Who Do You Want to Surprise (Smiles)?

I really want to surprise myself by reaching APL this year---to me and my family this IS long hair --my hair was only a little past shoulder and this was when I was 8 yrs old!!! I can't wait :)

I want to surprise my parents that think I can't get my natural hair back to how it was when I was younger.
this was posted in another thread, but it fits for this one too.
ok i have this friend, when i met her last year and half ago she thought i was wearing a weave, she was suprised that it was mine after she ran her fingers throught my hair, but she was still skeptical that i could get even longer than it was. so a few months ago she saw me with flat ironed hair and her jaw droped!! and i said "i told you it was going to get long" and i told her "its going to be even longer than this next year" but i can still tell she didnt believe me. now how can she still not believe??? lol. but she always ask me for hair advice and never follows what i tell her, so whats the point. the last time she saw my hair it was top of mbl, im going to wait intill im at wL to flat iron again and i cant wait to show her.

__________________ im not really out to prove no one more than myself. i cant wait to have real long hair...but sometimes i think, "once my hair is long, than what? lol it will just be annoying after that.
I am going to surprise myself. I will not straighten my hair until the summer. Hopefully I will be full apl by that time.
I already know my hair is capable of getting to apl and even bsl.. I did that when I was relaxed.. I'm more so want to surprise myself at the fact that I can care and nuture for my natural hair properly, since I never knew how my hair was before relaxing it. .. as far as other.. I do wanna shut my friend up by getting my hair to atleast APL so he'll sthu about the fact that I cut off APL hair in the first place... I also do wanna surprise the new possible boo-jank..with some flatironed alittle past APL hair.. So he wont be seeing my hair straight anytime soon.:grin:
I want to surprise myself with Tailbone, Oh my gawd when I get to TBL:dance7:This is the only reason why I have stuck with this hair thing this long just to prove to myself it can be done. I've never been this consistent with anything in my life:look:.

My SO: I want to show him MBL at the end of this year. He is so encouraging, If I need products, he's out buying products. He even read ingredients now:brainy:.

My dear friend: She is a stylist, when I found this board and told her I would take my hair into my own hands, she pretty much laughed at me and told me I need to leave hair to the professionals if I ever wanted my hair to make it past SL, funny thing is, she had been doing my hair for 4yrs and I never made it past SL, go figure:ohwell:. Since I joined she has never seen my hair straightened and she won't until I reach my goal.

My Uncle He thinks his wife is the only one who knows anything about growing hair, I've known her for 12yrs and she is still SL:lachen:. He is always making fun of my hair practices. One day Unc one day....:yep:
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I am going to surprise myself. I will not straighten my hair until the summer. Hopefully I will be full apl by that time.

I'm doing this as well. Trying not to straighten until September! I want to be surprised with great growth and health God willing. I want to buy a Maxiglide as a reward for my efforts, yay!
Myself: By making it to BSL in 2010
My Female Cousins: Particularly the ones who mock me about my hair aspirations. Oh, I can't wait to make eyes pop out of their sockets and then act completely glibb when they want to know what I did to acheive such lengths.
My SO's family: They usually ignore me at family events. I think long hair would finally be a conversation starter at these boring events.
I have a standing date with my husband for the Old Guard Ball in May
I al ready have the dress and shoes, I hope my hair cooperates with some growth
otherwise I am going to rock a phony pony
Next XMAS, I'd like to surprise my whole family (one member in particular)/

Friends, 2 people mainly- one who said it's not possible for me to have long hair and another who THINKS his girl with 'good hair' is the only woman he knows with long hair.

Co-workers, who have no idea why I come to work braided up for all these years LOL...they'll find out when my hair is in their coffee...

ETA- My old stylist LOL
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Next XMAS, I'd like to surprise my whole family (one member in particular)/

Friends, 2 people mainly- one who said it's not possible for me to have long hair and another who THINKS his girl with 'good hair' is the only woman he knows with long hair.

Co-workers, who have no idea why I come to work braided up for all these years LOL...they'll find out when my hair is in their coffee...

