Where are you in your hair journey, are you making any progress?

I finally reach brastrap length. I havent take pictures yet. But I will soon. I happy with my results. Brastrap lenght was my 1st goal, and now Im aiming for waist lenght.:)
Bmm said:
Hi ladies,

Where are you in your hair care journey?

Are you at a place where you are satisfied

Are you experiencing anything you may need others to offer advice for?

I was just thinking this would help some of us that may need it… to vent our hair frustations if there are any…and the best part share good news. I know some of us have issues from time to time.( myself included)

I'm about a year away from my goal. I know what products allow me to retain my growth, but I'm am trying things to encourage my hair to grow more quickly.

I won't be satisfied until I get to brastrap length.
Where are you in your hair care journey? I'm relaxed with a few layers past shoulder length.

Are you at a place where you are satisfied? No. I would like my hair to be at my bra strap and I have 5" to go. In addition, there's about a 4" gap between my longest layer and my shortest layer. In the back, this gives the appearance of thin hair. I dont want to cut it now because it will grow back in the same way. I want my hair to be all one length and I'm going to have to wait until I'm a few inches past my final goal to do a cut. My hair is healthy but unenven and I dont like that. Don't get me wrong, I love my hair and I've seen it grown so much since becoming a member of LHCF. I just have to keep in mind healthy hair first, then length. Nevertheless, I'm learning how to care for my hair along the way.

Are you experiencing anything you may need others to offer advice for? Patience is key. One day we'll all get to our personal goals. We must learn to appreciate what we have now before we receive the prize!
Hi ladies,

Where are you in your hair care journey?
I'm transitioning and close to BSL about 3 inches away.

Are you at a place where you are satisfied
Umm not completely! :lol: Once I reach my ultimate goal which is waist length then I will be completely satisifed. :D

Are you experiencing anything you may need others to offer advice for?
Hmm not really.
Originally Posted by Bmm
Hi ladies,

Where are you in your hair care journey?Well though I suffered many setbacks this year, it's taking me forever to reach shoulder length, my hair is growing out very slowly from this bob.

Are you at a place where you are satisfied No I need more hair period.

Are you experiencing anything you may need others to offer advice for?
I can't seem to find any protective styles for my short hair, also I'm wandering if it would be safe to get extensions for my double-processed hair while swimming?

I was just thinking this would help some of us that may need it… to vent our hair frustations if there are any…and the best part share good news. I know some of us have issues from time to time.( myself included)
Where are you in your hair care journey?
Im trimming and getting used to shorter hair. Im about an inch above bras strap right now. Before I decided to transition I did reach my goal of bratrap relaxed hair. Now I want natural.

Are you at a place where you are satisfied
No I want 100% completely natural hair at bra strap length UNSTRETCHED. I have a LONG way to go but I know I can get there.

Are you experiencing anything you may need others to offer advice for?
Not yet but I KNOW I will in a few months. I going into uncharted territory
RIght now I am happy with my shoulder length hair. I had to go out and buy smaller rollers because my curlers that i used for my bra strap length hair is now too big for me. I dont have a length goal right now, I am focusing on the health of my hair because I neglected it all summer.

I am starting to have that problem I get about this time every year where my scalp becomes dry.
Bmm said:
Hi ladies,

Where are you in your hair care journey? Far :( , my hair has shown growth but I want to make it to at least bra-strap and I am barely on my shoulders from last relaxer

Are you at a place where you are satisfied No. I think my hair is in better shape and I have learned more but to have full hair at least on my shoulders (the way I consider shoulder length), would bring me some satisfaction. Ultimate satisfaction would be bra-strap!

Are you experiencing anything you may need others to offer advice for? I don't think I can get advice on this b/c I feel this would be trial and error--but solidifying a regimen.

Great post BMM!!!!
Where are you in your hair care journey?
I'm closer to my goal but not there yet,I'm @ lower BSL and my goal is WSL, I will be there in a couple of months if I stay on the wagon.

Are you at a place where you are satisfied
I'm ok with the health and condition of my hair now but I still would like some more length and I'm positive it will come with patience and sticking to my hair regime.

Are you experiencing anything you may need others to offer advice for?
I would like to learn how to do more natural styles so I can wear my hair down more when I reach my goal, like twists, twist outs, wash and go's. and of course encourgagement from the ladies hare is always a BIG HELP. Thanks
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Where are you in your hair care journey?
***Half way to my first goal (a puff). I'm sure I'll make it by my deadline of 02/05/06.

Are you at a place where you are satisfied
***Very!!! :) I finally know what works for my hair.

Are you experiencing anything you may need others to offer advice for?
Uh.........no. :)
I started on my hair journey around February of 2004, so it's been a good year and a half for me. My goal was bra strap, and as far as I'm concerned...I've reached that goal (though I did trim yesterday so I'm not really there anymore, lol). So yes, I have seen progress. My hair is healthier, there are some things that I would like to improve about it's condition still. I have set a new goal, but it's not nearly as particular as my first goal of bra strap length hair. I'm still going for health, but my new goal is to let my hair grow until the Spring. I don't have any particular length desires, though I figure I can get about 3.5-4 inches by the time. I'm no longer focused on length achievements, but more on health and thickness. Come Spring, I'll re-evaluate the status of my hair and go from there.

ETA: And yes, I am satisfied with my progress! I'm happy that I met a goal I've been working for for so long.
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Where are you in your hair care journey?
I'm very happy with my hair right now. I wasn't treating my hair very well after I met a new man in my life, so I had to cut it an inch or so and I was frustrated because it was waist length and I didn't want to lose any length. But today it's grown back to where it was - even past that length. Waist length was always my number one goal and my ultimate goal is hip length which is about 2 inches away now! :) I wanted to reach that goal in December 2005, but I'll realistically reach it sometime in the spring. I'm trying to get back to my old routine.

Are you at a place where you are satisfied
No, I want more length.

Are you experiencing anything you may need others to offer advice for?
Not really, I know what I need to do to get my hair back on track. I've experienced quite a bit of shedding these past weeks, but I think it's just the season. I'm like a dog or a cat or something! :grin:
I just realized I did not answer my own question...at least I do not think I did...here goes.

Where are you in your hair care journey?

I have had some growth, nothing spectacular.

Are you at a place where you are satisfied?
No, I am not satisfied with where I am, which is funny because I do not know what would make me satisfied

Are you experiencing anything you may need others to offer advice for?

I was upset this past weekend, because I lost a lot of hair when I washed it. Then I realized that I did not comb it all week so that was the issue. :lol: Honestly ladies right now I have a : I could give less than a flying uck about what is going on with my hair. I am not motivated. I do not want to be bothered at all. I am just going through the motions. Its not even that am annoyed at the length...I am just tired. I am going to take a break from thinking about my hair hence the reason I joined the Christmas stretch club. I will shampoo & deep condition, throw some Sta sof fro on it to lay my unruly edges down...then go about my biz.
I hope that I will see you women in December...If my hair is not breaking too much, and I do not have to relax in November instead.
Where are you in your hair care journey? I'm ummm I guess half-way there.

Are you at a place where you are satisfied? Honestly, I am not completely satisfied but I am very satisfied with the way my hair seems to look so nicely taken care of.

Are you experiencing anything you may need others to offer advice for? No not really.