Who Do You Want to Surprise (Smiles)?

Myself: I never thought that my hair could grow past NL/SL because it wasn't "good" hair. I'm on the journey to BSB/MBL hair and I hope that by achieving APL this year, I will prove myself wrong. My hair IS "good" hair because it's MINE.

My mom: She has always seen me with short hair and is constantly encouraging me that my hair could/would grow long if I stopped cutting and mistreating it. I would love to surprise her with APL hair this year and possibly BSB/MBL hair next year.

My old stylist from college: she told me that I "didn't have growing hair" Why did I "need" a relaxer every 5 weeks? She also said that my hair wouldn't be long...probably because she kept cutting it off.

My former uncle who used to always say "chasturner84 can't grow hair."
My sis who thought I was crazy for BCing
My mom for calling me "lil crab man"(My Name is Earl)
The Indian women where I get my henna for looking at me like they can only have long hair.

lol, i was confused for a second. like.. your mamma named you EARL?! damn, that's even worse than being named "lil crab man"
I'm doing it for myself--I've never had long hair, and I think it will be such an empowering experience to achieve this "impossible" goal. Before finding LHCF, it had never crossed my mind that I could possibly grow long hair.

None of my non-mixed relatives have any length, and I'd love to set a good example for them.

OT: Barbie83, your Pikistrip almost made me cry. We started at the same length at the same time, and we reached the same length in Sept. 09. I was scheduled to reach APL in December, but a setback has me back at my starting length, and I feel so discouraged. I'm just going to try and stay positive, and be thankful for the blessings I DO have (fast growth, good retention.) Congrats on reaching APL!
I want to prove to myself that I can grow long (at least MBL), healthy, natural 4a/4b/4c hair.

My cousin #1 - Who stated that I "can't grow hair long like a White girl" because I just don't have "that kind of hair" :perplexed

My cousin #2 - Who (when I had barely touching shoulder length relaxed hair) asked me if that's the longest I could grow my hair because it was always short. :ohwell:
Oh yeah, I want to surprise my mommy. I know she'd be so proud of me. :yep:

And not really "surprise" per se, but I want to be able to stop wearing these weaves so I can stop lying to my boo about it being all mine. Really bad, I know! :sad::ohwell::perplexed:look:
Oh yeah, I want to surprise my mommy. I know she'd be so proud of me. :yep:

And not really "surprise" per se, but I want to be able to stop wearing these weaves so I can stop lying to my boo about it being all mine. Really bad, I know! :sad::ohwell::perplexed:look:

He really doesn't know?! How long have you two been boo'd up?:lachen:
DH- He has been so supportive in everything and he loves to see me taking care of my hair. I can't wait to show what all his support has helped me do.

My Family - they aren't mean and they don't make disparaging remarks. But I can tell they don't think my hair will get any longer than this. I want to show them it can, and maybe it will finally motivate them to finally put some real effort into their own. Yes black women can have long hair down they backs mama.

The women over here where I live. :look: The black women really need help. Even their weaves, which should be on point are terrible so lets NOT even talk about their real hair. :nono: I hope I can inspire some.

The non black women over here who hair is sraggly, thin, damaged, some over bleached, and from wearing their pony tails and buns sooooo tight they got about 5 strands of hair on each side for they edges, yet because they hair is long they think it looks good and still be flipping it at you. :perplexed
I want to surprise my DH. He already thinks I "don't have regular black ppl hair" (his words), so I know he doesn't doubt it can grow--but I'm sure he doesn't really imagine me going past where I'm at now (a little past APL). I know he will love it.

I also want to surprise some old (latina) friends/acquaintances in Miami (where I use to live). They all LOVED my big curly hair when I was texlaxed, but I do know that most of them don't really know/think black women can grow long hair. It would be nice to educate them with more than just words. Sometimes seeing is believing. lol
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She's not a nay-sayer or hater, but I think seeing my growth and my 2 DDs growth would be the only way to "school" her without being disrespectful.

We were having a convsersation about Good Hair (movie). She said, "I haven't seen it, but come on, we all know about black hair---there are certain things you can't do, like you can't get it wet very often...." It went on and on like this. I just listened politely--she'd die if she knew how often me and her granddaughters "get it wet". :spinning:
Myself- even though it is getting healthier/thicker sometimes I feel like I will never reach APL.

All the folk who just stare at my hair now and say nothing (because it's healthy and not long)

People I gave advice to who gave me the side eye or said I dont have time for all that

I want to be like Reneice in the Bun drop video!! on the nay sayers!!
Unfortunately I can't surprise anyone... They're all supportive jerks who believe that my hair can go from a bob to BSL by tomorrow if I said it!!! LoL
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My cousins! I am actually hiding my hair until I reach at least (might go longer actually) BSL. They clown me so much about my efforts, I want to show them that yes, all that washing, conditioning, and stretching, it's for a reason. I want their jaws to drop when they see me grow from NL to BSL or MBL. I am making a commitment to hide my hair for at least another year or two.

