Did You Start Your Hair Journey Here?

I started my journey with an internet search. Cathy Howse was self promoting and a bit militant. Then I came across a link from dontspeakdeafeat that was heaven sent!

I lurk on LHC and BHM but this is home:)
Yeah, pretty much. I had already decided that I was gonna start taking care of my hair. LHCF just motivated me and led me in the right direction.

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I started at Nappturality. My hair was in ok condition but I ended up transitioning to natural because of all the gorgeous natural healthy heads on NP.

Then a couple years later I found this board, by then my hair was in excellent condition. Came over here and got turned out by all these gorgeous long heads and the Phyto hype and ended up texturizing.

I'm so easily swayed. Hopefully I don't find a jerri curl board :lachen:
I began searching for healthy hair tips about 6 months before I got married - wanted to have nice healthy hair for the big day. I first found Cathy Howse, too, and bought into her techniques for a bit. She got me on my way, but I needed details (can't just tell a person who's never air-dried in her life to just do it out of the blue with no product recommendations or anything). I also didn't like how she didn't recommend anything but her own products. :mad: So, I searched online and found the Relaxed Hair Care board on ezboard.com and learned tons from those ladies (they're still going strong, too!). Then, I found Black Hair Care Talk also on ezboard.com and got very involved in that forum and still am (I'm the board owner now when our other owner ditched us).

I think I was checking out Fotki albums and came across LHCF. I was a hard core lurker for several years and just decided to join as a posting member a few months ago. I've always looked at LHCF as a great resource where I can find an answer to just about anything. And I love all of the personalities and stories and testimonials of everyone here. I'm not as active only because I value the relationships I have on my own board and we're doing okay over there as a smaller community. But, I will forever be a LHCF fan and you'll see me here from time to time! You ladies are awesome! :clap: :)
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Okaaay! I really like this one!

~I tried to remember what all I'd done when I had longer, healthier hair in the past. Then realized it was pretty much luck, pregnancy, and exercise.
~Then I headed to the library. Cathy Howse, some lady that sold her book to me off eBay for $.99 (HEY, ANYBODY KNOW WHO I'M TALKING ABOUT?? SHE HAD ON A WHITE SUIT AND MAYBE A TIARA??), Shamboosie, and Barry Fletcher. I also read some magazines (Essence was the most informative). They all said too many things that contradicted one another...
~I got on-line. Some e-mail news-letter (they were trying to get me to buy something), BHM, and just little tips here and there. They weren't enough. Soooo...
~When learning the ins and out of MTG on BHM someone mentioned LHCF and I've been here ever since! Granted it's taken a year to curb my pjism, be consistent, and less experimental... Buuutttt I'm so happy now :grin: !!
After a weave/relaxer mishap, I was desperate for healthy hair advice. I found this site first, using google and typing in "black hair care" (or something along those lines). I kept my hair relaxed for awhile, intending to stretch and then get a touch-up, but upon seeing so many beautiful natural heads I took the journey of transistion.

I went to Nappturality for awhile and found peace at Naturally Curly and Happy Curls.

I visit here the most though, primarily because this board is more active.
Started at BHM, found LHCF through there....

LOVE both forums, they both are different and unique in their own ways :) but all of us are after the same things
No, i started on Letstalkhair which I found through Young Black and Fabulous. I also frequent Diaspora and Black Hair talk. I am an active on all of them. Each one has a different environment/atmosphere. But the common thread of all are nice folks, great conversation and a slew of information.

I've been here lurking for a while but I just didn't join until recently.

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Man I'm on so many hair boards. No, I didn't start here....lhcf was actually the next to last board I joined. I started off on HairBoutique.com in the African American hair section. From then on I was hooked. I'm also on Naturallycurly.com which is mostly if not all about curl definition and none about healthy hair, BHM, Nappturality, and Disporahair.com. I visit all these boards (except NC) quite frequently but none of them are as active as here.
No I started at Hairboutique and someone on there mentioned a product and the person heard about it on LHCF. So I decided to visit and have been here ever since.
One day I just decided to do a search for black hair care and I ended up at growafrohairlong.com and then I started reading about different methods like Cathy Howse's and I put in a search for her conditioner recipe and yahoo sent me here to LCHF and I've been lurking ever since. This all happened in the course of 2 days so technically I guess I kinda started here cuz this was the first place I actually learned a lot about what was going on with my hair and decided to do something about it.:grin:
KiniKakes said:
I started my hair journey on another board, but didnt find it satisfying because it wasnt as busy. There were very few members there, and although everyone was really nice, it just wasnt as active as i would have liked. I was only there for a month or so... maybe less. Then i found LHCF, and have been here ever since!!!!

Same here, and I'm pretty sure we were on the same board. This board is sooooo much better than the other one. I learned so much here:grin:
nope. i started at np. then i found nc. then lhcf. and like a week ago, i found bhm. and this thread is about to make me go to some other ones too.

i visit all the sites, except nc, daily.
Sweetg said:
No, i started on Letstalkhair which I found through Young Black and Fabulous.

...and then from there I found lhcf. This site is waaaaay more active than that one. I still frequent it but not as much.
Nope! I started at Nappturality,then BHM, now I'm here FOR GOOD!!! I don't even go to those other sites anymore. I get everything I need here!! :clap: