Is your family saved?


Active Member
Hi Ladies. Hope all is well with everyone. I'm in turmoil right now because my immediate family is not saved. I have one sister and both of my parents. None of them feel the urgency to become saved. A few years back I gave them all Bibles for Christmas and encouraged them to go to church, tried to speak to them about it, to no avail. (too busy, church is too long etc) It makes me so sad to think one day we might not meet up in heaven. How do you all deal with loved ones/friends that are not saved? I read the book "Left Behind" and the thought of them "Left Behind" makes me so sad. How do you guys deal with this issue?
I exactly of what you speak. Unfortnately, you can't make people become saved and can only tell them how to get there. The rest is left up to them....Lord knows that I would love for my family to get on one accord regarding this issue. I know of people whose families hold their own bible study and I would love for my family to do the same.
Girl, I struggle with this daily. When I married my husband (who is Muslim), I was in a 'fallen away' state - meaning, I did 'almost' whatever I wanted to do. I have since recommitted myself to the Lord and what He wants to do in my life. Over the years, hubby and I have had some heated debates over Jesus, how to get to heaven, and what God's wants us to do.

I now understand what the consequences are of being unequally yoked. Granted, that I have no desire to divorce my husband (and the scriptures also advise against this) - but, ladies it is HARD!!!!!

It's not easy helping someone to understand that their ideas of how to live will not get them to heaven, when they have been raised with a completely different view of salvation. I have to pray constantly about the right approaches with him going forward in the hopes of helping him get to know Jesus. I've cried many times about the thought of where he will spend eternity. I do not wish being eternally absent from God on anyone and have no desire to see him in that state. Only God can help me through this process and help him to see the light. I know it will be a gradual process and all I can do is pray and be an example to my husband of God's grace and love.

I advise you to continue to pray, as well. God is working on them and it's not going to be on our timetable, but on His.
My immediate family is saved but I have three 2nd cousins of my extended family who believe in Him but just hasn't been baptized. I cannot make that judgment of whether they are saved or not. They believe in accepting Jesus when they are older. They feel like they can live more holy lives as adults. The problem is, no one knows their future snd they could die anytime, why wait when you're older? No one can live a sinless life.
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That was an awesome testimony, stcsweet

The only thing I can suggest you to do is keep praying for them and be an example of Christ daily b/f them. I have members in my family that aren't saved and it can be hard at times, b/c you want so bad for them to accept Christ in their heart, but you know it is their decision and can't force them too. You just keep growing in the Lord, and pray that he will personally reveal himself to them.
Kittly- I know a family like that too, they pray together, have Bible Study at their house and fellowship with other Christian Families.

Stcsweet girl you are so right. I will continue to pray for them, I know that God can make a way out of no way! I have a question for you, do you have children? If so, what faith would you raise them? I admire you for the way you are handling this situation in your marriage. God answers prayers.

Pooh- I remember when I became saved in my early twenties and a minister pulled me aside and said what a blessing it is for you to be saved so young, because he had gotten saved in his 40s. At first I didn't know what he meant, but now 10 years or so later, I do understand, what a blessing it was to be saved in my twenties, although I did not stop all of my "wordly" ways, I always had faith and new that Jesus loved me, that in itself makes life a whole lot easier to me.

Sweet C- That's exactly what I try to do, to be an example :yep:
lonesomedove said:
Stcsweet girl you are so right. I will continue to pray for them, I know that God can make a way out of no way! I have a question for you, do you have children? If so, what faith would you raise them? I admire you for the way you are handling this situation in your marriage. God answers prayers.

We have 2 sons and they are both being raised as Christians. I also know that as my husband gets older, he's becoming more and more ingrained in his beliefs (you might say, 'digging in his heels'). So, I also must keep praying for our children, as well.
I am blessed that my immediate family (husband and 2 daughters) have a personal relationship with the Lord, as do I. However, for many years my oldest sister, although she knew the Lord she had not accepted him into her life as her personal Savior. Well, for many years I would bring up the discussion of Salvation whenever I would talk with her, I felt as a Christian if was my duty to help her "see the light." Well, one day the Lord helped me to see that "I" was not the one who would be doing the saving in her life, I had not even saved myself, He would save her when the time came. He reminded me that I was simply to show her the way not choke her on the way. So, I let up and I didn't bring it up anymore to her after that. Well, 6 years ago my mom passed and it affected my sister. My mom loved the Lord and often talked about how she was looking forward to "going home" someday. Well, we knew mom was home and we had yet to get there. I have an older brother who is a pastor, he is very close to my oldest sister. He then started talking to her about giving her life to God, but again, she would not have it. Then, one day she was arrested on some charge she had no idea of what they were talking about. She sat in jail 3 months before everything was cleared up and she was released. However, during that 3 months the Lord paid her a visit in her cell one night and by the end of that 3 months she was holding bible studies for the inmates and didn't want to leave because she felt many were so close to accepting Christ and she felt she could help them. Well, she does prison ministry now and she very involved in my brother's church and she loves the Lord. All I did was pray...God did the rest.

I share this because even with my prayers God did things in his time and his way...his understanding is not our understanding, his ways not our ways. He made her weep when he alled her to be put in jail but in doing so he dried her tears for once and for all. So often as Christians we feel it is our duty to save someone, but all we are to do is introduce them to God, and then let God save them. If they don't accept Him, simply pray without cease for them...but the final decision is theirs.

Stay encouraged and know, God may not use you to help save that family member, but there are plenty of others he will send your ready.
Loving your family for who they are will help them grow to where to need to be. We are the only Bible some people will ever read. Love them, pray for them, encourarge them and let God bring them through. He hears your prayer and knows your heart. He brought them this far and I know He can bring into the kingdom. The only thing we can do is plant seeds of faith in their lives and allow God to let it grow into beautiful garden. God is so, so precious and will give us the desires our heart. Trust Him and do not look at the circumstances but look at the provider and the guider. :)