Who do you talk to about "coloring" issues?

Who do you talk to about "coloring" issues?

  • Nobody - it stays between me and my man

    Votes: 27 58.7%
  • My momma

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My best friends

    Votes: 14 30.4%
  • Only LHCF (or other anonymous web communities)

    Votes: 3 6.5%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 2 4.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
So, I tried to talk to my now-married BFF about coloring and she was shocked and appalled that I would ask her such an "inappropriate" question. (Honestly, it was pretty bland . . .basically since they were having 2 ceremonies I wanted to know which one she considered "official" for coloring purposes :spinning:). So yeah, no coloring talk with her.

I'm wondering, though, don't most women talk to their closest friends about it? Or is that something just between you and yo' man?
I'm usually the one my friends have come to with these issues, and it's been a while. Guess I give them good advice.

OP, that was not a shocking question. Not to me, anyway.
my close friends & my doctor (problems anyway). i've asked a few other people (mistakkeeeee). i had a problem. my friend's friend gets around so my friend was like "you should ask her". def should not have. it actually made her (imo) very interested in my man. :look: not cute. now i know.
I would definitely ask a friend that question. lol - That was tame! No need to feel like you asked anything shocking.
My friends and I would have laughed about something like that, but for the most part, I don't talk to my friends about "coloring" unless it's general stuff or technical stuff. It's crazy because I talk about sex all day every day for my job.

Anyway, everything that that I've read and the pre-marital counseling sessions that we attended all talked about the sacredness of your marriage and not sharing certain details of your life with anyone outside of the two of you. Some of those details include MONEY and SEX. So, "coloring' is off-limits.
I can't imagine not being to talk about colouring with my girls. It's the number 1 topic we talk about in actual fact :lachen:Advice, tips, confessions...we thrive on all the details!:lol:
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I talk to my closest friends about general stuff (if I have an issue/concern with DH, I don't take that up with anybody but him ;)) and will lend an ear if they need to talk. But everyone has different comfort levels so I don't approach the topic the same with eveyrone. As for the bolded:

So, I tried to talk to my now-married BFF about coloring and she was shocked and appalled that I would ask her such an "inappropriate" question. (Honestly, it was pretty bland . . .basically since they were having 2 ceremonies I wanted to know which one she considered "official" for coloring purposes :spinning:). So yeah, no coloring talk with her...

That's definitely a personal question, but if you all get personal on a regular, I wouldn't call it inappropriate.
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That's a personal question for just anyone to ask, but for your BFF? That's very tame IMO.
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So, I tried to talk to my now-married BFF about coloring and she was shocked and appalled that I would ask her such an "inappropriate" question. (Honestly, it was pretty bland . . .basically since they were having 2 ceremonies I wanted to know which one she considered "official" for coloring purposes :spinning:). So yeah, no coloring talk with her.

I'm wondering, though, don't most women talk to their closest friends about it? Or is that something just between you and yo' man?

Lol there are very few friends I discuss such with and those I wouldnt dare as they are anti premartial, yada yada
I don't talk about coloring with anyone. :nono: That is between DH and I. I've heard too many horror stories. I tell one of my girlfriends that my man puts it down in the bedroom and then she starts looking at him funny. :lol: J/K. But seriously, those details are between me and him. I'm pretty sure he doesn't blurt our business to his friends, either.

My ex used to blurt out all of our business in front of our friends. :rolleyes: So immature.
I don't talk about coloring with anyone. :nono: That is between DH and I. I've heard too many horror stories. I tell one of my girlfriends that my man puts it down in the bedroom and then she starts looking at him funny. :lol: J/K. But seriously, those details are between me and him. I'm pretty sure he doesn't blurt our business to his friends, either.

