserves it's on thread along with other words that have been improperly used along with self-righteousness and others.

God made us beautiful and for our beauty to be looked upon and appreciated and we can admire the beauty of one another without thinking of them in a sexual way outside of marriage with them. It is tempting, God is good at His job and has made some extremely attractive people. I know I've had to check myself and have even been checked from doing it even posting about it on the board.

I most definitely think of my husband in a sexual way,he is VERY sexy to me. I also love my husband and I do not expose him to ungodliness in our bed and vice versa. We have a wonderful, fulfilling intimate life but we do have restrictions. My husband honors my body and I his and there are things that we just don't do. We honor God and we keep our bed undefiled by sodomy, and unclean acts.
Part of your post I agree with and part of it I disagree.

We can agree to disagree...amen?

I said what I needed to say and I'm going to leave it that way...but, please everyone...continue!

I learned this from my Mentor (Spiritual Mother).

Sexy in the Lord's terms do not match how the world uses the word sexy. However, when one's hears this word, automatically the world's ear is tuned in and not God's.

Basically, sexy means, being 'attractive' in your gender.

In My Personal Experience:

There is an undeniable distinction that a woman has that no man can master (some may imitate, but can never master).

And there is an undeniable distinction that a man has that no woman can master. (And yes, there are women who imitate men or have taken on certain mannerisms, but she is still not a man).

As a woman I am sexy inside and out; every female attribute of my being, exudes my womanly sexual appeal, with or without makeup and without exposing my anatomy.

I am a woman, I am aware of my feminity, I am aware of my female attributes, I am aware of my difference from any other and that indeed makes me 'sexy'.

Sexy doesn't mean raunchy, or slutty nor an advertisement for playboy magazine. It means being a woman, who is totally female in every way that God has gifted pure which draws her man to her as a bear is drawn to honey.

The sexiest woman of all, is one who loves the Lord. :yep: For He has instilled within her something that no one else like her will ever have. :heart2:
Just for this post, I'm going home and be 'super sexy' for my husband!:grin:
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! Why did I just instantly feel sexier reading your post?:lachen::lachen::lachen:
That's because you know who you are in Christ Jesus and you are a loosed woman in Him, indeed....

So go head, loose woman.... you are free and Godly sexy. :reddancer: :lol:
Can I be bold here?

I wasn't going to comment in this thread, but..after reading it last night, I was awakened at 4am to comment here. After prayer, here I am:grin:

I think this is a good thread..thanks, OP. I've read everyone's responses and its always interesting to see how people interact...those that agree and those that disagree. It's important for people to do this...especially believers in Jesus!

However....we must always remember to do it in a spirit of love.

Those of us who are the "older women" whom the bible tells us to "teach the younger women", need to understand that we must teach them without judgement. Honestly, there has been alot of judgement going on in this thread and it needs to stop...seriously.

Pole dancing, belly dancing, etc...if that's what a woman who is a believer desires to do for her husband, then from what I remember the bible saying is that "the marriage bed is undefiled." We can sit behind our computer screens and say 'oh chile, you shouldn't be doing this or that' but that's their choice and if its wrong, the Holy Spirit knows how to bring correction to them in it. If they choose NOT to hear from the Holy Spirit regarding it, then its on them. We are suppose to teach the younger women, but if it causes them to build walls, then what did we really teach them and what have they learned?

Some would say that being on a hair forum as a believer is vain. Others would say that being in the makeup forum and talking about eyeshadow and blush, etc. is also vain. I say...I go to those forums cause I like my hair to look good and I like to wear makeup because it makes me look pretty...for me first and then my husband. Most times, I don't wear makeup but when I out now!:grin:

There are a few christian women on this very site that does belly dancing...soooooo, they are whorish or ungodly because they do? Ummmm...I don't think so. These women are full of the Holy Spirit and are empowered to do the work of the ministry....powerful I say!

Coming out and thrashing people for what they do, without teaching them in love is wrong. This is my humble opinion. You may even think that what you said is in a spirit of love, but when you look at it from my end....I don't see it. The young lady that spoke about her pole dancing for her husband, I'm sure thought she could come into a forum with other women who are believers, and share something about herself that she doesn't see anything wrong with. Well, she now sees that she can't share everything....even with women who are in a Christian Forum! Now, I can see that I had better not share some things that dh and I teach to our married couples cause ya'll would be foaming at the mouth:lachen:...and what we teach is blessed...straight from the heart of the Father!

If we are going to be teachers, we must be careful of how we teach...we are going to be held accountable to a higher degree. I'm not a perfect far, but I do know on sensitive subjects like this, I try to teach not with a rod of iron, but in a spirit of gentleness, humbleness, meekness and love....the Fruit of the Spirit in activation is powerful!

I'm sure to get lots of heat about this...but, its ok. :yep: But, I'm hopeful that we can agree to disagree with a spirit of love and with a heart of learning.

In all our getting, get understanding!

Loving all of you with the love of the Lord!


You are absolutely, 100% right!! Just awesome!! :yep:
I learned this from my Mentor (Spiritual Mother).

Sexy in the Lord's terms do not match how the world uses the word sexy. However, when one's hears this word, automatically the world's ear is tuned in and not God's.

Basically, sexy means, being 'attractive' in your gender.

In My Personal Experience:

There is an undeniable distinction that a woman has that no man can master (some may imitate, but can never master).

And there is an undeniable distinction that a man has that no woman can master. (And yes, there are women who imitate men or have taken on certain mannerisms, but she is still not a man).

As a woman I am sexy inside and out; every female attribute of my being, exudes my womanly sexual appeal, with or without makeup and without exposing my anatomy.

I am a woman, I am aware of my feminity, I am aware of my female attributes, I am aware of my difference from any other and that indeed makes me 'sexy'.

Sexy doesn't mean raunchy, or slutty nor an advertisement for playboy magazine. It means being a woman, who is totally female in every way that God has gifted pure which draws her man to her as a bear is drawn to honey.

The sexiest woman of all, is one who loves the Lord. :yep: For He has instilled within her something that no one else like her will ever have. :heart2:

What a beautiful post! I love you guys!! :yep:
Just for this post, I'm going home and be 'super sexy' for my husband!:grin:
Awwww, he's already caught up in his beautiful 'sexy' wife. He knows the deal.

Precious Wavy, I just saw your post 'quoted' and I going back to read it. I haven't read this thread yet, I only responded to the first post by our OP.

But when I saw 'Belly Dancing' in your post, my thought was, OH! :giggle: That's me.... :blush3: My 'shimmie' started motorizing.... :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I gotta go back and read this entire thread. :lachen:

Lawd a' mercy, I gotta get some scrupples. But I'll still give Hula, Tahitian and Belly Dance lessons for free.

:bdance: :hula:
Can I be bold here?

I wasn't going to comment in this thread, but..after reading it last night, I was awakened at 4am to comment here. After prayer, here I am:grin:

I think this is a good thread..thanks, OP. I've read everyone's responses and its always interesting to see how people interact...those that agree and those that disagree. It's important for people to do this...especially believers in Jesus!

However....we must always remember to do it in a spirit of love.

Those of us who are the "older women" whom the bible tells us to "teach the younger women", need to understand that we must teach them without judgement. Honestly, there has been alot of judgement going on in this thread and it needs to stop...seriously.

Pole dancing, belly dancing, etc...if that's what a woman who is a believer desires to do for her husband, then from what I remember the bible saying is that "the marriage bed is undefiled." We can sit behind our computer screens and say 'oh chile, you shouldn't be doing this or that' but that's their choice and if its wrong, the Holy Spirit knows how to bring correction to them in it. If they choose NOT to hear from the Holy Spirit regarding it, then its on them. We are suppose to teach the younger women, but if it causes them to build walls, then what did we really teach them and what have they learned?

Some would say that being on a hair forum as a believer is vain. Others would say that being in the makeup forum and talking about eyeshadow and blush, etc. is also vain. I say...I go to those forums cause I like my hair to look good and I like to wear makeup because it makes me look pretty...for me first and then my husband. Most times, I don't wear makeup but when I out now!:grin:

There are a few christian women on this very site that does belly dancing...soooooo, they are whorish or ungodly because they do? Ummmm...I don't think so. These women are full of the Holy Spirit and are empowered to do the work of the ministry....powerful I say!

Coming out and thrashing people for what they do, without teaching them in love is wrong. This is my humble opinion. You may even think that what you said is in a spirit of love, but when you look at it from my end....I don't see it. The young lady that spoke about her pole dancing for her husband, I'm sure thought she could come into a forum with other women who are believers, and share something about herself that she doesn't see anything wrong with. Well, she now sees that she can't share everything....even with women who are in a Christian Forum! Now, I can see that I had better not share some things that dh and I teach to our married couples cause ya'll would be foaming at the mouth:lachen:...and what we teach is blessed...straight from the heart of the Father!

If we are going to be teachers, we must be careful of how we teach...we are going to be held accountable to a higher degree. I'm not a perfect far, but I do know on sensitive subjects like this, I try to teach not with a rod of iron, but in a spirit of gentleness, humbleness, meekness and love....the Fruit of the Spirit in activation is powerful!

I'm sure to get lots of heat about this...but, its ok. :yep: But, I'm hopeful that we can agree to disagree with a spirit of love and with a heart of learning.

In all our getting, get understanding!

Loving all of you with the love of the Lord!

:rosebud: Beautiful, as always. And it's Truth! Well spoken and in love....which you do, totally always. :Rose:
May I share this? I hope it to be a blessing to someone.

I am a Dancer.

I'm not married....yet :yep:

I am skilled with Belly Dance, Hula, Polynesian and Tahitian.

Well skilled :giggle: Very well. With technique, not raunch.

Ummmm, yeah :yep: I can 'wiggle' my hips, that's why I'm called 'Shimmie'.

However, it is the way that one 'presents' these Dances that makes them right or wrong.

Trust me. I've seen it all... :yep:

I will not testify with a lie, that God has lead me to learn these Dances,


Will I testify with a lie, that the Holy Spirit has placed it in my heart to share them with married or soon to be married women. But I will teach them to any wife who wants to learn. Just to have fun with/for her husband. :yep:

I Dance because I love it; it's fun. It's keeps me in shape and it keeps me extremely young inside and out. :giggle: And I love the glamour of it, from top to bottom.

My wardrobe is full of beautiful colors, with gowns draped in Swarovski crystals, rhinestones, sequins, stones, fringe in all lengths....... direct from my friends in India, Egypt, Hawaii, and ............ a shop in Washington, DC. :lol:

Yep! :yep: :yep: :yep: It's there! The glamour, the hype, the world, the expertise, the 'tease', the excitement, the thrill, it's all there.

HOWEVER, in all of this.....

There is nothing more beautiful than a woman who presents her feminity to her husband........ just for him and no one else.

And it's all in how she chooses to please her husband or just to have some fun with him. No other woman knows her husband better than his wife. A wife knows the depth and breadth of her husband; his heartbeat, his pulse,

His rhythm, in all aspects of his being

His measure of endurance and his barometric gauge in temperature and in his abilities as well as his agilities.

Afterall, she taught him. :love3:

Her touch, her presence, her love for him, her smile, the smell of her hair...just washed; the crisp clean smell of fresh linens. She feeds him morsels of his favorite food with her hand. and literally ...... with one small offering she has him eating from her hand.

And to a man, this is more 'sexually' appealing to him than any Dancer, any costume, any glamour or sparkle or blitz there is.

For in her quiet beauty, her message to him is "Welcome Home, my love. She has made his home a sweet and fragrant habitation for which he alone can dwell within and forget the cares of the outside world and demons which try to drain him of his energies and his control over life's situations.

I'm trying to post a Balance to this thread and an honest one.

Dancing for your husbands is wonderful and if you so choose, do it and have fun with it.

But don't fall into 'bondage' that if you don't that you are missing something or cheating him out of any marriage pleasures. In Marriage, sexuality goes far beyond the surface senses.

Look at Hollywood. Out of all of the beauty, glamour and blitze and glitze, yet it doesn't have the 'staying' power of true love (be they straight or gay, which is not true love).

As women we don't have the time to be glammed up all the time or Dancing all around the house. As much as I love the Art, there are days when I just don't feel like being a Dancer. I still have a family and friends who need me in other areas of this life we live. I'm still in Ministry which is my first love.

True sexiness is within the soul which reaches the soul of your husband.

Hence the Word of God:

"Deep Calls Unto Deep"

Be happy with your husbands. Just follow the course of your hearts and not feel bound to be a pole dancer just to get his attention, or a half naked stripper, etc. These are the whipped creams, the Cool Whips of marriage. The cake is what you really want to bake and have hot from the oven, just for him.

And that's the key; whatever we do, 'just for him' makes us the sexiest woman alive to our husband.

Love and blessings and lots of 'Shimmies' :bdance:
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The Flesh wants to be sexy. Our goal is the be like Christ. Now you know we do not serve a sexy God. ( LOL ). The bible teaches us to moderately adorned. 1 Tim 2:9.
Now what you wear at home around DH is between the two of you.

We are daughters of a King, think about it. We are crowned with his glory. His glory and the love of Him on the inside makes us BEAUTIFUL. And with this Beauty, you will dress accordingly.

Sometimes I want to be sexy ( FLESH ) then I get unconfortable ( THE HOLY SPIRIT ) and go into another direction.
The Flesh wants to be sexy. Our goal is the be like Christ. Now you know we do not serve a sexy God. ( LOL ). The bible teaches us to moderately adorned. 1 Tim 2:9.
Now what you wear at home around DH is between the two of you.

We are daughters of a King, think about it. We are crowned with his glory. His glory and the love of Him on the inside makes us BEAUTIFUL. And with this Beauty, you will dress accordingly.

Sometimes I want to be sexy ( FLESH ) then I get unconfortable ( THE HOLY SPIRIT ) and go into another direction.

I think they're distinguishing from sensually dressed and "sexy" as equating with femininity. I know there is quite a bit of puritan mindset in American christianity. Now, before someone (else) here gets their panties in a bunch about that statement, think about it. We've been taught that sex is dirty and it is not. Kosher Sex? Preachers who advise congregants to go home and get busy? Raises eyebrows here lol then people inch towards it. We serve a G-d who made male and female genitalia, sex as it occurs, errogenous zones etc....Praise G-d!!!!! ....looks in on it while we're doing it and if the folks are married, He's well-pleased :yep:. We serve a G-d who created "sexy" women for their mates. There is a difference between creating unlawful sexual arousal either in oneself or in others.:sekret:

Why??? Just why wear a pink potato sack?

Sexy, yet Muslim modest
I don't equate being feminine with being sexy. They are many women who are very feminine who do not exude "sexy". I see women and can see them as holy and beautiful but if I pick up "sexy".........

There are times when DH will say,"Wow, you look beautiful today" denoting how I look to him, what I'm wearing or maybe how my hair is done or something and there are times when he'll say," You look sooo sexy" and I know exactly what's on his mind because I wanted it there.:grin: I know how to be feminine and I know how to be sexy, they are not the same. I always aim at feminine 24/7. Sexy is reserved for DH.
:rosebud: Beautiful, as always. And it's Truth! Well spoken and in love....which you do, totally always. :Rose:
Thank you, sis....I so appreciate you and your words of love!

May I share this? I hope it to be a blessing to someone.

I am a Dancer.

I'm not married....yet :yep:

I am skilled with Belly Dance, Hula, Polynesian and Tahitian.

Well skilled :giggle: Very well. With technique, not raunch.

Ummmm, yeah :yep: I can 'wiggle' my hips, that's why I'm called 'Shimmie'.

However, it is the way that one 'presents' these Dances that makes them right or wrong.

Trust me. I've seen it all... :yep:

I will not testify with a lie, that God has lead me to learn these Dances,


Will I testify with a lie, that the Holy Spirit has placed it in my heart to share them with married or soon to be married women. But I will teach them to any wife who wants to learn. Just to have fun with/for her husband. :yep:

I Dance because I love it; it's fun. It's keeps me in shape and it keeps me extremely young inside and out. :giggle: And I love the glamour of it, from top to bottom.

My wardrobe is full of beautiful colors, with gowns draped in Swarovski crystals, rhinestones, sequins, stones, fringe in all lengths....... direct from my friends in India, Egypt, Hawaii, and ............ a shop in Washington, DC. :lol:

Yep! :yep: :yep: :yep: It's there! The glamour, the hype, the world, the expertise, the 'tease', the excitement, the thrill, it's all there.