My sister: She's been so supportive from the very start. I want to show her that her support helped me to acheive what many think is impossible for me: Long Hair.

My SO: His sister has this really nice, APL length hair and yes! I want to get my hair longer than hers. I keep day dreaming of the day when I go to one of his family function and I whip out that flat ironed, MBL hair of mine. I am hoping for a weave check!!

^^^That made me laugh (smiles).
My mom and cousin: I'd been brainwashed by my family with their bad hair practices and never thought black women could grow long hair. Now that I've been set on the right path, I want to get my swang on and never have to use extensions ever again!

Evil AA salon: I want to walk in there with some MBL or WL hair and tell them that my hair started growing ever since I stopped taking it to their butcher shop! :lachen:
My Brothers - who all called me "bald headed" when I was little and through the years because my hair wasn't as long or as "good" as my sisters.:cry3:

and Sisters - who also chimed in sometimes with the hurtful jokes! :mad:

My mom - who NEVER defended me from this torture :nono:
and ALL OTHER RELATIVES - who got their diggs at family gatherings!! :heated:

Our family reunion is in July and I would love to STUN them all!! :yahoo:
Evil AA salon: I want to walk in there with some MBL or WL hair and tell them that my hair started growing ever since I stopped taking it to their butcher shop! :lachen:[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah, this part does remind me of 2 former hair dressers I want to go in their salons with my hair bouncing and behaving, just to buy some products :lachen:. ok, I'll stop now
I want to surprise my family with my WL hair when I get there. Currently BSL which NO ONE in my family has ever had. Still some dissenters though. Also, I would like to be able to wear a nice braidout or twist out when I get married, by God's grace. A nice big, full head of hair! ;)
I used to have a twa and when I decided to grow it out EVERYONE thought it was such a great idea. I remember one female associate as me how long I would grow it and I pointed to my armpit...now I"m bald headed... and she gave me this look like :perplexed:rolleyes:

I ignored her.. so yea her!

This other guy (I used to work with) and I were having a conversation about my hair about the same time and I remember telling him.."Oh, in about 4 years my hair is going to be long!" He gave me this looke like :ohwell: :rolleyes:

ANYWAY I ran into him at a convention 2 years later...and my hair was in a flexirod set in 2006? my hair was peeking past neck length... MAN this guy warmly hugged me and said "OMG it's been so long... how long has it been 4 years?" :perplexed:wallbash: We had always been competitive and I FELT that jab good.

But, he's in business for himself and I know where his shop is so you BETTA believe when I get my hair right :lachen: AFTER I overcome my setbacks :look:

I will be shashaying my tail in there so he can see...

remember... it's not over until its OVER :grin:
Myself: I remember I had a install that was about BSL and my older cousin told me I should just grow my own hair to that length and stop wearing weaves. I looked at him like he had three heads :lachen:Of course this was pre-LHCF and I just knew there was no way I could grow my hair that long .

SO: He thinks I'm crazy but still supports me.

Family: They still have the good hair complex and think I'm nuts for wearing my hair in it's natural state. I want to show them my healthy hair practices aren't for nothing :yep:
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My mom because she says my hair is nappy and I need a relaxer!!

My husband because he loves natural although I think he likes the 3's and I'm far from that.

Myself to prove I can do it!!!7 months in so far!!
I want to reveal my hair at MBL and surprise:

My grandmother: She's always playfully messing with me that I'm always messing with my hair. She'd be shocked I left it alone long enough to grow it out.

My FI: He met me while I was transitioning and did my BC. He wants it to grow big so i want it to get that way.
My husband: Says that I constantly take care of my hair "too much", I want him to see why when I go from my current NL to SL by summer and on to APL, followed by MBL
Salons:Oh and especially all of the salons that I have funded throughout the years and they did not make my hair healthy just maintained and kept trimming what I had and suggesting color( which I never gave into).....and looked at me like I was from Mars or Pluto when I asked for a ACV rinse("Que`"):perplexed
Women of Color: We can achieve healthy long hair! Everybody here on this site knows this but your average person on the street will argue you down that you have a lace front wig or a weave........:nono: LOL Ladies' and HHG
Definitely my childhood friend who politely disagreed with me when I expressed that I will be BSL one day. She has beautiful 4b relaxed BSB hair, and believes she is one of the "lucky" few blacks with "good" hair.
I can't wait to swing my BSL hair in front of her*insert evil laugh*