My ex used to blurt out all of our business in front of our friends. :rolleyes: So immature.
No need to kid. Thats real. You go on and on about how good he puts it down, next thing you know they are trying to get in his pants. Thats why I NEVER discuss my bedroom matters with anybody. General stuff, no problem. How we do it and how he do it, no way. :nono:
No need to kid. Thats real. You go on and on about how good he puts it down, next thing you know they are trying to get in his pants. Thats why I NEVER discuss my bedroom matters with anybody. General stuff, no problem. How we do it and how he do it, no way. :nono:

i can believe that. my two close friends would never be interested in my man no matter how big or how good he is. but when i asked my friend's friend for advice because he was, ahem, too big. honey child was all of sudden asking him to meet up to talk about "work" or other stuff. it was odd because she brags about how big her man was so i was kinda like :perplexed:
I haven't talked to anyone about it, but I know who I CAN talk to about if it I need to -- my best friend. She talks to me about coloring and says that she has a good relationship with her fiance. If I need someone to ask, I'll ask her.

Or Dan and Jennifer. :lol:
i can believe that. my two close friends would never be interested in my man no matter how big or how good he is. but when i asked my friend's friend for advice because he was, ahem, too big. honey child was all of sudden asking him to meet up to talk about "work" or other stuff. it was odd because she brags about how big her man was so i was kinda like :perplexed:
Umm hmmmm. Thats precisely why you have to keep those matters private.
I would hate to have to murck one of my friends. :nono:
it's interesting how women get holier than thou, or become good girl with virgin ears when they get married. as far as your question was concerned, you can't talk about juicy details because some women will run with that information and start tryin to run with your man!
A question like that would have been no big deal to me from a BFF.

And I agree with the ladies about being careful who you share with. I guess (surprisingly or not) alot of women are not getting what they want in the bedroom and their ears perk up when they hear you raving about your man.

When I was younger we used to spill a lot of details but not now. I don't mind giving a few tips to someone though especially online.
I will share a story with you ladies

My best friend and I have known each other since we were like 13, she was always a reserved type because her mom was crazy as hell! We get to the age were most of our peers are having sex at that time we were on a dance team together with some other girls that we knew not really close to well she was close to one and her man. It turns out that ole girl was telling her about her coloring experience with her man and my friend ended up sleeping with ole girls man while they were together...From then I didn't trust her and for good reason because now that we are grown she still sleeping with peoples boyfriends. So yeah I keep my coloring issues to myself or between myself and my partner, not that every chick is like that but shoot.
My mother used to call me a prude, but I don't care. Info. like that is no ones business. That is between me and my partner ONLY. My sisters, can talk about sex with each other all day, but I don't participate in any manner. I don't want to know their business either. Why should I care about what they do in private and vice versa? Years ago, when I met my husband (before we were married) my father asked me if I was having sex. I thought I was going to die. I don't want to talk to my dad of all people about that stuff, not even now. My sisters will talk to him about their sex lives and ask his advice...I think it's strange.
I wouldn't divulge intricate details, but general stuff my sister (who may not want to hear of her lil sisters activities), my best friend most definitely, and..shudders..my mother, who'd be all too excited to help.
My mother used to call me a prude, but I don't care. Info. like that is no ones business. That is between me and my partner ONLY. My sisters, can talk about sex with each other all day, but I don't participate in any manner. I don't want to know their business either. Why should I care about what they do in private and vice versa? Years ago, when I met my husband (before we were married) my father asked me if I was having sex. I thought I was going to die. I don't want to talk to my dad of all people about that stuff, not even now. My sisters will talk to him about their sex lives and ask his advice...I think it's strange.

I think that's strange too actually. i could never talk about sex with my father. i feel the urge to barf just thinking about it.
When I first saw this thread I thought you ladies were talking about colourism aka skin issues.

Not to sound dumb, but what is colouring?
I am a very private person so all coloring matters stay between me and the honeybun. Since we run in the same circle (prior to dating) I really don't want everybody in our business. We both were honor students in high school so everybody assumes that we're just two book worms but then they make slick sexual comments. It's confusing but that's them. It's enough that they insinuate things, that in itself makes me cringe but them knowing enough details to make comments would drive me over the top.

One time his parents were driving me to his campus last year and asked me flat out did we have protected sex. What????? I didn't even know how to respond. I pretended like I was on the phone and they got distracted thank God!!

I don't think I could have a man that told our business. I'm glad he's private too. It makes things a lot easier.