HOWEVER, in all of this.....

There is nothing more beautiful than a woman who presents her feminity to her husband........ just for him and no one else.

And it's all in how she chooses to please her husband or just to have some fun with him. No other woman knows her husband better than his wife. A wife knows the depth and breadth of her husband; his heartbeat, his pulse,

His rhythm, in all aspects of his being

His measure of endurance and his barometric gauge in temperature and in his abilities as well as his agilities.

Afterall, she taught him. :love3:

Her touch, her presence, her love for him, her smile, the smell of her hair...just washed; the crisp clean smell of fresh linens. She feeds him morsels of his favorite food with her hand. and literally ...... with one small offering she has him eating from her hand.

And to a man, this is more 'sexually' appealing to him than any Dancer, any costume, any glamour or sparkle or blitz there is.

For in her quiet beauty, her message to him is "Welcome Home, my love. She has made his home a sweet and fragrant habitation for which he alone can dwell within and forget the cares of the outside world and demons which try to drain him of his energies and his control over life's situations.

I'm trying to post a Balance to this thread and an honest one.

Dancing for your husbands is wonderful and if you so choose, do it and have fun with it.

But don't fall into 'bondage' that if you don't that you are missing something or cheating him out of any marriage pleasures. In Marriage, sexuality goes far beyond the surface senses.

Look at Hollywood. Out of all of the beauty, glamour and blitze and glitze, yet it doesn't have the 'staying' power of true love (be they straight or gay, which is not true love).

As women we don't have the time to be glammed up all the time or Dancing all around the house. As much as I love the Art, there are days when I just don't feel like being a Dancer. I still have a family and friends who need me in other areas of this life we live. I'm still in Ministry which is my first love.

True sexiness is within the soul which reaches the soul of your husband.

Hence the Word of God:

"Deep Calls Unto Deep"

Be happy with your husbands. Just follow the course of your hearts and not feel bound to be a pole dancer just to get his attention, or a half naked stripper, etc. These are the whipped creams, the Cool Whips of marriage. The cake is what you really want to bake and have hot from the oven, just for him.

And that's the key; whatever we do, 'just for him' makes us the sexiest woman alive to our husband.

Love and blessings and lots of 'Shimmies' :bdance:
You never fail to BREAK.IT.DOWN.!!!

Whipped cake?


I don't equate being feminine with being sexy. They are many women who are very feminine who do not exude "sexy". I see women and can see them as holy and beautiful but if I pick up "sexy".........

There are times when DH will say,"Wow, you look beautiful today" denoting how I look to him, what I'm wearing or maybe how my hair is done or something and there are times when he'll say," You look sooo sexy" and I know exactly what's on his mind because I wanted it there.:grin: I know how to be feminine and I know how to be sexy, they are not the same. I always aim at feminine 24/7. Sexy is reserved for DH.

Yes I agree. I love to be feminine. I am a woman distinctly different from a man. i embrace these differences. I don't wear pants b/c I don't feel feminine in them and I don't look my best in them. It was a personal choice to do so. I'm going to save 'sexy' for my future husband. :o
Thank you, sis....I so appreciate you and your words of love!

You never fail to BREAK.IT.DOWN.!!!

Whipped cake?



:rofl: :lachen: :rofl: :lachen: :rofl:

Girl, a wife can have the sweetest 'icing' (outter decor) as she wants. But without the cake, it has nothing to lay upon. It's just sits there in the bowl and eventually melts or gets crusty around the edges.

After awhile it's no longer spreadable. Whip cream is full of air; it disappears .... fast. :lol: That's why a woman has to know about baking cakes for her husband. Pound cakes, even. Have something solid in the mix .... Yep :yep: The mix of her marriage that is. :lol:
Yes I agree. I love to be feminine. I am a woman distinctly different from a man. i embrace these differences. I don't wear pants b/c I don't feel feminine in them and I don't look my best in them. It was a personal choice to do so. I'm going to save 'sexy' for my future husband. :o
I'm a 'girly girl' to the max. I love lace, all kinds of lace. Silks and soft satin; and sheer soft chiffons.

