When You First Met Your "SO", What Did You First Notice About Him?...


Well-Known Member
I first met my SO in 8th grade, and it wasn't anything special because we were really good friends. After high school, he went away to college and when he came back, he took me on a date. The first thing I noticed about him was his earings (don't ask me why). I love earings on men and I also noticed how handsome he was. It was like I took a shot of red-bull and woke up. I said to myself "Where the Heck have I been looking?" lol
Ooo yes girl he looked very very indian{his mama is part blackfoot} walkin up to me to hand me a flyer, then he sat down on the ground and let me pet him like a horse for half an hour lmao i gots issues, but yes it is stunning! that actually how we first started talking; i went to visit his roomate [my play brother] and he was there with a comb stuck in his hair lmao he looked me in the eye and said help me please lol

his hair, when wet, is gorgeously curly. but yes, alas, it is STILL long and longer than mine!
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Ooo yes girl he looked very very indian{his mama is part blackfoot} walkin up to me to hand me a flyer, then he sat down on the ground and let me pet him like a horse for half an hour lmao i gots issues, but yes it is stunning! that actually how we first started talking; i went to visit his roomate [my play brother] and he was there with a comb stuck in his hair lmao he looked me in the eye and said help me please lol

his hair, when wet, is gorgeously curly. but yes, alas, it is STILL long and longer than mine!

Aww, how cute. You just reminded me of Jacob Black from Twilight.
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one of the 1st things I noticed was his hgt.. hes not that much taller than me (I'm 5'5 1/2) but I noticed because I'd never dated anyone near my hgt lol
His eyebrows:look:

He has eyebrows naturally that women pay to get theirs waxed or threaded like that. Its thickish but has a beautiful shape. He gets on my nerves cuz mine will NEVER look that awesome :lachen:

Also his voice is sexy as all get out
The first thing I noticed was his hair. It was all thick and fluffy. I could tell that he had just taken down his braids so it was back in a really big puff. Gorgeous!
I've noticed his skin and eyes at school, but I think it was his kind personality and definitely his sense of humor. He made the entire class and professor laugh during his presentation.
I met my SO in the 11th grade..he was in the 10th but we were just friends even though e kept asking me out, I always denied. When I entered my sophomore year in college and he his freshman year he grew facial hair and I was like dayum lol. We decided to date and are almost entering 4 years together.

However in HS the first thing I noticed were his full lips.
I noticed how young he looked. He was 20 and appeared to be 16. I also loved his charisma and big ole brown eyes.
i met him after a spoken word event on the way back to campus. i noticed his dark skin & fitted t-shirt, & that there was something about him that was different then other guys i have met.
His Fro

Since my SO and I met 3 months after we first started talking online, when I met him I noticed his deep voice, his soft, chocolate brown skin, and his tight, muscularly lean body.
Well, we met online, so the first thing I noticed was his deep voice....OMG...it's deep and like silk it's so smooth...it just makes you want to go to sleep on a puffy cloud...anyway, I digress. The first physical thing I noticed was his smile AND his height...he wasn't as tall as I expected...he claims 6'0....eh, probably more like 5'11...LOL...I'm 5'9, so it's easier to tell