Who Do You Want to Surprise (Smiles)?


Well-Known Member
I'd like to surprise my husband at my goal lengths. I'm currently nape length and want to surprise him when I reach APL, God willing. I'm natural and have decided not to show him my flatironed length until I reach APL as a surprise.

Just wondering if others have similar goals/surprises in mind.

I put my mind to so many other goals in my life, and am able to achieve them. But when it comes to my hair, I've always fallen off. This time I'm determined to get the hair that I dream of. I'm doing this for no one but me.
By my birthday (March 23) I would like to flat iron my hair and suprise....

My sister (who halfway believes that my hair growth journey is a joke).

My SO who will finally get to see the swang since October..
My dh. He doesn't think my hair can grow to apl since we have been together for 10 years and I have been nl for most of that time maybe sl. So for mu sons bday I want to be almost apl. That will be 1 year since I bc. I had a twa for his party last year.
I'll like to surprise all the doubters even more so who are now surprised @ me now for making it past sl...when I reach mbl then wl!
^^^That's great Dream. I'd like to surprise myself as well. My hair has never been past SL and my goal is to reach WL. I've been at this hair thing inconsistently for a while but think I have figured out what to do to reach my goal. Prayer, patience, and consistency are vital.
My circle-

I show them progress pictures from fotki and forum members. And everyone always has something to say: "well she has to be mixed with something" :rolleyes:
or "she looks like she's always had long hair.. since her childhood"

Its always something.

My friends and family thought I was nuts when I chopped off my hair to a TWA. I want to show everyone that black hair can grow. My goal is to be the living, breathing proof that even those who never had "long hair" or the "good hair grain hair" can achieve remarkable results with a little work,patience and persistence.
I was gonna say the same thing dream. All my life I believed I had "bad" hair but now I know any length is possible. I've never been this length before in my life and I don't plan on stopping until I reach MBL.
Not so much now but there was a time when I'd say any idiot who LOL, said something negative or got their jollies when I bc'd from mbl to sl hair.

I'm not a vengeful person but I gotta admit that there was an overload of inner satisfaction flowing at the LOL hyena and Debbie Downer crowd as the months and years wore on.

Hair grows. Black hair grows. Relaxed and natural hair - grows. You just gotta keep what you grow. So many still don't get that and want to keep looking for lame arse excuses on why their hair doesn't grow.
Myself: for my 21st b-day (dec 9) I'd like to have APL hair after I complete the braid challenge. My hair has nvr gotten past NL.
My mother: She sees my hair starting to look healthier (shiny, thicker, etc.) But she doesn't notice the length change so she thinks what I'm doing is useless.
The rest of my family: my sister's hair has always been between sl and apl (that's "good hair" in my family) and I wanna show that I (who doesn't have "good hair") can surpass that level
Friends: they think my new obsession w/ hair stuff is a joke. They'll b on their knees begging me for hair advice soon enough. And to those who I'll decline advice because they teased me a bit too hard, I'll be shaking my head EXTRA HARD. LOL
my mother... not just with long hair, but with long NATURAL hair since she told me that i won't be able to manage my hair in its natural state once it gets longer. (i have a twa)
myself. ill officially be WSL by my birthday in april. hopefuly i can lose 40lbs by that time too, <--(goes off to order chinese food)
Not so much now but there was a time when I'd say any idiot who LOL, said something negative or got their jollies when I bc'd from mbl to sl hair.

I'm not a vengeful person but I gotta admit that there was an overload of inner satisfaction flowing at the LOL hyena and Debbie Downer crowd as the months and years wore on.

Hair grows. Black hair grows. Relaxed and natural hair - grows. You just gotta keep what you grow. So many still don't get that and want to keep looking for lame arse excuses on why their hair doesn't grow.

LynnieB, you most definitely, unequivocally got the last laugh with your glorious, voluminous mane.

LynnieB's answer applies to me, regarding anyone who ever made a snide remark about my coarse hair. But mainly, I am trying to surprise MOI. I envision my goal lengths and can't wait to shock myself when it comes to fruition.
Myself, My family especially my sisters. My friends especially my firend who had long hair as a child but broke off due to relaxing her hair every 4 weeks when she reached 12 years old then stopped after my advice but started relaxing once a month.

Oh and everybody who saw "Good Hair", Chris Rock not only rich Oprah can have long healthy hair
Myself: for my 21st b-day (dec 9) I'd like to have APL hair after I complete the braid challenge. My hair has nvr gotten past NL.
My mother: She sees my hair starting to look healthier (shiny, thicker, etc.) But she doesn't notice the length change so she thinks what I'm doing is useless.
The rest of my family: my sister's hair has always been between sl and apl (that's "good hair" in my family) and I wanna show that I (who doesn't have "good hair") can surpass that level
Friends: they think my new obsession w/ hair stuff is a joke. They'll b on their knees begging me for hair advice soon enough. And to those who I'll decline advice because they teased me a bit too hard, I'll be shaking my head EXTRA HARD. LOL

Whoa. Pleeeeeeeeease check in when you're longer. I am interested in their reactions. My MIL made some nasty things and about a year later was asking for hair advice.
Myself (might sound mean, but I really don't care what anyone else thinks/feels in this regard)

There's a part of me that really doesn't feel like my hair will ever be long (like WL long) It's more of an irrational emotion thing, because the intellectual part of me knows if I do everything I'm supposed to, and remain patient, then my hair will reach that point in due time. And I guess that's what keeps me doing what I'm doing.
Myself and my family.

My mom stayed with us a few weeks back and during that time I blow dryed and straightened my hair. Both her and my husband were surprised that my hair had gotten so long. My husband said he think it is the longest he has ever seen it in out 12 year relationship.
I want to surprise...

Myself: I am considering starting a personal challenge to STOP stretching my hair in the back to see length. It doesn't change every couple of hours. I just want to know what it feels like to have hair on my back soooo badly. I think if I leave it alone outside of nightly maintenance and daily "styling" (like you can call the cap I wear in the house a style....:lachen::lachen:) I will notice growth more the next time I check.

Hubby: Last night, I took my twists down to see what my hair looked like if I fluffed it and just had a curly afro, and he was blown away. "Your hair didn't look like that last time!!! Wow, that's pretty. You are pretty, Bae..." He just went on and on. It made me feel so girly and feminine to hear my husband complimenting me that way. I want to hear his surprise and pleasure when my hair is longer and I have not shown him in a while.

Mom: My mom is a complete non-believer. She thinks me and my sister's children might have long hair but that the adults should stop trying and hoping for length because it's not possible.

Myself!! I've never been more than a little past SL, so I'm already surprised that I'm APL. More surprises please!!
hmmm....damn near everyone. lol.

my mom, sister, and grandma who thought i was a damn fool for cuttin off all my long hair and keep making fun of me for not having a perm anymore

my little brother-i want him to see blk women can have hair down to their a5ses

my friend for saying blk women are "hair challenged" (she's indian)

my cousin for lookin at me like i was crazy when i said i wanted my hair to get to bsl

and everyone else who thought i was crazy for goin natural
I want to surprise myself and prove to myself that I can do it and show that black women can have long hair. I want to surprise my DH. He is supportive and sees that my hair is getting longer, but I am not sure he really believes I can make it to MBL or WL.
my mom: shes the one who cut my hair for the bigchop. she loves long hair and shes and i are so surprised when i flatiron it every now and then. the longer i wait to flatiron the bigger the surprise. i want to do it for june hopefully will be bsl by then, but it would be so much fun to do it dec 2010 to see her reaction. shes confident that i can make it to mbl and waist length, but she doesn't really believe it will happen in the timeline i presented.

my husband: loves long hair and he likes to keep up with my progress and i'd love to surprise when i reach bsl/mbl.

myself: ive never been waist length in my life and when i get there im making it a national holiday lol. im sure i'll be over it in a day, but the thrill of FINALLY accomplishing this goal will be amazing.
My sis who thought I was crazy for BCing
My mom for calling me "lil crab man"(My Name is Earl)
The Indian women where I get my henna for looking at me like they can only have long hair.

My cousins! I am actually hiding my hair until I reach at least (might go longer actually) BSL. They clown me so much about my efforts, I want to show them that yes, all that washing, conditioning, and stretching, it's for a reason. I want their jaws to drop when they see me grow from NL to BSL or MBL. I am making a commitment to hide my hair for at least another year or two.

My sister: She's been so supportive from the very start. I want to show her that her support helped me to acheive what many think is impossible for me: Long Hair.

My SO: His sister has this really nice, APL length hair and yes! I want to get my hair longer than hers. I keep day dreaming of the day when I go to one of his family function and I whip out that flat ironed, MBL hair of mine. I am hoping for a weave check!!
my smug cousins with their thin, straggly APL of which they are so proud :rofl: (they claim ownership of all the "good" hair genes in the family), my supportive girlfriend who helped me to BC, and for everyone who laughed at my TWA, called me names and made disparaging remarks about my short hair