I have a zillion scarfs. Because of the gym, I wear sweatsuits everyday (velvet ones :lol:) and I have to have a pretty silk or satin blend scarf draped around my collar, just to add that feminine touch. :reddancer:
I think they're distinguishing from sensually dressed and "sexy" as equating with femininity. I know there is quite a bit of puritan mindset in American christianity. Now, before someone (else) here gets their panties in a bunch about that statement, think about it.

We've been taught that sex is dirty and it is not. Kosher Sex?

Preachers who advise congregants to go home and get busy? Raises eyebrows here lol then people inch towards it.

We serve a G-d who made male and female genitalia, sex as it occurs, errogenous zones etc....Praise G-d!!!!! ....looks in on it while we're doing it and if the folks are married, He's well-pleased :yep:. We serve a G-d who created "sexy" women for their mates. There is a difference between creating unlawful sexual arousal either in oneself or in others.:sekret:

Why??? Just why wear a pink potato sack?

Sexy, yet Muslim modest
Hilarious "Kosher Sex" :lol:

But you're telling the truth; :up: :yep: For years 'sex' was not a topic to be discussed openly (or privately). Women were told to 'do their duty' with their husbands. "Duty" would have caused me to rebel. :lol:

God's word plainly says in Genesis 3, to Eve, "Your desire shall be unto your husband." And God was speaking of SEX, not duty. Desire and Duty are not synonomous... :nono:

The word speaks further, "And Adam 'KNEW' his wife (Eve). He 'uncovered' her. He made love to her and they bore children as the evidence thereof.

The word of God, via the Apostle Paul, admonishes husbands and wives that their bodies are not their own and that they are not to withhold their bodies, their sexual intimacy from one another, for it may cause the 'other' to sin. It can't get any plainer than that.

God even says that if a man or woman cannot contain themselves sexually, that it is better to marry than to burn in lust/passion.

All of this is self evident that enjoying sex in marriage is not taboo; hence being 'sexy' (in a Kosher way, :lol:) is not taboo.

Praise God.... :love2:

Food for thought:

We keep it all in good perspective, that's all. :yep:
:rofl: :lachen: :rofl: :lachen: :rofl:

Girl, a wife can have the sweetest 'icing' (outter decor) as she wants. But without the cake, it has nothing to lay upon. It's just sits there in the bowl and eventually melts or gets crusty around the edges.

After awhile it's no longer spreadable. Whip cream is full of air; it disappears .... fast. :lol: That's why a woman has to know about baking cakes for her husband. Pound cakes, even. Have something solid in the mix .... Yep :yep: The mix of her marriage that is. :lol:
Chile...the batter was mixed, cake baked and I'm full:look::lachen:
Thats what I am talking about.

Shimmie, I am sure you'll be a joy to your husband...:grinwink:

These are the things I have found are not acceptable in the bedroom:
Whoremongering - paying for sex
Adultery - grounds to get your behind whooped
Idolatery - idol worship (i guess it happens :ohwell:)
Homosexuality - no orgies people im sure that includes pornography

There may be more but from all I've read this is what I can find.

Everything else is free game. Have fun!:grin:

Hilarious "Kosher Sex" :lol:

But you're telling the truth; :up: :yep: For years 'sex' was not a topic to be discussed openly (or privately). Women were told to 'do their duty' with their husbands. "Duty" would have caused me to rebel. :lol:

God's word plainly says in Genesis 3, to Eve, "Your desire shall be unto your husband." And God was speaking of SEX, not duty. Desire and Duty are not synonomous... :nono:

The word speaks further, "And Adam 'KNEW' his wife (Eve). He 'uncovered' her. He made love to her and they bore children as the evidence thereof.

The word of God, via the Apostle Paul, admonishes husbands and wives that their bodies are not their own and that they are not to withhold their bodies, their sexual intimacy from one another, for it may cause the 'other' to sin. It can't get any plainer than that.

God even says that if a man or woman cannot contain themselves sexually, that it is better to marry than to burn in lust/passion.

All of this is self evident that enjoying sex in marriage is not taboo; hence being 'sexy' (in a Kosher way, :lol:) is not taboo.

Praise God.... :love2:

Food for thought:

We keep it all in good perspective, that's all. :yep:
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