ETA- My old stylist LOL

hahaha. LOL.
I am in the 2010 braid, APL, BSL challenge.

Last night while I was rebraiding the last row of my hair, my DD walked in and said, “Oh mom your hair is growing so long”. She pulled my hair down to see how long it really was and for some reason I didn’t want to see the length. At that moment I realized, I was hiding my hair from myself.
Just myself...and i have this indian friend (her hair is waist length but when she oils her hair it looks really lank) who keeps joking that i have no hair. I cannot wait to unleash this afro and then we'll see who has no hair.
Myself... I always used the excuse that I loooove short hair styles, Ok, well then why was I always wearing long weaves. :lachen: I guess I didn't believe my hair could grow.
My DH, he hated weaves and is the reason I started taking care of my hair. I can''t wait until I am MBL.
My son, he always sees Black girls with weaves and short cuts and I want him to know that Black women can have long hair and come with the "Total Package" (he is dating a white girl)
I want to surprise myself with BSL hair. The longest I have ever been is an inch above APL. I want to inspire my sister to take better care of her hair. And also so I can do hair flips in front of my ex :)
And here is the evil list

Mom who was supportive of my transition but has been at me for the last 9 months to relax my hair saying that the two textures can't co exsit (even though I have grown my hair to APL from above SL durring my transition????)

This girl I work with when I told her a year ago that I was going to grow my hair to about MBL in 3 years and she told me that Icouldn't do it. Npw she has had to cut her hair to APL because it was so damaged and hasn't been able to hold on to any length since (its been 6 months and she is now asking me for hair advice)

My Exs. Just because. I'm moving back to Memphis (maybe in a year in a half)

All the guys at work who oggle me (its kinda gross and flattering)

that is all.
I really want to surprise ALL of the knuckleheads who work FOR me and NEVER hesitate to give me their opinion on my latest hair style. I have only been transitioning for 4 months from a super short pixie cut and I keep it wigged and weaved up. When I rock a short wig, they want to say how they like it long. When I rock a longer one, some idiot wants to tell me how they like it short.
Really? I don't understand why they can't see that I COULD CARE LESS how THEY want my hair to be. I can see them shaking their heads on the inside like, "She's black. She just doesn't know she can't grow her hair." That's my main motivation for keeping it hidden! I don't think I'll let ANYONE see it 'til I'm BELOW SL.

......And once it gets past there????? They better start looking for a NEW job!
Myself first b/c although I believe I can grow long hair I have never seen it pass SL
My S.O. b/c I don't think he believes I can grow my hair that long (APL)
My college friends (at homecoming in Oct) b/c I was the "weave queen" in college
my natural cousin who i have not seen since dec 08. thats when i had relaxed my hair. i've been transitioning since feb 09, and i want her to see how long my hair is after i cut off the relaxed ends.

also my aunt and cousins that live in dallas. i haven't seen them since summer 08, and i had a twa. i'm excited for them to see what my hair will look like with more than 7 months worth of natural hair.

just good surprises. no 'stick it to the longhaired naysayer' stuff. :lol:
Myself: I still remember the pain of being a little girl with a chewed up head, who used to cry because that Little Mermaid hair was out of reach. Not anymore it isn't! :D I think I may have surpassed her length now :yay: But I'm not stopping till Classic length.

My family: they looked at me like I was crazy when I told them my hair was long and I wore braids/wigs to help it grow. They were like :look: :rolleyes: And when I did my Big Reveal they found out I was telling the truth baby!

All the little girls with raggedy heads out there... who are being told a million ways that they can never have long hair... I want them to see me and be inspired!

ETA: I also cannot wait till my trip to Europe next year. I gotta get my body right, get my Jessica Rabbit on. And have all this hair swangin in the breeze :gorgeous: Nobody will be able to tell me nothin'!!!! Gotta represent for the US of A!
everybody at my high school reunion! i don't know when it is yet, lol, but i wanna make up for those ugly duckling years!:grin: