Where Was Your First International Trip With Your So/husband To?

We went to Rome, Italy for our honeymoon (12 years ago). I loved it!

We went to the Colosseum, several old churches, and of course we visited Vatican City. We went in November (spent our Thanksgiving there), and it was sunny out there but cold. DH lost his Italian/English translation book so depending where we went, it was tough to have conversations/order things when we went out--at some point I think he just started speaking Spanish :scratchchin:


  • We met a man at the Colosseum dressed as a gladiator. We got to pose with him and took some really fun pics.
  • The Vatican Museum is *amazing.* I'll never forget how some of the colors in those paintings literally pop out at you and are so iridescent. Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's, etc. are all beautiful. There was so much interesting history, art, and architecture. We also visited where Saint John Paul II was laid to rest.
  • DH ate rabbit for the first time, and he said it tasted like chicken.
  • I LOVED the coffee at our hotel
  • We had the craziest taxi driver taking us back to the airport--yelling on his cell phone in Italian as he weaved in and out of traffic (even on the wrong side of the road) kind of freaked us out. And there were no seat belts in the taxi.
I would like to re-visit one day :yep:
Technically, out first international trip was to the Canada side Niagra Falls :lol:. It was beautiful, though. Our hotel room had a close view of the falls. It was so romantic at night. There's also a lot to do around there. It's like a mini vegas. Lots of restaurants, stores, and a couple museums and casinos. We took a boat right up to the falls. I'll never forget it. It was so beautiful and refreshing!!

Since then we've been to Cozumel, Cancun, Honduras, Grand Caymen Islands, Belize, Thailand, China, and The Phillipines. We lovesss to travel. This year we're going to France, Israel, and hopefully we can ring in the new year in Cuba. We're still working on that one.
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Technically, out first international trip was to the Canada side Niagra Falls :lol:. It was beautiful, though.

Since then we've been to Cozumel, Cancun, Honduras, Grand Caymen Islands, Belize, Thailand, China, and The Phillipines. We lovesss to travel. This year we're going to France, Israel, and hopefully we can ring in the new year in Cuba. We're still working on that one.
so jealous of your life:cry3:
so jealous of your life:cry3:

Don't be!! We just make travel a priority. You don't have to be rich. You do, however, need vacation days lol. I have a decent amount.... I'd like more, but Whatevs lol. FH makes his own schedule, so all I have to do is convince him to leave it all behind for a while.... and we're off!

I'm definitely an advocate of just booking a trip and figuring the rest out later. Life is to short to stay in one place.
Technically, out first international trip was to the Canada side Niagra Falls :lol:. It was beautiful, though. Our hotel room had a close view of the falls. It was so romantic at night. There's also a lot to do around there. It's like a mini vegas. Lots of restaurants, stores, and a couple museums and casinos. We took a boat right up to the falls. I'll never forget it. It was so beautiful and refreshing!!

Since then we've been to Cozumel, Cancun, Honduras, Grand Caymen Islands, Belize, Thailand, China, and The Phillipines. We lovesss to travel. This year we're going to France, Israel, and hopefully we can ring in the new year in Cuba. We're still working on that one.

Ooohh tell me more about Belize please! This is one of the top two places my SO wants to take me.
Our honeymoon was a cruise to the Bahamas but i dont really count cruises. our first real Intl trip was Paris. Dh got sent there for work and I tagged along during the last few days he was there. It was AMAZING. I didn't get to see everything I wanted to (I was still nursing ds and didn't want to be away from him long) but his company paid for us to have a night out together and the whole trip was romantic and special and best of all almost FREE :lol:
Technically, out first international trip was to the Canada side Niagra Falls :lol:. It was beautiful, though. Our hotel room had a close view of the falls. It was so romantic at night. There's also a lot to do around there. It's like a mini vegas. Lots of restaurants, stores, and a couple museums and casinos. We took a boat right up to the falls. I'll never forget it. It was so beautiful and refreshing!!

Since then we've been to Cozumel, Cancun, Honduras, Grand Caymen Islands, Belize, Thailand, China, and The Phillipines. We lovesss to travel. This year we're going to France, Israel, and hopefully we can ring in the new year in Cuba. We're still working on that one.

Aaaaaahhhh! France is on my list of places to go to. Let us know how it is!
Bahamas in April, we are heading to Canada for a week's vacation this Sunday. Our first trip together was nice, but short. Just a long weekend cruise. I'll update next week about this upcoming trip.

Edited to correct the many typos.
Our first International trip was the Mexican Riviera but since, we have been to Ireland (fun!) Greece (love!), Bahamas, Italy (Vatican, Rome, Venice all beautiful but Naples is the 'hood of all hoods!), Germany (no, just no), Canada, France (French Riviera), and Spain. We hope to go Japan and Australia this year.
It was supposed to be Tel Aviv but when I found out there was a stop in London I was like let's stay there for a week before taking the next leg of the trip.

London is everything. Paris was cool too. Wasn't my first time at either place.

Tel Aviv is like Jewish San Francisco. Regular San Francisco is like the burrows of NY where people practically live on top of each other and pay a **** ton for the privilege. I'm not a fan. Trump. Must. Not. Win.
Our honeymoon was a cruise to the Bahamas but i dont really count cruises. our first real Intl trip was Paris. Dh got sent there for work and I tagged along during the last few days he was there. It was AMAZING. I didn't get to see everything I wanted to (I was still nursing ds and didn't want to be away from him long) but his company paid for us to have a night out together and the whole trip was romantic and special and best of all almost FREE :lol:

I remember when you went!!!! And DS was a new baby you had to pump to go :lol:
I guess we both first moved to Canada (Montreal), but that was to live so shouldn't count? And then France, but again to live. Our trips are either super exciting to me (in Europe somewhere) or to him (North America somewhere), I'd say our best international trip so far that actually felt international for the both of us was our honeymoon in Mauritius, a teeny island East of Madagascar.

We just did some Caribbean and Europe travels and gearing up to go back to the states to road trip for about a month (with some flights in between). DH beyond excited, he loves the US. Lol.
Ooohh tell me more about Belize please! This is one of the top two places my SO wants to take me.

The tourist areas of Belize are gorgeous. The ziplining is unbeliezable! (All of the tour guides there use this joke lol). It was amazing. The beaches are beautiful. I thought the snorkeling would be better. However, I think I just felt that way because nothing has lived up to the amazing snorkeling I did in Jamaica. The food was just okay. Not bad, but nothing to write home about.

On the down side.... I was surprised to see so much poverty. On the way riding between excursions, the towns looked like they were in ruins. Sheets were hung where walls used to be. Not windows. Walls. Kids were running around in only underwear and covered in dirt. To be honest, it made me feel guilty for being there for leisure while these people were living like this.

There's some sort of corruption going on because the government definitely isn't spending any of the tourist income to help the poor. They spend it on the ritzy areas where expats buy vacation homes. I wanted to find a restaurant in town to help support the locals, but one of the tour guides advised against it. Said it would be dangerous.

All in all, it was a good trip. If I ever return, I want to find a way to also do some humanitarian work while I'm there. Even if it's just bringing clean clothes and shoes for the kids.
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Aaaaaahhhh! France is on my list of places to go to. Let us know how it is!

I've been to France before, but not with FH. I only stayed in Paris while I was there. I loved it! The museums, the beautiful scenery, the food, the nightlife. It was so much fun. My friends and I somehow ended up at the birthday party of some guy who was supposedly an African prince. Never found out if that was true or not lol... but the party was lavish and amazing! It was definitely a trip to remember.

When FH and I go this fall, we'll still be flying in to Paris, but we will explore the surrounding towns more. We may even take a short road trip. He's never been, but he has some relatives there who will show us around. I'm looking forward to it!

After this trip, my NEXT trip to france will hopefully be in the south. I heard it's gorgeous down there.