What quirky things do you like most about your SO or hubby?

Sometimes he calls me and sings... :-) He has a baritone and it is soooooooooooooo lovely to hear...

The way he calls me princess...
At any given moment he'll say 'I love you' 'you're gorgeous'. When I'm cooking or he's got a snack, his toes do this little dance (like he's a child). I find it funny.
When he text me everyday "I love the way ur eyes shine in the light. Missing you all days babe"

When he calls me everyday & says"have I told you how beautiful you are today?"

When he brings me fresh picked flowers for no reason

The way he can't sleep unless he right up under me

When he pulls over the car when our songs come on & we dance like no1 is watching

Thanks for this post. Cuz my S.O really ticked me off this past weekend & I really needed 2 realize just how good he is to me.

are you serious?? this made me say "awww" out loud at work! lol. this is very sweet
After every dinner since I've been with him, he will hiccup once then burp. Just once lol:spinning:

After he says something cheeky to me he ALWAYS snorts and giggles after I catch on

Hes goes on about being against male grooming and the like, however every time I depart some hair/skin product information hes extra attentive:rolleyes:. Comes out from his wash and groom smelling like shea butter lotion and Amilka berry hair conditioner lol

Sometimes he zigzags his head before swooping in and kisses me, like an airoplane:look: Its always funny coz I don't know if he's aware when he does it and looks embarrassed and happy after.

He kicks off if I forget to hug him on departure or arrival. I must have rushed out once, never again lol. I was down the stairs and all I could hear was "go..rant...don't...rant...even":ohwell: I didn't know what was poppin off, I opened the door and saw was >:mad:. I asked him what was wrong and he's like "How can you just go like that, you didn't hug me. Its not right Sam, it's just not right!":mad:
I wanted to :lachen:but I just hugged him and took note lol
ok dont laugh.
i love the fact that he is fat and when he walks it looks like his legs are fighting to get to me first. hahahahahah im so serious though.
His nickname for me is "beautiful", calls me at least once everyday :grin:

He makes up songs and sings them in his falsetto voice (he can't sing a lick either lol).

I laugh when he does his happy dance

He has this huge gaudy "pimp cup" and sometimes he'll hold it up and say "EAT, DRINK, and BE MERRY!!" :look:. I'll never admit it, but I laugh everytime he does it:rolleyes:

He makes up jokes and then laughs at them...HARD
^^^^^^I love it when my boo does both of these as well, lol

And like today, just out of the blue, he brought home a bouquet of my favorite flowers for me.

I just like watching him walk. His swagger is just...whoa, and he's bowlegged too!

Aww, DH is awesome. I love when he tells stories. I feel like a 5-year-old being told a story. I sit quiet and don't move! :lachen:His stories are always interesting; and his jokes will have you on floor! My family loves his stories too.

I love how calls me his "Bunny". Yes, he seldom calls me by my first name. :lachen:

I love how he's so confident when he's dressed up. He knows he looks good! :lick:

I love when he wears his wedding ring. That means a lot to me. He hardly wears it; only when we go out. But I feel so proud to see it on him. :yep:

We're a bunch of blessed ladies. (from Tyrese's "Fallin in Love With You")..."Oh, it feels so good, to be in love; and loved in return". :grin:
When we were first married, he would not close the door when sitting on the THRONE. I would sit in the living room and look at him like he was crazy!!! Then he would start play-mad yelling about how it was normal!!! Shoot! I"m Episcopal!

That was cute/funny, then one time the cat ran in, jumped up and kicked him in the nuts and he stopped. :giggle:

Damn...This had me in tears....:lol: :lol:
I absolutely love the way:

he scoops me into his arms whenever we lie down together,

his face lights up when he sees me,

he calls me "Beautiful" and "Sleeping Beauty" while

he attempts to woo me with song.

Above all, I love the way he makes me feel as though I'm the greatest thing to ever happen to him.
I like the fact that he's so smart, is handy around the house, and good with his hands (but can't dance to save our lives. It used to embarrass me, but now I love it b/c he's so original:grin:
he is country as all get out, but when he is around his fam, he changes how he talks

when he is mad, he is so cute
:lachen:Hah!!!! I apparently do this too and I have to be reminded about what I said on my sleep.

It's odd but I like his cleanliness - although he nearly got us arrested for trying to carry an aerosol can of lysol on a plane.:lachen:
I love that he can fix anything from cars to refrigerators....but the smell of paint makes him ill.

I think it's cute that he uses my hair products and that he is interested in my hair & what I'm using on it.

I like that he's not afraid to help me take down my weave or put in my keratin treatment.....since it really does not make him a homosexual.

I love that he always wants to spoon, in front of the t.v., on the couch, in bed, always.

I love to hear him talk about how great it is to be married to his single friends. Then they talk about cloning me:lachen:

I love to hear him tell people (and me) that I am the best thing to EVER happened to him besides his son.:grin:

When Im asleep at 3 am and hes having full blown conversations with me. Apparently i reply ....
It's odd but I like his cleanliness - although he nearly got us arrested for trying to carry an aerosol can of lysol on a plane.:lachen:
LOL, now how on earth was he gonna try to get over on TSA like that??? I love the smell of clean too, but dang!!!:lachen:

Well, for me SO always has to find a way to bring something related to Trinidad whenever we go out to eat...The servers look at him like he's nuts, and I just want to bop him over the head with my plate...I'm sure if he could pay in T&T dollars that would really make his day!!!
My dh is almost 6', athletic built and naturally thin but his voice completely shocks people. He has the deepest, smoothest, sexiest barritone voice. I LOVE it. It is so deep sometimes I cant understand him and I tell him to "turn his bass down"... but everytime I do I smile inside. Honestly, I could listen to it all day and not understand a word and be in my world. Over the years he's learned to use a higher pitch with me but if you catch him in the morning when he first wakes up, or when he is talking to someone else and doesn't know I'm around...:love:

He has a beautiful smile and perfect teeth. He has never had a cavity and his dentist told him he never will (I'd never heard of that before).

And when he sleeps he has a slight smile on his face. It looks like he is pretending because he seems so peaceful and happy. I dont think I've ever seen drool or crusties in his eyes... ever.
I find it cute that he says things to gross me out but hed never do anything nasty

I love how excited he gets when one of his songs comes on and the stupid little dances he does

I like that he watches me when we're working out together and waits to do the exercises I like when he knows I'm looking @ him

My SO got that thug boy thing goin on... he tries to act all tough... he walks with his chest out and EVERYTHING FLEXED... very slow and very deliberately... and everyone is scared of him LOL but he's so soft!!!

When I sit next to him in his studio he always snaps at his employees when they screw up and pulls me closer at the same time... I'm like haha he likes me and not you LOL

He tries to be all tough guy but he is so soft... he always wants his bumps picked, beard scratched, and gets cranky when I stop hugging

When he talks to our female clients he looks me straight in the eye while doing it... to show them he is only interested in their money and not them lol... and he has to cuz they always come to the studio all googly eyed

When he is composing he plays his keyboard and simultaneously dances every time... and they are always crazy... he says it inspires him but sometimes its SO SILLY... he looks like the guys in front of the orchestra pit conducting, but somehow doing the stanky leg all at once lol

I love how he doesn't say please and then looks at me like "uh oh I screwed up" but still doesn't say it... and then hugs me
He is a trip with his lysol. He has wipes now so he can take them everywhere.:lachen:

That aerosol can was in his larger bag but since we were so late getting to the airport he did not get to check any luggage. He had to throw away lots of his toiletries but I got on with a huge bottle of sunblock in my bag (which I would have also checked if we were on time):lachen:

It's odd but I like his cleanliness - although he nearly got us arrested for trying to carry an aerosol can of lysol on a plane.:lachen:

LOL, now how on earth was he gonna try to get over on TSA like that??? I love the smell of clean too, but dang!!!:lachen:

Well, for me SO always has to find a way to bring something related to Trinidad whenever we go out to eat...The servers look at him like he's nuts, and I just want to bop him over the head with my plate...I'm sure if he could pay in T&T dollars that would really make his day!!!
This is going to sound soooo super crazy, but I love it when my DH passes gas.

He knows I HATE it with a capital "H"....but he makes the cutest apology face when he does it every blue moon that I actually look forward to him pooting in my presence. He looks so ashamed and embarrassed when in actuality he is only looking for both a rise and a laugh out of me - both of which he gets.

I immediately fuss and then I BUST out laughing because he looks so sorry.

I love it.
I hate it.
It makes him so endeared to me because no one in this world could gross me out but make me happy at the very same time.

I love my husband and am glad he chose me out of all the women in this world....

I love to hear my husband talk, he has a Jamaican accent, but I especially like to listen to him when he's talking to his fellow Jamaicans.
I love to see him laugh and hear him laugh, and smile, he has the most innocent smile!
When I had a SO...he would howl! Not loud...but a "conversational howl".
He howled when he got excited/happy about something.

He was from the country...deep in the hills of Missisippi. There I learned they all howled.

My SO had bought a new SUV, when we pulled up...his family came outside...and all I heard was


I couldn't do anything but laugh. So I always knew when he liked something.

No howl...no likey. If I cooked something...and he would say.."It's good" - but no howl. I knew it wasn't good.

I began to wait for the howl...and then " I " began to howl...not on purpose it just kinda rubbed off on me.

I did it in front of my mama one day...and she looked at me and said " No ma'am".

I haven't done it since then! LOL
-He always addressing me as "my love", beautiful, & his new name for me is sweetpea.
- he calls me these names regardless of who's around and always shows PDA. When his boys rank on him his answer is "she's the love of my life, that's what im supposed to do"

- he's always trying to grab me, i always have to smack his hand away!!

- he cuddles up to me when he doesn't feel good or he's realllly tired. He'll then pick my hand up and put it in his hair so i can play with it.

-Whenever something is wrong with me, he SWEARS the best solution is to "put a hot rag on it". I bet you if I had a gunshot wound, he would come running from a distance with a hot rag in his hand! It makes me laugh.

-He sneaks up on me and bites my earlobe.

- brings me flowers randomly. On mother day he had 2 bouquets of flowers. one for me and one for my mother. I was alittle embarressed and asked him why he bought me some since I have no kids. He says " but you're the gonna be the mother of my kids one day so you still deserve it" . Made me cry... Then he turned beat red when my father looked us up and down and asked if we had something to tell him. lmao. He kept lookin at us sideways for the rest of the week!

- when no ones around he always drags me into the shower with him. lol:blush: We wash each others hair :)

- he farts around me all the time. It makes me laugh how nonchalant he is about it. He gets me MAAAAD though when he does it silently and stinks up the room for 30 mins. When i yell at him, he responds by farting at me...... nice

- When a women walks by with a beautiful body or a huge backside...i always sneak a peak to see if he looks. Sometimes i can watch him from a distance and he just DOES NOT show any interest in them.

-When we're in a room full of people i'll catch him looking at me across the room. We'll just stare at each other, then we'll smile but sometimes he looks away and blushes!

-He loves my massively curly hair and cant keep his hands out of it. He says He "hopes we have a bunch of little girls with big curly hair like their mama"

- I love his facial hair. He looks like wolf man by about 5pm. lol but i love when he doesn't have to shave it and it looks all scruffy.

- like someone else mentioned, I love his scent. When im exhausted i bury myself in his neck and fall right to sleep.

ETA: ..wow...sorry bout the long post!
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I like that my guy is a good mix of good qualities. He's very country but from Illinois. He's a guy's guy (loves sports, has to watch ESPN, plays bball) but also sensitive. When I surprise him with something I've done or said, I like the 'Hmmm' he makes after (i.e. wow, she's my kind of girl) :)

Many people don't get to know the intimate details of your life (how you like your eggs or coffee) and I like that he wants to learn all of mine.