Veterans- 4+ Years HHJ: Where Are You Now?

When did you start your healthy hair journey?

  • < 2000

    Votes: 11 6.3%
  • 2001

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • 2002

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • 2003

    Votes: 5 2.9%
  • 2004

    Votes: 9 5.2%
  • 2005

    Votes: 14 8.0%
  • 2006

    Votes: 36 20.7%
  • 2007

    Votes: 33 19.0%
  • other

    Votes: 62 35.6%

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I officially joined in 2006, but I lurked for a year :look:. I was natural when I joined and am now relaxed.

What's your current length?
I am currently APL

What major changes you went through during your journey (relaxed-> natural or natural -> bkt or relaxed)
I went natural in 2004, wore a TWA for awhile and started to really grow my hair in 2006. I reached WL after 2 1/2 years.

This is one of my fav pics of my long hair lengths

Any major haircuts?
My BC in 2004

A stylist improperly relaxed my hair in 2009 and as a result I had to snip, snip, snip and basically start all over.

Have you reached your goal?
I did reach my goal, and I will reach it again.
I started my HHJ in november 2006.

What's your current length? APL
What major changes you went through during your journey (relaxed-> natural or natural -> bkt or relaxed) I BCed in november 2006 and went all natural
Any major haircuts? BC in nov 06
Setbacks? Twice in almost five years
Have you reached your goal? No
What's your current length? I am currently SL.

What major changes you went through during your journey (relaxed-> natural or natural -> bkt or relaxed) My last relaxer was July 2009 and I BC'd in September 2010.

Any major haircuts? Not too many. I got a cut about a year into my transition, and then I chopped all the relaxed ends off in September. I also went in for a trim and came out with a cut once (maybe twice).

Setbacks? Myself. I forgot about what worked for me and started doing other stuff and trying more and more stuff, and I never quite got back to where I wanted to be. The crazy thing is I'm JUST realizing this, but I guess that's the first step... :yep:

Have you reached your goal? I think my original goal was BSL, which I made. I was going for MBL when I got my "trim", which put me back to APL. LOL I'm still new to this natural thing, but now that I know my hair can and will grow, I hope to reach BSL again in the next 18 months. Back to basics...
What's your current length? APL in the back, an inch below CBL in the front

What major changes you went through during your journey (relaxed-> natural or natural -> bkt or relaxed) Well, I started looking for hair information on the internet in 2002. I started transitioning after my last perm in November 2002 and BC in March 2003. I've been natural since.

Any major haircuts? Yes! I got tired of my 'mullet hair' that grows fast in the back and slow in the front and started cutting in 2005. I rocked a wash-n-go bob (YES!) for a while, then I cut to a TWA in summer 2006.

Setbacks? Only my period of scissor-happiness back in 2005/2006

Have you reached your goal? No way! I like my hair this length, but I have so far to go. I actually could have been at MBL or even WL for a while, but because the front of my hair grows so slowly, I've been chopping off the back to SL for a while to allow my the front time to catch up. Now that it has, I can continue to grow my hair and look good in the process. Judging by the last time I grew my hair out, I think that I can be BSL by the end of the year. :yep:
I BC'ed down to maybe 1cm in August 2006, now my longest layer is hip length. I have had many setbacks along the way but the biggest benefits have come from protective styling and improved nutrition via vitamins.
[QUOTE=naijamerican;12760987]How have you resolved your ssks? I struggle with these all the time.

I used to twist my hair into 7-8 sections like cornrows going from my forehead to my nape & then pin the ends under. I kept everything hidden under a lf. Even though I would take them down each week, I would have ssks. I now keep my hair in a beehive twist so that there is only 1 end rather than several.

The 2nd part of the solution is coconut oil. After dc'ing, I saturate with coconut oil. I just part my hair one circle at a time (since I'm prepping it to twist in the beehive) & apply coconut oil. About 6 mos ago I started to use a modified version of Kimmy's leave in (LTR leave in instead of Knot Today, no castor oil, extra Aloe Vera, & Jojoba). I apply this after the coconut oil so my hair is really sloppy wet & then twist.

Those 2-3 steps have solved my ssks problem. :)

Thank you very much for this advice. I need to give this a try. :yep:
What's your current length?

My hair touches my butt.

What major changes you went through during your journey (relaxed-> natural or natural -> bkt or relaxed)?

I transitioned. My last relaxer was in 2006 and I transitioned until 2009.

Any major haircuts?

During my transition I received multiple trims and had about 3 inches of relaxed ends cut off in 2009 at the end of my transition. I also experienced some breakage during the transition. The relaxed ends were so damaged that they were started to shred and would break off from simply being touched.


Breakage during transitioning.

Have you reached your goal?

Yes. I started actively growing my hair out in 2007. I was bra strap at the time and wanted to make it to waist length. I've surpassed this goal.


^^^^Wash and go on transitioning hair. MBL strap to waist length (my hair grows in a u shape) when stretched. Bra strap to MBL un-stretched. The relaxed ends really weighed my hair down making it look more wavy.


^^^^Pressed transitioning hair. I had recently received another trim and lost some to breakage. The relaxed ends were damaged. After the trims, shredding, and breakage I was still waist length.

May 2009:

^^^^This picture was taken right before I left my house to get the last of my relaxed ends cut off. Hip length to very top of tailbone (u shaped hair) stretched. The relaxed ends were too damaged and were dry, breaking, and couldn't retain moisture. It was cut to about MBL-waist length.

August 2009:

^^^^Not quite full waist length stretched. My hair grows in the U shape.

March 2010:

^^^^Hip length pressed natural hair. My longest layers were approaching the very top of tailbone but were trimmed again.

July 2010:

^^^^Natural wash and go. Touches my butt for very first time in my life.


^^^^This is the shortest my hair has ever been. I was relaxed. My hair was shoulder length like this from about 2003-2005? Relaxers make my hair dry and I was getting constant trims.

August 2009 versus August 2010 wash and go:

^^^My growth rate appears to be average but I think my retention is good.


^^^My hair took a beating during those years with the dryness, relaxing, breakage, trimming, dyeing (I dyed it multiple times in 2003 which only contributed to more dryness), and mini hair cuts, but it eventually grew longer.

I have no idea how fast my hair would have grown to this length had I not transitioned, received frequent hair cuts/trims, and experienced breakage. My hair seems to retain length the fastest as a natural.

Right now I think I'm at terminal length, but that's okay because I've surpassed my hair goal of waist length. So, I'm no longer actively growing my hair.
My hair journey began in 2006; my starting length was damaged NL.:ohwell:

What's your current length? Probably WL--I haven't straightened my hair in months and probably won't until Spring.

What major changes you went through during your journey (relaxed-> natural or natural -> bkt or relaxed) Fully-relaxed -> texlaxed

Any major haircuts? There has been a few trims along the way.

Setbacks? Nothing major; just basically some neglect on my part that has negatively affected my retention. But, I'm back on track now. :yep:

Have you reached your goal? At this point, I don't think I really have a goal. I'm just growing....
What's your current length? WL
What major changes you went through during your journey (relaxed-> natural or natural -> bkt or relaxed) Long term transition from texlaxed to natural which took about 3 years, now bkt every now and then.
Any major haircuts? Nothing major, cut back to MBL twice.
Setbacks? No major setbacks; learning to deal with my hair and the struggles that come with a long term transition i.e., tangles, shedding and breakage at the line of demarcation.
Have you reached your goal? I've been fortunate enough to have reached my goal (WL) more than once. I plan to maintain somewhere between MBL and WL.

I was going to add some pics to this post but I haven't been in Fotki so long I forgot my login/password so I can't copy/paste any of those pics :look: but, if you wanna see some old arse albums, inbox me and I'll give you the link and album PW.
@celinastarr When I see your pics I usually think 'her hair has always been long.' :look: Seeing those old pics remembering when they were posted in 2009 and comparing them to where you are now, I can objectively see how amazing your growth has been. :blush: The curly pics are amazing! :grin:

Since you say you're at your terminal length, do you mind sharing how many inches of hair you have from the crown?
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I'm not full WL and I didn't even start bald! Been at it since 2006
I always though my hair grew at a fairly healthy rate but based on this chart, I'm def. a slow grower. Perhaps it's because I was growing out my damaged hair? IDK, but it doesn't look good for me.....
What's your current length?
longest layers fall around shoulder/cbl

What major changes you went through during your journey?
Relaxed to natural

Any major haircuts?
Yes several.... and finally I BC'ed.

Yesssss. While I was relaxed I experienced horrendous bleached highlights, scissor happy stylists, crazy matting after taking down a weave, protein vs. moisture setbacks, salons using cheap products, and over processing. Good times. :perplexed I finally figured out what MY relaxed hair liked then decided to transition to natural because I was tired. Now that I'm natural (coming up on my one year anniversary/nappiversary) I haven't had any.

Have you reached your goal?
No and honestly I haven't set one. I guess as long as it's growing, healthy, and my retention is good I'm happy. I don't want to get so caught up in trying to attain a certain length that I forget to "enjoy the ride."
What's your current length?
Hip Length

What major changes you went through during your journey (relaxed-> natural or natural -> bkt or relaxed) none Still Relaxed

Any major haircuts?no


Have you reached your goal?
What's your current length?
Hip Length

What major changes you went through during your journey (relaxed-> natural or natural -> bkt or relaxed) none Still Relaxed

Any major haircuts?no


Have you reached your goal?

Dang... you were just smooth sailing!
What was your starting length and how long did it take you to get to HL from there?
Dang... you were just smooth sailing!
What was your starting length and how long did it take you to get to HL from there?

Starting Length was shoulder Length

I really didn't start getting serious about my hair until the End of 2007 i think its has taken me 4yrs going on 5 cant say exactly for sure.
Currently neck length/SL (Rihanna bob) after transitioning and two substantial haircuts.

Setbacks have included SSK and splits causing me to cut and cut and cut...
However I never had problems with breakage.

I have not reached my goal. Not by a mile.
I joined this board in 2006

What's your current length? Around WL

What major changes you went through during your journey (relaxed-> natural or natural -> bkt or relaxed) No, I've been natural for about 11 years now

Any major haircuts? Not since I started my HHJ in 2005. I've always been into hair care but that's when I consciously started trying to grow it.

Setbacks? Too many to list but the main one was before I joined the board. I colored in 2005 and it took me about 4 years to grow it out. I joined this board in 2006 and I was almost BSL, I reached BSL and stayed there for several years while cutting out the color. I think my hair was also damaged from using heat at well. My ends would literally break off from the touch. I had to trim monthly. I've realized I can maintain length and use heat regularly but if I"m trying to grow my hair out it's best to minimize my heat use.

I also recently hennaed my hair, I won't call it a setback yet but I definitely had some breakage.

Have you reached your goal? I am happy w/the length of my hair. My goal now and has been for a while to just have really healthy hair and that is ongoing. I am focused more on caring for my ends now. I am in the HL challenge but it's not something I'm focused on. I joined because I didn't want to get lazy w/my HHJ. It makes me stay accountable for my hair care.
Have you reached your goal? I am happy w/the length of my hair. My goal now and has been for a while to just have really healthy hair and that is ongoing. I am focused more on caring for my ends now. I am in the HL challenge but it's not something I'm focused on. I joined because I didn't want to get lazy w/my HHJ. It makes me stay accountable for my hair care.

Excellent point. I often wonder if I'll stick around after my I reach my length goal, but healthy hair does take ongoing maintenance.
@celinastarr When I see your pics I usually think 'her hair has always been long.' :look: Seeing those old pics remembering when they were posted in 2009 and comparing them to where you are now, I can objectively see how amazing your growth has been. :blush: The curly pics are amazing! :grin:

Since you say you're at your terminal length, do you mind sharing how many inches of hair you have from the crown?

About 36 inches. I tried to pull my longest layers as straight as possible.
nothing to add w/ respect to the OP since i just joined in 2009. saw this thread and headed to google.i did want to say that i rebuke the below chart. i will not reach my terminal length a centimeter before 20 inches.


About 36 inches. I tried to pull my longest layers as straight as possible.

Myth busted! Thanks Celina! That chart seems so far off. There are plenty of women with ankle length hair.
Myth busted! Thanks Celina! That chart seems so far off. There are plenty of women with ankle length hair.

16 inches isn't very long at all. That's not even waist length on most adults. I guess the chart is describing the minimum terminal length for each race?
What's your current length? In between Waist and Hip length
What major changes you went through during your journey (relaxed-> natural or natural -> bkt or relaxed)
I was attempting to transition(I was 1 year and a few months post in Oct 10') but I'm holding off on it. For now I will just relax once a year.
Any major haircuts? Well every year I usually cut off 2-3 inches
Have you reached your goal? Well I did reach the tip top of Hip length last year, then I cut it back to WL because I wanted my ends to be fuller. Now I'm getting back close. Hopefully I will be there by mid-spring.
2001. and i would have been maybe classic length by now but i cut my hair.

aiming for hip length now!
For shame!


What's your current length?


What major changes you went through during your journey (relaxed-> natural or natural -> bkt or relaxed)


Any major haircuts?

i cut off 6-9 inches to get rid of heat damaged ends two years ago



Have you reached your goal?

not yet, aiming for hiplength

happy? :grin: