What was the one product that turned your hair journey around?

If we're only talking about product then I would have to say Cream of Nature. This was such a revelation to me when I realized my hair could soft and manageable after washing. Before I used to hate washing my hair because it would be super dry. After finding CON green label I was washing my hair everyday because I loved the feel.
I have a million products lol, but, OGX Coconut Milk Poo & Con and SM JBCO DC! Changed everything lol. Ohhh when I discovered Aphogee 2-step, no more breakage....
Komaza Protein Hair Strengthener: It gave my hair the ability to receive/retain moisture. It has just about permanently defined my hair.

The ingredient BTMS. A great description of it is here: https://www.brambleberry.com/Btms-50-Conditioning-Emulsifier-P3623.aspx

Lastly, mud-poo (clay wash). Rhassoul clay is wonderfully moisturizing and cleansing for my hair. I love Sheaterra's mud-poo. I add water for my preferred consistency, and upon rinse out my hair is cleansed, lightly oiled and shiny, springy and completely coily.